געלטשאפן/איבערזעצונג/ייש"כ בריוו 20131202
![]() | This is an old version of the Thank You email. To translate the current version, see: Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email. |
[ifFirstnameAndLastname] טייערע(ר) [given name], [elseifFirstnameAndLastname] טײַערע/ר מנדב, [endifFirstnameAndLastname]
You are so fantastic. THANK YOU for supporting the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit that runs Wikipedia and its sister projects.
[ifRecurringProblem] We recently resolved a small technical issue which paused some monthly recurring donations. We have reinstated your recurring donation, and it will process normally going forward. We will not charge you for the months that were skipped. Thank you for your patience and your support, and please feel free to email donate@wikimedia.org if you have any questions. [endifRecurringProblem]
אײַער נדבה דעקט נישט נאר די הוצאות פון אירע ניץ פון וויקיפעדיע, נאר אויך די הוצאות פון אנדערע וויקיפעדיע לייענער.
Like the retired farmer in upstate New York who's using Wikipedia to study the science of sludge, and the student in Kuala Lumpur who's researching organic chemistry. The British mechanic who, after he broke his back in an accident, used Wikipedia to retrain himself as a web developer. The civil servant in Finland who set up an offline version of Wikipedia for a small school in Ghana. And the father in Mexico City who takes his little daughters to the museum on weekends, and uses Wikipedia to help them understand everything they're seeing there.
Wikipedia's job is to bring the sum total of all human knowledge to everyone around the world in their own language. That's a pretty audacious mission, but with 30 million articles and 287 languages, I'd say that thanks to you and people like you, we are getting there.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, and the half-a-billion other Wikipedia readers around the world: thank you. The fact that you are helping to pay the costs of running Wikipedia means it can stay ad-free and independent of bias, focused solely on helping its readers. Exactly as it should be.
You may have noticed that for the first time this year we've tweaked our fundraising so that most people will only see the banners a handful of times, instead of for weeks. That's deliberate: we don't want people to get irritated by too many appeals. But it does mean that fewer people will figure out we're a non-profit, and that we want their help. So if you're willing, I'd appreciate if you'd help spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to a few of your friends.
And I'd love if you'd try joining us in helping to write Wikipedia. Wikipedia's written entirely by volunteers -- tens of thousands of ordinary people around the world, exactly like us. If you see a typo or a small mistake on Wikipedia, please fix it. If you know anything worth adding, please add it. Some people find it remarkably satisfying, and maybe you will too.
Thank you again. I very much appreciate your trust in us, and I promise you: we will use your money carefully and well.
וויקימעדיע פונדאציע
Many employers will match employee contributions which doubles your donation: please check with your company to see if they have a corporate matching gift program. You can follow us on [#twitter Twitter], [#identica identi.ca] or [#google Google+], like us on [#facebook Facebook] and [#blog read our blog]. Here is the [#annual Wikimedia Foundation annual report for 2012-13], [#plan the Wikimedia Foundation annual plan for 2013-2014] and the [#strategic Wikimedia Foundation’s five-year strategic plan]. You can also now buy Wikipedia merchandise at [#shop shop.wikimedia.org].
For your records: Your donation, number [contributionId], on [date] was [amount].
[ifRecurring] This donation is part of a recurring subscription. Monthly payments will be debited by the Wikimedia Foundation until you notify us to stop. If you’d like to cancel the payments please see our [#recurringCancel easy cancellation instructions]. [endifRecurring]
This letter may serve as a record of your donation. No goods or services were provided, in whole or in part, for this contribution. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Our address is 149 New Montgomery, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105. U.S. tax-exempt number: 20-0049703
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זייט אזוי גוט העלפט אונז [#translate איבערזעצן] דעם בליצבריוו.