Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Capacity Building/zh
Movement Strategy Working Groups |
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Thematic Working Groups (2018-2019) |
Writing Working Groups (2019-2020) |
![]() | Movement strategy working groups are currently undergoing a transition as the process moves from drafting recommendations to synthesizing those recommendations into one coherent set. We are not in an open consultation phase at the moment, but you can review the draft recommendations below. |

- 对运动能力建设方面的投资目标;
- 了解我们需要在运动中具备的能力,并确定目标小组的优先事项;
- 培养领导技能,以便在我们的运动中树立领导力并培养专业知识(在志愿者和员工中);
- 采取系统化方法挖掘、招募并保留具备必要技能的人员(志愿者和工作人员),以帮助在全球运动中向我们的*战略方向前进;
- 进行组织和文化变革。
- 运动各环节中的能力建设总体目标是什么?
- 运动中的领导力培养和能力建设如何支持我们的“知识即服务”和“知识公平”战略重点?
- 我们需要在运动中具备什么能力?如何培养这些能力?
- 我们已经具备哪些能力,在哪些地区和社区具备这些能力,以及我们需要弥补哪些差距才能取得成功?
- 合作伙伴组织需要哪些能力来助力我们完成使命,以及我们如何支持这些能力的培养?
姓名 | 组织/项目 | 角色 | 地区 |
Dariusz Jemelniak | 维基媒体基金会 | 董事会成员 | 中欧和东欧、北美 |
Edgar José Rosero Villacís | Wikimedians of Ecuador | 志愿者 | 拉丁美洲 |
Hüseyin Hakan Özdemir | 土耳其維基媒體社群用戶組 | 志愿者 | 中歐和東歐 |
Jeffrey Keefer | Wiki LGBT+ 用户群;维基媒体(纽约) | 志愿者 | 北美、西欧 |
Michal Lester | 维基媒体(以色列) | 工作人员 | 西亚 |
Simona Ramkisson | 维基媒体基金会 | 工作人员 | 北美 |
Nicola Zeuner | 维基媒体(德国) | 工作人员 | 中欧 |
Oscar Costero | 维基媒体(委内瑞拉) | 董事会成员 | 南非 |
Papischou | 维基媒体社区用户群(科特迪瓦) | 董事会成员 | 西非 |
Rebecca O'Neill | 维基媒体社区(爱尔兰) | 工作人员 | 西欧 |
Sailesh Patnaik | 维基媒体(奥迪亚) | 志愿者 | 南亚 |
ShangKuan Liang-chih | 台灣維基媒體協會 | 董事会成员 | 东亚 |
Winifred Olliff | 维基媒体基金会 | 工作人员 | 北美 |
Reports and documents
- Building Capacity for Capacity Building
- Matching human assets and online knowledge resources with capacity building needs
- Capacity Building Should Occur in Context
- Provide Capacity Building for Organizational Development
Or: Supporting communities in achieving their organizational development goals - Resources for Capacity Building
- Evaluating Capacity Building
- Online Training
- Mentoring and leadership development
- Recognizing Individuals
- Independently governed Capacity Building ‘Unit’
First draft recommendations are available as well (August 2019).
There is also an abbreviated, translated version prepared for easier engagement.
The slides for our presentation at Wikimania 2019 are here and the one-pager that summarizes our recommendations we distributed is here.
Scoping document
- 2019年8月:博客文章Walking the Talk (English)
- 会议纪要=== Wikimedia Summit documentation (2019) ===
- Arising questions
Resulting from the discussions on the scoping questions presented at the Wikimedia Summit, the Capacity Building Working Group has divided the work into a number of mini-groups:
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Participation
- Allocation of Resources
- Methods and Tools for Capacity Building
- Roles, Responsibilities, and a System for Capacity Building
- Capacities for the Movement Stakeholders
- Communication as a Capacity within the Wikimedia Movement
- Continuous Evaluation of Capacity Building
- Methods and Tools for Capacity Building
This mini-groups areas of consideration:
- What tools and methods work best locally, regionally and internationally? What are the resources that already exist in the movement?
- How do we grow the available tools beyond training, identifying innovative and effective formats?
- Continuous Evaluation of Capacity Building
This mini-groups areas of consideration:
- Continuous evaluation as a form of community resilience?
- How can evaluation make sure that people feel safe in reporting?
- Contextualization: Adaptable and flexible learning and training infrastructure.
- Systematic and continuous engagement between people.
此概述为 2018 年维基媒体会议上关于“能力建设”的讨论结果。小组讨论了下列事项:1. 该主题领域的范围;2. 应加入工作组的人员;3. 工作组的运作方式。
- 会谈关注点
正如工作组在 WMCON18 中所述,其范围与“角色和责任”工作组以及负责研究能力建设领域(例如收入流和技术)的工作组重复。
内容 | 对象 | 方式 |
主要关注全面实验研究的重要性,以了解不同层面的不同需求:维基媒体运动和自由知识社区;治理和决策制定结构;附属机构。 |
- Capacity Building (WP:EN article)
- Community Capacity Development
- Overview of assessment tools
- Community Capacity Map
- Organizational effectiveness: Capacity building for committees
- Organizational Effectiveness Tool – Next steps and making a capacity building plan
- Partnerships & Resource Development
- Communications resources: capacity building
- Wikimedia Conference 2017 Capacity Building Track documentation
- What is Capacity Building?
- Organizational Capacity Building Literature Review (2011)
- Building the Nonprofit Board of Directors
- Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations
- Capacity Building for Governance: A Literature Review
- Assessment of Capacity Building Needs of NGOs in Lebanon
- Sibylle Studer and Georg von Schnurbein 213:Organizational Factors Affecting Volunteers: A Literature Review on Volunteer Coordination. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit OrganizationsVol. 24, No. 2 (June 2013), pp. 403-440