Wikimedia MKD/Reports/2024-03

Editing Days
[edit]Editing days is an activity that lasts for the whole year in organization of Wikimedia MKD. Each Tuesday and Thursday different topics are given and the participants create or improve existing articles. In March 2024 there were in total 8 editing days, where participants edited on different topics in order to enrich the content of Wikipedia. The editing days and the topics were:
- 5.3.2024 - Radiology
- 7.3.2024 - Bridges
- 12.3.2024 - Montenegrins
- 14.3.2024 - Tropical cyclones
- 19.3.2024 - Churches in Bulgaria
- 21.3.2024 - Gold
- 26.3.2024 - Federal ministries of Russia
- 28.3.2024 - Royalty
Cumulatively, 5 different users took part in these calls and edited. In total, 74 new articles were created during the editing days in March 2024.
Editing Weekends
[edit]Editing weekends is another project that is organized during the whole year. During weekends (Saturday and Sunday) user are welcomed to take part in this project activity and improve or enrich Macedonian Wikipedia content. During these weekends, the participants are expected to edit articles on given topics. In March 2024 the following editing weekends were organized:
- 2-3 March 2024 - Tobacco
- 9-10 March 2024 - Dentistry
- 16-17 March 2024 - Agriculture
- 23-24 March 2024 - Journalism
- 30-31 March 2024 - World War I
In total, during these weekends there were 3 different users editing on the given topics and they created 60 new articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia.
Edit-a-thon: The Woman Throughout the History
[edit]Wikimedia MKD is always striving to celebrate equality, social and cultural values and promote the idea of diversity. Decreasing the gender gap regarding Wikipedia content and its related project has been one of the key focuses of the organization's efforts. Like previous years, Wikimedia MKD organized an edit-a-thon on 7 March 2024 on the topic 'The Woman Throughout the History', which it celebrates the International Women's Day with.
Wikimedia MKD organized two events for the purposes of enriching the content on Wikipedia on the given topic. One of the events took place in Skopje, in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, where Wiki Club members from the Josip Broz High School in Skopje created and improved articles for women that made significant contribution to the world. They were also introduced and lectured on women throughout Macedonian history. The second event with the same concept and goals was organized in Veles by the coordinator Lili Arsova. Members of Veles Wiki Club created and improved articles on the given topic. Besides these two events, Wikimedia MKD called all members of the Wiki community in Macedonia to give their contribution and publish or improve articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia.
This call ended with 52 new articles published on the Macedonian Wikipedia by 24 different editors from the Macedonian Wiki Community.
Working on articles, Veles.
Walkthrough the Museum in Skopje and lecture on women throughout the history
Walkthrough the Museum in Skopje and lecture on women throughout the history
Working on articles, Skopje
Working on articles, Skopje
Teachers Conference at Nikola Karev Primary School - Kochani
[edit]On 15-03-2024 Wikimedia MKD successfully organized a teachers conference at the Primary School 'Nikola Karev' in Kochani, Macedonia. After discussion and share of ideas between the organization and the Wiki Club Kochani coordinator Ljupka Stojmenova, Wikimedia MKD planned, organized and successfully completed the first teachers conference in this Macedonian city.
The conference started at 11 o'clock at the premises of the primary school Nikola Karev. The conference was attended by 21 participants and it was opened by Snezana Strkovska. Snezana talked about the organization, its goals and aims and the movement itself. The participants were introduced with the general goals of the Wikimedia Movement, the importance of the free knowledge and how the organization achieves it through the Wikimedia projects, primarily Wikipedia. The second lecture was held by the Veles Wiki Club coordinator, Lili Arsova. The conference participants were introduced with the concept of Wiki clubs, the work of Wiki Club Veles, its achievements and contribution to the movement through its activities and tasks. At the end, Wiki Club Kocani's coordinator, Ljupka Stojmenva talked about her own experience with Wikipedia and Wikimedia MKD's work, how she sees the process and its benefits for the education and free access to knowledge.
After the short break for refreshment, the participants started the second part of the conference, that is, the editing on Wikipedia. Initially, the organizers introduced the participants with the basic editing steps on Wikipedia, including creating an account, explanation for the basic editing tools and steps on Wikipedia. After this practical introduction to the basic concepts of Wikipedia and its tools, the participants were guided by the organizers to create their first article on Wikipedia. With the help of the organizers, all participants successfully published their first article following the guidelines of Wikipedia.
In general, the conference proved to be very successful, 21 new people were trained on how to edit and use Wikipedia for their work. The positive attitude of the participants and their will for learning new things marked the success of this first Kochani conference.
Snezana Strkovska is interviewed for local tv
Lili Arsova is giving a lecture
Snezana Strkovska is giving a lecture
The teachers listening a lecture
Working on articles
First Assembly Meeting
[edit]On 30 March 2024 Wikimedia MKD held its first assembly meeting. Since the organization procedures and administrative layout of the organization were established, the organization decided that an assembly meeting was also needed for the discussion of the future of the organization and its community and programme development.
The meeting was held on 30 March 2024 at 'Forzza' Restaurant in Skopje. The meeting started at 14:00 o'clock local time. The participants at the assembly meeting gathered to discuss the future of the organization, its future development and enriching the programmes of Wikimedia MKD. Furthermore, the participants shared ideas and proposals on how to enrich the numbers of the volunteers of the Movement in Macedonia.
Additionally, the organization discussed on some technical and administrative changes that are expected to occur in the near future, with the aim of improving the productivity and efficiency of the organization itself. At the end, the most important topic was discussed among the meeting participants, and that was the election of four new members of the execute board. Having accomplished that, Wikimedia MKD organization structure became bigger, enriched, diverse and it is expected to work even more on reaching the goals and spreading the idea and targets of the Wikimedia Movement in Macedonia.
In media
[edit]- Wikimedia MKD marks International Women's Day, (MK)
- Edit-a-thon: The Woman Throughout the History, (MK)
- Conference for teachers for using Wikipedia in the school system
- Conference for teachers for using Wikipedia in the school system at the primary school "Nikola Karev"-Kocani (08:03-10:25min)