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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Open science among schools of art and design

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Name Country Website last accessed Webpage related to OS OS content
Aalto University – School of Arts, Design and Architecture Finland, Espoo https://www.aalto.fi/en/school-of-arts-design-and-architecture 2022.08.12 yes OA policy clearly stated: https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-science-and-research/aalto-university-open-science-and-research-policy (12.08.22)

general info about OA the university offers free and open to all webinars on topics related to OA and DMP https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/training-in-research-data-management-and-open-science youtube chanel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKa3aPAAZLaYqrZnoarDxw

Amsterdam University of the Arts Netherlands, Amsterdam https://www.ahk.nl/ 2023.03.13 no
ArtEZ University of the Arts Netherlands, Arnhem Enschede Zwolle https://www.artez.nl/en/home 2022.08.16 no
Birkbeck, University of London UK, London https://www.bbk.ac.uk/ 2022.07.18 yes Open research policiy https://www.bbk.ac.uk/about-us/policies/open-access-research

promote use of ORCID, institutional repository BIROn, advocate for use of CC BY licence, inclusion of Data Access Statement and release of dataset, subscriber of Plan S guidance https://www.bbk.ac.uk/about-us/policies/open-research-policy-guidance

Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design Danemark, Copenhagen https://ciid.dk/ 2023.03.13 no
Delft University of Technology Netherlands, Delft https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ 2023.03.13 yes https://www.tudelft.nl/en/2016/library/new-open-access-policyhttps://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:f2faff07-408f-4cec-bd87-0919c9e4c26f?collection=researchOpen Access agreement Dutch universities and Elsevier

OA publishing https://d2k0ddhflgrk1i.cloudfront.net/Library/Themaportalen/Open.tudelft.nl/OA_beleid.pdf OA funding https://www.tudelft.nl/en/library/library-for-researchers/library-for-researchers/publishing-outreach/open-access-funding

Design Academy


Netherlands, Eindhoven https://www.designacademy.nl/ 2022.06.23 no
Edinburgh College of Art UK, Edinburgh https://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/ 2023.03.13 no
Ensad – École des art décoratifs Paris France, Paris https://www.ensad.fr 2022.08.12 no
Énsad Nancy – École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy France, Nancy https://ensad-nancy.eu 2022.08.12 no
Ensba – École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon France, Lyon http://www.ensba-lyon.fr 2022.08.12 no
ENSCI – École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle France, Paris https://www.ensci.com 2022.08.12 no
ESA Saint-Luc Tournai Belgium, Tournai https://stluc-sup-tournai.be/ 2023.03.13
Esad – École supérieure d’art et de design

des Pyrénées

France, Pau https://esad-pyrenees.fr 2022.08.12 no
Escola Massana Spain, Barcelona https://www.escolamassana.cat/en/ 2023.03.13 no
Esdi – Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial Brazil, Rio de Janeiro https://www.esdi.uerj.br/ 2022.08.29 no
FAUUSP – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Universidade de São Paulo

Brazil, São Paulo https://www.fau.usp.br/ensino/graduacao/design/ 2022.08.29 no
Goldsmith UK, London https://www.gold.ac.uk/ 2022.06.20 yes OA policies: https://www.gold.ac.uk/media/documents-by-section/research-and-enterprise/Goldsmiths-Statement-on-Open-Access-3-March-2016.pdf

Goldsmiths Research Online (GRO): repository of research publications and other research outputs conducted by academics, research fellows and PhD researchers https://research.gold.ac.uk/information.html Goldsmiths Journals Online (GOJO): hosts Open Access journals and conference proceedings for research groups and academic communities at Goldsmiths https://journals.gold.ac.uk/

In 2019 thesy organised a conference on Critical Issues in Open Access and Scholarly Communications: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/critical-issues-in-open-access-and-scholarly-communications-registration-59041172737

IAV Italy, Venice http://www5.iuav.it/homepage/index.htm 2022.07.18 yes OA policy http://www.iuav.it/Ricerca1/ATTIVITA-/AirIuav/Policy-accesso-aperto-senato.pdf

institutional repository, OA PhD theses (max 18 moths embargo), administrative hsupport for researchers

IED Italy, Milan https://www.ied.it/ 2022.07.18 no
Karlsruhe University

of Arts and Design (HfG)

Germany, Karlsruhe https://hfg-karlsruhe.de/en/hochschule/ 2022.08.16 no since Oct 2021, the university launched the project Open Resource Center (ORC): a repository for final theses, student projects, teaching events, conferences, concerts, performances, exhibitions, etc. and can also be used as a data source for curatorial and publishing work.

https://hfg-karlsruhe.de/aktuelles/pressemitteilung/ (16.08.2023)

Kunsthochschule Halle – Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle Germany, Halle https://www.burg-halle.de 2022.08.16 no on the libraby website, they indicate the Open Science Institutional Repository in Saxony-Anhalt (share-it) as the central service for storing, archiving and disseminating publications for universities and higher education institutions in Saxony-Anhalt.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA, Cambridge MA https://www.mit.edu/ 2023.03.13 yes https://libraries.mit.edu/scholarly/mit-open-access/open-access-policy/

also with focus on MIT Press

Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis France, Paris https://www.univ-paris8.fr/ 2022.08.12 no the university website provides some general information about OA https://www.univ-paris8.fr/Archives-ouvertes-des-publications-scientifiques-HAL?var_recherche=science%20ouverte (12.08.2022)

it also has a repository for staff's publication in OA: https://hal-univ-paris8.archives-ouvertes.fr/ (12.08.2022)

Paris College of Art France, Paris https://www.paris.edu/ 2023.03.13 no
Parsons School of Design USA, NY https://www.newschool.edu/parsons/ 2022.06.20 no the school offers courses to students about business regulations and practices that deals, among others, with intellectual property and copyright, but not OA
Politecnico Milano Italy, Milan https://www.polimi.it/ 2022.07.18 yes https://www.biblio.polimi.it/en/services/how-to/publish-in-open-access (16.08.2022)

general info about OA, how to guidelines OA policy: https://www.biblio.polimi.it/fileadmin/user_upload/open_access/Policy_Open_Access_ENG_01.pdf (16.08.2022)

institutional repository: Re.Public@Polimi the Polimi is also involved in Open Education: https://www.pok.polimi.it/ (16.08.2022)

Pratt Institute USA, NY https://www.pratt.edu/ 2023.03.13 no guidelines: social media (https://www.pratt.edu/about/offices/student-affairs/office-of-the-vice-president-for-student-affairs/community-standards-and-student-policies/social-media-guidelines/) and intellectual property (https://www.pratt.edu/policies/intellectual-property-policy/) policies

corses on Intellectual Property Law no OA

RCA Royal College of Art UK, London https://www.rca.ac.uk/ 2022.06.20 no InnovationRCA (centre for entrepreneurship and commercialisation) offers students free consultation on IP legal issues; since 2020 they have organised seminars and webinars on IP in D and A
Rhode Island School of Design USA, Providence https://www.risd.edu/ 2023.03.13 no the school offers courses to students about business regulations and practices that deals, among others, with intellectual property and copyright, but not OA
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Netherlands, Antwerp https://ap-arts.be/en/academy 2023.03.13 no webinar on copyright and taxation (no OA) https://ap-arts.be/en/art-news
School of the Art Institute of Chicago USA, Chicago https://www.saic.edu/ 2023.03.13 no trainig material and guidelines on copyright, intellectual property, fair use
The Glasgow School of Art UK, Glasgow https://www.gsa.ac.uk/ 2023.03.13 no
The New School USA, NY https://www.newschool.edu/ 2023.03.13 no partneship with Smithsonian to visualise OA collection

the school offers courses to students about business regulations and practices that deals, among others, with intellectual property and copyright, but not OA

ual University of the Arts London (eg Central Saint Martin) UK, London https://www.arts.ac.uk/ 2022.06.20 no various online resources on intellectual property directed to students as part of carreer training: how to protect IP, how to share on social media own work? third party content?


UCLA USA, Los Angeles https://dma.ucla.edu/ 2023.03.13 yes OA and publishing

https://guides.library.ucla.edu/openaccess https://www.library.ucla.edu/about/policies/uc-open-access-policies/

UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico, Mexico City https://www.unam.mx/ 2023.03.13 yes https://www.publicaciones.unam.mx/servicios/sites/default/files/pdf/TUL_AcuerdoLineamientosGeneralesPoliticaAccesoAbierto10Sept15.pdf
Universidade de Lisboa Portugal, Lisbon https://www.fa.ulisboa.pt/index.php/en/ 2023.03.13 no
Universität der Künste Berlin Germany, Berlin https://www.udk-berlin.de/startseite/ 2023.03.13 yes https://www.udk-berlin.de/en/service/university-library/about-us/open-access-at-udk/