Translation requests/WMF/Terms of Use/sq
![]() | Need help? See the Translation FAQ or Meta:Babylon. All translators should also subscribe to translators-l to be kept up-to-date (and to ask questions). |

- ar /العربية (proofreading)
- be-tarask/беларуская (тарашкевіца) (published)
- bg/български (published)
- bo/བོད་ཡིག (missing)
- ca/català (published)
- cs/čeština (published)
- cy/Cymraeg (missing)
- de/Deutsch (published)
- el/Ελληνικά (published)
- en/English (published)
- es/español (published)
- fa/فارسی (in progress)
- fi/suomi (published)
- fr/français (published)
- he/עברית (published)
- hi/हिन्दी (in progress)
- hr/hrvatski (published)
- hu/magyar (in progress)
- hy/հայերեն (missing)
- ia/interlingua (missing)
- it/italiano (published)
- ja/日本語 (published)
- ko/한국어 (published)
- mk/македонски (published)
- ms/Bahasa Melayu (in progress)
- nb/norsk bokmål (published)
- ne/नेपाली (missing)
- nl/Nederlands (published)
- oc/occitan (in progress)
- pl/polski (published)
- pt/português (published)
- sq/shqip (in progress)
- sv/svenska (in progress)
- ru/русский (published)
- tr/Türkçe (in progress)
- uk/українська (published)
- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
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Precedence of English terms
[edit]These site terms nuk duhet të ndryshohen. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and any translation into other languages, the English language version takes precedence.