Wikimedia MKD/Reports/2024-05

Editing Days
[edit]Editing days is an activity that lasts for the whole year in organization of Wikimedia MKD. Each Tuesday and Thursday different topics are given and the participants create or improve existing articles. In May 2024 there were in total 9 editing days, where participants edited on different topics in order to enrich the content of Wikipedia. The editing days and the topics were:
- 2.5.2024 - Mythological paintings
- 7.5.2024 - Families
- 9.5.2024 - Serbian people
- 14.5.2024 - Archeological sites in Prilep region
- 16.5.2024 - Churches in Montenegro
- 21.5.2024 - Websites
- 23.5.2024 - Occupations
- 28.5.2024 - Government ministries of Portugal
- 30.5.2024 - Works about religion
Cumulatively, 5 different users took part in these calls and edited. In total, 51 new articles were created during the editing days in May 2024.
Editing Weekends
[edit]Editing weekends is another project that is organized during the whole year. During weekends (Saturday and Sunday) user are welcomed to take part in this project activity and improve or enrich Macedonian Wikipedia content. During these weekends, the participants are expected to edit articles on given topics. In May 2024 the following editing weekends were organized:
- 4-5 May 2024 - Books
- 11-12 May 2024 - Tennis
- 18-19 May 2024 - Anime
- 25-26 May 2024 - Historiography
In total, during these weekends there were 5 different users editing on the given topics and they created 34 new articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia
Edit-a-thon: Tea Party
Organizing edit-a-thons and editing competitions are seen one of the crucial factors for improving the content on Wikipedia and its related project. Wikimedia MKD is an organization that dedicates its efforts for content improvement and offering people more free knowledge. Therefore, the organization is always using some important local and international dates or celebrations for organizing events for content improvement.
This time, Wikimedia MKD organized an edit-a-thon named 'Tea Party' in order to mark the International Tea Day. On 21 May 2024 Wikimedia MKD called all Macedonian Wikipedia Users and Wikimedia MKD members to take part in the Tea Party Edit-a-thon. The goal was to improve the Wikipedia content on topic 'tea'. The users that took part in were creating articles on different tea topics. The new thing that Wikimedia MKD introduced this time was granting an award to randomly select user that contributed an article. The granting of the award was broadcast life via the Instagram profile of Wikimedia MKD and the winner was randomly selected.
In total 56 new articles were created on the given topic.
Wikilive 2024
[edit]In the period between 18th and 19th May 2024, the eight edition of the WikiLive conference for Wikipedia editors from the region of Balkans and surrounding area was held in Belgrade. The conference was held at the SKIP center. The moto of the conference was "United in knowledge". There were about 70 participants, mostly editors on Wikipedia from the region. This year, Wikimedia MKD sent Kiril Simeonoski and Nino Bogdanovski, members of the executive board, and also at the conference participated Toni Ristovski who represented CEE HUB. The Macedonian participants talked about the Wikimedia MKD activities. The conference ended with the awarding of the "Branislav Jovanovic" Wikimedia Award. This is an annual award given by Wikimedia Serbia to Serbian-language Wikipedia editors for their contribution to the spread of free knowledge. This year's winner of the award is Branka Vukicevic Vuckovic.
Kiril Simeonovski is presenting at the Conference
Nino Bogdanoski is giving a speech
Toni Ristovski's participation at the Conference
Climate Changes Edit-a-thon with Josip Bros High School
[edit]Wikimedia MKD and the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) continue their well-established productive collaboration on various different topics related to our environment. This time, Wikimedia MKD in collaboration with the MES organizations planned and successfully organized edit-a-thon of climate changes. This is one of several GLAM project events this year organized by the Wikipedian in Residence, user:SirGoldenBlade, where the focus are the climate changes. Having in mind the fact that Wikimedia MKD dedicated its GLAM programme on climate changes, this edit-a-thon and the lecture that preceded it was a very good chance to give our contribution to this worldwide problem.
The event took place on 30 May 2024 at the premises of the Museum of Macedonian Struggle in Skopje. The edit-a-thon started at 12:00 local time and it was organized with students of Josip Broz Tito High School in Skopje. The total number of students that took part in was 10 led by the coordinator Irena Trajkovska Sterjoska.
The event was opened by the MES Project Coordinator Frosina Panduroska Dramikjanin. Her one-hour lecture was focused on the history of the climate changes initiative, the organizations that fight climate changes as well as methods, actions and initiatives that may be undertaken in order to rise people's awareness of this problem and give our contribution to the fight against the climate changes problems. The lecture itself was followed by a debate between the participants of the event, which was a detailed analysis of the problem through the students' thinking and view of the world.
The second part of this event was actual editing on Wikipedia in Macedonian. The students and the participants of the event edited, created and/ or translated articles in Macedonian. The topic of editing was 'Climate Changes' and the students were free to pick whatever climate changes article they want to work on. The total number of newly-created articles during this event was 13.
Wikimedia MKD continues the implementation of its program, achieving excellent results and improving the content on Wikimedia projects through its programme activities. You can see the full gallery of the event on Commons, but also some of the photos are bellow:
Group photo of the participants on Climate Changes Edit-a-thon
Frosina Panduroska Dramikjanin lecturing the participants on climate changes
Editing on Wikipedia
Editing on Wikipedia
Frosina Panduroska Dramikjanin lecturing the participants on climate changes
Wikiexperiments 2024
Since 2015 Wikiexperiments is a project that proves to be very valuable for Wikipedia users and the general public interested in science. The success of the project keeps this programme running for more than 9 years, in collaboration with various different scientific institutions in Macedonia.
The second filming on wikiexperiments for 2024 took place on 30-05-2024 at the Institute of Chemistry, University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. Like the last year's programme, this year the staff of the Institute started doing chemistry experiments while cameraman recorded the experiments in High Definition Video Format. The final results, which are the videos, are uploaded on Commons for free use on Wikimedia projects.
The experiments were conducted by three professors at the Institute: Professor Marina Stojanovska, Professor Vladimir Petruševski and Professor Miha Buklevski.