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Lingua Libre

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This page is a translated version of the page Lingua Libre and the translation is 22% complete.
Verkefni í hljóðupptöku tungumáls
keyrt af Wikimédia France .

Lingua Libre

2020 Coolest Tool
Award Winner

in the category

Hófst þann2015
Hafa samband
Wikimedia FranceAdélaïde Calais WMFr, Rémy Gerbet WMFr
CommunityYug, Pamputt

Lingua Libre er verkefni sem er þróað af Wikimédia France og hefur það að markmiði að byggja einn samstarfsvetfang, fjöltungumála, hljóð- og myndbanka undur frjálst leyfi til að:

  • Auka þekking um tungumál á tungumáli á einum hljóðmáta á vefnum, á Wikimedias verkefnum og annarstaðar;
  • Styðja uppbyggingu og þróun á tungumálahópum á netinu - sérlega fyrir þá sem hafa slæman aðgang, minnihlutahópa, talandi sem táknmál til þess að hjálpa samfélaginu að nálgast upplýsingar á netinu og til að trygga framtíð tungumálsins í samfélaginu.


The lack of diversity and orality in Wikimedia projects and on the web in general limit the ability of Internet users to communicate and contribute online to various web platforms where they cannot find content and communities sharing their language. Among the regional minority languages that are oral or signed, they threaten in particular the poorly endowed ones, many of which are currently in danger of extinction and for whom inclusion on the web is a major challenge and opportunity. Indeed, of the 7.000 languages in existence today, it is estimated that only 2.500 will survive to the next century and only 250 (less than 5%!) will make their digital ascent, a factor which is yet essential for their vitality. Current initiatives by linguists and activists to document and share data, resources and content online in endangered languages do not directly contribute to the development of a digitally-ascendant linguistic community of Internet users, and thus remain limited in their impact.

Lingua Libre aims to make up for this lack of support by offering an online solution for mass recording, leading to the publication of a collaborative multilingual audiovisual corpus under free licence, whose aim is to document and to revitalize languages by triggering the contribution of new language communities on Lingua Libre and then outside.


Lingua Libre is a tool that allows to record a large number of words in a few hours (up to 1.000 words/hour with a clean word list and an experienced user). It automatizes the classic procedure for recording and adding audio-visual pronunciation files onto Wikimedia projects. Once the recording is done, the platform automatically uploads clean, well cut, well named and apps-friendly audio files, directly to Wikimedia Commons.

Established partnerships

  • The DGLFLF: (General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France), part of the Ministry of Culture in France
  • Lo Congrès: The permanent congress of the Occitan language
  • The Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie à Paris: (House of New Caledonia in Paris), which represents New Caledonia in Metropolitan France
  • The OLCA: Office for the Language and Cultures of Alsace and Moselle
  • Plateforme Atlas: an association aiming to promote and facilitate access to culture, humanities and arts, in any language (contact)

Initiatives involving Lingua Libre

Do you have a project that uses LinguaLibre? Link it below to celebrate itǃ


Using the corpus of recordings for other projectsː


The image above is interactive when clicked
Interactive map of Lingua Libre speakers (map query).

To join us, simply add your name in the volunteers list, with * ~~~.

Core team

Core team members (2024) with deep knowledge of the project, they can guide you to resources and know-how best suited for your action.
Volunteer members are involved almost daily on LinguaLibre.

Facilitator / community liaison, events speaker, developer, bot master, SignIt, Github. Administrator on Lingualibre.org.
Lingua Libre Django's lead developer.
Discord administrator. Bureaucrat on Lingualibre.org.
Indonesian languages project.

Recent staff

Staff members at Wikimedia France and elsewhere equally do important work.

Xavier Cailleau WMFr
Facilitator / community liaison, events speaker, grants requests.
Michael Barbereau WMFr
Developer, servers manager.
Hugo en résidence
Developer, Google Summer of Code 2024 mentor.

Join the discussions

Chat Room Discord Server

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