Wikimedia Hong Kong
Formerly Active Affiliate This page is kept for historical interest. It documents a formerly active affiliate group whose recognition has ended. To find active Wikimedia affiliates throughout the world visit the Affiliates Portal. |

※ 中文維基百科登陸點 ※
支持我們 ※ Support us |
成為會員 Membership |
捐款 ※ Donation |
會章 ※ Constitution |
概覽 ※ Overview |
組織章程大綱 Memorandum of Association |
組織章程細則 Articles of Association |
2014年會章修訂議案 ※ Constitution Amendments Bill 2014 |
![]() Location of Hong Kong within China | |
Location | Hong Kong ![]() |
Country code | HK |
Founding date | July 14, 2007 |
Approval date | March 4, 2008 |
Derecognition date | February 1, 2017 [1] |
Official language(s) | Chinese, English |
- CH Wikimedia CH
- GB Wikimedia UK
- KR 위키미디어 한국
- US-NYC Wikimedia New York City
- CAT Amical Wikimedia
- ESP-WE Wikiesfera Grupo de Usuarixs
- H-GAPS H-GAPS User Group
- NGA-HA Hausa Wikimedians User Group
- NGA-IG Igbo Wikimedians User Group
- RU-Don Don Wikimedians User Group
- US-NE New England Wikimedians
- WJ WikiJournal
- WK? Whose Knowledge?
香港維基媒體協會(Wikimedia Hong Kong,WMHK)是維基媒體基金會曾經在香港特別行政區境內的地方分會。成立本地維基人組織的倡議,最早出現在香港維基人籌辦2006中文維基年會期間。年會過後,有助籌辦年會的大部分維基人義工,組成協會的籌備委員會。香港維基媒體協會終在2007年7月14日成立。同年9月18日根據《公司條例》(香港法例第32章)註冊成為無股本的擔保有限公司。2008年3月1日,維基媒體基金會通過相關決議,正式承認香港維基媒體協會為旗下地方分會。因為無法提供相關報告,自2017年2月1日起香港維基媒體協會已不是維基媒體的附屬機構及地方分會。
Wikimedia Hong Kong (WMHK) was the local chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The idea of founding such a chapter originated with local Wikimedians as volunteers for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006. After the conference, most of volunteers formed a preliminary committee for the chapter. It was eventually founded on 14 July 2007, and was officially registered as a Company Limited by guarantee and not having a share capital, under Chapter 32 Company Ordinance of Hong Kong, on 18 September 2007. It was recognized by the Foundation on 1 March 2008. It became inactive on 1 February 2017 and transitioned to a user group.
使命和遠景 ※ Mission and Vision
- 對外推廣維基媒體的應用
- 宣揚自由文化予香港的各界人士
- 鼓勵自由創作
- 提倡正當地使用知識產權
- 促進各類學術知識的交換和傳播
The major aims of Wikimedia Hong Kong can be described as follows:
- To promote the use of Wikimedia Projects.
- To advocate Free culture to the general public in Hong Kong.
- To encourage the freedom of artistic and literary creations.
- To advocate the correct understanding of intellectual property.
- To advocate the exchange and dissemination of academic knowledge.
Wikimedia Hong Kong will launch different kinds of activities and events on relevant topics, independently or collaborating with local endeavors, to achieve the aims above.
如何加入?※ How to enroll?
Wikimedia Hong Kong welcomes Wikimedians who are associated with Hong Kong either by birth, ancestry or residency. If you want to join us, please refer to our Recruitment page and Notes for Membership Applicants. You're also welcome to send your inquiries to

註釋 ※ Notes
- ↑ "[Wikimedia-l] Chapter De-Recognition: Wikimedia Hong Kong". Wikimedia Mailing List Pipermail. Retrieved 22 April 2017.
A Charity registered in Hong Kong No. 91/9316
香港維基媒體協會有限公司 香港九龍中央郵政局郵政信箱73859號
Wikimedia Hong Kong Limited, P.O. Box 73859, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong