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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Report/Intermediate report 2023

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General information[edit]

Title and acronym (short title) of the project: Open Science for Arts, Design and Music – OS-ADM
Start date project: 01.01.2022
End date project: 31.12.2024
First & last name Project management: Dr. Iolanda Pensa
Institution Project management: SUPSI Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
E-Mail Project management: Iolanda.Pensa@supsi.ch
Total federal contribution requested: 348’460.00 CHF
Total project costs: 798.460 CHF

Intermediary Review[edit]


Based on the project objectives, give a brief account of the activities and the achievement of objectives over the entire duration of the project.[edit]

In order to support the implementation of swissuniversities Open Access action plan 2021–2024, the OS-ADM research project produces guidelines and training, and negotiates with national and international publishers in the disciplinary fields of arts, design and music.

The project is implementing the activities as planned, with minor variations and better results than expected.

Project objectives as planned Activities and deliverables as planned, with status Intermediary review (June 2023) Variations
Monitoring of research practices in the fields of ADM. Ongoing - Guidelines Case studies (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Guidelines/Case_studies): collection of case studies from project partners, data processing, extrapolation of main issues and shared challenges in the fields of art, design and music, suggestion of solutions and best practices after consultation with lawyers (CCDigitalLaw and Noa Bacchetta), design of the guidelines and training programme based on data analysis from the case studies, upload of case studies on DARIAH SSH Open Marketplace (https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/).

Research Open Access in Art and Design Schools (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Open_science_among_schools_of_art_and_design): collection of data on the state of the art of open access in a sample of international art, design and music schools and universities, unoload of data on website.

+ Selection of 16 case studies analyzed (expected 10)

Publication of the case studies on Meta-wiki

Publication of the research on Meta-wiki

Monitoring of the practices of publishers specialised in ADM in the field of Open Access. Research on Openness of journals in the fields of art design and music (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Journals_and_publishers): collection of data on the state of the art of open access among journals in the fields of art design and music. Publication of the research on Meta-wiki
Providing guidelines to researchers on how to publish in Green and Gold Open Access and deal with common problems. Ongoing - Guidelines

√ 6 trainings for researchers (March-April 2023, October 2023)

√ 3 webinars (March-April 2023, October 2023)

Guidelines (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Guidelines/Open_Research_Work_Cycle): writing up of guidelines departing from the analysis of the case studies in cooperation with Dariah-EU and the lawyers.

Trainings and webinars (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Training/Webinars): organization of about 13 webinars in English related to Open Access in collaboration with Creative Commons International, DARIAH-CH, Wikidata and CCDigitalLaw; editing of the recording and upload on peertube and DARIAH-Campus (https://campus.dariah.eu/).

We produced two formats for the guidelines and we decided to finalize them by the end of the project.

+ We organized a design workshop at SUPSI to discuss and test the formats.

We anticipated the training and webinar program in 2022 (instead of 2023) to compensate the delay with the guidelines.

+ We organized 13 (expected 9).

Including Open Science (i.e. copyright management, open licenses, multimedia formats, reviewing processes) within students’ curricula √ 3 schools involved in the project organize workshops/seminars/courses related to Open Science for their students (March-April 2023, October 2023) Training programme in the schools involved in the project (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music/Training/Local_training):  in person and online training around topics related to Open Access organized by partner universities.

* HES-SO, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (ECAL, EDHEA, HEAD)

* HKB, Hochschule der Künste Bern

* SUPSI: targeting the community of researchers, teachers, students, librarians and admin people at SUPSI.

* ZHDK, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

+ Involvement of more than 3 schools in organizing a training programme
Implementing Open Access among institutional publications. - 70% of institutional publications in Green or Gold Open Access (June 2024) Activities planned for 2024

Institutional publications:

Collection of data related to institutional publications produced in the institutions involved in the project.

Synergy with the GOAL project.

Release of institutional publications in Open Access: magazine Artichoke (SUPSI, DACD).

We started working on data and contacts in 2023, instead of 2024.
Negotiating Open Access with publishers (Green and Gold Road) at a national and international level. - 3 international journals in Green or Gold Open Access (June 2024)

- 3 national publishers in Green or Gold Open Access options (June 2024)

Activities planned for 2024

Negotiation with publishers: collection of data on the state of the art of open access from academic journals and publishers in the disciplinary fields of art, design and music, sharing data with the GOAL research team and discussing a possible common negotiation strategy with publishers in the art, design and music sectors.

We started working on data and contacts in 2023, instead of 2024.
Guaranteeing the viability of the project once the funding from the OS programme stops Ongoing - Project structured in centralised services (2022-2024) and local services (meant to continue after the end of the project)

Ongoing - Training and coaching of local teams. Involvement of Swiss networks for the follow up of the project

The activities are implemented as planned.
Communication and dissemination Dissemination: participation in the study day organized by Dariah-CH (20.10.2022, USI, Mendrisio) with the presentation of a poster, collaboration with OpenGLAM CH in sponsoring and logistical support for the organization of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2022 at SUPSI, collaboration and logistical support for the organization of the Hackathon-GLAMHACK 2023 at MEG - Musée d'ethnographie de Genève.


How do you assess the capacity to achieve the objectives set by the project? To what extent do the objectives set need to be modified or adapted?[edit]

In the project we identified a series of indicators and verification measures to assess the capacity to achieve the objectives set by the project. We are implementing the project by considering those indicators. We do not expect to modify the objectives.  

Project objectives as planned Project indicators as planned, with status Variations
Monitoring of research practices in the field of ADM. √ Collecting information from ADM educational institutions in Switzerland (expecting 20 case studies, with a selection of 10).
Monitoring of the practices of publishers specialised in ADM in the field of Open Access. √ Review of the publications on DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

√ Networking with DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).

Providing guidelines to researchers on how to publish in Green and Gold Open Access and deal with common problems. Ongoing - Guidelines responding to a selection of 10 case studies and to common problems such as the production of multimedia formats in Open Access, the reuse and distribution of artwork and of third parties content under copyright, not accessible in public domain and subject to a series of restrictions; copyright management; use of content under open licenses and release of content under open licenses.

√ Reviews of the local teams.

√ 3 webinars

The guidelines are not finalized and they will be finalized by the end of the project.

The local teams are regularly involved in reviewing the project

+ 13 trainings and webinars

Including Open Science (i.e. copyright management, open licenses, multimedia formats, reviewing processes) within students’ curricula √ 3 schools involved in the project organize workshops/seminars/courses related to Open Science for their students. + All schools have been involved in local trainings
Implementing Open Access among institutional publications. Planned - 70% of institutional publications Open Access.
Negotiating Open Access with publishers (Green and Gold Road) at a national and international level. Planned - 3 specialized publishers in art and design with publications in German, French and Italian in Open Access.

To be implemented - 3 international publications in art and design in Open Access.

Guaranteeing the viability of the project once the funding from the OS programme stops √ All Swiss schools of art and design are involved in the project.

Which steps should be undertaken between your project and other initiatives/ projects to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and/or to stimulate synergies?[edit]

To avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to stimulate synergies the project has created national and international collaborations with institutions, networks and projects working in the fields of arts and humanities, open data and green open access. Please refer below to the current collaborations.

To facilitate interoperability and reuse, we publish all our documentation in CC BY 4.0 with the double license CC BY-SA 4.0 and we produce data under CC0.

Resource Mobilisation[edit]

Are adaptations needed in the workplan or the governance in order to achieve the objectives? If so, which ones and for what reasons?[edit]

The calendar presented in the original application has undergone minimal modifications that lead to a delay in the delivery of the guidelines (foreseen according to the initial plan in December 2022 and postponed to 2023). The delay in the publication of the guidelines is however compensated by the early organization of the activities planned for 2023 (training) and 2024 (publishers).

Are there new risks to consider, or risks to adapt in the pursuit of the project?[edit]

The project coordinator will be absent from June to October 2023. Strategies adopted to avoid the risk of delays include the recruitment of external collaborators who will join the team.

Are resources available within the project still sufficient to achieve the set/adapted objectives?[edit]

Yes, the available resources are sufficient to achieve the objectives.

What measures has the project taken to prevent duplication of effort and redundancy with other similar projects?[edit]

To prevent duplication of effort and redundancy with other similar projects, the project OS-ADM cooperates at a national and international level with relevant institutions and similar or complementary initiatives.

  • GOAL project. Early on in this project, we have initiated a collaboration with the research team GOAL (www.opengoal.ch/). GOAL is a swissuniversities co-funded project that focuses on Green Open Access among Swiss professional and scholarly Journals. The two projects have some similarities especially regarding the negotiation with publishers and journals. In order to avoid duplication, we shared data and agreed on negotiating strategies. To stimulate synergies, we updated each other on regular bases and are members of the respective advisory board.
  • DARIAH-EU and DARIAH-CH. Efforts to stimulate synergies with other initiatives also include our exchange with DARIAH-EU and DARIAH-CH through the sharing of materials and resources. We involved DARIAH-EU in the production of the guidelines, we share content with DARIAH SSH Open Marketplace (https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/) and SUPSI is now a member of DARIAH-CH, participating in its activities.
  • GLAMHack and open data in Switzerland. We contribute to the GLAMHack, the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon in synergy with the groups OpenGLAM CH and with Opendata.ch
  • Sounding Board Researchers for Open Research Data. Iolanda Pensa – project manager of OS-ADM – is a member of the Sounding Board Researchers for Open Research Data, facilitating dialogue with researchers and institutions working in the field of arts, design and music.
  • Wikimedia. We publish our documentation on Meta-wiki (the multilingual Wikimedia website designed for projects and initiatives involving more than one Wikimedia project and hosting research and community projects), we evaluated current Wikipedia content related to open access and open science to estimate needs and we release content which is interoperable with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects.

Intermediary output[edit]

How does the project seek to extend its effects outside its scope of action?[edit]

To extend the impact of the project outside its scope of action and timeframe, all the documentation and data related to the project (guidelines, case studies, slides and recordings of the webinar series) are stored and shared with open licenses and tools (CC0, CC BY 4.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0) in open access with a preference for open permanent repositories and open non-proprietary internet platforms based on open and free software such as Wikimedia and Peertube (https://video.linux.it/c/openscience/videos). As result of the partnership and exchange with DARIA-EU, data related to training will be uploaded as learning resources available on DARIAH-CAMPUS (https://campus.dariah.eu/), while documentation concerning the case studies will be made available on SSH (Social Sciences & Humanities) Open Marketplace (https://www.sshopencloud.eu/ssh-open-marketplace). Slides will also uploaded on Zenodo and assigned a DOI.

Have the communication, promotion, standardisation, and operational measures implemented so far been successful in achieving the objectives set by these measures?[edit]

In line with the original plan, the communication plan has been structured to address different targets with various communication tools. During 2022 and 2023 communication has focused on the project partners and stakeholders through online and in person meetings, reports, training and coaching. In 2024 communication will involve publishers (international and national) through direct contact and meetings, and focus on disseminating the project results. Training initiatives have been also advertised on different platforms including the research project website, and the websites and newsletters of Swiss networks in arts, design and music.

Standardisation has been implemented as follows: the project and all its content have been released under the Creative Commons attribution license (CC BY 4.0), while data under the Creative Commons zero license (CC0); attribution is provided to the specific authors and the project (with a link to the project full credits).

What are the current risks that the project can not be sustained after coming to the end of the Program funding, and what measures are to be envisaged?[edit]

The challenges in open science related to arts, design and music risk to not be properly addressed after the end of the project OS-ADM.

To mitigate this risk, the project is structured to continue through the initiatives and future projects of its partners. All partners are indeed involved in open access and open science and OS-ADM aims at reinforcing their competences and activities. Furthermore the involvement of the Swiss arts and design networks and DARIAH-CH aims at making sure the challenges of Open Science in arts, design and music continue to be addressed.

The partnership with Dariah-EU has led to the co-application to Chist-ERA funding programme with the submission of a research project in co-participation with IBL PAN (Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences / Centre for Digital Humanities, Poland) and CNRS (Laboratory of Supramolecular and Macromolecular Photophysics and Photochemistry, France) entitled "SHARE CH Data - Sustainable Workflows for Turning Cultural Heritage Data Into Open Research Data" which (if the application is successful) is planned to start in 2024 for a duration of two years.


Signature of the project management

Mendrisio, 19 July 2023

Signature of the project management Dr. Iolanda Pensa

Remarks and answers[edit]

Observations Answers
Training and guidelines. The report identifies delays in finalising guidance but has compensated by starting training earlier on, though it is not clear how training was developed without guidelines to support. Some of the challenges and issues relevant for the guidelines have been addressed through training provided by professionals specialised in art, design and music. The trainings are recorded webinars released under CC BY 4.0; their content is used in the guidelines and the readers are furthemore directed to the recordings.
Outcomes and persistent identifiers. The report lacks explicit references to project outputs, and not clear if those are being archived with persistent identifiers on platforms which will maintain long term access and archiving. The project outputs are:
  • guidelines and templates
  • webinar series
  • collaboration with 3 publishers and negotiations to on institutional publications.

The long term access of the project outputs is ensures by the choice of platforms for their archiving:

Documentation is also provided on:

  • Wikimedia - Meta-Wiki https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Science_for_Arts,_Design_and_Music. Content related to the project has also been uploded on Wikidata (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q116859240) and Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Open_Science_for_arts_design_music).
  • Dariah Campus
  • Dariah Marketplace
  • Peertube
Steering Committee. The report does not give evidence that the project has taken on the reviewer recommendation to have a steering committee, although it mentions that the coordinator is now a member of the Sounding Board Researcher for Open Research Data. As recommended, the steering commitee has been established at the beginning of the project with the name of "Advisory board" (https://osf.io/cpwqu/). The committee has met twice - June 30, 2022 and December 22, 2022. The reports of the meetings are published on the OS-ADM Wiki page. The Members of the commitee include: Beat Estermann (HKB), Patrick Borer (Wikimedia CH), Enrique Corredera (GOAL) and Andrea Bertino (Switch CH). The next meeting is on December 4, 2023. The last meeting will be on December 2, 2024.
Green OA. green OA has been addressed, as it only provides information about engagement with publishers via GOAL. So far the collaboration with GOAL has entailed the sharing of information and content such as list of Swiss publishers in the fields of arts, design and music. We are curranlty planning a joint webinar on FNS and OA.
Alternative/innovative business models (for example ‘platinum’/’diamond’). The intermediary report does not mention the conditions set by the reviewers in any way. The condition for approval of the project was “the requirement to advocate not just for Open Access options provided by publishers (‘gold OA’/’green OA’), but also for alternative/innovative business models (for example ‘platinum’/’diamond’). While negotiations with publishers within the OS-ADM project are only expected to commence in 2024, the intermediary report should demonstrate the awareness of the project team for the condition and should clarify how the condition is planned to be met during the remaining time in the project. As requested we have included in the project the requirement to advocate for Open Access options provided by publishers (Gold/Green Open Access) and for alternative and innovative business models (Diamond/Platinum Open Access). More specifically:
  • We are encouraging alternative and innovative models of Open Access publications through our training programme. Alternative forms of publishing, and in particular multimedia publications, are the focus of a webinar (winter 2023-2024) aimed at addressing the main challenges of open access multimedia publications through the presentation of a series of experimental publications. The case study approach is meant to investigate the current state of the art and suggest future developments of alternative publishing in the fields of arts, design and music. The webinar is also expected to identify best practices that will feed into the guidelines.
  • We contacted the PLATO project and invited them to deliver a webinar on Diamond/Platinum Open Access as part of our training programme.
  • We are including alternative and innovative business models in our guidelines.
  • We will contact publishers in 2024 (as planned in the project) and advocate for Gold Open Access (in collaboration with the GOAL project), Green Open Access and Diamond/Platinum Open Access.
  • We designed an alternative form of open access multimedia publication consisting in a website with an institutional university subdomain and hosted on the same institutional servers, designed in collaboration with a publisher and featuring texts licensed under CC BY licence and images and other multimedia content copyrighted. Content is meant to be peer-reviewed in order to ensure the academic status of the online, open access publication. In 2024, we aim at presenting the publication proposal to three academic publishers (namely Casagrande, Triest Verlag and Metis Presses) to enquire about their possible support.
Staff. What happened to the second person working in the project? There is no mention in the resource mobilisation sections regarding this. The report mentions as a risk that the coor- dinator was going to be absent for 5 months but does not clearly identify who is standing in, only indicates that more collaborators have been brought on board. Chiara Barbieri has been coordinating the project since May 2022. She took 4 months off from early June to end of September 2023.

Chiara Somajni has been hired as external contributor with the task of finalising the guidelines

New projects. Possibility for the mentioned EU project to start in 2024 - is it the same person working on this project? How would this affect the capacity to complete the ongoing project? The proposal for a Chist-Era project was not selected.