logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
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- Personal info: Each year I try to write down a yearly balance of stewards' activity/my own activity. I'll start with cons: this year we lost/we are about to lose some important fellow steward. This brought (IMHO) to weakening our ability to work as a team. And, as a consequence, to react to non-ordinary challenges we have to face. Also, we still lacks of some technical instrument like better ways to handle spam or the ability to whitelist IPs caught in global blocks (this will truly reduce my personal workload). As pros: I don't know if it was a consequence of global renaming requests or wikidata moving a large number of users to global projects but I feel like the overall wiki* community is getting more and more aware of global roles/issues/activities. Also, I think we are reacting in the right way to an Internet which is moving to mobile platforms though this still is a challenge. This year I was able to have a fair level of timely responses though I hope I'll be able to find a way to improve block messages using ad hoc localized templates. I seek confirmation because I think I can still be somehow useful to the project(s), I use to give precedence to substance over form, though I accept recalls to do not completely ignore the first one. I just hope we will have the strength and commitment to accept new challenges without ignoring them. My main working areas will remain lta "management", open proxies/botnets detection and checkusering.
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- ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
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- Προσωπικές πληροφορίες: Κάθε χρόνο προσπαθώ να γράψω ένα ισολογισμό της δραστηριότητας των επιτρόπων και της δικής μου δραστηριότητας. Θα ξεκινήσω με τα κατά: αυτή τη χρονιά χάσαμε/θα χάσουμε σε λίγο κάποιους σημαντικούς συναδέλφους επιτρόπους. Αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσμα (ΚΤΓΜ) στην αποδυνάμωση της ικανότητάς μας να εργαστούμε ως ομάδα. Και, κατά συνέπεια, να αντιδράσουμε σε μη συνηθισμένες προκλήσεις που έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε. Επίσης, ακόμα μας λείπουν κάποια τεχνικά μέσα, όπως καλύτερους τρόπους να χειριστούμε το σπαμ, να εξαιρέσουμε IP που εμπίπτουν σε καθολικές φραγές (αυτό πραγματικά θα μειώσει τον προσωπικό μου φόρτο εργασίας). Τα υπέρ: δεν ξέρω αν αυτό ήταν αποτέλεσμα των αιτημάτων καθολικών μετονομασιών ή το ότι τα wikidata μετακίνησαν μεγάλο αριθμό χρηστών σε καθολικά εγχειρήματα, αλλά αισθάνομαι ότι η συνολική wiki-κοινότητα αρχίζει να γνωρίζει τους καθολικούς ρόλους/ζητήματα/δραστηριότητες. Επίσης, πιστεύω ότι αντιδρούμε με το σωστό τρόπο σε ένα Διαδίκτυο που κινείται προς τις κινητές πλατφόρμες αν και αυτό είναι ακόμα πρόκληση. Αυτή τη χρονιά μπόρεσα να διατηρήσω ικανοποιητικό επίπεδο έγκαιρων αντιδράσεων αν και πιστεύω ότι θα βρω ένα τρόπο να βελτιώσω τα μηνύματα φραγής χρησιμοποιώντας ad hoc τοπικά πρότυπα. Ζητώ επιβεβαίωση γιατί πιστεύω ότι ακόμα μπορώ να είμαι με κάποιο τρόπο χρήσιμος στα εγχειρήματα. Συνηθίζω να δίνω προτεραιότητα στην ουσία αντί για τους τύπους, ωστόσο δέχομαι συστάσεις να μην αγνοώ εντελώς τους πρώτους. Απλά πιστεύω ότι θα έχουμε τη δύναμη και τη δέσμευση να δεχτούμε νέες προκλήσεις χωρίς να τις αγνοήσουμε. Οι κύριοι τομείς εργασίας μου θα παραμείνουν η διαχείρηση μακροχρόνιων καταχρήσεων, ανίχνευση open proxies/botnets και διενέργεια checkuser.
- Idiomas: …
- Información personal: Cada año intento anotar un balance anual de la actividad de los stewards y mi propia actividad. Empezaré por los contras: este año perdimos/estamos a punto de perder un importante steward. Esto trajo (IMHO) a debilitar nuestra capacidad de trabajar en equipo. Y, como consecuencia, para reaccionar a los desafíos no ordinarios que tenemos que afrontar. Además, todavía falta de algún instrumento técnico como mejores maneras de manejar el spam o la capacidad de manejar la lista blanca de IPs en bloques globales (esto realmente reducirá mi carga de trabajo personal). Como pros: No sé si fue una consecuencia de las peticiones de renombrado global o Wikidata mover un gran número de usuarios a proyectos globales, pero siento que la comunidad wiki global está cada vez más consciente de los roles/problemas/actividades globales. Además, creo que estamos reaccionando de la manera correcta a un Internet que se está moviendo a las plataformas móviles aunque esto todavía es un desafío. Este año he podido tener un buen nivel de respuestas oportunas, aunque espero poder encontrar una manera de mejorar los mensajes de bloqueo usando plantillas ad hoc localizadas. Busco la confirmación porque creo que todavía puede ser de alguna manera útil para el/los proyecto(s), que utilizo para dar precedencia a la sustancia sobre la forma, aunque acepto recuerdo no ignorar por completo la primera. Sólo espero que tengamos la fuerza y el compromiso de aceptar nuevos desafíos sin ignorarlos. Mis principales áreas de trabajo seguirán siendo la gestión LTA, proxies abiertos/detección de botnets y verificaciones CheckUser.
- Lingue: …
- Informazioni personali: Ogni anno provo a buttare giù un bilancio annuale dell'attività degli steward/della mia personale attività. Inizierò dai contro: quest'anno abbiamo perso/stiamo per perdere alcuni importanti membri. Questo ha causato (a mio giudizio) un indebolimento della nostra capacità di lavorare in gruppo. E, di conseguenza, di reagire ad alcune sfide non comuni che dovremmo affrontare. Inoltre, ci mancano alcuni strumenti tecnici come mezzi più efficaci per combattere lo spam e un meccanismo per sbloccare un solo ip all'interno di un range (questo ridurrebbe fortemente il mio carico di lavoro personale). Come pro: non so se è a causa delle richieste di rinomina globale o di Wikidata che spingono un gran numero di utenti verso progetti globali ma ho come l'impressione che l'intera comunità wiki* sia sempre più consapevole dei ruoli/problemi/attività globali. Sono anche convinto che stiamo reagendo bene a un Internet che si sposta sempre più su mobile, malgrado ciò rimanga ancora una sfida. Quest'anno sono stato in grado di avere un discreto livello di risposte rapide, ma spero di trovare un modo per migliorare i messaggi di blocco attraverso template localizzati. Chiedo di essere confermato in quanto credo di poter essere ancora utile per i progetti, solitamente do più importanza alla forma che alla sostanza ma accetto i richiami a non ignorare la prima. Spero solo che avremo la forza e l'impegno necessari ad accettare nuove sfide senza ignorarle. Le mie principali aree di interesse rimarranno la "gestione" degli abusi di lungo termine, l'individuazione di open proxy/botnet e il checkusering.
- Taalvaardigheid: …
- Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
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- Личная информация: translation needed
Keep, good steward. --Steinsplitter (talk) 14:04, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Highly active through the entire year and actions were reasonable. --Rschen7754 14:12, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep essential--Shivanarayana (talk) 14:31, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Jianhui67 talk★contribs 14:34, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Strong oppose He thinks he's above the rules (he broke a policy in order to evaluate a vote/"discussion" in a way he personally wanted - See [1]). He also thinks that banning a user who did no harm to the project at all is not a harassment. Vituzzu helps harassing users on some small projects. --Auvajs (talk) 14:42, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--GZWDer (talk) 14:42, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Strong keep, good steward. --Ks-M9 [disc.] 14:43, 8 February 2017 (UTC).
Keep good to go! --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 14:47, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Rodrigodacuna (talk) 15:06, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Yeza (talk) 15:20, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Euphydryas (msg) 15:23, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep —Alvaro Molina (✉ - ✔) 15:47, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Lenka64 (talk) 16:04, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Martin Urbanec (talk) 16:30, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Oppose 1) too much blocks of inocent contributors, 2) biased against some users, 3) slandering, 4) supports undermining Wikimedia principles and dictatorships.--Juandev (talk) 16:35, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
- @Juandev: Have any diffs to back this up? Cameron11598 (talk) 17:14, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
- 1) Well you can see it in the logs and many complains on his discussion page here on meta. I wonder how many are those, who havent complained and just left the project. Of course to fight vandalism is very difficult, but Wikimadia movment is not in the state of being able to loose volunteers. 2) I am sorry, I dont have a time to look for all of those diffs, nor collecting them to the database, but the last example of this behaviour could be seen in his statements here. 3) also at the previous link, 4) if he is vary active in showing a supporting of people, who are in conflict of interest and who are accused from udermaning projects, he is a supporter of that. His statements are very close to lies (see the previous links). The last support of these conflict individuals could be seen also on the previous link, where his behaviour is even criticized by other stewards. Deffinitely the person who is in the interest of conflict, whould not be the one to close request in favour of the persons, he supports.--Juandev (talk) 18:09, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
- @Juandev: Have any diffs to back this up? Cameron11598 (talk) 17:14, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep no concerns, good and active steward. —Ah3kal (talk) 16:45, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep one of the best we have. And regarding what Juandev states. Links or it didn't happen. Natuur12 (talk) 17:00, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Seems level headed, and competent with the tools. Cameron11598 (talk) 17:14, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Nungalpiriggal (talk) 17:41, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Chansey (talk) 17:48, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep of course. – Ajraddatz (talk) 18:18, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep -jkb- 18:51, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Pracchia-78 (talk) 19:31, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep -FASTILY 20:01, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Bookvaedina (talk) 21:35, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --DCB (talk) 21:37, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Lepido (talk) 21:40, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Mr-Shadow (talk) 21:45, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep MechQuester (talk) 22:17, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep - for sure --Rax (talk) 22:21, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep - εΔω 23:02, 8 February 2017 (UTC) Salutamu!
Keep Valued steward, takes difficult decisions when needed. Savhñ 23:12, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep —DoRD talk 23:14, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep — regards, Revi 23:37, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Yiyi (talk) 23:49, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep. Iazyges (talk) 00:13, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep - Thanks for your work on Wikiversity! --Marshallsumter (talk) 01:36, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep. Geagea (talk) 06:28, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Aplasia (talk) 08:27, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Thanks for getting rid of the vandals! --Ruthven (talk) 08:32, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep MoiraMoira (talk) 09:55, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep. Rzuwig► 11:13, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Umberto NURS (msg) 11:42, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep — TBloemink talk 13:41, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Udo T. (talk) 14:32, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Leon saudanha (talk) 14:43, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Excellent activity and reasonable actions (and sorry you got involved in the long Czech conflict) — NickK (talk) 16:00, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
- Strong
Keep, highly active, competent and trustworthy, great steward.--Syum90 (talk) 19:57, 9 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Woodwalkertalk 02:24, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Efficient activity, as far as I can tell. --——d—n—f (talk) 07:45, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep. Good work! Taivo (talk) 08:14, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --НУРшЯGIO(beware of the moose) 17:19, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep —MarcoAurelio 22:29, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep. — Ping08 (talk) 07:50, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Krd 11:53, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Eumolpo (πῶς λέγεις; = che vuoi dire?) 14:57, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Klaas `Z4␟` V: 16:03, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Matanya (talk) 18:21, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --თოგო (D) 21:41, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep -- Avi (talk) 05:30, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Howan Hansi (talk) 08:13, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep -- Wagino 20100516 (talk) 11:03, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep competent, active, though can be heavy-handed — billinghurst sDrewth 12:52, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Archenzo (talk) 16:05, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Ghilt (talk) 20:28, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Dome A disposizione! 23:49, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Lucas (talk) 04:29, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Gridditsch (talk) 09:23, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Stryn (talk) 09:34, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
- Diligent enough. — regards, Revi 12:57, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Neutral --Plagiat (talk) 20:31, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Tchoř (talk) 22:17, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Kal-El drop me a line! 23:54, 13 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --JustBerry (talk) 06:53, 14 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--AryanSogd (t) 17:52, 14 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--Fernando.tassone (talk) 21:35, 14 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Jmvkrecords ⚜ (Intra talk) 06:58, 15 February 2017 (UTC).
Keep, Ζήτω η Καλαβρία ελληνική !! ----KoriAna 1 (talk) 12:41, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Elmie (talk) 17:36, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Lepricavark (talk) 19:12, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Melos (talk) 19:33, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Matěj Suchánek (talk) 20:04, 16 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --TJH2018talk 22:28, 17 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --cyrfaw (talk) 08:56, 18 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --İncelemeelemani (talk) 12:35, 19 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep, good--Geoide (talk) 17:40, 19 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep -Barras talk 17:30, 20 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Eraevsky (обс.) 13:23, 21 February 2017 (UTC)
Neutral --Minoo (talk) 18:13, 21 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Samuele2002 (talk) 19:19, 21 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Thank you for your countervandalism work. --Sintakso (talk) 19:38, 21 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Zyephyrus (talk) 21:53, 22 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Harlock81 (talk) 12:15, 23 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep thanks for your work --Itti (talk) 21:29, 23 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 13:29, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Alex brollo (talk) 23:34, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep--L736E (talk) 18:34, 25 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep, Melquíades (msg) 09:36, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --rxy (talk) 10:10, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Quiddity (talk) 22:19, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Everybody does appreciate your efforts on the countervandalism thread. Thanks for your time. RadiX∞ 04:54, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Biplab Anand (Talk) 16:19, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --Uğurkenttalk 19:34, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep --masti <talk> 22:22, 27 February 2017 (UTC)
Keep Certamente. Snowolf How can I help? 09:51, 28 February 2017 (UTC)