Latest comment: 3 years ago8 comments2 people in discussion
I'm participating in a challenge and I've noticed more than once that my metric decreases as well as one of my co-challengers. E.g.: from 1500 to 1439. How should I understand this? --VALENTIN NVJ (talk) 12:54, 27 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
VALENTIN NVJ: I'm guessing that you mean a decrease in the 'Recent Edits' count from here? If that's the metric you mean, it's because that counts only the number of edits made within the past 7 days, not the total number of edits throughout the event.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:19, 27 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
Yes Sage (Wiki Ed); the number of metric (Number of Modification) often decreases. I can sleep with 1900 contributions and arrive in the morning, it decreases to 1500. that's what I don't understand why? --VALENTIN NVJ (talk) 20:33, 27 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
VALENTIN NVJ: It sounds like you are talking about the 'Recent Edits' column from the Editors Overview, which currently shows 1860 for you. This is the number of edits that the Dashboard has tracked from you within the last 7 days. (If you are talking about a different metric, you can email (sage @ me a screenshot of the metric you mean, and I can look into it further.) --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:40, 27 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
Exactly the "Recent changes" column I was talking about Sage (Wiki Ed). Yesterday I had 1860 but look at today how it still decreased to 1619 instead of advancing. This dashboard also counts for a competition where there will be prizes to win at the end. So this kind of bag may distort the final result. Please see what happens! --VALENTIN NVJ (talk) 16:37, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
The 'recent edits' stat is not a good metric to use for a competition; it's not intended to count the total number of edits, it's intended to highlight which users have been most active within the last week.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:49, 28 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi I cannot find the eventbrite/Zoom link for the event
Anyone able to send me this?
Cahyo (WMID): thanks for catching this! This was because of some incorrect data due to a bug that I fixed recently. I thought the bug only affected the "recent revisions" list for user, and didn't notice that the incorrect data would also affect statistics and the 'edited articles' list for an Article Scoped Program, so a little more data cleanup is necessary. I've fixed the data for your event, and I'm working on cleaning up the data for other affected events now.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:24, 9 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
1lib1ref may-june 2021 dashbooard : the dashboard includes the stats for the wikidata references which is not a part of the the #1lib1ref challenge (if it is, can I get a source please). Is there anyway to get the real numbers (without going to each participant library and clicking on their articles). French speaker here, sorry for the grammar--Scully1181 (talk) 12:39, 9 June 2021 (UTC)Scully1181Reply
Scully1181: If you want to exclude the references for Wikidata edits, you can download a CSV of all the articles edited for the campaign and calculate it from that. The CSV includes a row for each article edited, including the wiki and count of net references added or removed, so you could filter out all the Wikidata entries and then sum the rest. Use the "Download stats" option here and click "Pages Edited".--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:31, 9 June 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hey there, I just accidentally joined the Summer of Wikivoyage 2021 Kosovo and Albania program, thinking I would be able to assist new editors. But I realised that is for the new contributors minutes later, and not to track contributions from new editors. How do I unenrol? Thanks! SHB2000 (talk | contibs | en.wikivoyage | w:User:SHB2000) 01:59, 8 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hello, there are categories without translation, the following: "articles I am creating" and "articles I am improving", these categories are not available for translation either.
I would also like to ask a question: how do I get the program to automatically add a template on the user page from the novice participant editors? Thanks, --Felipe da Fonseca (talk) 22:22, 16 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Felipe da Fonseca: Thanks! I've put fixing those untranslated messages on my list and will get them into the translation system soon. To get the Dashboard to automatically add a template to a user page whenever they join a Dashboard program/event/course, the wiki needs to have automatic edits configured (which is done only for pt.wikipedia, cs.wikipedia, and pt.wikiversity so far).--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 14:51, 30 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments3 people in discussion
Hi there, I am trying to organise an edit-a-thon on MicroWiki and I have just discovered this tool. Would it be possible to add the wiki to the list of wikis, so I can track the contributions of the people participating? Mattplaysthedrums (talk) 03:17, 27 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Mattplaysthedrums: I expect that an administrator for would have to install the software. So far as I know, there are no documented precedents of installation outside the Wikimedia platform, so setting this up may not be straightforward. Here is the software
Mattplaysthedrums: the Dashboard code is built to a significant extent around Wikimedia wikis, as it uses the a Wikipedia account for login and it gets edit data from the Wiki Replicas. Adding support for arbitrary MediaWiki sites would be technically possible, but it would be a a pretty substantial amount of work.--User:Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 14:57, 30 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, Programs & Events Dashboard is having an internal server error. When will the error be fixed? I need to check my programs. Thank you in advance. Cahyo (WMID) (talk) 07:16, 9 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hello everyone
I thought I was the only one but now I see that there are many of us
The first: since August 3, 2021 the page (Wikimedia hashtag search) is no longer disappointing and I can no longer follow the changes.
Second: For a week also the local page (OutreachDashboard campaign) no longer appears at all and there I do not know what to do :.
And long before all this, the campaign tracking pages (OutreachDashboard campaign) and the one (Wikimedia hashtag search) was not consistent in the results because the page (OutreachDashboard campaign) was too far ahead too even when I take into account on refresh days.
Today I do not know what to do and I am stuck because the participants ask me if their contributions are changing.
There was configuration problem with the database server, which I just fixed; your event should be available again now. Can you explain more precisely what you mean about it being"too far ahead"? --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 15:25, 9 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hello dear friend --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) as I was not a target I did not see your answer quickly, it was just this morning I just saw it and thank you for the speed. Yes the outreachdashboard but the Wikimedia hashtag search one remains blocked on August 3, 2021.
for my purposes (too far) it is better to show you the two links and to see the number of images inserted in the articles and to make the comparison of the two maybe I am wrong. outreachdashboard and Wikimedia hashtag search. Thank you for the answer.--Azogbonon (talk) 08:51, 10 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Azogbonon: Thank you for the links. What are you trying to measure with each of these tools? The Dashboard does not directly track the number of images inserted into articles; it focuses on images uploaded to Commons (and whether or not they are used in articles), but won't count images uploaded by other users that get added to articles by the tracked users.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 15:56, 10 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Dear Dashboard team,
My excellent colleague, W:User:Leedsproject2019, is experiencing difficulty using the Outreach dashboard. When she logs in, she gets a message saying "Leedsproject2019 has not participated in any courses." However, when she or I paste in the URL for her user account ([1] this one) we are able to see her course stats, including both the courses she has participated in as a student and as an instructor. Without being able to log in, she can view her stats but is not able to set up new courses so a speedy resolution would be really helpful for some forthcoming events. Could someone please investigate?
Thanks in advance! Zeromonk (talk) 12:52, 23 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Zeromonk, Leedsproject2019: I don't have any immediate ideas on what might be going wrong; I don't think I've seen this bug before. If one or both of you could email me screenshots (to sage @ of what the dashboard home page looks like when you log in and the place you see that 'has not participated' message, that would help me begin trying to figure out what's going on.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:19, 23 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, this is a short bug report
I'm unable to view students who have the question mark in their username as the last character (username ends with a "?"). It seems to be unable to identify that as a legitimate username.
Vojtěch Veselý: The problem here was that this user doesn't have an account on the home wiki for the project (cs.wikipedia), which is where the Dashboard looks for the username. So even though the account existed on en.wikipedia and pl.wikipedia, it couldn't be found when the system queried cs.wikipedia. In trying to figure out what was going on, I worked around the problem so I went ahead and added Sabkaa to the project. I'll make a note to update the error message to explicitly note the wiki, which should hopefully make it more apparent how to fix the problem when someone else runs into it.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:54, 27 September 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Vojtěch Veselý:: As Xaosflux say, making sure the user has an account on the home wiki (by visiting that wiki) is the fix any time this comes up. The error message will now say, specifically, something like "Sabkaa is not an existing user on".--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:14, 8 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Why is non-existing domain allowed as a Home wiki?
Latest comment: 3 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, I wonder why can I choose non-existing domain, such as "" (the correct is ""), as a Home wiki, when creating a new Program? Sometimes our volunteers type it by mistake and then it looks like it works, but of course it does not collect any data and they are confused. --Vojtěch Veselý (talk) 17:43, 8 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Vojtěch Veselý: we had `cz` as possible wiki prefix, which is why it was possible to select that as a home wiki when creating a new program. (I'm removing it soon.) However, I'm not sure why it could have looked like it works, since whenever a new wiki gets entered, the Dashboard will check to make sure that wiki actually exists. When I try to put "" as a wiki for a program, I get an error message (and no new program actually gets created, because of this error). Does that sound like what happened with your volunteers?--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:40, 8 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago5 comments2 people in discussion
It would be great if someone experienced with the Dashboard could check to see if we managed to track edits and new articles on more than just en.wikipedia, Wikidata and uploads to Commons. We had hoped to gather data on the worldwide editathon on 12 October. Wikipedia:Meetup/Ada Lovelace Day gives details of the participating countries. Your help would be appreciated.--Oronsay (talk) 01:40, 14 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Oronsay: There's no way to automatically track edits on all wikis, but you've correctly set it up to en.wikipedia, ha.wikipedia, Wikidata, and Multilingual Wikisource (, as opposed to or any other version). You can add any additional wikis you need to track, once you know them, and it should import the edits to those wikis.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:29, 14 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Sage (Wiki Ed), thank you for reassuring me about the tracking we'd set up. I do understand that we would have to add the different language wikipedias individually. We were asked to add dag.wikipedia - but I was unable to do so and have no idea why. Can you help with this?--Oronsay (talk) 17:02, 14 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Wikidata for Libraries and notable Librarians on Nigeria please this event dashboard has stopped tracking edits of contributors in the past 5days is there any solution to rectify it? plus I have tried downloading the stat to see if the new edits made by participants were recorded but it doesn't seem to display any and the contest is ending soon. Bukky658 (talk), 20:57, 23 Oct 2021. (UTC)
It looks like the worker for processing the most resource-intensive programs stopped a few days ago and didn't automatically restart, so about 40 programs including this one had updates paused. I restarted it yesterday, and it looks like thing are working smoothly again.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:51, 25 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
For the context, when I try to login, I'm send to en.wp where I'm affected by a global IP block (as the institution IP is considered to be an open proxy, I appealed the block 2 times but no news yet...). Would it be possible to send people to meta instead of en.wp (the war on open proxy on en.wp seems to target a lot of institutions...).
This sounds like a bad idea, and it wouldn't be about only the project that dashboard is trying to use for global block, it is all projects - metawiki has a special exception so people can do things like appeal global blocks. In general, No open proxies applies everywhere. Notably, regardless of how you "login" - it isn't going to overcome the global block of any contributions to projects either - so just what are you hoping this would accomplish? — xaosfluxTalk11:35, 26 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Technically, yes, it would be possible. It's not high on my priorities to change this because I think it would require more changes that just simple configuration variable switch. Xaosflux, since many users are allowed to edit over proxies on their home wiki with the `IP exempt` right (and without that, just being able to log in to the Dashboard doesn't do anything), maybe it would be relevant? --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:14, 26 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Xaosflux and Sage (Wiki Ed): oh, sorry, I meant global block as "a block on enwp only but affecting all existing accounts using this IP (even my main account with 3 million edit and 17 years old :/)" not a block globally on all wikimedia projects. No open proxies applies everywhere but enwp enforced it way more strongly than any other projects, AFAIK enwp is the only project that considers GLAM networks as open proxy. Also logging through enwp make it looks very English and Wikipedia centered (while most dashboards doesn't concerns either of those), meta seems a less biased option. And for the record, it's been almost 2 month that I tried to get an IP exempt, I'm send from one appeal page to another, it's quite long and complicated (as a seasoned user, I know the drill and I'm persevering but for a newbie this would be a barrier impossible to cross). Cheers, VIGNERON en résidence (talk) 10:13, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
@VIGNERON en résidence: can you explain what the actual problem you are having is? Event managers can set up their event for any project, and "logon" should not be prevented by blocking, we even provided a special mechanism for account signups on enwiki even when the IP address has exceeded the creation limits. — xaosfluxTalk10:24, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Xaosflux: as I said, the error comes from enwp, not Outreach. The only thing outreach can do is what I'm suggesting in the title: not using enwp anymore (or not by defulat? or leaving the choice? is it even possible?). The message is the usual blocking message on enwp ("You are currently unable to edit Wikipedia due to a block affecting this IP address.") and not an error, just a very wide definition of "proxy" and an aggressive protection. Cheers, VIGNERON en résidence (talk) 14:07, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
@VIGNERON en résidence: a local project IP block shouldn't be preventing you from actually logging in to the program and events dashboard, or from using it with other projects - can you open a ticket on the exact steps and exact error messages you are getting that is preventing this? The same problem seems like it would occur even if the logon source was say metawiki when you wanted to use an event on dewiki - metawiki blocks would be in the way. You can report the bug here - let us know the T#####. — xaosfluxTalk15:25, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
@VIGNERON en résidence: my point is that your specific case seems to be only an example of the problem, not the actual problem: Local project specific IP blocks, (including one that could be made here on the meta-wiki) shouldn't be preventing logging on to the dashboard or from using the dashboard on projects where such blocks do not apply. I suspect the OAuth check needs to be reviewed. — xaosfluxTalk15:56, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
But even without using the Dashboard, I still can't log on enwp; clearly the problem comes from enwp and that's why I suggested not ussing enwp. I feel we are talking about different things. Anyway, I give up for now, I'll write a SQL query on it will be easier for me. Cheers, VIGNERON en résidence (talk) 16:00, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
I'm very very confused now, the only types of blocks that would prevent you from directly logging in to the English Wikipedia, or any other public WMF project, would be emergency network blocks placed by the security response teams; certainly not the local project ip block you mentioned above. — xaosfluxTalk16:58, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago5 comments2 people in discussion
Hi! I think adding unique URL for each view in statistics would be good for passing on links that show more precise display views than just categories of main tabs. --Zblace (talk) 07:34, 27 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
The outreach dashboard don't seem to capture edits on Wikidata lexemes. It only captures it under "recent edits" but not on "characters added"
Currently, only mainspace edits on each wiki contribute to the 'characters added' stats. Fixing this so that (for example) edits to lexemes and properties are reflected in the main statistics for each event is on our roadmap.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:24, 6 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
thank you User:Sage (Wiki Ed) for the respond. But can you suggest any other way to measure participants edits as I'm currently conducting a contest that is solely based on participants adding lexemes --Udehb (talk) 20:11, 6 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Udehb: One way would be to download a CSV of all the edits, which you can get from the Home tab of the event by clicking 'Download stats' and then 'Edits data'. You'd need to filter that to get just the Lexeme data and sort it by user, but it might include the information you need to be able to determine the winners.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:19, 6 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
The page when visited without logging in, shows an error message 'Page not found. :-(
No such course International_League_Against_Epilepsy/ILAE_Wikipedia_Epilepsy_Project exists.' Can you please guide how to fix this? Diptanshu💬17:50, 7 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments1 person in discussion
There used to be a way to start a project and count retroactively the edits of those users using the 'Schedule data update' button, which I can't find aynmore. Sage could you perhaps assist again? I am referring to this project. Cheers, Keren - WMIL (talk) 11:09, 13 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
For the Auckland Museum staff and volunteers Dashboard, which I recently updated with additional participants, the data was tracking properly until a few hours ago, and now it is showing no edits at all (the activity log is fine, and same with Commons uploads). Could I check if there is something I can do to remedy this issue? --Prosperosity (talk) 00:01, 17 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Prosperosity: It looks like it's currently set as an Article Scoped Program, but there are no assigned articles or categories that it's set to track. Perhaps it recently got changed to that program type by accident? If you change it to 'Generic course' type, then it should show you all the edits after the next update.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 00:03, 17 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
HI, I translated the article from the english version. I even wrote into the justification : « Ajout de contenu en lien avec la traduction de l'article en anglais. » as one can see in the historics which means : Added content related to the translation of the article into English. Thank you for taking that into account.
I also want to add that this situation seems to be related to the list of the original english titles of the works of the author that should not be translated (because those works do not exist in french).
Marie D Martel: That alert shouldn't be interpreted as saying there is plagiarism, just that the automated system flagged matching text so that someone could check for actual plagiarism. We don't have a way (yet) to record the fact that such a revision that got flagged isn't actually plagiarism.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 00:24, 12 February 2022 (UTC)Reply
Olugold I'm not sure what you mean. It currently doesn't show any edits at all for this event, which is why the 'references added' number (and other numbers that are zero) are not displayed, but once there are stats to show, they should show up normally. Is that the issue?--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:33, 14 February 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Estou participando do projeto e infelizmente o "modus operandi" tradicional continua em operação, a despeito de nossas atividades. Recriei um antigo artigo (Fernanda Mazzetto Moroso), com novas e atualizadas fontes, e foi sumariamente deletado. Acredito que os administradores tradicionais deveriam ter mais complacência dos artigos criados dentro de nosso projeto, ou cairá no mesmo problema a ser atingido.--Nahorlopesjr (talk) 22:56, 10 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Checking to see why this feature was removed? I'm surprised enough people even know how it worked for it to be too resource-heavy. Meanwhile, for anyone creating Dashboard for metric reporting purposes, it's a big hassle to have to wait some number of hours between creating the Dashboard and getting reliable figures. — Rhododendritestalk \\ 17:17, 19 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
I hear you. The manual-update feature basically tied up the same resources that are used to serve web requests (like loading a course or campaign). In some cases, users would run multiple manual updates at once, and in some cases it would be used on a single event that would take minutes or hours to update, which could (and did) bring the whole site down. This is in contrast to the normal update processes, where courses get drawn from a queue and updated using a separate pool of server resources. I expect to add more resources to the system soon to speed up the queue processing, but I'd like to find a way to safely re-enable on-demand updates as well at some point.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:14, 22 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago4 comments3 people in discussion
For a photo contest, I moved a bunch of uploads which had bad filenames. Now that I created a Dashboard for it, I see that I'm listed as the uploader, not just as filemover. Perhaps this is due to the stats not updating yet, but it's been about 4 hours since it gave me a 2-hour estimate for when it would be updated, and now just says "This program has been added to the update queue" without an estimate. (related to the section above). — Rhododendritestalk \\ 17:21, 19 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
No news. Unfortunately, this was one of the first features that I built myself, and I did it in a way that ought to be significantly rewritten to fix this bug. It may make a good internship project, though. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:26, 18 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
These are some of the missing articles on the dashboard of wikigap 2022 Uganda;
Linda Agnes Auma
Prudence Ukkonika
Laura Kanushu
Phiona Nyamutooro
Charity Bainababo
Jennifer Alanyo
Taban Sharifa Aate
Thanks for updating the 10 articles on the dashboard. However the activity for the draft articles I submitted under AFC submission are not reflecting. The draft articles include;
Ah! I couldn't find the reason why those articles were not showing up last week, but I'm glad they're showing up as expected now. It might have been a problem with one of the replica databases getting behind. As for the draft articles, these aren't expected to be listed under "Articles Edited"; they will only be counted once they are moved to mainspace. The Dashboard does not (yet) have specific tracking for Draft pages.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:02, 11 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
Something appears to have gone wrong over the weekend with the process that puts course updates into the job queue. I just refilled the queue manually, so your page should be updated within the next few hours. Meanwhile, I need to figure out what went wrong.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:26, 18 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments1 person in discussion
Hello, some edits of editors are not reflecting on the dashboard here. [[2]]
A new article like en:Mark Okraku-Mantey isn't reflecting on the dashboard along with other newly created articles in Twi Wikipedia. Because of that the references added too aren't reflecting. With the Mark Okraku-Mantey article for instance there are 25 references. However, what shows in the editor's overview for the person who created it is less than the number of references added. Feedback needed. Thanks. Ampimd (talk) 17:00, 19 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
It indicates we had 115 updates until now, but our indicators don't appear to be moving since yesterday afternoon.
The activity tab does show some recent edits although not my own (possibly because I am a facilitator).
The editor tab is clearly off, though. A lot of my edits are missing. And one user who has attended two sessions so far shows zero edits even though we know for sure he did make edits.
We would appreciate someone checking the Dashboard's settings to make sure it is functioning properly. In addition, please let me know whether or facilitators edits aren't included in the indicators. If they're not, I'll demote myself so that I can actively contribute towards the campaign's outcomes. Fjjulien (talk) 18:06, 27 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
Fjjulien: Sometimes the Dashboard can get behind for various reasons (either because the Dashboard update process is having problems, or because the replica databases have gotten behind.) Did the missing edits every start showing up again? If not, can you provide an example of one or more that are missing?--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:21, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your reply. The dashboard eventually captured all edits. I however noted that the dashboard continued refreshing several weeks after the end of the events. I wish there was a way to stop the dashboard from refreshing once the program is over. It would save resources for other dashboards that need them. Fjjulien (talk) 01:07, 13 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
5 Wikipedias in Taiwanese aboriginal languages can be add as Home Wiki or Tracked Wikis in Programs & Events Dashboard. They are:
Does anyone can help us to add them into the tool? Dashboard is so useful that we can't do some promoting project without it. Thank you.--Reke (talk) 03:29, 28 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
Reke: I've added these language codes, and they should be available after the next deployment, probably within a day. I apologize for taking so long to get to this.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:22, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Dear Admin, I have a project going on and I am using the outreach dashboard to track edits,however, I have observed it is not tracking new articles created on Wikibooks, any way you can help?
B.Korlah: This is because the Dashboard isn't (yet) configured to be able to track non-standard namespaces like the Cookbook namespace that you contributed to. We have an Outreachy intern who will be working on improving namespace support over the summer, and adding support for Cookbook and other Wikibooks-specific namespaces might be part of that project.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:28, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi team,
Please for the Nigerian Cuisine contest, I added the Wikimedia project that was the aim of the project which includes Wikibooks. But Participants are complaining that their activities aren't being tracked on the dashboard. A lot of pages have been created, but it's not updating on the dashboard.
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Our event has not yet started yet it already lists 252 edits and citations added, however the users there have not yet started editing. My account was somehow counted, so I removed myself as an editor and am not sure if that still maintaining what happened while I was listed as an editor before I was removed. Is there a way to reset the count to 0 to begin the event today? Thank you. --- FULBERT (talk) 14:14, 10 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
FULBERT: Each time an event goes through the data update process, the system will recalculate edit counts and remove the numbers for any editors who were removed in the meantime. It looks like this event sorted itself out and no longer counts those 252 edits of yours. (I apologize for the slow reply.) --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:36, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Museums competition - edit count not updating for 6 days
@Antissimo: I have the same issue. I did +1k edits mostly in ukrainian museums category, but only 254 of them are counted as for 17th May. I observed before that some edits between 11th-14th May were not taken into account. I hope that everything will be updated a little bit later. --Lystopad (talk) 21:34, 16 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Antissimo and Lystopad: I've used the 'Schedule Data Update' feature for this event, which should result in the system pulling in the missing edits after the next update. I will look into better ways of avoiding the problem that I believe happened here. If the numbers still look wrong a day from now, please let me know and I will dig deeper.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:45, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the feedback! Actually, I gave up when I saw that my character count stayed at 88K for more than a week. But finally, it seems it counted my edits with a long delay, as I ended up with more than 500K characters counted, which came as a surprise for me. Antissimo (talk) 20:41, 2 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
In the Program Details, there is a (new to me) option to enable Online Volunteers, whose edits won't be counted. How exactly does this work? I'm a very active Wikipedian doing my own thing, but when I do outreach, such as 1Lib1Ref projects, I do the activity that is part of the program. Because the dashboard can't tell the difference between my "program" edits and my normal edits, I do not enrol myself as an Editor in an outreach Program, but, in an ideal world, my "program" edits should be counted. I tried enabling Online Volunteers and then enrolling myself as an Editor, but nothing different seemed to happen. It never asked if I was one of those not to be counted or give me a way to turn on/off counting my edits. So I am rather confused as to what this does and how to make it work for me? I note there is no mention of it in the Documentation. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks Kerry Raymond (talk) 02:58, 17 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
Kerry Raymond: Only edits by users listed on the Editors tab will be counted. The 'Online Volunteer' role is not significantly different from the 'Facilitator' role; it's only useful if you need to have some kind of differentiation between different people in non-Editor roles. Currently, there are two ways that can be used to count an Editor's "program" edits without counting all the other edits they make during the program's time period:
1) Change the type to 'Article Scoped Program' and assign all the articles that you want to count (either individually, or using categories or templates to track sets of articles). For an 'Article Scoped Program', only the assigned articles and categories will count towards the stats.
2) When non-"program" edits get tracked, go to the Articles tab and (as a Facilitator) use the 'Tracked' toggle to untrack all of the articles you don't want to count. After the next update, those will be excluded from the stats.
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Wenn ich mir das Germany Dashbord anschaue, dann steht da, dass insgesamt 47 Items erstellt wurden. Aber ich alleine habe im Museum of the Diocese of Rottenburg (Q15734330) über 100 Items zu dort ausgestellten Objekten angelegt.
Also müsste doch die Anzahl der erstellten Items deutlich höher sein. Und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das nur ich neue Objekte angelegt hat. --Wuselig (talk) 19:06, 23 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
I have been participating in the #1lib1ref #AfLibWk that started 22nd May, 2022 and I did my first edit on 23rd of May, 2022. So far, its just my first 11 references added that is showing on the dashboard, every other edits I have done till date have not been reflecting. On my wikipedia page, my edits are showing on the contributions but nothing is showing on my dashboard.
Contributions not being tracked on the dashboard...
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hello there.
A number of editors contributed to #1Lib1Ref during the African Librarians Week (22 - 29 May)...the dashboard is still set to capture edits till 05 June. A number of editors have reported that their contributions are not being reflected for example User:Chiinobis who has been actively editing but the dashboard only captured 2 references. The same applies to User:Nkatorogo ...I'll provide the other names as and when they come in...
AKibombo: Can you provide a few examples of edits that are not being reflected on the Dashboard? For the References Added numbers, only a few languages contribute to this currently (because the data currently comes from the ORES articlequality model, which is only available in a small number of languages).--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 23:11, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply
User:Olabisi11 my edits on the same dashboard are not been captured
Sage (Wiki Ed) thanks for your response. Let me try to give some more details
- The dashboard was set to capture contributions in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic Wikipedias
- Indeed it's the References Added that are of particular concern and are not being reflected- here are the user names of those who reported this : User:Nkatorogo , User:Chiinobis (she started editing and the dashboard stopped reflecting after 2 days) as well as User:Olabisi11
Let me know if you need other details/examples
Thanks again AKibombo (talk) 15:13, 1 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Dashboard showing strange signs when interface language is changed to Hebrew
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
When I change the interface language to Hebrew all number fields get a "u" sign before and % after. I am using Chrome. Strangely this doesn't happen when I am in incognito mode, also not in Firefox, but does occur in Edge (also in InPrivate mode). It's not a big issue, but sometimes we like to show the dashboard to partners/collaborators and having it in Hebrew is helpful. Keren - WMIL (talk) 07:53, 1 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Keren - WMIL: This was a bug in the Hebrew formatting for numbers that include unit abbreviations. Unlike most of the interface, the stats go through internationalization on the server to turn large numbers into human-friendly abbreviated version (like 1.2M instead of 1200000, for English). Most of the interface is translated in the browser, so it doesn't matter whether you are logged in or not if your language can be detected from teh browser, but the server-side translations only work if you are logged in. That's why it only happened for you in Chrome and not in incognito mode. I've made and deployed what I think is the right fix; I think it should look fine in Hebrew now.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 14:58, 1 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Lors d'un de nos atelier, nous avons ajouté des utilisateurs à ce tableau avec un message de succès que les utilisateurs ajoutés, mais par surprise, vers le soir, le nombre d'utilisateurs n'ont pas augmenté et le tableau n'a pas traqué tout ce qui était fait ce jour là.
Yves Madika (talk) 10:40, 1 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I logged in on this dashboard and my edits are not counting. I have created about 15 articles since yesterday and till now I'm still seeing only 3 articles showing even though the dashboard has updated severally. Some Editors on the dashboard have also observed this issue.
Kindly look into it. Thank you. Kingsley Nkem (talk) 12:38, 5 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Kingsley Nkem: See my explanation below; it's only displaying articles you edited based on the first 500 articles for the whole event, unless you load additional articles by clicking 'See More' on the Articles tab. --Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:43, 9 August 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Sage!
The dashboard is not reading accurately according to the total number of edits made by editors even after updating. I raised the concern during the office hour. My Contributions is an example. Since yesterday I have edited over 50 Wikidata items and it's still at 19 even after updating severally. You can see it here. Thank you! Olugold (talk) 23:24, 5 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
I've figured out what's going on here. The list of articles you've edited, as shown in the link above, is incomplete because it only represents articles you edited from among those shown on the Articles tab for the event, and it only loads 500 articles unless you request more. If you click 'See More' several times on the Articles tab and then navigate back to the display of your work, it will show a larger number. The Dashboard can't handle loading all articles at once for very active events like this one (which has more than 14,000 articles edited). The aggregate stats are still being tabulated correctly, it's just a matter of an incomplete list of 'other articles edited' for individual editors.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:42, 9 August 2022 (UTC)Reply
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway v White United States Supreme Court
Latest comment: 2 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I would like to have Wikipedia in my own name Sheila White instead sharing with others that has the same name such as Sheila White the movie actress. I am on Wikipedia Burlington Northern Santa Fe page only in White. I would like to have my own. Could you please tell me how and what to do? People have a hard time trying to find me when I'm all over the internet. This is a landmark Supreme Court Case when it is used everyday in classrooms and courts. I can be reached
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Edits from users continue to be tracked, long after the program ended. I set up the program page event to end months ago. Is there something else I need to do to stop edits being tracked? Thanks! Jpcohen (talk) 19:02, 18 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
Jpcohen Hi! Can you provide a link to the program? It should only count edits that happen before the end date, but the 'Activity' tab shows the most recent activity by participants (pulled directly from the wikis, rather than from the Dashboard database) regardless of when it ended; it's intended to let you see which users are still active after an event has ended.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 14:06, 9 August 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments1 person in discussion
We're having an event, and although editors have made edits to several articles (and these appear in Activity), the dashboard only lists 1 article edited. Is this an error or do we misunderstand how this count is tabulated?
I am among the facilitators of a local Wikipedia Asian Month (WAM in Bulgarian) and this is the first WAM I participate in and the first time I use the dashboard at the same time. For that reason, first, I'd like to know if a check in meeting is planned and to participate in it, and second, to describe some challenges using the dashboard that make it difficult to manage the campaign.
The main one probably is the fact that all the edits editors signed for the campaign make are listed and tracked while we would like to see only the ones related to it (only edits in articles dedicated to or relevant to topics on the scope of the edit-a-thon). Now the program is set to Tracked Namespaces Mainspace (without a passcode) and I am wondering if that setting is the proper one. How Project or Template can be used for example? We have a template for the WAM campaign and we could set a dedicated project - will this help in filtering only the relevant edits? In summary, I'd like to learn and master how to use the dashboard for edit-a-thons specifically (because they are significantly different from assignments-centric projects as the one I have experience with in LMSs) and would appreciate help both from you and from other WAM local-wiki-facilitators with guidelines and WAM-tested tips on how to take the best from the tool so to be as helpful and reliable to my fellow editors and Wikipedia users as possible.
Pelajanela: The main way you can use the Dashboard to track only edits to articles related to your campaign are to change the type to 'Article Scoped Program'. With this setting, only edits made to either assigned pages or tracked categories (or pages with a specified template) will be counted. To set it up this way:
Edit Details from the Home tab, and change the program type to 'Article Scoped Program'.
On the Articles tab, click 'Assigned Articles' and scroll to the bottom.
In the "Tracked Categories, PSID, PagePile id & Templates" section, add the categories and/or templates you want to use to determined which articles are in the scope of the edit-a-thon.
Wait until the next data update, which should recalculate the stats based on these new settings.
Awesome! Thank you for the swift, detailed, and super helpful response, Sage (Wiki Ed)!
Did all the steps, will wait for the next data update and write again in every case also for other contributors interested in that matter and potentially following this thread.
Latest comment: 2 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Dear Administrator,
I created a dashboard for the past 15 hours to track the contributions of participants in my project, but it has not been able to show even a single contribution, the manual update option is taken off. Currently, the dashboard is 15 hours old but shows no statistics at all. Kindly assist fix this issue. Here is the link to the dashboard. Fatawu25 (talk) 10:39, 19 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Fatawu25 It looks like it's working now. It can take a while to start updating, because there are a lot of programs that all need data updates so the queue is pretty long. Sorry about that.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:42, 21 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hello dashboard team,
I have a problema with the student's inscription on dashboard platformn.
We have an activity active and I have the option to register participants as usual, could you please tell me what is happening? I can also share by this means the users of the people participating in this activity.
Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
In Europe/Belgium we are nearly always organising non-English edit-a-thons. In addition to that we are a tri-lingual country... When users are creating or requesting a user account, via the Events Dashboard, their account is always created on wp.en, irrespective of the session home wiki. The new user accounts should be created on the "Home Wiki" as indicated in the event on the Programs & Events Dashboard. On the edit-a-thon earlier this week the users received their password by email after having requested their account, but could not login to because of IP blocks on the school premises.
In addition to that the students were logging into wp.en, while they should have been on instead. They needed to go manually to where they were refused to login due to the IP block, because their account was not yet created on the extremely frustrating to organise an edit-a-thon session this way... Can the account creation please be done on the dashboard session home wiki please? English speaking users will not be affected, because their session home wiki would be the English Wikipedia anyway... Geert Van Pamel (WMBE) (talk) 21:29, 25 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
@Geertivp currently there is a special workaround that allows for account creation via a bot an enwiki, when a project is otherwise blocking users. There is a mechanism for sysops on a wiki to "create" the local account for a global account if they want to. This may get looked in to with Event Center integration (see phab:T302584). — xaosfluxTalk16:06, 27 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hello dashboard team,
I'd like to build a dashboard in order to track the activity of 5 years program (every year, around 75 new users) in cooperation with the TLV University, Science Oriented Youth program. The dashboad actually makes a limit of one year.
How can I achieve this purpose? The program's name is "TLV University, Science Oriented Youth - 2018-2022".
Ruti-WMIL: There are two ways to do this. You can create 5 individual event dashboards for separate years, or you can adjust the dates to longer than one year after you create it. The one-year limit is intended to help keep the system from getting overwhelmed by long-running events with large numbers of highly active editors, as these can put a very large load on the system when it continually recalculates stats covering many thousands of edits. However, if your program is only tracking new editors, it's probably unlikely to cause any performance problems.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:08, 27 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your answer! I also want to know if and how I can add hundreds of editors in the same program. Most of them edited only one article, but I would like to know who of them is going on editing many articles after they published the first article. Thanks! Ruti-WMIL (talk) 06:41, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Ruti-WMIL If you have the list if usernames and you just want to be able to add them all at once, I'll need to manually disable the maximum user limit for each of your events. You can email me a list of them at and I can do that. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:46, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
This is a known limitation of the current system for classifying Wikidata edits; the Dashboard uses edit summaries to determine what changed in a Wikidata edit, and these edit summaries often classify an added reference as something more general like 'changed claim'. This is something I'm hoping to address within the next year; it will make a good internship project.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:06, 11 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hope you are well! I have two questions: I was wondering if there is a glossary available for the terms used in the reports for the P&E dashboard (e.g. new editor, new editor retention etc.), and also if I am correct that P&E dashboard measure new accounts register during the indicated event tracking and not in the 14 days before the start of an event? Thank you so much for your kind reply! Best wishes, MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 11:30, 1 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
We don't have a complete glossary, just a bit of documentation on the FAQ page.
You're correct that 'new editor' count only measures registrations that happen during the activity tracking period of an event. New editor retention is based on a new editor making an edit (to a wiki that the Dashboard is tracking for that user, so generally only to a wiki being tracked for that event, unless the editor is participating in another event on the Dashboard as well) at least 7 days after the end of the event (but typically, only extending up to 30 days afterwards, as that's when the system stops updating an event). Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:35, 2 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
I created a dashboard for 1Lib1Ref but I notice that it has not been updated since Thursday 4th February and yet we have been contributing as group. What could be the matter? Here is the link to the dashboard
It looks like the queue for resource-intensive events has been backed up for the last couple of days because of an event that is taking a very long time to update. I'll keep an eye on it and see what I can do if it doesn't finish updating within the next day or so. Ragesoss (talk) 21:50, 6 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Ragesoss, thanks for this response. I guess let's be patient, I'll also keep an eye on this.
Good day @Ragesoss, any update on this? I have checked the dashboard in question and there seems to be no change. If I may ask, what are my options at this point? Thanks in advance,
I'm working on it today. Still not sure what's wrong with the event that is stuck and causing the rest of the system to back up, but I hope to have it sorted out soon. Ragesoss (talk) 18:12, 9 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Timzy D'Great, sorry to insert myself into the conversation....for Wikisource, you may be better off using the Wikisource Contest Board : - it is the recommended one for Wikisource contests and activity. Let me know if you need any help with it....but @Sage (Wiki Ed) can advise you better....
Rima H (WMID): That event is set to track edits only for a short period of time, approximately 1 hour. If you change the end of the tracking period, it should show data for the edits that participants have been making.--Ragesoss (talk) 16:59, 14 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
However, the fact that it's not handling that situation well is a Dashboard bug, which I'll file so that we can address it eventually. Thank you for reporting this! Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:27, 28 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Error contacting the parsoid/restbase server (http 404): (no message)
Latest comment: 2 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
An editor on one of our Programs is encountering the error message "Error contacting the parsoid/restbase server (http 404): (no message)" when they try to publish. I could use guidance on how best to resolve this issue. If this needs to be asked somewhere else or additional information is needed, please let me know. 2600:4040:A4B1:1D00:5974:FE3C:D19F:245622:38, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
You could activate the "enable account requests" button, so participants could request an account, instead of creating one themselves. Participants need to enter a valid email address so they are sent an initial password after administrator approval. Geert Van Pamel (WMBE) (talk) 09:56, 3 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I'm running an edit-a-thon in two days and noticed that in the Dashboard users can, after assigning themselves an article, also remove the article from the Edit-a-thon. On the homepage after assigning yourself an article, I don't see any way to send it back to the pool of available articles, just the remove button. That removes it from the event completely. Is there any way to prevent this? I would've thought the remove button moves the articles back to the available articles section. Here's the event. Thanks. Tdewysoc (talk) 14:20, 6 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
hello, I'm an editor on the wikidata edit-a-thon contest for Unlocking_Nigerian_Democracy_on_Wikidata_-_Documenting_Senators_and_Reps, and each day I check the dashboard my number of edits keep reducing. please check it out. Thanks. Nelospecial (talk) 06:08, 15 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi! This can happen for a few reasons. If any content was deleted, then numbers will go down because of that. But if you're specifically referring to the 'recent edits' counts for individual users on the Editors tab, that goes down because it's not the count of total edits, it's just edits within the last 7 days; it's intended just to show which users have been active recently so that you can identify new contributions and check them out.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:41, 28 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi there!
Thanks for all you do. On this dashboard, editors have added more than 100 descriptions in the past 2 days but it's still at 70+ 2 days after the editathon commenced. Please can you look into this?. Thank you and looking forward to your response. Olugold (talk) 09:22, 9 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Cnyirahabihirwe123: that course has been configured with the 'Private' setting, so it can only be viewed by logged in users who are already participating in it. If you change that setting to Private: no', it will be accessible to everyone and won't required you to be logged in. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:04, 17 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much for your reaction, but the issue which I have is that even me the Owner I can't access it, how should I change that private to make it available to everyone? as I can not open it? it is me who created it Cnyirahabihirwe123 (talk) 18:24, 17 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Sage (Wiki Ed), It is okey now , it has been a long stopped increasing, we contributed and no changes it showed, but I am happy to see that now it started tracking contributions
Latest comment: 1 year ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hi @Sage (Wiki Ed). This dashboard updated some hours ago but it is not updating in terms of articles created. I'm surprised it's at zero and I'm sure we created articles. Could you look into this please? I look forward to receiving your response. Thanks Olugold (talk) 16:07, 26 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Alright. I quickly created a new dashboard and the articles count updated immediately. Seems there was an error in creating the dashboard linked above. We noticed from the tracked namespaces we saw user space/page instead of main space. I'm really sorry for bringing it up here because at the moment of adding this topic we didn't know what to do... We figured it out eventually. Thanks Sage for all that you do. Olugold (talk) 23:26, 28 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I cannot access my account because when I try to enter my wikimedia account it says "your IP address is blocked because of vandalism". But I did not share anything yet. White chocolate2003 (talk) 19:23, 28 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Items edited now shows all of the items divided into 100 per page. I need them all in one page. And there is no option to select how many items to view per page. Rima H (WMID) (talk) 04:57, 4 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Depending on what you need such an all-in-one-page view for, you might find what you need by downloading a data CSV with the list of edited pages. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 14:45, 4 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hello,I have been contributing to Wikidata but my wikidata Contributions have not showed on the activity page for days now here and here but when I contribute to Wiktionary and Wikipedia,it shows on the dashboard activity page, please what might be the problem as the first dashboard I pasted the link up only track my Wiktionary edits but doesn't track that of wikidataAkwugo (talk) 17:57, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can you give some examples of Wikidata edits that are not being tracked? This is a very active event, so it does not load the full list of edited articles when you view your individual activity page (here) but it does show Wikidata items if you click 'See more' a few times. The 'activity' tab (here) is data pulled directly from the tracked wikis, but it is just a snapshot of recent edits and not a complete listing of what is or isn't be tracked for the event statistics. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:52, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Shahadusadik: what did you try to enter as the Description? I found the error log, and it looks like there is a character in that field that isn't compatible with the Dashboard's database format.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:02, 9 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Сегодня утром получила опрос о том, чувствую ли я угрозу безопасности. Я ответила "да", потому что мою статью удалили через полгода после публикации, несмотря на картину известного художника, упоминание с 19 века, историю с часовней, наличие древнего названия, неоднократные мировые чемпионаты по мотокроссу, уникальный природный ландшафт, удалили под предлогом, что мои источники описывают предмет статьи лишь косвенно, а таких источников было 10, хотя это старейшее место города, что и указано в источниках напрямую. Зашла к номинатору на удаление, почитала его созданную свежую статьи про ничего не значащего хоккеиста, не успевшего ничего сделать и завоевать хотя бы одну награду, сыгравшего один единственный матч в соревновании каких-то ничего не значащих команд с одной единственной неавторитетной ссылкой на какой-то хоккейный форум, ужаснулась. Его одна единственная ссылка ведёт на состав команд, где среди прочих двух десятков указана фамилия этого неизвестного хоккеиста. И это вся информация. И его статья никем не подвергается в Википедии обсуждению. Вот такой человек выносил решение. И эта несправедливость очень ранит. Не может удалятор попирать все требования в своей статье, при этом удаляя чужую статью под надуманным предлогом.
Latest comment: 1 year ago9 comments6 people in discussion
Akwugo, Spyridon Eftychios Kokotos, Olugold, Kerry Raymond: It looks like there was one particular event that was stuck during the update process, which resulted in a 3 day backlog for updates for about half of the active events (the ones that use the 'medium' update queue because they take a medium amount of time to update usually). I reconfigured the update system to let multiple workers handle the 'medium' queue, updates should resume for all those stuck courses within the next few hours.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:19, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello, I am trying to create an event dashboard but it does not track anything, i have created more than 3 now but i get the same problame., 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello,I created a dashboard for our event which started since 9th June,but the dashboard tracks no edit and it's showing 0 Edits,but it's activities showed participants are really doing is the dashboardAkwugo (talk) 04:25, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi Sage! Hope you are doing great. The event dashboard for our event did not update after waiting for 3days for update. 3days after, it still did not update. Any idea of what could be the problem? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks. Olugold (talk) 01:01, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Same problem as above. We have a GLAM partnership and they are not seeing the files they have uploaded to Commons. 07:43, 12 June 2023 (UTC) Kerry Raymond (talk) 07:43, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
A few editors (including myself) made recent changes to wikidata but, the system says that the last update was: "3 days ago". Although, I cannot see any error in the corresponding website [5] so far and that's what troubles me. Our dashboard link is [6] I am looking forward to hearing from you about the updates.
Thanks in advance! Spyridon Eftychios Kokotos (talk) 14:03, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hello (again)!
The issue I reported on June 12, 2023, at 14:03 UTC, has been resolved , but the solution didn't last long. Since last night, the dashboard [7] I'm participating in states that the last update of the statistics occurred 16 hours ago, along with the following message: "A new update was expected about 2 hours ago."
I will be waiting for your actions and your response to my message.
Thank you in advance for any actions you might take!
I think everything is back on track now; I needed one more manual step to get the queue working smoothly. This particular event is active enough that it got moved to the 'long' queue with other resource-intensive events, so will probably only be getting approximately 1 update per day. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:32, 20 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Greetings, The Fante Wikipedia (fat) is currently not included in the list of trackable wikis on the outreach dashboard. The Fante Wikimedians community is actively engaging in campaigns and editing activities. It would be greatly beneficial if this issue could be addressed, as organizers are keen to monitor the participation of contributors. Robertjamal12~🔔05:28, 20 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago5 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Wiki Edu team, hope you can help me out with this: I am trying to delete a duplicate campaign, but I get a notification '"Gendergap WMNL 2023" is not the title of this campaign. The campaign has not been deleted.', though the title of the campaign actually is Gendergap WMNL 2023 (see here). I also tried the slug but that isn't working as well.. Hope you can help me, thanks so much in advance! MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 11:38, 27 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
@MichellevL (WMNL) I've deleted these. It looks like there may be an encoding bug when you get to the point where you have to type in the name of the campaign to delete it. Workarounds seem to include: (a) select/copy the name from the popup dialog itself; (b) rename the campaign to something simple (it worked for me in basic ascii, no spaces), then delete it. — xaosfluxTalk09:33, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, I have a question about this dashboard: . I'm trying to get statistics for just the day of the editathon, June 17. I had set the "activity tracking" start and end times for a six month period but then I realized this was a mistake and I changed the activity tracking end time to be just a few hours after the start time. The dashboard has since run an update but it's still tracking stuff from long after the editathon. How can I get the dashboard to just show me what happened on June 17? Clayoquot (talk) 18:08, 27 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Clayoquot Is it still showing data based on edits that were not made during the tracking period? The 'Activity' tab will always show recent edits, regardless of the tracking time, but the rest of the stats and information should be based on the updated tracking time period now. If there's something that isn't correct (eg, an Edited Article that wasn't edited during the tracking period), let me know the details and I can look into it further.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:36, 3 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago4 comments3 people in discussion
Das Dashboard ruft Bearbeitungsdaten aus WMF-Cloud-Replikat-Datenbanken ab. Manchmal fehlen in diesen Datenbanken die neuesten Bearbeitungen aufgrund von Replikationsverzögerungen (Replace). Wenn dies der Fall ist, werden die fehlenden Bearbeitungen später angezeigt.Ersatz prüfen
in the status popup:
replace -> replag
and a whitespace before the last link Ersatz prüfen
Thanks for the link. I fixed the first typo. Did not find the place where to fix the whitespace in between Wikimedia:Wikiedudashboard-metrics.replag info and Wikimedia:Wikiedudashboard-metrics.replag link. best --Herzi Pinki (talk) 09:04, 5 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. I will look into this. I haven't done much testing of Article Scoped Programs that use a PSID for scoping; it might be a bug related to that.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:48, 3 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
This one is showing up, but because there have been more than 500 articles edited, it doesn't show up until you click 'See More' enough times that all the articles get loaded. By default, only up to 500 articles will be loaded. It is being counted in the stats. (The way the pagination and loading of large sets of articles works can be confusing, especially when combined with Wikidata items where they first render as Q numbers but then get replaced by labels once that data gets queried directly from Wikidata.)
The way I am able to see it is by using your link (with the newness=new filter parameter), then clicking 'See More' twice (which causes that button to disappear, once the full set of articles has been loaded), then searching the page for "Westlicher Hochplattenkogel"; it's currently on the first page of new articles when I do that. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:08, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Sage (Wiki Ed): ok, that is plausible, thanks for analysing. The look & feel of this page navigation is strange, IMHO. As a standard there are 5 pages shown, the indication that there might be more, is somewhere else (to the right side). Clicking next will lead me through these 5 pages and then stop. The usual behaviour with such next-button at the end is to stay at the end. But if it is realy the end and not some virtual end due to presentation restrictions. It would be clearer, if there is an ellipses for missing pages and next-button in any case will lead you from page n to page n+1 (if there is one) and keep you at the end, if there is no page n+1. best --Christian Philipp (WMAT) (talk) 18:52, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Sage (Wiki Ed): Saw that, not empty any more. Kind of hickup? An idea how to catch cases like this: if the number of contribs is set to 0 (after having been /= 0), then this might be caused by failed updates (of course, all contributers could have been removed, etc.) best --Christian Philipp (WMAT) (talk) 07:03, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Campaign dashboard underestimating number of edits (not urgent!)
I was wondering if someone could help me? I've been organising multiple programmes, all under the same campaign ( since 2021 and I'm very pleased with our results so far :-) However, the Campaign Dashboard appears to severely underestimate the data, such as the number of edits that have been made and the page views of articles that have been edited, in comparison to the Programme Dashboard.
For example, on the Campaign dashboard @Hat Jul has 68 edits listed, but globally they have made 92 edits across Wiki and Commons. For articles, the one on William Ferrel is listed as the highest number of page views (990) but there are articles in recent programmes that have received thousands of page views. Is there a difference in how the Campaign Dashboard and the Programme Dashboard count these various metrics? It would be fantastic if they were directly comparable, as I would like to use the results to advocate for more Wikimedia activity in my institution. Many thanks in advance for the assistance and have a great weekend when it comes. Drkirstyross (talk) 15:37, 28 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
The 'Editors' tab of the Campaigns view only shows edit counts for individual courses. So 'Hat Jul' had 68 edits that were counted for the "Wiki Workshop for STEP students", but that user also participated in another event with 16 additional edits that were tracked. They likely have other edits that were not counted for either event.
The pageviews data for long-running campaigns are not very reliable, as the system stops updating view counts after about 30 days past the end date the event where they were tracked. The list of Articles on the Campaigns page is also paginated, so if you sort the first page by views (which puts 'William Ferrel at the top), it's only sorting the first page page of articles. The second page has articles with higher view counts.
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi! I have been using an iframe to embed stats from this dashboard in a website news item. All of a sudden it won't work, and the error message is " avviste tilkoblingsforsøket" ( rejected your attempt to connect).
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Sage! Thanks for all your efforts and prompt responses.
I observed that the event dashboard is not updating views accurately. From the statistics on the dashboard, this item has 0 view but from Xtool it has 5 views. Can anything be done about this because there might be a possibility that other items on the dashboard are not updating in terms of viewership?
The view counts are only estimates, which come from periodically checking on the 30-day average views for a given article. Unfortunately, keeping fully accurate view statistics for every edited articles was too much of a performance bottleneck for the system. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:00, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Wiki Edu team, hope you are able to help me out with the following: for an edit-a-thon we hosted with a group of participants from a diverse background, I would like to track all WP namespaces, because we do not know what language versions of Wikipedia they have been editing specifically. Is there a way I can select them all without having to go through the entire list? Thank you so much! Kind regards MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 10:12, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
This event happened before we updated the wikidata stats to be able to accurately count references. I've manually set it up to refresh using the new calculations, so hopefully you'll see some updated reference stats shortly. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:07, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago4 comments2 people in discussion
What is the best way to see which new editors continued editing after an editathon? If I look at the Activity tab, it is dominated by the experienced editors who volunteered at the event. Also in what may or may not be a related question, what are the "Activity tracking start" and "Activity tracking end" dates and how do they differ from the "Event start" and "Event end" dates? Clayoquot (talk) 16:40, 18 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
The Activity tab gets data directly from the tracked wikis, and will always show the latest edits that the participants have made. We don't have an easy way to check for activity just from the new editors.
'Activity tracking start' and 'Activity tracking end' are the dates that the dashboard uses for calculating stats. The optional 'Event start' and 'Event end' are just for indicating when things like in-person activities are happening. It doesn't affect anything (unless the Timeline feature is turned on, in which case it determines when the first content should appear on the Timeline tab). Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:16, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Sage. Can I request that this capability be added to the dashboard? Many events have a goal of recruiting new editors so it seems strange we do not have the tools to measure results around newcomer retention. Clayoquot (talk) 23:23, 16 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
There are some limited tools for checking for newcomer retention... if you download the Editor stats, in includes data on which new users made edits after the end of the event. However, it only continues updating for about 30 days. It would make sense to add an option on the Activity tab to limit it to only new editors; I will make a note of that request. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:36, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
There is something wrong with the byte count of this event. At this moment, this participant has only 89,476 bytes accounted by the dashboard, while our internal accounting indicates 237,945 bytes. The category is the same, the event period is the same, I don't see any reason for the discrepancy. ALeoncio (WMB) (talk) 13:59, 10 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi there!
This is my first time of using the Beta event registration. I created a dashboard but it's not counting edits. I'm wondering if there's something I didn't do correctly. Kindly assist me. Thank you. Olugold (talk) 09:33, 16 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
That event is on, not Programs & Events Dashboard. It's not intended for anyone to use except for with testing during software development. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:30, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Apologies for the slow updates. Sometimes the system gets behind, either because the Dashboard itself is under too much load or because the replica database that it uses has gotten behind, but it looks like it's been working recently. If there are still problems, please let me know the details and I will investigate. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:32, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago5 comments4 people in discussion
We have setup a project which nicely outputs the wikidata activity but it doesn't print ESvoy activity. Does the application supports VOY or did I something wrong?
Hi! It looks that project is gone now. By VOY do you mean Wikivoyage? If so, it ought to work as long as Wikivoyage is among the Tracked Wikis for that project. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:33, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
> It looks that project is gone now.
Th url moved after a configuration change, sorry: PICAS_2023
> By VOY do you mean Wikivoyage?
> it ought to work as long as Wikivoyage is among the Tracked Wikis for that project.
Those stats only show up if you have specific tracked namespaces (except for Wikidata). I added tracked namespace to your event and now they are ready. However, we don't have the kind of detail that is available for Wikidata. Ragesoss (talk) 18:39, 3 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi all, might be good to add a short section on the history of the dashboard -- when it was launched (was it 2016?), maybe mentioning it replaced the Education Extension, and that the API tracks only Pageviews from the new WMF API, but if (like me) you are tracking programs with historic data, then it will not give the numbers from the previous API. Just a suggestions. Best, Shani Evenstein.20:56, 1 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hi there! This is the first time working on a Wikisource project in my community. The Dashboard is not tracking my edits and that of the participants, even the activity tab is not responding. Please can you kindly assist and advise. Thank you Lebron jay (talk) 16:10, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi. It looks like it is tracking the edits of the those who are signed up as editors. You are signed up as a facilitator but not an editor, so it won't track your edits until you add yourself as an editor as well.
It looks like fetching from the API international Wikisource is not working as expected, which is likely a Dashboard bug. I will file an issue for it so we can fix it. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:33, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Wikiedu team, we are currently in the last hour of an edit-a-thon here in the Netherlands, and the edits of one user ([9], edits on NL WP) are not showing in the dashboard (link) while I do see them in the users contributions on NL WP.. Any idea what is going wrong and what we could do about it? Thanks so much! MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 16:16, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
I'm not sure why it was not showing up previously. It might have been replication lag, or there might have been a temporary problem while the Dashboard was trying to import edit data. It looks like it's showing edits for that user as expected now. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
It looks like the only tracked namespace in mainspace. edits should be included in the overall stats, and any edited articles will appear on the Articles tab, but you need to add mainspace if you want to get isolated stats for it. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:28, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
It looks like it's working now. Normally, it should start tracking within one day;currently, the system is updating every 2-6 hours, depending on which processing queue an event is. There might have been some congestion in the system last week, though; I'm not sure why it took that long to start showing results for you. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:27, 27 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Please, I mistakenly selected Edit-A-Thon instead of Article Scoped Program and created my dashboard. How can you assist me in changing it from Edit-A-Thon to Article Scoped Program? I would be very happy if that could be possible. Achiri Bitamsimli (talk) 15:05, 8 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
You can change the program type after creating it. Click 'Edit Details' on the Home tab, and then change the Type selector and click Save. The next time the stats are updated, they will be recalculated based on the new type. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:05, 8 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago7 comments3 people in discussion
Presumably this dashboard is an outcome of a Wikidata query. Can it be restricted to women, or at least to people who don't have gender male? At the moment it's less useful than it could be :) Dsp13 (talk) 20:28, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
There's no easy way to do that currently for Wikidata edits on the Dashboard. The 'Article Scoped Program' option allows you to only track edits to specified sets of pages, but it could not handle a set of pages as large as 'all Wikidata items for women'. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:21, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
The problem is that the page seems to include pages of relevance to Africa, as required, but without the additional gender restriction. (I'm not saying there's a problem with the software here, just the articles which have been used to set the scope.) Dsp13 (talk) 21:44, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
As currently configured, it will track all edits to the tracked wikis that any participants make during the timeframe (without any restrictions based on either geography or gender). Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:46, 14 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you Dsp13 (talk) for your message. We are aware of how the dashboard tracks other contributions that are not necessarily women. We are ok with that as most of our community are young Wiki editors and are trying to explore their first edits on things they love to write about. We want to be able to track the small edits made by these new comers after the training. We believe that there is a lot we can assess and learn from the dashboard and we want to explore all options to assess our impact at various levels. However for those participating in the contest we will look specifically for contest about women and the team will review all the content to determine that. Thank you so much once again.CoachAni (talk) 17:00, 20 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can two students work on same the Wikipedia article within the same programme?
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments1 person in discussion
My students will work in groups of two to edit one Wikipedia article. Once one student has clicked on the available article, it becomes unavailable for the other to choose it. How can I resolve this? Is there a way to set as settings that this is a group assignment? Violalob (talk) 10:23, 12 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Some of my students have chosen two articles, when the assignment consisted of choosing and editing one Wikipedia article. While I know how to add/delete editors, I have not figured out how to delete an article from a specific editor/student. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance for the help! Violalob (talk) 10:07, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Violalob: do you want to remove a page from the dashboard of a person, or actually delete a page from Wikipedia entirely? For the former, can you provide a link to everything involved (program, participant, article). — xaosfluxTalk10:46, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
In fact unintentionally the one who advised me did not train me well so the event that should start from January 15 to March 15, the registration page stopped at January 17, 2024 while the event continues so I can not create another event with the same page of Dashbord, which means new people can no longer register on the page. here is the event page: (talk) 20:40, 22 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi !
As the Outreach Dashboard is often used for workshops with new contributors, it would be very useful to have a link, somewhere in the user interface on the project (near to the profile page or something), that lead to the Outreach Dashboard. Because he is not easily findable by an external search engine and the URL is quite long. Having and integrated link in the interface would allow the participants to easily reach the dashboard to find the list of proposed articles, the one that have been affected to them and the stats of the projects. It would be a great improvement. M0tty (talk) 06:35, 30 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
My request is more to allow anybody to access the OD from his interface, even outside a specific workshop. It's not easy for newcomers to recover the OD after a workshop (They can forget the name of the project page where this blue button is for example). I have opened a ticket on Phabricator about that : T356153. Cheers. M0tty (talk) 12:35, 2 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
That table shows 'recent edits', which is only a count of edits within the last 7 days, so it will go and up and down depending on how many recent edits you've made each time the stats get updated. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 22:35, 6 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago7 comments4 people in discussion
I'm trying to find out information on how this dashboard should be used by administrators of WMF projects.
As I understand it, this dashboard allows editors to sign up as participants in an event so that their contributions are then tracked against the event. I also understand that it allows event co-ordinators to create accounts for participants without hitting the normal local throttle for account creation.
If we see a large number of new users creating items on the similar topics and checkuser then indicates that they are operating from the same IP, then this is often interpreted as being a sock farm, especially if there are other problems with the contributions. The typical response is to block and delete.
How can we determine whether these edits are associated with an event on this dashboard? How can we get in touch with the event co-ordinator? Is there a widget that would support this? Bovlb (talk) 18:35, 8 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
If account creation threshold needs to be offloaded to override the throttle, the account creations are logged on enwiki (due to reasons) under a bot account - that also includes information on the creator. See logs here. — xaosfluxTalk19:00, 8 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for that. I am still left with a number of questions:
How do I determine what events are active for a specific WMF project in a specific timeframe?
How do I determine what events a specific user has created?
How do I determine whether an editor is associated with an event?
How do I determine whether a specific edit is associated with an event?
Right. I'm left with the impression that this interface is designed for the use of event co-ordinators and participants, and it does not support the needs of local project administrators who have to deal with the results of the event. I would love to be able to install a widget that would flag editors and edits associated with an editathon event.
I'm aware of multiple cases where editathon participants have been blanked-banned as sock farms. I'm also aware of many cases where events led to contributions that were problematic (for example, by failing to establish notability), but the editors were unresponsive to feedback so the contributions were later deleted en masse, with significant cost in terms of volunteer time. None of this is what we want to result from organized events.
@Bovlb: All of questions you are asking are possible to answer, but I do not think any of them are easy for a casual user to answer. Two answers: any experienced Wikipedian can answer any one of these questions spending 15-30 minutes per instance of question, or, a project which requires data analysis can pay someone to answer these questions at scale.
I am using since last year a pseudo-automatic adding of a project-section at the discussion page of the created or modified Wikipedia pages, using a Pywikibot script:
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I'm seeing a log of edits in the activity tab of our dashboard but the total edits and and items edited on the main page has not changed. I've checked the settings and I'm not sure what's preventing the updates from happening. Any tips? (Tagging @tophkate so that she can follow this thread as well) AbsentMindedData (talk) 20:21, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
It looks like there was an outage last week in the service that handles the update scheduling (while I was on vacation and not monitoring it). I think I've cleared the queue so that it can start updating again; I'll keep an eye in and try to ensure updates are back on track today. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:07, 26 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hello, it’s been a few days since our dashboard (in french) has stopped updating, for unknown reasons. Would you happen to know how to solve this problem, or have any advice on the matter ? We are graded on the amount of contributions registered on it and the deadline is approaching… Thank you very much in advance. Termitermite (talk) 14:20, 24 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
It looks like there was an outage last week in the service that handles the update scheduling (while I was on vacation and not monitoring it). I think I've cleared the queue so that it can start updating again; I'll keep an eye in and try to ensure updates are back on track today. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:08, 26 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
It looks like there was an outage last week in the service that handles the update scheduling (while I was on vacation and not monitoring it). I think I've cleared the queue so that it can start updating again; I'll keep an eye in and try to ensure updates are back on track today. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:08, 26 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Hello -- our dashboard doesn't seem to be updating, and I can't see the link I recall from before where we could prompt an update. Can you please help so that we can see stats that reflect our most recent work? Thanks! Kehauman (talk) 15:16, 4 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 year ago2 comments2 people in discussion
The dashboard of our event is tracking editors who join, but not tracking any edits/ citations added (even though it is reflected in the activity tab of the dashboard) Vmcgurrin (talk) 20:04, 4 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
The Dashboard is a couple of days behind on updates but should pull in data over the next several hours, or at least by tomorrow. (The Activity tab pulls directly from mediawiki to your browser, so it can show edits the Dashboard has not processed yet.) Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:44, 4 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 months ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Stats from a project running since 2019.
We have been running a project, Kulturhistoria som gymnasiearbete, having third year students create or update articles in a similar way since before 2019 and have used the dashboard to keep track of their edits. Have something changed from last year to account for the different numbers when it comes to references and views? Screenshots for the stats in the image are from about the same time after the project ends every year (in red), and the Dashboards can be found at 23/24, 22/23, 21/22, 20/21, 19/20 but should be about the same as I duplicate the previous one every year.
Thanks Axel. I know that pageviews improvements will be widely appreciated, and I hope to work on it at some point in the next year or two.
For references, we did make some changes recently. In the past, the only data on references that the Dashboard had was from the ORES Article Quality model, which was only available in a handful of languages. We switched to a language-agnostic and more accurate method of counting references added in February 2024. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:31, 11 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Small improvements along the way. Great to hear that things are moving and being worked on, and I'll edit the crossed out part up a year as we will look at the stats during a presentation next week. I bet the students will be thrilled about me talking about the number of references and the ORES Article Quality model for about three hours... /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 08:37, 15 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Olá, @Sage (Wiki Ed): Muito obrigada pela ajuda! Em relação ao Mais Pretas, as questões principais foram resolvidas.
Além disso, gostaria de tirar uma dúvida: quando ativamos a captação das edições do Espaço nominal do utilizador no OD, as edições feitas em páginas de testes, que fazem parte do domínio “Usuário(a)” são registradas? Pergunto isso por dois motivos:
1) existe uma opção de espaço a ser monitorizado que se chama “Rascunho” e desconheço sua funcionalidade; e
2) várias edições que foram feitas em páginas de testes durante os eventos presenciais realizados em 2023 não foram computadas, como as edições do usuário Clubedoleandro, no OD da Editatona do Mais Pretas.
Nos três eventos presenciais que realizamos em 2023, os dados editados em domínio de "Usuário(a)" não foram computados, o que é particularmente importante, tendo em vista que incentivamos esta prática durante a capacitação das pessoas participantes nestes eventos. Você pode conferir aqui: Editatona Mais Pretas, Editatona Mais Povos Originários e Editatona Mais Diversidade.
Obrigada desde já por todos os esclarecimentos e pela riqueza de suas contribuições.
By default, only edits to mainspace count towards the statistics for your event page. The "Draft" namespace is enabled on English Wikipedia and some other languages, but it works very similarly to userspace as a place to keep articles before they are ready to be in mainspace. If you want to count contributions as part of the top-level statistics outside of mainspace, you can add additional tracked namespaces — User-namespace in particuluar — and then any pages edited in that namespace will count towards the stats and also appear in the Articles tab as pages edited.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:03, 28 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 11 months ago8 comments2 people in discussion
See this page, which you will see has not been updated for a year or so. I have recently been taken on as Wikimedian in Residence (I'm User:Johnbod on en:wp) & they are keen to get this running again.
How do we do this? Can we run them ourselves? Only one of the facilitators is still active on the project, User: NandanYardi, who has not done much hands-on editing on Wikimedia. How can we update the page? Do I need to be a facilitator, & how does this happen? Johnbod at ILAE (talk) 16:01, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
However, I'm not sure whether it will let you extend the dates far enough; we put in restrictions on the maximum time for an event because very long ones have major performance impacts, so setting up a new event page for later work might be a better option. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:25, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ok, Ive done that & extended the dates to 2025. It let me do that. Do the stats get run on a monthly schedule or something? When should I expect to see an update, & do the old figures need to be recorded by us for comparisons, or do they remain accessible? Johnbod at ILAE (talk) 16:53, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
I'm not sure how long it will take to update — it depends on how fast the previous updates were, which determines which queue it goes into — but it should be less than a day, and it should update regularly after that, a few times a day usually. It will show data for the entire date range, so you shouldn't need to record anything unless you specifically want data for just the previous period. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:57, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thanks! It now says it updated a couple of hours ago, but the numbers don't seem to have changed at all. Some perhaps should be the same, but the article views should have increased a lot - eg "Epilepsy" (en:WP) has had 608 K views in the last 12 months. Johnbod at ILAE (talk) 14:38, 28 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
I think that estimate is a glitch based on something unexpected happening... I'm not sure why it got any previous updates since the event had not started yet 17 days ago. It should actually be getting updated about 2 times per day starting today. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:41, 29 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi! Did it eventually update properly? If not, you can click 'Schedule Data Update' to add it to the queue for a data refresh. I apologize for the poor performance during your course. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:00, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, my apologies, I'm sure I've done something wrong. We have a campaign page that doesn't seem to be updating edits? It's the first day of the campaign. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
Hi. I apologize for the poor performance during your campaign. Hopefully it all sorted itself out eventually — it looks like it from the link — but if there are still issues you notice, please let me know the details. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:01, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 4 months ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Dear team,
At Wikimedia Nederland we have been using the account creation option on the outreach dashboard and we think it is great, but at one of our latest events an issue arose because the outreach dashboard automatically creates user accounts on via the invitation link. But because this happened via a blocked IP address, a number of participants were immediately blocked by EN moderators. As a result, they could not switch to (or Commons or another platform) because this happened very quickly. And their accounts did not exist when they wanted to log in to
This issue was solved by creating new accounts on NL Wiki for the participants, but we were wondering if it is or would be possible to facilitate automatic account creation on the indicated home wiki instead of EN Wiki by default? Thanks! MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 09:30, 2 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi @User:Sage (Wiki Ed)|Sage (Wiki Ed)]] I was wondering if you have an update w.r.t. to this issue or is there maybe a tasks or something I can follow to keep updated? Thank you so much! MichellevL (WMNL) (talk) 10:10, 15 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
It looks like this eventually started showing metrics. If there are still problems, let me know the details and I will look into it. I apologize for the poor dashboard performance during your campaign. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:03, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I’m new to the dashboard and I have an instance of a monthly workshop to organize. Consequently, I’m trying to create a new program by cloning this one I participated in, last month workshop. Or any other of these workshops I subscribed.
When clicking "Clone this program" as per Using the Dashboard course, I obtain a white on red error popup (in French): "Une erreur est survenue : Unauthorized". I can’t find any doc on particular restrictions on program creation which could explain it. Nivopol (talk) 08:48, 6 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ah, I see the bug. The system currently only allows a user to clone a course if they are one of the facilitators for it (or an admin). That's the intended behavior for Wiki Education Dashboard, but I should change that on Programs & Events Dashboard. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:07, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi! We are currently running the #EveryBookIts Reader campaign in Portuguese and it seems like the Dashboard here is having trouble updating the editing count. We know for sure that people were editing on Saturday (we had 15 simultaneous edit-a-thons in Brazil!) and it was only counting the number of editors. Can you please help? Thanks! EAzzellini (WMB) (talk) 19:49, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
I apologize for the delayed updates. Hopefully it eventually updated as expected; if there are any remaining data problems, please let me know. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:11, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I've tried a few times today to create a program (tested independent programs and programs as part of a campaign, several browsers...) but am getting an "internal server error. Any insights? E mln e (talk) 19:45, 16 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
I suspect that the system was overloaded and the database was not available when you tried to do this. I apologize for the service disruption. We're working on making it more reliable. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:12, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hello, my dashboard is not updating the stats. For instance, edits and an an article created yesterday were not counted by the dashboard. Also, all articles created from January 2024 until now no longer appear in the dashboard's list of articles. Can you help with this issue and clarify what's going on? As a Wikimedian in Residence, these stats are crucial to my day-to-day work. Thanks, MichaelaBlanc (talk) 14:10, 17 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hi, our dashboard has allegedly had several statistics updates in the last 24 hours. However, the statistics have not increased despite many edits showing up in activity. A few users have also noted that their edits don't seem to be showing up at all in the "activity" tab (not all users). Fuchsiaflute (talk) 16:12, 18 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
We see the activity on our dashboard for our edit-a-thon today, but no stats are posted and it says the next update will be in 2 months. Can you help with this issue? We need our stats to demonstrate impact.
We are expecting this evening 50-100 new participants to coach during a live edit-a-thon... at several locations. Sorry to insist! We should not disappoint new Wikipedia contributors. Geert Van Pamel (WMBE) (talk) 13:55, 25 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
The system is still not available. The organisers were embarrassed, and the participants were really disappointed that the registration system did not work properly. So we have no possibility to keep track of the user contributions, unless we can add the usernames manually in the coming days. Is there a capacity problem in the system, or a performance problem under huge user load? Please investigate and fix. As a Wikipedia trainer I am using the system several times per week. I rely on it. Geert Van Pamel (WMBE) (talk) 19:37, 25 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Dashboard statistics are not updated due to errors
Latest comment: 10 months ago3 comments1 person in discussion
We had a writing session 3 days ago with 62 participants, and the edit statistics are still not updated. All counters are zero. When I click on "See more", I read "The dashboard encountered 35 error(s) during the most recent update". What happens? What could possibly go wrong? Could you please investigate and fix?
Currently an error message is showing:
I apologize for the service disruption. If you notice any statistics that are still not updating, let me know which event page it is happening for, and I will investigate. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:57, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
A participant renamed ones user account after subscribing to an event on Meta. The wmfdashboard: does not track the user account name change, so contribution statistics are not synchronised any more for this user. As an organizer I can't enforce the user list synchronisation between both platforms, nor can I add or revoke participants after the session took place... When I try to update the participants list from the dashboard I get the following error:
Enrollment in this event is controlled by Wikimedia Event Center. It cannot be joined from the Dashboard.
Latest comment: 10 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Since yesterday, I have been getting error messages while trying to access the Outreach Dashboard website, and also while trying to enter usual edits. Is there anything not working normally on the website ? Flor WMCH (talk) 09:01, 3 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 10 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Wikipedia Nurses in Red ( is not loading so I can't access our stats ahead of our next group meeting. No error message, just not loading for me or other members of the group 101TAD (talk) 12:15, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I team,
I hope you're well,
just to let you know that there are still no updates on my dashboard since I created it, more than 17 days ago.
Wouldn't it be possible to integrate a button allowing the user to update his dashboard alone like on Event metric?? instead of waiting for automatic updates that take too long. VALENTIN NVJ (talk) 20:14, 13 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi! I apologize for the service disruption. Wikidata updates were completely broken when the revision IDs passed 2.14 billion, because the numbers became too large for the database format the Dashboard was using to store them. (This happened while I was on vacation, and it took longer than I would have liked to fix the problem.) We are working on some changes to make updates more reliable, and once those are complete, I hope we can re-enable a feature to allow users to request an immediate update for their events when the automatic updates are taking too long. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:54, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hello team. On Wikimedia México we have a campaign, #JuevesWiki, in which we invite our community to edit Wikipedia or the sisters projects every thursday. The dashboard on the last #JuevesWiki doesnt's reflect the contributions of the editors. What would be the trouble? Thanks. Luisalvaz (talk) 05:00, 16 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Yesterday, on the official Museum Day, I published an article about a museum and created a Wikidata object for it: Fondation Ateliers d'artiste in de:wiki. Unfortunately, I can't assign the article to myself on the Article finder page. Can someone explain why this is not possible or even better: assign the article to me. Thank you. Matutinho (talk) 11:36, 19 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
I think this was because the Dashboard event was not configured to track, so is not an option to search via Article Finder. The facilitator would need to add as a tracked wiki in order to count your work on that article. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:47, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hello, I am a Wikimedian in Residence at the Perez Art Museum Miami, and I want to report that my stats are not updating correctly. Last week's update caused my dashboard to lose critical numbers, and I really hope this can be fixed. I have screenshots from last Wednesday, and the numbers look a lot different today. Would it be possible to receive an update on this matter? Thank you. MichaelaBlanc (talk) 22:21, 22 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Updates were recently broken for all events that tracked Wikidata, and the updates I made to fix this issue added a few unintended temporary problems — in particular, the Articles Edited lists for courses went blank, while the system re-importing part of its database. It looks like your event is working normally again. If there's still a problem with the stats, please let me know the details and I will look into it. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:41, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hello @Sage (Wiki Ed), Thanks for your response and for expanding on the issue. I'm glad the Dashboard is up and running again. However, it still does not show the same stats as before. I have a screenshot from May 15, 2024, in which the Dashboard gathers 2003 articles created, 739 articles edited, 5.68K total edits, 472K words added, 2.61K references added, and 7.26 million views. As you can see, these are very different numbers from what is showing up now – which do not simulate the reality of my work. Thanks, and I am waiting for your solution. MichaelaBlanc (talk) 16:34, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! I scheduled it for a full update recently, and it looks like it's working properly now to capture all your edits. (I assume "2003" was a typo; it currently shows 216 articles created, but the other numbers are consistent with your screenshot. It's normal for pageviews to sometimes decrease, as they are just estimates based 30-day average views.) Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:32, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 9 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
hello, i noticed my recent edits counts are not increasing on dashboard as i work on them. please is it from my end or it's general? Special:Contributions/ 23:09, 24 May 2024 (UTC)
This was a general problem recently. It should be fixed in most cases now. If your page is still not showing edits as expected, please provide as many details as you can, and I will look into it.--Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 17:43, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago4 comments3 people in discussion
How does this lovely dashboard relate to the idea of an integrated Event Center? Would it be part of that / integrated into it / crossregister events with it? –SJtalk17:38, 25 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
It's already integrated into Event Center to some extent; an event organizer can create an event on the Dashboard, and then when setting up the event on Event Center, add the Dashboard URL and link them. When linked, users register for the event through Event Center, and they are automatically added to the Dashboard event. Ragesoss (talk) 17:37, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Sage: Aha, cool :) What script does the automatic dashboard-adding? Can other hooks be added to the event-registration update? –SJtalk23:14, 4 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
If you empty the “when” field, this will not be saved and will result in an error "This field has invalid characters".
knowing that I don't want to make this modification because it impacts the event title which in turn causes a change to the event link I want to add in my event tool Dezedien (talk) 10:00, 4 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago2 comments1 person in discussion
Hello team! I'm a librarian at Gutman Library (Harvard Graduate School of Education), where we are organizing a small upcoming edit-a-thon. I am trying to add info to the event description (the free text field) in the dashboard. When I am in edit mode, the line breaks appear as expected, but after I save, the line breaks are not in effect and lines run together. (The line breaks are, however, in effect if I add an additional blank line.) This is minor, perhaps, but it makes it difficult to add a lot of short phrases for logistical information (e.g., date, time, place) without having to add white space between each phrase. Thank you, Teyilee (talk) 21:59, 11 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
In May the Coordinate Me contest on Wikidata was held, utilizing the Programs & Events Dashboards especially for the author statistics we use for the final count. There were 16 country specific boards. One of them, for Australia , seems to be to large for an evaluation (message: Updates for this program or event have been taking too long and are currently paused. If you need updated data soon, please use the 'Report a problem' link to let us know.).
Is it possible to start an update manually or with a workaround? The PSID used ( ) checks for any item located (P625) in Australia. I could instead make separate PSIDs for the states and territories (may be a bit tricky, not to miss any of the areas, and would not reflect items that are only P625 of the whole country). Any help would be appreciated! Thank you, Manfred Werner (WMAT) (talk) 13:37, 12 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
I manually disabled updates for this event, because it was failing and causing system instability. I don't think it's directly a matter of too many titles in the PSID in one entry, although it may be related to the total number of titles in the context of such a large edit count (more than 280 thousand!); the current architecture makes database queries for events like this a resource bottleneck. I'm currently working on a major change to how we process updates, which will let us avoid that bottleneck and resume updates, but until that is ready I don't think the system can handle this particular event. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:08, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
It's has been a while now, when I want to create a new program In a Program & Event dashboard I didn't I used to meet this error instead, i do not what is wrong? Any help please! Anuary Rajabu (talk) 23:13, 14 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 8 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Team, I participated in the A+F edit-a-thon last weekend and the article I created at the beginning are not updating in the dashboard now, any idea what could be wrong? Thanks. JM99 (talk) 03:30, 25 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Updates were still going on, and I've brought the web service back up as well. It looks like it's still working through the backlog from the weekend. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 21:58, 9 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
It sounds like there already exists a program with the same combination of title, institution and 'when'. Those are the components that create the URL for it, and each program must have a unique URL. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:04, 11 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Sage (Wiki Ed) Thanks for your help. I have checked the dashboard and it has been updated but not 100%. Please could you help me to understand this situation?.
I'm not sure what was going wrong. I scheduled each of these for a fresh update (using the 'Schedule Data Update' button from the Home tab of each), and now the numbers are closer to what you expected. I looked at the first one, which now shows 3 out of 4 created articles. The fourth was created by user PatriHorrillo, but that username is not on the editors list. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:01, 30 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 6 months ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hello - a group I've been working with for a while now have noticed on their Dashboard that their stats of Article Views had gone down (it had been above 8 million when they took a screengrab about a month or so ago but was below this when they next checked). Another Wikimedian has suggested this might have been due to articles being moved to new names and tracking not taking account of this. Do you think this is the likely reason? And is there a way to remedy this so that views on an older name of a page are still counted please? Thanks in advance for any advice! Zeromonk (talk) 10:22, 13 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi! The pageviews are not exact; they are based on an estimate taken from a 30-day average of pageviews for each article. The Dashboard periodically updates that average (with the latest 30 days), so view counts can go down if the new average is significantly lower than a previous one. As you suspected, page moves are another possible reason for major drops in the pageview numbers; the Dashboard does not have a way to handle that situation when it comes to view counts. (An improved system for pageviews is on our roadmap, but we have not begun work on it yet.) Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:04, 30 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
Copied program from old server, but am not listed as an instructor on the course
It worked! Thank you so so much. How do I become a facilitator? Or alternatively, what link I should use to invite and admit them? I need to be able to let students in the class join the dashboard.
The system is unstuck now, and has received updates. (We are working on a major improvement to update reliability, which I hope to deploy before the end of 2024.) Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 20:05, 30 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
I think this is a bug related to your account being both a student and facilitator. I will create an issue for the bug. You can work around it by removing yourself as an editor, making the required changes, then adding yourself again as an editor. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:03, 3 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 5 months ago3 comments2 people in discussion
I have noticed an unusual problem with the statistic update of a dashboard I am currently using to track the editor's contribution. This problem is that it's been three days today and the dashboard didn't update the records. Please look into that and help me resolve the update issues so I can fully track editor's contributions. The link to the dashboard is Wikipedia Training For Taraba Wikimedians.
Looking forward to your prompt assistance as the edit-a-thon ends today.
There are JSON endpoints for much of the Dashboard's data, but they haven't been collected into a documented API for external users. If there's something specific you're interested in getting via JSON, let me know and I can point you to the endpoint if it exists. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 19:37, 7 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 5 months ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Hello! I am trying to set up a wikipedia project to track my students' efforts, but my project URL link does not seem to be functional. Any tips? Mgnielson (talk) 12:59, 2 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi! I can't find your project URL to see what might be wrong. One reason links may not work is if the page is set to 'Private'; in that case, the page will not load for any user who is not already enrolled, so you cannot use an invitation link to allow students to join it. (In Private mode, the organizer must enter the usernames of participants.) Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 22:55, 2 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 5 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
If a page is edited by a participant during an event, it would be helpful to be able to see how many times the page has been viewed since then. Would it be possible to request this column as a new feature? At Wikiconference North America another person brought up the same question. I know it's possible to get this information using the Pageviews tool, but it's time-consuming to do this at scale for articles that were updated on different dates. Clayoquot (talk) 02:27, 8 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 4 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hello - we are a running an edit-a-thon event today and the dashboard has updated once and says the next scheduled update is in 29 days, is it possible to have it update sooner? Thanks in advance Sfaregs (talk) 17:30, 29 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Some entries, created specifically for the project, are in the process of being deleted, I'm throwing in the towel! Here is the discussion in the kitchen project: [15]. Bye OppidumNissenae (talk) 12:17, 17 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Not a problem. But rather a failure of the dashboard to record important work. I do an enormous amount of work in Commons: creating categories, linking them to wikidata, adding structured data to the source file metadata and so on. I believe these kinds of activity should be reported on a dashboard. MargaretRDonald (talk) 21:02, 2 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 2 months ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Good day everyone, I intend to complete my tasks on wikimedia common and I found it difficult to login and a text uploaded on the page that I have been blocked. How do I go about it, so that I should be able to complete my tasks. Abuhabel (talk) 10:50, 18 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 month ago5 comments3 people in discussion
I created a new dashboard last week and it looks it's not updating. I've set subcategory depth = 3 for all entries but they are shown as 0. See yourself: [17]. Cheers, Jjanhone (talk) 06:35, 10 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thank you! It has picked one edit now: Milla Vaahtera, [18]. It didn't pick e.g. two updates for Finnish authors which are shown here. I had added the category author, but as the depth = 0 and there are two steps to Finnish authors from authors, they were not included. Is it possible to add the depth to 3 like we had last year? Jjanhone (talk) 10:19, 13 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
@NatSGrTB sur la page d'accueil de ton dashboard, il n'y a que d'indiqué, il ne cherche donc les modifs que là bas alors que vous les avez faites sur, il faut donc faire un changement de ce côté là (il y a ensuite un délai pour la mise à jour, que je trouve un peu long cette année c'est pour cela que j'ai atterri ici car je me demandais si c'était que nous car notre tableau de bord ne bouge pas comme j'aurais attendu mais j'imagine qu'il faut être patient. Symac (talk) 17:50, 17 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Merci !!! :) Ce n'est pourtant pas la première campagne que je mets en place...^^ On avait remarqué déjà l'année dernière la lenteur des mises à jour. A suivre... Bonne campagne ! NatSGrTB (talk) 15:13, 20 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
We also have issues with updates on our campaign as can be seen above, i assume something is not running correctly on the server, we need to wait for it to be fixed. Symac (talk) 15:30, 22 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 month ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I am experiencing difficulties to work with the Dashboard space. The students linked to this space are unable to do their work. This issue has persisted for several days/weeks. The problem is it expected to be resolved soon? The semester is already underway, and I am concerned about the impact on my class progress.
Thank you so much for considering this issus. Orlane Dinas (talk) 16:30, 26 January 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 1 month ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Good day
On January 31, 2025, our translation and editing workshop will come to an end. We have been having trouble with the dashboard because it takes days for it to refresh and show us the most recent statistics. Please help, as once we are finished, we will need to submit a report.
Latest comment: 1 month ago1 comment1 person in discussion
@Sage (Wiki Ed) It seems that updates are not functionning, could you please have a look at it? The event 1Lib1Ref is finishing today, we are about to conclude our project by the end of the afternoon... Thand you in advance ! Tameli (talk) 10:37, 5 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 days ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I started the I edit setswana Wikipedia Campaign last week Wednesday but there is nothing captured in the dashboard. What might be the cause of this? Kolobetsoo (talk) 10:35, 17 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Is still not capturing what you expected? I see that the event successfully updated 5 days ago (and should update again this week), but if there's something specific that's missing, let me know and I will investigate. Sage (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:49, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 20 days ago1 comment1 person in discussion
We have been making edits to the Campaign called "theground" and like others, we're not seeing any of this work reflected in the dashboard. Any ideas about why? Machadorobert (talk) 18:12, 18 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 5 days ago12 comments4 people in discussion
Is there any way to find out what events are running on a specific date? At Wikidata right now we're seeing a lot of new editors creating items related to Nigeria, but the editors don't appear to have received any training in notability or other policies and guidelines, so we're probably going to have to delete pretty much all of it. I'd like to be able to get in touch with the organizers. Bovlb (talk) 17:52, 19 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Back to your original question, you can browse all the events on the dashboard but many are "open" for long periods of time and overlap with each other - so that might not help much with what you wanted to ultimately accomplish. — xaosfluxTalk19:50, 19 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
The event continues to have activity. Both facilitators and 16 problem contributors have been contacted, but none have responded. Two of the contributors have now been blocked, and it looks like we'll be starting on mass deletions shortly.
It looks like only one of them (@Iwuala_Lucy) has been active on any project. Is it normal for facilitators to be inactive during events?
I have not emailed. We generally discourage email on-project and expect people to respond to pings and user talk messages. I've noticed that people on meta, including WMF staff, are very bad at responding, in some cases talking months to reply or simply disappearing from the project. Do you think I should be sending emails to tell people they have messages awaiting their attention? That should not be normal practice. Do you think that blocking the facilitators on the project would be enough to get their attention? Bovlb (talk) 00:07, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
If they are on-wiki contributions, a talk message on the project where the contributions are happening should be enough. Blocking likely won't get their attention if they are not on-wiki. I suspected they weren't onwiki, that's why I suggested dropping them an email - even if it is just something like "We think there is a problem related to your event, see your talk page here: xxxx". 00:14, 22 February 2025 (UTC) — xaosfluxTalk00:14, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
OK. I don't really think it's acceptable behaviour to organize an event that causes problems and then fail to respond to pings and messages, but I have emailed them as you suggested.
On another note, do you know if there is any procedure for requesting that users lose facilitator privileges on the events dashboard? Bovlb (talk) 01:24, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Bovlb hopping in here to clarify. Contrary to the thought of not responding to notifications, you will notice that not much has happened from my and I had to squeeze out time to respond to this as I receive the email. Yes, there is a project ongoing of which I am to co-facilitate - I have not commenced on my role. I have reached out to @Jerry minor who will be in a more better position to respond to this enquiries. Iwuala Lucy (talk) 04:38, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Bovlb the articles were created from an off wiki interaction with some students from my academic class. I am surprised to see that most of them are doing the wrong thing. I have asked them to stop creating items while I meet up for a follow-up session. Thanks.Jerry minor (talk) 06:30, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 days ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hello. Some of the tabs of the dashboard aren't updating. Here is the link to my event dashboard: Work Experience for High School Students If it wasn't for the Activity tab clearly showing activity, then I'd be worried that my participants weren't doing anything at all! It seems to be the Home, Editors, and Upload tabs that are affected (my participants weren't editing, so Articles may also be affected). Clicking on the profile link for an editor also fails to show any onward links to contributions, even though I can see that contributions have been made. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated. Drkirstyross (talk) 11:47, 21 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Having the same issue in mine [[19]]. The grey text appears to imply that our event refreshes every 40 minutes, but it looks like it took one whole day to update with someone above. Any idea why that is?
Latest comment: 16 days ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I see that the tool reports counts of article creations and edits. Do these include articles that were deleted and edits that were reverted? I think it would be useful to call them out separately, given that some events seem to result in complete deletion/reversion and so the dashboard gives a very misleading view, suggesting success where there is actually failure. Bovlb (talk) 17:39, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 days ago18 comments2 people in discussion
I asked this in a thread above, but I don't want it to get lost in the noise, and it seems important enough to have its own thread. What is the process for having someone removed as a facilitator or organizer, either for abuse or lack of competence? Bovlb (talk) 17:42, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I suppose if there is misuse of that tool occurring, one of the tool admins could remove a facilitator. Personally, I'd be unlikely to act on something that wasn't an actual misuse of the tool itself or some sort of emergency situation - but other admins might (my admin use on here is primarily technical in nature, not operational). There are foundation staff involved in this program that may have better answers. — xaosfluxTalk19:28, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
OK, just so I'm clear: If we have a situation where a outreach event is costing much more than any benefit it brings (in terms of disruption to projects, volunteer time, the effect on participants who are blocked or whose contributions are deleted, and the general damage to WMF's reputation), then that does not merit any intervention, and the organizers/facilitators should be free to repeat this with future events? If so, then this is not well-aligned with the perspective of volunteers on the projects being affected. Bovlb (talk) 20:40, 22 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
That's a good question for the WMF resources here. Note, removing an event's coordinator, even deleting an event on the dashboard is not going to stop contributors from contributing to projects. Usually the dashboard is just part of a larger set of organization that is occurring off-wiki. — xaosfluxTalk03:41, 23 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
OK. It looks like we're going to be introducing a new policy soon that Wikidata-related events must have at least one credentialed Wikidata trainer. Do you have any thoughts on how that requirement could be enforced through the dashboard? Bovlb (talk) 04:11, 23 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Let me ask the same question another way. If I want to present the case for removing an organizer/facilitator/instructor, what is the correct venue in which to do that? Bovlb (talk) 22:01, 23 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Right now, it's probably this talk page. But, this program is heavily supported by staff - so let's see what they have to say. Besides staff, the dashboard volunteer admins are listed here: Programs_&_Events_Dashboard/Admins. dashboard admins can stop a program, but we can't really stop a person from starting a new one. And PED admins have no special access to projects. If someone is disrupting a project, project management processes are usually going to be the quickest way to deal with it (e.g. communicating with contributors, blocking disruptive contributors). — xaosfluxTalk23:19, 23 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I'm not sure I'm understanding things correctly. Are you saying that admins can stop existing programs, but anyone can just create new ones, and there's no filter or credentialing of dashboard users at all? So someone who was blocked on a project could create an event targetting that project? What if they were blocked on meta or globally locked? Bovlb (talk) 19:47, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
If they are globally locked they won't be able to sign on, so that will certainly stop them. AFAIK PED doesn't care about blocks (I did a test with one of my alts, and was able to create a program on PED while that account was blocked here). Outreach staff will need to answer this more. — xaosfluxTalk19:50, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. That seems like an odd omission. Requesting a global lock because someone may not be a competent instructor on one project seems disproportionate as a minimum possible intervention. Bovlb (talk) 19:56, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Right. And we could certainly block them locally (although in many cases they might not even notice). The oddity here is that the disruption is both indirect and magnified. We don't normally block editors for being inexperienced and ignorant, but we do not want them to act as trainers either. Experience shows that editors who have no regard for notability or responding to feedback don't tend to instill either in their students.
If the Wikidata project changes its policy as a result of the RFC, then this might require some enhancements to the PED in order to comply. Bovlb (talk) 20:25, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I have a feeling most PED programs aren't focused on wikidata - they are almost always focused on encyclopedia projects. And lots of projects do all sorts of other events, editathons, etc that aren't part of this program. Did you find an example of a program that was actually set to wikidata as it's primary project? — xaosfluxTalk22:00, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply