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Senior e-learning, MOOCs, languages professional. Junior JS developer.

About me

Bonjour Wikimédia !
Raised in an European forest and Taiwan townships, I joined Wikipedia in 2004. I'm a manager of new technologies, e-learning and multilingualism projects by training and profession. I work in higher education for INALCO, Université de Paris, Université de Toulouse and others. In 2023-2024, I was the Wikimedian en résidence at UdT.

In my early 20s I learnt my ancestors were Occitan, a formerly 15-millions people community with its own vibrant culture, now nearly extinct.

I'm fluent in French, English and Chinese and supports minority languages revitalization.

My work

I embraced diverse roles within the Wikimedia community, wearing hats as both an editor and a project coordinator.

For 2005-2015, I initiated and lead several Wikipedia:Graphic Labs, consolidated the Wikipedia Cartographic guidelines[1], the Commons CJK Stroke Order Project and the Ancient Chinese Characters Project. Each of those managing about 15k images.

In 2012, my Chinese PhD research lead me to collaborate with an open source recording tool. After a few years the collaboration became LinguaLibre.org: WMF's rapid recording tool to document languages diversity, local accents and peculiar voices. Lingua Libre helped to create professional-grade audio dictionaries and enlighten local accents. In 2025, Lingua Libre celebrated its 1,400,000th recordings and 280th languages, has initiated further local projects (SignIt, WikiTutur, WikiTada,…) while I'm still a major force animating it.

My Wikipedia contributions span diverse topics, with an emphasis on Chinese culture, contemporary social issues and human rights. I've played lead roles, including in the 2020 Covid Task Force, and held administrative positions on Wikipedia FR, Commons and Lingua Libre. You may meet me IRL at Wikimanias ('07,'13,'14,'17,'18,'19,'21,'22,'23,'24) and Hackathons.

Contact me

email me

This user has been on Wikimedia Projects for 20 years and 4 or 5 months.
The time of this user now is: 2025-03-03 21:48 UTC+1
User language
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
zh-4 这位用户的中文达到接近母语水平
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
Users by language

Events & Grants report

Wikimedia France/Micro-financementGrants:ProjectWikimédia_France/Actions
Major events
Type Year Place Funding Report
Wikimania 2007 Taipei personal none img
Wikimania 2013 Hongkong WMCH ?
Hackathon 2014 Amsterdam ? Project description
Wikimania 2014 London WMF Report
Hackathon 2017 Zurich ?
Hackathon 2017 Vienna ?
Wikimania 2017 Montreal WMF Grants:TPS/Yug/Wikimania#Feedback
Hackathon 2018 Barcelona WMF Project Grants Action led with project leader. No personal report.
Wikimania 2018 Cap Town WMF Project Grants Action led with project leader. No dedicated report.
Hackathon 2019 Pragues WMFR Wikimedia_France/Micro-financement/Demande/WM_Hackathon_Prague_2019
Wikimania 2019 Stockholm WMFR m:wikimania:2019:Languages/LinguaLibre.fr
Wikimania 2021 Online n.a. n.a.
Wikimania 2022 Online n.a. wikimania:2022:Submissions/LinguaLibre: pivoting to diversity & Hackathon Showcase
Hackathon 2023 Athen WMF Yug/2023 hackathon
Wikimania 2023 Singapore Toulouse University / WMF User:Yug/2023 Wikimania
WikiCamp 2024 France Saint Malo Wikimedia France [FR]Review of Lingua Libre situation (2023-2025)
Wikimania 2024 Poland Toulouse University User:Yug/2024 Wikimania • [Round table languages diversity]Submissions
Wikiconvention 2024 Canada Wikimedia Canada User:Yug/2024User:Yug/2024 Wikiconvention : Lingua LibreLangage siffléSignItWikirésidences URFISTLingua Libre, Wiktionnaire et enfantsIA et wikis
Hackathon 2025 Istanbul WMF Yug/2025 hackathon
Missing informations are somewhere in my archives and need further digging.
Major actions

Legend: WP: Wikipedia • LL: LinguaLibre • CM: Commons • CO: Coordination • PC: Project Creation • FR: Fund request.

:en:Covid19Category:Graphics abilities:en:WP:GL/M:en:WP:GLCommons:Stroke Order Project
*2020 Covid Task Force was a necessary, non stop, 65 days, 14h/day sprint on Covid related articles, Wikipedia English.
  1. The Signpost > The Cartographers of WikiProject Maps — 2012 interview with Yug about Cartographic creation on Wikipedia