
歡迎來到維基媒體基金會理事會下設的社群事務委員會(Community Affairs Committee,CAC)!
The Wikimedia Foundation's Community Affairs Committee (CAC) is a Board committee that was established on 24 February 2021. Its aims is to "assess, explore and address current and future community-related efforts. Its main goal is to work with both Wikimedia Foundation staff and the wider Wikimedia community in order to bridge conflicts and offer guidance, with a main goal of continuously improving the relationships between the Wikimedia Foundation and its wider community, as well as working jointly to achieve the mission and vision of the Wikimedia Movement, while considering the different needs of the Wikimedia Foundation, our communities and users around the world."
The CAC's scope and responsibilities are laid out in its charter.
- 社区相关倡议和事务: 协助优先处理社区相关的倡议,联络各委员会和工作组,并支持首席执行官和相关员工处理当前的社区相关优先事项(如让运动参与年度规划工作及其他组织优先事项)。
- 董事会沟通: 在活动、电话会议等场合保持并改善与社区的持续联系。
- 运动战略: 支持运动战略的实施,包括与相关委员会联系(如 治理委员会、附属委员会),并参与草案和成果的制定。
Chair: Shani Evenstein Sigalov (continuing from 2021 appointment)
Members: Vicki Doronina, Mike Peel
Alternates: Jimmy Wales, Nataliia Tymkiv
Staff Liaison: Senior Director of Movement Communications (Mayur मयूर)
- James Heilman - 成員 - 02/21 - 10/21
- Dariusz Jemielniak - 成員 - 02/21 - 10/21
- Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight Alternate – 10/21- 12/24
- 2021年5月13日: "Meet the Board" session
- July 21, 2021: "The Board meets Board Candidates" – (Open to Board candidates only)
- August, 2021: Wikimania events – "Meet the Board" & Roundtables
- October 20, 2021: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- February 17, 2022 (rescheduled from January): "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- April 21, 2022: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- June – Q&A for 2022 Board candidates (closed call)
- July 14, 2022: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- August 14, 2022: "Sip, snack and chat with the Board" at Wikimania
- October 20, 2022: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- December 15, 2022: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- February 23, 2023: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- May 18, 2023: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- August 2023: Trustees at Wikimania
- December 7, 2023: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- March 21, 2024 at 19:00 UTC: "Conversation with the Trustees" session
- May 23, 2024 at 2:00 UTC: Sister Project Task Force Open Call #1 -- Discussion and feedback on Draft procedure for sibling project lifecycle.
- 9 June, 2024 at 2:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC: Sister Project Task Force Open Call -- Discussion and feedback on Draft procedure for sibling project lifecycle.
- June 27, 2024 at 18:00 UTC: "Conversation with the Trustees" session.
- August 9, 2024 at 8:00 UTC: Trustees at Wikimania
- 2025年1月30日14:30 UTC:"与托管人对话"会议
- Dates coming soon.