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Lingua Libre/SignIt/2024/Phase 1

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Early 2024 proposals on which the project can move forward over the next 6~12 months:

  1. content creation with the active partner, BD (IRIS):
    1. via identification and provision of a professional local video recording studio (HL,AB -> UT3? INF7?)
    2. via the recording of “LSF in library”[1] (BD)
    3. via the recording of the vocabulary of her classes (BD)
  2. gentle search for funding (HL, BD, AB) to port the extension to the Google Chrome Store and mobile extension
  3. modest communication actions, based on what already exists: flyer, demonstration, presentations (HL)

Actionnables: the actionnables that we can advance are marked with our initials BD, AB, HL.


  • [x] (HL) Recorder: Change preparation times vs. default recording
  • [x] (HL) Extension: added ~30 translated languages for the interface
  • [ ] (HL) Extension: coordination to upgrade, port to Chrome/Safari
  • [ ] (HL) Extension: coordination towards presence on Chrome store
  • [ ] (BD,HL) Extension: add secondary languages (click French word, see Ukrainian sign)
  • [ ] (HL) Extension: add rebound (`vivent`,`Vivrons` -> show fr:vivre)
  • [ ] (HL) Extension: Icon conflict with the Elix bubble
  • [ ] (HL) Extension:: coordination compatible with mobile browsers

Google Summer of Code 2024

See GSoC24 > Lingualibre & GSoC24 > SignIt.

The following summary have been shared with the community :

Hi team, there's movement on this front, here's a quick update.

The need for developments for Lingualibre is constant, as highlighted by:

  • The repair of Lingualibre SignIt (2022, Yug)
  • The repair of Lingualibre Video recording (2023, 0x010C + Yug)
  • The creation of Lingualibre v3.0 (Django) (2023 Poslovitch)

Since 2022, Poslovitch and I have been monitoring the Google Summer of Code: an annual funding for young developers contributing for 5 to 12 weeks on open-source projects, funded by Google.

On my personal initiative, I submitted Lingualibre SignIt to the Google Summer of Code (GSoC24).
In coordination with Florian, I submitted Lingualibre v.3 to the Google Summer of Code (GSoC24).

Over 2 weeks, we welcomed and informed about 15 interested individuals, supported about 10 candidates, reviewed about 8 CVs, and selected 2 student developers. So, hopefully (🤞🏽), we'll have two junior developers this summer to boost two aspects of Lingualibre.



Associative actors *could* have modest funding (~€1000):

  • IRIS
  • Monde des sourds pour tous
  • Interpretis.fr
  • Hugo en résidence




Content producers
List of dictionarie

See also



  1. "Signes de bibliothèque". calameo.com. Retrieved 2023-04-21.