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Yordam:Birlashtirilgan login

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Unified login and the translation is 31% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Vikimedia global hisobi (baʼzan Vikimedia birlshtirilgan hisob yozuvi yoki SUL/foydalanuvchi hisobi deb ataladi) barcha Vikimedia loyihalari boʻylab (Wikitechdan tashqari) saqlangan yagona foydalanuvchi nomidir. Bu hisob sizga Vikimedia boʻylab doimiy identifikatorni beradi, global foydalanuvchi sahifalari kabi funksiyalarni yoqadi. Koʻplab viki loyihalarida avtomatik ravishda tizimga kirgan holda tahrir qilishingizga yordam beradi. Shuningdek, siz global hisob qaydnomangiz bilan istalgan umumiy Vikimedia loyihasiga kirishingiz mumkin.

Global hisoblar haqida

Bu nima

Vikimedia jamgʻarmasi koʻp tillarda tahrirlanadigan vikilarni boshqaradi. Anʼanaga koʻra, foydalanuvchilar har bir vikida alohida foydalanuvchi hisoblarini yaratishlari kerak edi. Bu koʻplab vikilarda ishtirok etishni qiyinlashtirardi, ayniqsa Wikimedia Commons multimedia integratsiyasini muhim oʻringa olib chiqdi. Vikimaʼlumot vikilararo havolalar uchun markaziy vikiga aylandi.

Global hisob yozuvingiz ushbu muammolarni barcha vikilarda saqlanib qolishi va ilgari kirilmagan vikiga kirganingizda avtomatik ravishda mahalliy hisobingizni yaratish orqali paydo boʻladi.

Global hisobingiz tafsilotlarini koʻrish uchun Special:CentralAuthdan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Siz Special:Preferencesda sozlagan elektron pochta manzili va parolingiz barcha vikilarda qoʻllaniladi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, siz har qanday umumiy Vikimedia loyihasiga faqat bitta foydalanuvchi nomi va parol bilan kirishingiz mumkin.

Bu nimani oʻzgartiradi

Har qanday vikida foydalanuvchi nomini roʻyxatdan oʻtkazilganda, avtomatik ravishda boshqalarida saqlanib qoladi. Foydalanuvchilar faqat bitta hisobda elektron pochta manzillarini oʻrnatishlari va tasdiqlashlari kerak. Har qanday vikidagi parolni oʻzgartirish uni barcha vikilarda mos ravishda oʻzgartiradi. Special:UserLogin foydalanuvchini bir vaqtning oʻzida har bir vikida qayd qiladi.

Qoʻshimcha vikilar foydalanuvchining loginiga birinchi marta tashrif buyurganida qoʻshiladi va bu vikida mahalliy hisob yaratiladi. Masalan, Commons va Nemis Vikipediyalarining oddiy foydalanuvchisi Inglizcha Vikikitoblarga avtomatik ravishda kirmaydi, lekin agar bu foydalanuvchi tizimga kirganida bir marta Inglizcha Vikikitoblarga kirsa, u har safar Inglizcha Vikikitoblarga kiradi. Qaysi vikilarga kirganingizni koʻrish uchun qarang Special:CentralAuth.

What it doesn't change

  • Some things are still local:
    • User rights are mostly local, which means that administrators do not have administrator access everywhere. Global groups such as global rollback, global sysop, global interface editors and global IP block exemption can be requested at Steward requests/Global permissions.
    • User preferences are local, although the email address only needs to be set and confirmed in one place. You can continue to have different preferences on different sites. It is possible however to set global preferences if you so wish.[1]
    • Blocks are local, meaning that users blocked on one wiki can still edit other wikis, unless otherwise blocked by an administrator on that wiki. However, if an account is globally locked or globally blocked, then that applies to all wikis.
  • Users can still have differently named accounts on two sites; however, these accounts cannot be linked together into one global account.
  • The global account system is only available for open Wikimedia projects; sites which run on the MediaWiki software but are not operated by the Foundation will continue to have separate account systems, even if they installed CentralAuth extension, which is responsible for the unified login system.


Currently Wikitech is being migrated to SUL. Check your Special:CentralAuth to see if you have an unattached Wikitech account.

Frequently asked questions

Can my global username be renamed?

Yes. You can request renames by using this form or by placing a request at Steward requests/Username changes, where a steward or a global renamer will look into your request. See the global rename policy for details.

I have two or more accounts with different names. Can they be merged into one account?

If they're on different wikis, then it is theoretically possible to merge them into one global account with a consistent name, but the process is complicated and rarely done. If they are on the same wiki, then it is outright not possible to merge accounts.

Will I have autoconfirmed status on other wikis?

No. You will have to wait the appropriate amount of time and do the appropriate amount of edits after first logging into each particular wiki, before getting autoconfirmed status.

Can I merge accounts from restricted-account-creation wikis?

No, this is not possible. Fishbowl and private wikis are not part of the Unified Login system and use their own separate accounts.

Why does my login fail on another Wikimedia wiki after I have logged in?

This is not a failure of the unified login system, it is typically a related issue of a browser preventing the login through restricting cookies being set for your login.

Noting that each sister set of wikis has a different base domain name, eg. wikipedia.org, wikimedia.org, wikisource.org, etc. and the cookies are set accordingly. If your login constantly fails, you should consider lodging a Phabricator bug report.
