![]() | For legal and security reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation has decided to require two-factor authentication for this role. |
Styuardlar — barcha umumiy Wikimedia vikilarida wiki interfeysiga toʻliq kirish huquqiga ega foydalanuvchilar global guruhi. Ular foydalanuvchilarning barcha mahalliy va global huquqlarini oʻzgartirish, global hisoblarning holati va nomini oʻzgartirish, shuningdek administratorlar va rasmiyatchilar uchun mavjud boʻlgan har qanday ruxsatnomalarni olish uchun texnik imkoniyatlarga ega hisoblanadi. Styuard huquqlaridan foydalanish siyosat tomonidan cheklangan; Favqulodda vaziyatlar bundan mustasno, agar mahalliy foydalanuvchilar mavjud boʻlsa, styuardlar oʻzlarining texnik foydalanish imkoniyatlaridan foydalanmaydilar. Bu ularga administrator va rasmiyatchi sifatida mahalliy administrator va rasmiyatchilarsiz loyihalarda qatnashish imkoniyatini beradi.
Styuardlar global Vikimedia hamjamiyati tomonidan yanvar va fevral oylarida har yili oʻtkaziladigan boshqaruvchi saylovlar orqali saylanadi. Styuardlar ko'ngillilardir, ya'ni ular Vikimedia fondida ishlamaydi. Styuardlar ham arbitr yoki vositachi emas; kichik loyihadagi ziddiyatni hal qilish uchun mahalliy hal qilishga urinib ko'ring va agar mahalliy yechimga erishib bo'lmasa, Meta-Wikida sharh so'rovini yuboring.
Hozirda Wikimedia harakatida 34 styuardlar bor.
Styuard guruhi 2004-yilda foydalanuvchi huquqlarini boshqarishni dasturiy ta'minotni ishlab chiqish va tizim boshqaruvidan ajratish maqsadida yaratilgan. Styuardlarga dastlab faqat Meta-Wiki orqali barcha foydalanuvchi huquqlarini o'zgartirish imkoniyati berildi. Styuardlar guruhi yaratilgunga qadar ishlab chiquvchilar mahalliy byurokratlarsiz wikilardagi foydalanuvchi huquqlarini o'zgartirishlari kerak edi.
2008-yilda CentralAuth kengaytmasi joriy etilganda styuardlarga global hisoblarni boshqarish mas’uliyati yuklangan edi. 2015-yilda bir foydalanuvchiga kirishni yakunlash tugallangach, ular global hisoblar nomini o‘zgartirish uchun ham mas’ul bo‘ldilar – bu mas’uliyat global qayta nomlovchilar bilan bo‘linadi.
Birinchi saylovlar 2004-yilda bo'lib o'tdi, keyingi yillarda yillik yoki yarim yillik saylovlar o'tkaziladi. Ikki saylov bilan oxirgi yil 2011-yil edi.
Steward elections are held between January and February every year, with voting lasting for three weeks in February. Candidates must meet account and activity requirements, including holding administrator rights on one Wikimedia wiki for at least three months, and made 600 edits, with 50 made within the last six months. Voting is also restricted to users with 600 edits and 50 in the last six months. Candidates are elected by a vote, requiring 80% support and at least 30 supporting votes to be elected. There is no limit to the number of users that can hold steward rights, or the number of stewards that can be elected during each election cycle. Because stewards can access personal information and suppressed data, stewards also need to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Existing stewards are confirmed every year at the same time as the elections. The first stage of the confirmations is a community comment period, where any user is free to comment for or against any of the current stewards. These comments should be directed specifically at the use of the steward permissions, or at other relevant factors for whether a steward should retain or lose their permissions. After the community comment period is closed, all new and existing stewards deliberate on the results. A steward is removed if a majority of other stewards vote for removal in the deliberations.
Kirishni olib tashlash
Stewards are automatically removed for inactivity if they have performed no actions within the past six months, and less than ten actions within the last year.
Stewards are primarily responsible for performing the following technical actions:
- Global hisob managementi
- Lock and unlock global accounts
- Hide and suppress global accounts
- Rename global accounts and local unattached accounts
- Globally block and unblock IP addresses and accounts
- Use the CheckUser tool on (statistics)
- Foydalanuvchi huquqlari managementi
- Assign and remove all local user rights on any account on any Wikimedia wiki
- Bot, administrator, interface administrator and bureaucrat rights are assigned on wikis without local bureaucrats
- CheckUser, oversight, and import rights are only assigned by stewards
- Assign and remove all global user rights
- Manage global group permissions and wikisets
- Turli xil
- Approve, disable, and suppress OAuth application requests
- Use any administrator, CheckUser, or oversighter access on wikis without local users in those permissions groups
- Respond to VRT tickets in the stewards' queue, or any of the information queues
- Delete pages with greater than 5 000 revisions
- Create and edit global abusefilters
Stewards are also responsible for the following non-technical actions:
- Closing and implementing requests for global community bans
- Acting as scrutineers for Arbitration Committee elections on some wikis
- Working with Wikimedia Foundation staff as the first point of contact with the community
Stewards are required to follow established community policies when using their permissions, and where policies do not exist, established practices are followed instead.
On wikis with local administrators or bureaucrats, stewards typically will not use their access unless there is an emergency. There is some leeway in policy for cross-wiki actions, but this is rarely applied.
User rights are not changed by stewards on wikis where they are an active member of the local community. This maintains the steward role as global in scope, and prevents them from becoming super-users of their home projects. Some permissions that are not held by local users and are uncontroversial to use, such as deleting pages with over 5,000 revisions using the bigdelete permission, are still used by stewards on their home projects.
Stewards are never compelled to take an action; as volunteers, they can always personally recuse from handling a request. They are also free to maintain and express their own opinions, so long as their use of the steward rights conforms with policy.
There are a number of ways to contact stewards, either individually or as a group:
- Email (normal): stewards or by using Special:Contact/Stewards
- Email (oversight requests): stewards-oversight or by using Special:EmailUser/Wikimedia Stewards (Oversight).
- Email (lock appeals): stewards-appeals
- IRC: #wikimedia-stewards – Add @steward before your request to ping all stewards currently in the channel
- Meta: Stewards' noticeboard or Steward requests
- Steward requests/Permissions for requests for local user rights
- Steward requests/Bot status for bot permissions requests
- Steward requests/Global permissions for requests for global user rights
- Steward requests/Global for global locking and blocking requests
- Steward requests/Username changes for account rename and username usurpation requests
- Steward requests/Miscellaneous for other requests, including bigdelete and OAuth app approval
- Individually, using the contact information provided in the list below
There is a private steward mailing list (Stewards-l) and wiki ( used for internal communication and organization.
Joriy styuardlar ro‘yxati
Last update: 2025-03-07; total number of stewards: 34
Nomi +/- | IRC nick | So‘zlasha oladigan tillari | dan faol |
1234qwer1234qwer4 | ru, de-4, en-3, la-1 | 2025-02-27 | |
Alaa (علاء) | Alaa | ar, en-4, he-1, es-1 | 2018-02-28 |
Ajraddatz | Ajraddatz (discord) | en, fr-3 | 2024-02-27 |
Albertoleoncio | pt, en-3 | 2024-02-27 | |
AntiCompositeNumber | AntiComposite | en, fr-2 | 2022-02-26 |
AramilFeraxa | AramilFeraxa | pl, en-3, de-1 | 2025-02-27 |
Base | Base | uk, ru-4, en-2 | 2019-02-28 |
Bsadowski1 | Bsadowski1 | en | 2011-02-28 |
DerHexer | DerHexer | de, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1 | 2007-12-21 |
Daniuu | nl, en-4, fr-2, de-2, la-2 | 2025-02-27 | |
Elton | Elton | pt, en-2, es-1 | 2017-02-28 |
EPIC | EP1C | sv, en-4, no-2, de-1 | 2024-02-27 |
HakanIST | HakanIST | tr, en-4, az-3, es-2, de-1 | 2017-02-28 |
Hoo man | hoo | de, en-3, it-1, fr-1 | 2014-02-28 |
Johannnes89 | de, en-4 | 2024-02-27 | |
Jon Kolbert | kolbert | en, fr-4, de-2 | 2019-02-28 |
KonstantinaG07 | el-N, en-4, fr-2 | 2025-02-27 | |
MarcGarver | en, fr-2, it-2, es-1 | 2013-02-28 | |
Martin Urbanec | Urbanecm | cs, en-3 | 2020-02-28 |
Masti | masti | pl, en-4, de-3, ru-2, several -1 | 2016-02-28 |
MdsShakil | MdsShakil | bn-N, en-3, as-1, bpy-1 | 2025-02-27 |
Melos | it, en-3, scn-4, es-1, la-1 | 2024-02-27 | |
Mykola7 | Mykola7 | uk, ru-4, en-2, pl-1, de-1 | 2023-02-26 |
RadiX | RadiX | pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sk, sq, ms, hi)-0.5 | 2015-02-28 |
Sakretsu | Sakretsu | it, en-3, ja-2 | 2020-02-28 |
Schniggendiller | Schniggendiller | de, en-3 | 2019-02-28 |
Sotiale | Sotiale | ko, en-2, ja-2 (reading), ja-1 (writing), bi-1, tpi-0.5, eo-1 | 2020-02-28 |
Stryn | Stryn | fi, en-2, sv-1 | 2015-02-28 |
Tegel | Tegel | sv, en-3, da-1 (read), no-1 (read) | 2012-02-28 |
Vermont | Vermont | en, ru-2, es-1 | 2022-02-26 |
Wim b | Wim_b | it, en-2 | 2019-02-28 |
xaosflux | xaosflux | en-N, es-1, de-1 | 2023-02-26 |
XXBlackburnXx | nl, en-4, de-1, fr-1 | 2025-02-27 | |
Yahya | Yahya | bn-N, en-3, as-2, bpy-2 | 2024-02-27 |

Shuningdek qarang

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- Global groups