Rušenie zastaraných farebných tém
Pre lepšie využívanie našich obmedzených zdrojov budú od 15. do 24. Apríla 2013 "všetky farebné témy okrem {int:Skinname-vector}}, MonoBook, Modern a Cologne Blue" nenávratne odstránené z projektu MediaWiki a tak aj zo všetkých projektov Wikimedia. Ak máte na účte nastavené používanie jedného zo zastaraných farebných tém, [1], vaše zobrazenie sa automaticky prepne do témy prednastavenej pre vašu wiki.

Koľko ľudí bude týmto ovplyvnených?
Okolo 0.53% aktívnych používateľov Wikimedia a okolo 0.39% aktívnych užívateľov s viac než 1,000 úpravami. Taktiež sa to bude týkať 0.31% neaktívnych užívateľov Wikimedia (žiadne úpravy alebo prihlásenia za posledných šesť mesiacov). Je dostupný plný štatistický rozpis.
Čo potrebujem urobiť?
Ak momentálne používate téme Monobook, Modern, Cologne Blue alebo Vector (teda ak ste si nikdy nezmenili túto voľbu), táto vec sa vás nebude skutočne týkať a nemusíte urobiť nič. Ak využívate a ste spokojní s používaním prednastavenej témy na každom projekte (Vector), nemusíte robiť nič.
V opačnom prípade môžete navštíviť Preferencie vo vašich osobných nástrojoch na začiatku každej stránky, kliknúť na druhú kartu (vzhľad) a vybrať jednu z tém "Vector", "Monobook", "Modern" alebo "Cologne Blue", a po výbere stlačiť "Uložiť" na spodku stránky. Ak si nieste istý, ktorú tému používate, môžete postupovať rovnako a zistíte.
Prečo to robíte?
Hlavný dôvod je, že nové možnosti ktoré vyvíjame - medzi-projektové upozornenia, lepšie spôsoby ako strážiť nové stránky, jednoduchšie diskusné stránky a ostatné - nás nútia k pokusom o ich zapracovanie do všetkých našich farebných tém. Nemôžeme nahradiť starý softvér novým softvérom, ktorý by nefungoval pre kus komunity; je to jednoducho neprijateľné.
The problem is that because we have so many old skins, building in support for them is expensive in terms of developer time (and so in terms of donor funds). The more time we have to spend making something work with nine or ten different skins, the less we have to build new features or maintain our existing software. It also limits the things we can actually build, since some highly useful features might simply not work with skins from 2001 or 2002. The end result is we have to choose between producing limited software very slowly, breaking the site for a chunk of our community, or switching skins off; we've chosen the third.
Why are you keeping these four skins?
The skins we will currently keep available – Vector, Monobook, Modern and Cologne Blue – were selected because they currently work with the features we provide and/or have active maintainers. Vector is the official skin that we provide and keep up-to-date for all new developments and to fix bugs. The other three (Monobook, Modern and Cologne Blue) are supported primarily by volunteer developers who donate their time to keeping these skins available. We at the Wikimedia Foundation will try to ensure "graceful degradation" for these older three skins, so that newer functionality will work to some extent. Over time, however, if they break we may need to disable those too.
Aren't the old skins better for people on slow connections/computers?
Mostly no. It used to be the case that the ancient skins involved less code and so were better for people with slow computers or poor connections to the Internet. However, since 2011 a technical change means this is no longer true, and the difference is negligible (at most a few kilobytes, or under 5% of a typical page payload).
On the other hand, Vector and Monobook use several background images (unlike, for example, the Classic/Standard skin), which might slightly increase CPU load. Modern and Cologne Blue are free of this issue.
Customized JS/CSS scripts, written to mimic the old skins, will also cause additional download time.
I really like some things about one of the old skins – what can I do?
All MediaWiki skins allow a user to modify them with user-specific customisations using JavaScript and CSS. You can easily modify one of the stock skins (such as Vector or Monobook) to re-create elements of another skin (such as Classic or Nostalgia). This allows you to retain features you particularly like from soon-to-be killed skins.
If you need help, please post clear, actionable, and discrete requests to Tech describing which specific feature from an older skin you would like to see in a newer skin. For example, "I was using the Classic skin and I'd like to use Monobook now. How do I adjust the font to be serif instead of sans-serif?"
- ↑ ⧼Skinname-chick⧽, ⧼Skinname-standard⧽, ⧼Skinname-myskin⧽, Nostalgia a ⧼Skinname-simple⧽