Uchaguzi wa Shirika la Wikimedia/2022/Wagombea/Farah Jack Mustaklem
Farah Jack Mustaklem (Fjmustak)
Fjmustak (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Candidate details | ![]()
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Taarifa ya utangulizi / muhtasari wa maombi. Sehemu hii itatafsiriwa. (Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Mimi ni Mwanawikimedia kutoka Palestina, ninayechangia sana sana kwenye Wikipedia za Kiarabu na Kiingereza na Wikimedia Commons tangu 2005. Mimi ni mwanachama mwanzilishi na mweka hazina wa zamani wa Wanawikimedia wa Kundi la Watumiaji la Wanawikimedia wa Levant, na mwanachama wa Kundi la Watumiaji la Wanawikimedia la Kiarabu. Mimi ni mshiriki wa zamani wa Kamati ya Washirika wa Wikimedia na nilikuwa mjumbe wa Kamati ya Uendeshaji ya Mikakati ya Wikimedia na kwa sasa niko katika Kamati ya Ruzuku ya Kanda ya Afrika na Mashariki ya Kati.
Kitaalamu, mimi ni mhandisi wa programu ninayefanya kazi katika kitengo cha uchambuzi wa data. Mimi pia ni mtetezi wa haki za kidijitali na maarifa huria. Nikiwa natokea kusini mwa Dunia na kuishi huko kwa muda mrefu wa maisha yangu, huku pia nikiwa nimeelimika na kuishi Kaskazini mwa dunia kwa muda mrefu, na vile vile kuwa na uwezo wa kuzungumza lugha mbili katika kiwango cha asili katika Kiarabu na Kiingereza, inanipa nafasi ya kipekee ya kuelewa masuala yanayohusu maeneo ambayo yana uwakilishi mdogo na kuwa na mtazamo wa kimataifa wa ulimwengu. | |
Michango kwa miradi ya Wikimedia, uanachama katika mashirika au washirika wa Wikimedia, shughuli kama mratibu wa harakati za Wikimedia, au ushiriki na shirika mshirika la Wikimedia. (Upeo wa maneno 100) |
I have been an editor in the Arabic and English Wikipedias since 2005 with contributions in a variety of different fields. I've also contributed hundreds of photos to Commons. As far as offline activities go, I am a founding member of the Wikimedians of the Levant User Group, and a member of the Arabic Wikimedians User Group, and initiator of the Wikipedia Education Program in Palestine. Additionally, I've served on movement-wide bodies: I was an AffCom member, a member of the Wikimedia Strategy Steering Committee, and currently a member of the Regional Grants Committee. | |
Utaalamu katika maeneo ya ujuzi yaliyotambuliwa kama mahitaji ya Bodi.
(Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Of the skill areas identified as needs by the Board, my experience in organizational strategy stems from my involvement in the steering committee for the Wikimedia strategy deliberations, as well as following the process throughout its different stages. The other area I claim experience in is the area of data analytics. As a software engineer for over 20 years developing analytics software for the semiconductor industry, including big data solutions, I am well aware of the field of big data analytics, and have dabbled with machine learning, but am by no means an expert in it. Additionally, my management experience spans over 8 years: I’ve managed a diverse team developing products using different software technologies. | |
Uzoefu wa kuishi ulimwenguni. Tunavutiwa sana kusoma kuhusu matukio ya maisha katika maeneo ya Afrika, Asia ya Kusini, Mashariki na Kusini Mashariki mwa Asia na Pasifiki, na Amerika ya Kusini na Visiwa vya Karibi. Tunaamini kuwa uzoefu katika maeneo haya unaweza kusaidia kupanua uwezo wa bodi wa kutimiza lengo la mkakati wa harakati la ushiriki wa usawa zaidi, ingawa tunatambua kuwa uzoefu mwingine unaweza pia kutoa michango muhimu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
Although I do not have any lived experiences in the regions designated as especially interesting, I believe living in West Asia, in the Arab World, and especially in Palestine gives me a unique perspective on that part of the World. Living in Palestine poses a unique challenge, as one has to deal daily with both a developing country, and with military occupation. Navigating different systems, be the legal, financial, or otherwise, and living with uncertainty builds resilience and broadens one’s horizons. One example of the challenges I’d faced in my role as treasurer of the Wikimedians of the Levant User Group was that of moving (small amounts of) money to different countries in the region: a routine operation most in the more developed countries would not give much thought to. Having lived in the USA and the UK as well as in Palestine has opened my eyes to the different perspectives on life and given me the ability to discern and to understand the nuances of each country. | |
Ufasaha wa kitamaduni na lugha pamoja na maeneo na lugha za ziada kwa eneo lako la asili na lugha. Uelewa wa kitamaduni husaidia kujenga madaraja katika jumuiya yetu ya tamaduni nyingi. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
I am fluent in both Arabic and English at a native level. As a macrolanguage, Arabic has various dialects, spanning a large area across two continents. In addition to Modern Standard Arabic, I am fluent in the Levantine dialect and have a good understanding the other dialects. Additionally, I have basic conversational ability in French, Spanish, and Hebrew. I am continually learning new languages; currently I’m learning Dutch. My exposure to multiple cultures due to living in and traveling to different regions, as well as reading and inquiring about worldwide cultures and communicating with people from around the globe are the basis of my intercultural awareness. | |
Uzoefu kama mtetezi wa kuunda nafasi salama na shirikishi kwa wote na/au uzoefu katika hali au miktadha ya udhibiti, ukandamizaji au mashambulizi mengine dhidi ya haki za binadamu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
In addition to advocating for free and open knowledge through the various Wikimedia activities, from editing Wikipedia to holding editing workshops (including a workshop for Syrian refugees in the Netherlands) and the Wikipedia Education Program in Palestinian universities, I have been vocal in supporting digital rights and other human rights. Digital rights are a universal human right, and are not limited to one country or the other. Any attack on digital rights anywhere is relevant elsewhere. From opposing SOPA and supporting net neutrality in the US, to opposing website blocking and the controversial “Electronic Crimes Law” enacted by the Palestinian Authority and other repressive regimes in the region, the struggle is real. These laws are used to encroach upon free speech and to silence political dissent in the guise of electronic crimes. I was involved in advocacy and activism to repeal the Palestinian law, which resulted in amending it adding safeguards for free speech. I have participated in and spoken at digital rights conferences in Palestine and in the region, working with like-minded organizations. | |
Uzoefu kuhusiana na (au kama mwanachama wa, kwa kiwango unachochagua kushiriki) kikundi ambacho kimekabiliwa na ubaguzi wa kihistoria na uwakilishi mdogo katika miundo ya mamlaka (pamoja na lakini sio tu kwa tabaka, jamii, kabila, rangi, asili ya kitaifa, utaifa, utambulisho wa kijinsia, kujieleza jinsia, mwelekeo wa kijinsia, umri, dini, lugha, utamaduni, elimu, uwezo, mapato na mazingira). (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
As a Palestinian who has lived in Palestine for most of my life, I have had the chance to experience first-hand the discrimination based on ethnicity and religious identity, as well as understand how different privileges are conferred onto different groups of people. I consider myself lucky to be among the more privileged, whose struggles pale in comparison to those further down the privilege scale. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Matanya (talk) 08:36, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
Identification: ![]() Verified by: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 23:52, 18 May 2022 (UTC) |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Farah Jack Mustaklem | Gold | Silver | Gold | Silver | Silver | Gold |