CIS-A2K/Reports/Newsletter/April 2020
Access to Knowledge
COVID-19 Edit-a-thons
CIS-A2K started COVID-19 Edit-a-thon in Kannada, Marathi and Punjabi language Wikipedia to enrich the content about the COVID-19 related articles. More than 30 community members took part actively and created more than 60 articles. This initiate helped the community members to gain the knowledge and share the same with the rest of the words with the local language readers.
CIS-A2K Proposal form
CIS-A2K team submitted the proposal form to WMF for the year 2020-21. CIS-A2K team has designed activities with an objective to serve the communities to grow further. In the upcoming year, CIS-A2K will mostly focus on Content re-license, Support towards Wikidata and Wikisource, Editor retention, Online training and workshops and Bridging gender gap read more...
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