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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata/Notes/Requirements and the translation is 35% complete.

Derbyniodd Wicidata dipyn go lew o sylw, hyd yn oed cyn sgwennwyd un gair o god. Mae'r disgwyliadau, felly, yn uchel. Mae Wicidata'n llawer o bethau i lawer o bobl. Fe'i sylfaenwyd ar nifer helaeth o syniadau, awgrymiadau, cynigion a thechnoleg - a ddatblygwyd dros gyfnod o ddeg mlynedd o fewn y mudiad Wicimedia. Mae'n amlwg, felly, na fyddwn yn ateb yr holl ofynion a'r disgwyliadau.

Nod y nodyn byr hwn yw casglu rhai gofynion sylfaenol ar gyfer Wikidata, er mwyn sicrhau bod gan y gymuned drafodaeth a chasgliadau o syniadau sylfaenol dda er mwyn bod yn effeithiol.

Nid yw'r gofynion canlynol yn agored i drafodaeth:

  1. Bydd Wikidata yn brosiect Wikimedia, a gynhelir yn y pen draw a gweithredir gan y Wikimedia Foundation. Mae hyn yn gorchymyn y bydd Wikidata yn dilyn egwyddorion a chanllawiau'r mudiad Wikimedia.
  2. Datblygir y feddalwedd i redeg Wikidata o dan drwydded Ffynhonnell Agored, a bydd yn dibynnu'n unig ar feddalwedd sy'n Ffynhonnell Agored.
  3. The setup for Wikidata should blend into the current Wikimedia Foundation infrastructure as easily as possible. This means that we should fit into the same dumping, backup, and operations infrastructure as far as possible. This mandates that we use MediaWiki, PHP, MySQL, etc.
  4. Bydd cynnwys Wicidata yn cael ei roi dan drwydded rhydd ac agored.
  5. Caiff y cynnwys yn Wikidata ei allforio gan ddefnyddio fformatau safonol am ddim
  6. The success of Wikidata is not measured by the amount of data it stores, but by the creation of a healthy community and its usefulness for Wikipedia and other applications.
  7. Wikidata will not be about the truth, but about statements and their references. These can be contradictory.
  8. Wikidata will be fully internationalized, and available in all the languages of the Wikimedia projects.
  9. The expressiveness of Wikidata will be limited. There will always be examples of knowledge that Wikidata will not be able to convey. We hope that this expressiveness can increase over time.
  10. The developers of Wikidata do not decide on the content of Wikidata, just like the developers of MediaWiki do not decide on the content of Wikipedia. They can also be editors to Wikidata, but they do not get special rights within the community.

The following requirements are used as strong guidances that we apply in the design of Wikidata:

  1. Wikidata is a socio-technical system. Instead of trying to be overly intelligent, we rely on the Wikimedia communities.
  2. The first goal of Wikidata is to serve actual use cases in Wikipedia, not to enable some form of hypothetical perfection in knowledge representation.
  3. Wikidata has to balance ease of use and expressiveness of statements. The user interface should not get complicated to merely cover a few exceptional edge cases.
  4. What is an exceptional case, and what is not, will be defined by how often they appear in Wikipedia. Instead of anecdotal evidence or hypothetical examples we will analyse Wikipedia and see how frequent specific cases are.
  5. Let's be pragmatic. Finished is better than perfect.
  6. Wikidata will provide a lot of data that can support research. We want to ensure that it is easily usable.
  7. Wikidata will provide an API interface to create alternative UIs which are more intelligent than the standard Wikidata one.
  8. Wikidata will be editable by humans and by bots alike. But the people running the bots must be aware of their heightened responsibility to not overwhelm the community.