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Tawnnaḍt n Tmmazɣa

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This page is a translated version of the page Maghreb Environment and the translation is 58% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Ẓṛ zwar :

Amnaḍ d uglam

Add your username to participate to the campaign Maghreb Environment

Wiki n usnfl n unzwi 2023: Azrf g twnnaḍt idusn - Tasga n tmmazɣa

Awttas amqqṛan n usnfar ad iga assimɣṛ n uṭṭun n ismrasn n Tmmazɣa swwurinin g isnfar n Wikimidya s ussbɣs n ismrasn imaynutn afad ad drun g tmsarin izdin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn g isnfar n Wikimidya s tutlayyin n tmmazɣa nɣ s tutlayyin timaḍlanin zun : taclḥit, tacawit, taqbaylit, Ddarija d taɛṛabt g Wikipidya, Wikisgzawal, Wikisfka, d Wikimidya kumunz.

Contest on Wikimedia Commons, start at 8 June , End 22 June

isin mas tad tga tikklit tamzwarut afad ad ili zun umzizzl ad g tmmazɣa, mqqaṛ gis llant tugt n tutlayyin d walsiwn, d tugt n igrawn idlsanen d tugt n isnfar.

Asnfar ad ira ad ig awttas ns, ad yaws imdrawn imaynutn ad sbuɣlun inɣmisn nnsn f usnfl n unzwi d tawnnaḍt idusn g mnnaw n tsawrin f ussufɣ n imnnitn, lli ira ad ittyawskar s twisi n trubba n ismrasn isawwaln s tutlayyin n tmmazɣa: islmadn, inlmadn n tsddawit, ismrasn n wikipidya, ismrasn n wikisgzawal, imswllafn, ar tigira.

Nɣal mas tiṛɣi n umtiwg nnaɣ akal dars tusurt imqquṛn f tsga n Tmmazɣa d mas azrf g twnnaḍt idusn iga asizwr. Anzgum amqqṛan n usnfar ad iga tadrsi n tumayt tumḍint isawaln f timrkit d imiziyn n twnnaḍt n Tmmazɣa. Nɣal mas ig illa yan ugraw n uzzray ira ad ig azmz n ussuds n tugt n inmuqqaṛn d imussutn n udraw d tirra, d ilma assimɣṛ n twwuri nsn afad ad gn g madd iwckan middn ilan awal g tmsarin izdin s ussnfl n unzwi d twnnaḍt g Tmmazɣa.

Sbuɣlu yat talgamt n imrsitn n umzizzl d imnnitn da ira ad nsnulfu nɣ ad nsbuɣlu g inmuqqaṛn ittyawssnmalan g ifalan. Snmala imussutn n usbuɣlu zun : asmuttg n ismrasn imaynutn n isnfar n Wikimidya. Asnfar ar issutur ad ifk asmuttg d udraw g Wikipidya g tsgaa n Tmmazɣa, s akkʷ tutlayyin d Wikisfka, f tumayt izdin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn.

Asnfar ar issutur ad ig asmuttg d udraw g isnfar n Wikisfka s tɛṛabt d twacit g imrsitn izdin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn. Asnfar ar issutur ad ig asmuttg d udraw g Wikimidya kumunz d LibrUffis (azdam d uglam n twlafin). Azmmem n tguriwin g Wikimidya kumunz d LangwaLibr. Ar issutur ad iskr asnfar i Libya (tiwisi f usmuttg d udraw g isnfar n Wikimidya d LangwaLibr, zun: wikisgzawal, wikipidya, wikimidya kumunz, wikisfka) (Asnulfu n trabbut n ismrasn n Libya).

Wiktionary Contest

Ar nssutur g tigira n usmuttg, imdrawn ira ad ẓẓḍaṛn ad skrn tumayt g imrsitn izdin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn g isnfar nWikimidya. Tumayt n isnfar n Wikimidya ira ad ttyawssmras g imnnitn sawwalnin f usnfl n unzwi g tsga n tmmazɣa. Imdrawn ira ad ẓẓḍaṛn ad drun tussna nnsn d udraw nnsn g Wikimidya kumunz d LangwaLibr, f tmsarin zdinin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn. ira ad nsnimmr nssbɣs imdrawn s tsmɣurin. Ad nsbuɣlu tirubba n ismrasn nnaɣ g tmmazɣa afad ad ssudsn isnfar yaḍni. Ad nlmd taɣarast n ussuds d usbuɣlu n tmsarin zun d ukan tad.

Inɣmisn f umussu

Add your username to participate to the campaign Maghreb Environment

Aẓṭṭa n umyawaḍ anamun

igayaɣ tumrt ad naf tiwisi g #WikiNIzrfanNUfganGTmmazɣa. Tẓẓḍaṛt ad tfsrt taɣarast n udraw g umzizzl g tmazirt nk! Ira ad nili g tumrt s twisi nk.

Ḍfuṛ aɣ g ifalan

Ḍfuṛ aɣ!

Ḍfuṛ aɣ!

Ḍfuṛ aɣ!

Ḍfuṛ aɣ!

Follow us!

Gr tamawt

Amḥizwr n umzizzl Azrf g twnnaḍt idusn g tmmazɣa issnti sg 7 May ar 30 Yunyu d umzizzl ass n 15 Abril 2023.

  1. #Wiki4climatechangeMaghreb2023
  2. #Wiki_Izrfan_n_ufgan2023
  3. #Wiki_Ameḍran_n_Weflu2023
  4. #ⵡⵉⴽⵉ_ⵉ_ⵓⵙⵏⴼⵍ_ⵏ_ⵓⵏⵣⵡⵉ2023


5 minutes


Tiflwit n uḥrruy Wikimidya afad ad tdrut, Rnu ism n usmras nk Tiflwit n uḥrruy Wiki n izrfan n ufgan g Tmmazɣa

Iɣbula i imaratn imaynutn



Wikimedia Commons

Contest on Wikimedia Commons, start at 8 June , End 22 June
Workshop Wikimedia Commons and Contest


Lingua Libre

Amanar n Lanwalibr

Asmlussan n izmzza

Rnu azmzzu nk i tflwit n uɣawas!

Isnfarn n uswwri d tutlayyin Azwl Managu d mani ? Anaw n umzzu/G ifalan-Amilan Tinqqaḍ Amyawaḍ/URL Tiflwit n uḥrruy nɣ imassn yaḍni n uḍffuṛ
Wiktionnaire en chaoui, Lingua Libre F Wikisgzawal acawi d Langwalibr G May - Muṛyal Tasawrt/Amilan
user:Great11 Tiflwit n uḥrruy
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ Tuddma s tsawrt f isnfar n Wikimidya 29 Abril-Bnɣazi G ifalan On Google Meet Salema younus Tiflwit n uḥrruy
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Tasawrt f imrsi n usnfl n unzwi i inlmadn d islmadn - Canceled TBC - Lmɣrib - Canceled G ifalan - Canceled TBC - Canceled رشيدة رقي Tiflwit n uḥrruy


Tasawrt f tilalt n tzmmar timllwitin g uḥḍu n tdusi tanfgant d twnnaḍt n Libya 5 June-Benghazi (TBD)
Salema younus Tiflwit n uḥrruy
Wiktionnaire, Lingua Libre, ⵜⴰⴼⵔⴰⵏⵙⵉⵙⵜ Tasawrt n Wikisgzawal: tasawrt n ussuɣɣl ingr tutlayyin n tfriqt - tasawrt n wikisgzawal acawi, asullf n imsli n tguriwin g LangwaLibr, d trubba n tfriqt, isnfar imaynutn. 14 Abril-Muṛyal G ifalan G Zoom
Great11 Tiflwit n uḥrruy
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Tasawrt f Wikipidya taɛṛabt 12 Yunyu - Dzayr G ifalan G Zoom Nehaoua Tiflwit n uḥrruy
Wikipédia en chleuh Tasawrt f Wikipidya taclḥit - Canceled TBC - Lmɣrib - Canceled TBC - Canceled TBC - Canceled Lhoussine AIT TAYFST Tiflwit n uḥrruy
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Tasawrt f mamnk as nra ad nssmrs tilifun afad ad nssussn s imzzutn 10 June at 12h UTC - Dzayr Amilan
Muhammed amine benloulou

Tiflwit n uḥrruy

ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Assmrs n uẓawan afad nsissn s uḥṭṭu n twnnaḍt (Canceled) Canceled Canceled Canceled Muhammed amine benloulou Canceled
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Tinawt f uḥṭṭu n twnnaḍt 24 June at 17h UTC G ifalan
G Zoom
Muhammed amine benloulou Participate in Webinar
ⵜⴰⵄⵔⴰⴱⵜ Workshop Wikimedia Commons- Wikipedia-Wikidata 8 June at 17h UTC G ifalan G Zoom
Contest on Wikimedia Commons, start at 8 June , End 22 June
User:Dezedien - User:Great11 Subscribe on Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons-Campaign and Contest Workshop Wikimedia Commons 4 Yunyu G ifalan On Facebook live Streaming at 18h UTC
Great11 The event will be online Workshop Wikimedia Commons and our contests and projects Wikimedia
Wiktionary and Wikidata and Wikipedia Tasawrt 17 June at 18h UTC G ifalan G Zoom
Wiktionary Workshop
Wikidata Workshop

Tiflwit n uḥrruy

Avidyu d imsli

  • Assutr i uvidyu n 2023
Benghazi Climate Change Event
Photo of a participant in an interview on Mostaganem radio station this evening show: Climate Change Event

G tigira n umzizzl nra ad nssufɣ nssfld i imsli n imdrawn, ad gis sawln f mad lmdn g umzizzl d mad gant tɣawsiwin lli darsn ilaan atig g umzizzl.

Asmlussan --Nsɣawsa s uvidyu sg izmzza n imdrawn g 2-3 imalassn dat tigira n Yunyu.

Awttas nnaɣ iga ad nsmun isfka ismdyan anaw- d tarakalt- amzaray n igrawn da idran g umzizzl. ig tufit fk kra n uvidyu n 2-4 n tusdadin da nẓẓḍaṛ ad nssnfl afad ad imẓi d afad ad ifk tusurt n umzizzl.

Ssurf, zdm isfka s ɣilli g tsunfit, tfkt isfka i campaigns@wikimedia.org


ig tsnulfit ividyutn nɣ isfka yaḍni myawas s tiɣlaf ad:

  • Isqqsitn i imaratn d imsudas
    1. Mas tdrit g umzizzl?
    2. Max za allig tdrit g imussutn n umzizzl?
    3. Matta tusurt lan inɣmisn immuṛẓmn f tussna n middn f twnnaḍt nɣ f izrfan n ufgan?
    4. Ma ittyustayn g tunɣilt n usggas ad n Wiki n ussnfl n unzwi 2023: amzizzl n twnnaḍt idusn?
    5. Ma ittyustayn g tunɣilt n usggas ad n Wiki n ussnfl n unzwi 2023: amzizzl n twnnaḍt idusn?
  • i imsudas -- nra ula assulf/ttsjil n imdrawn g imussutn n umzizzl:
    1. Sbayn imdrawn "usrid" g umussu, tiwlafin n umiẓaṛ nɣ avidyu n igrawn d kra n tasmuni iɣ tlla
    2. Sml i imdrawn yan s yan, dru g imrsitn n Wikimidya nɣ sawl d wiyyaḍ f tɣarast n usbuɣlu n isnfar n wikimidya
    3. Ẓṛ asfuglu n tdrawin imursn g umzzu nk.

Ku amzzu iẓẓḍaṛ ad ifk sin ividyutn. Avidyu iqqand ad ittyawswllaf s tutlayt dag tufit ifx ns. ig tga tutlayt tasgawant zdi dis assuɣɣl s kra tutlayt tagraɣlant, bac ad t irms ufgan s kraygat tutlayt yaḍni.


Amḥizwr ira ad issnti g 15 May iɣrrd ar 20 Yunyu 2023

Shawiya Wiktionary, Wikipedia Derja Morocco, Wikipedia Tachlehit, Wikipedia Kabyle and Wikidata, registration (section participate here) for the contest is done here and in the Wikimedia dashboard. Inscription for Arabic Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons contest on special page event.

Amḥizwr n ku asnfar

Azrf g twnnaḍt idusn

Contest on Wikimedia Commons, start at 8 June , End 22 June

Tiwisi n udraw

  • Imnnitn n Wikipidya: Timdinin, usunen, tasgiwin ar tigira.: Rnu tigzmin, rnu isaɣuln, rnu iɣmisn izdin s twnnaḍt.
  • Talgam ussuɣɣl g Wikisgzawal: Tiguriwin izdin s twnnaḍt : Taggayt n Wikisgzawal izdin s tsnaddart dTiguriwin iran assuɣɣl
  • Wikimidya kumunz: Rnu tawlaft izdin s uzrf g twnnaḍt idusn.
  • Asnflul n imnnitn : imɣnasn n unzwi izdn s tmmazɣa g Wikidata


  • Bdr tiẓalliwin tiblday n unẓaṛ, tamguri tabldit n ṣṣabun, tamguri tabldit n usird n iktlan, tamguri tabldit d tatrart n tẓṛbit, asird n tzṛbit, uẓu abldi, abṭṭu n waman, tiwizi, ar tigira.
  • Bdr tamallayt tasnaddart g tasgiwin, tiniḍi, asmuttg, timsmunin tisnaddarin, allas n tmguri, anbaḍ n wafa, timyurin n unwal (amdya: zzit n uzmmur), imɣyan n tsnijjit, tawjiwin n ifllaḥn, asmunn waman, ar tigira.
  • Bdr imɣnasn n twnnaḍt nɣ inmuggarn izdin s wakal, igumma, imɣyan, taddagin, aman, ar tigira.


Contest on Wikimedia Commons, start at 8 June , End 22 June

Add your username to participate to the campaign Maghreb Environment

Afad ad tdrut g wikipidya, wikimidya kumunz d wikisfka, rnu asmras nk Tiflwit n uḥrruy Wiki asnfl n unzwi g tmmazɣa.

Roles and How you can contribute

  1. Create a section below with your user name.
  2. Edit Wikimedia projects about topics in scope, such as:
  3. Creating New Articles
  4. Translate an existing article related to the topic on your local language Wikipedia
    • Improve an existing article by adding a section or citations
  5. Save the changes on your wiki with the #Wiki4climatechangeMaghreb2023 #Wiki_Izerfan_n_Wemdan2023 #Wiki_Ameḍran_n_Weflu2023 #ⵡⵉⴽⵉ_ⵉ_ⵓⵙⵏⴼⵍ_ⵏ_ⵓⵏⵣⵡⵉ2023 hashtag in the edit summary
  6. Report the results in the #Participate section below.

All contestants are free to work on any in scope topic of their choice irrespective of the country or language. The articles must include a significant contribution to win points see below Join the Challenge Scoring system and be reported below see Participants. All articles must be contributed to between 00:01 on 17th April until 23:59 on 17th May 2023 (UTC) and submitted for points before 17 May 2023 at 23:59 UTC. For further terms for the challenge, see the foundation:Wikimedia General Contest Rules. We will review the points and contributions of winners for compliance with the point system below, and that they meet the quality standards of the community.

  • the local competition Maghreb Environment runs from June 8 to 22 June.

You can check the Wikipedias articles translation English to Arabic, Tachlehit, Arabic Morocco suggestion Topic List. You might also find inspiration from our Resources page.

The campaign Maghreb Environment this year, for specific language Wikipedias, Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata including Arabic, Tachlehit, Shawiya, Kabyle, Derja Morocco. For more information see the the Community Events Page.

  1. Report the results in the #Participate by project section below.

Wikipidya s tutlayyin


Imdrawn Asnfar Wikipidya Isɣan n tdrawin nk Aṣṣiḍn i tdrawin Anmala
Salema younus Arabic Wikipedia articles and Salema younus contribution since 17 april to 17 may 28 articles that have been translated from English into Arabic on global contest 1 (translate articles, first contest April-May)
أبو جاد Arabic Wikipedia Contest 404 1
حاتم البوعناني Arabic Wikipedia Contest 368 2
Origamos Arabic Wikipedia Contest 220 3
Nehaoua Arabic Wikipedia Contributions Add -
Lhoussine AIT TAYFST Wikipedia Tachlehit contributions Aswuddu azayku n waman g Lmɣrib, Idk 1
Mounir Neddi - Ideophagous Darrija Morocco Contributions مش, لبزوليات, روكان, سعيد بنجبلي, etc. 1
عبدالالاه جلال Arabic Wikipedia contibutions - -
Great11 Wikipedia Kabyle Contribution Kabyle Wikipedia 2 No counted

Wikisgzawal d Langwa libr s tutlayyin akkʷ


Imdrawn Asnfar Wikisgzawal Isɣan n tdrawin nk Aṣṣiḍn i tdrawin Anmala
Great11 Shawiya Wiktionary - Lingualibre- French Wiktionary- Arabic Wiktionary Great11 contibutions and French Wiktionary contibutions (add Arab Words and Shawiya words) 19 Shawiya words Shawiya - Add 34 arabic Words 2 Shawiya Wiktionary - 1 French Wiktionary
Nehaoua Arabic Wiktionary- French Wiktionary Arabic Wiktionary and French Wiktionary Add words and table 1
Idhurar Shawiya Wiktionary Idhurar contribution Add 44 words 1
Abdelmadjid Lahmadi Lingualibre Abdelmadjid Lahmadi contribution Tiniri 1

Wikimedia Commons


Imdrawn Asnfar Wikimidya kumunz Isɣan n tdrawin nk Aṣṣiḍn i tdrawin Anmala
Reda benkhadra Wikimedia Commons Reda benkhadra 3 1
ayet Ifrah in 2023
Houssain tork Wikimedia Commons Houssain Tork image 2 2
L'arbre unique
Abdellah zou Wikimedia Commons

Abdellah zou image

5 3
Zakiiii94 Wikimedia Commons

Zakiiii94 image

1 4 Selected
Wafaetoon Wikimedia Commons Wafaetoon image 2 5 Selected



Imdrawn Asnfar Wikidata Isɣan n tdrawin nk Aṣṣiḍn i tdrawin Anmala
أبو جاد (talk · contribs) Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June Chott Merouane, Monts du Zab, Monts des Nemencha, Lac El Mellah, lac Oubeïra, Lac Tonga, Forêt des Annassers, forêt de Zéralda, Forêt de Sidi Fredj, Ain Zayanah, Delonix regia, Forêt de Saoula, forêt de Réghaïa, Forêt de Paradou, Forêt de Kouba, Forêt de Hydra, Forêt de Bouhmama, Forêt de Bordj El Kiffan, Forêt de Bologhine, Forêt de Ben Aknoun, Forêt de Bachdjerrah, Forêt d'El Mouradia, Forêt de Mahelma, Catégorie:Forêt en Algérie, Forêt d'Amejoud, Forêt d'Aïn Taya, Surman National Park, Rajma National Park, Consolida ajacis, Ain Zayanah, Daucus carota var. boissieri, Datura suaveolens, potiron, Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera, Cyprès de Chine, Curcuma caesia, Cupressus sempervirens, Curcuma, Zédoaire, etc. Several related entries
Mounir Neddi Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June Several related entries Several related entries
Nehaoua Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June add add
Great11 Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June add items and lexemes add
Lhoussine AIT TAYFST Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June add add
Muhammed amine benloulou Wikidata contributions between 8 June to 22 June add add


Isknafn n tsqqimt n igrawn




All contestants are free to work on any in scope topic of their choice irrespective of the country or language. The articles must include a significant contribution to win points see below Join the Challenge Scoring system and be reported below see Participants.

All articles must be contributed to between 00:01 on 17th April until 23:59 on 17th May 2023 (UTC) and submitted for points before 17 May 2023 at 23:59 UTC. For further terms for the challenge, see the foundation: Wikimedia General Contest Rules. We will review the points and contributions of winners for compliance with the point system below, and that they meet the quality standards of the community.

  • The top 10 contributors will get a certificate for participation from UN Human Rights and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Other prizes include:
    • 1st place -- $150 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
    • 2nd place -- $100 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
    • 3rd place -- $80 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
    • Next 3 top contributors in non-UN languages receive $50 in goods from the Wikimedia Store each.
  • the local competition Maghreb Environment runs from June 8 to June 24, The winners will be announced before June 30 by the jury committee Maghreb Environment, except for the Arabic wikipedia contest, and the gifts will be delivered locally to avoid airplane, so no more pollutions to our planet and our ecosystem.

You can check the Wikipedias articles translation English to Arabic, Tachlehit, Arabic Morocco, Kabyle suggestion Topic List. You might also find inspiration from our Resources page.

The campaign Maghreb Environment this year, for specific language Wikipedias, Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata including Arabic, Tachlehit, Shawiya, Kabyle, Derja Morocco. For more information see the the Community Events Page.

Each major project has a total or maximum of $185 in gifts for winning contributors depending on the organizers. Three projects have been announced by their respective communities for the WikiMaghrebEnvironment contest, having a page for the contest, Wikimedia Commons, Shawiya Wiktionary , Arabic Wikipedia.

The Arabic Wikipedia jury has additional time, as there are over 263 articles to check before announcing the results, we will annonced the winners on 7 July 2023.

See also