Collecta de fundos/Traduction/Message de regratiamento 20140606
![]() | This is an old version of the Thank You email. To translate the current version, see Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email. |
[ifFirstnameAndLastname] Car [given name], [elseifFirstnameAndLastname] Car donator, [endifFirstnameAndLastname]
Gratias pro tu inestimabile contribution pro le diffusion de cognoscentia a omne esser human in tote le mundo.
{% if "RecurringRestarted" in contribution_tags %} Recentemente nos ha resolvite un micre problema technic que ha interrumpite alcun donationes mensual recurrente. Nos ha reinstituite tu donation recurrente e illo essera processate de maniera normal a partir de hodie. Nos non colligera le moneta del menses saltate. Gratias pro le patientia e le supporto, e per favor non hesita a inviar un message a si tu ha alcun question. {% endif %}
{% if "UnrecordedCharge" in contribution_tags %} Recentemente nos ha resolvite un problema technic causante que un micre numero de donatores non ha recipite confirmation de lor donation. Per favor accepta iste message como regratiamento de tu donation del [date]. Nos vermente apprecia le patientia e le supporto, e per favor non hesita a inviar un message a si tu ha alcun question. {% endif %}
Mi nomine es Lila Tretikov e io es le Director Executive del Fundation Wikimedia. Durante le passate anno, donationes como le tue ha actionate nostre effortios a expander le encyclopedia in 287 linguas e a render lo plus accessibile in tote le mundo. Nos visa a maximisar le beneficios pro le personas qui non ha altere accesso a education. Nos porta le cognoscentia a personas como Akshaya Iyengar de Solapur (India). Durante su juventute in iste micre urbe de fabrication textile, illa ha usate Wikipedia como fonte primari de apprendimento. Pro le studentes in iste regiones, ubi le libros es rar ma le accesso mobile a internet existe, Wikipedia es instrumental. Akshaya ganiava un grado universitari in India e ora travalia como ingeniero de software in le Statos Unite. Illa regratia Wikipedia pro dar la le medietate de tote su cognoscentia.
This story is not unique. Our mission is lofty and presents great challenges. Most people who use Wikipedia are surprised to hear it is run by a non-profit organization and funded by your donations. Each year, just enough people donate to keep the sum of all human knowledge available for everyone. Thank you for making this mission possible.
On behalf of nearly half a billion people who read Wikipedia, thousands of volunteer editors, and staff at the Foundation, I thank you for keeping Wikipedia online and ad-free this year.
Many employers will match employee contributions: please check with your company to see if they have a corporate matching gift program.
For your records: Your donation, number [contributionId], on [date] was [amount].
[ifRecurring] This donation is part of a recurring subscription. Monthly payments will be debited by the Wikimedia Foundation until you notify us to stop. If you’d like to cancel the payments please see our [#recurringCancel easy cancellation instructions]. [endifRecurring]
This letter may serve as a record of your donation. No goods or services were provided, in whole or in part, for this contribution. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Our address is 149 New Montgomery, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105. U.S. tax-exempt number: 20-0049703
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