Intarsio del XVI secolo tratto dalla Storia delle popolazioni nordiche, di Olaus Magnus, ritrae presumibilmente l'orologio astronomico della Cattedrale di Uppsala, che venne successivamente distrutto da un incendio.
Espansione. Revisione. Pubblicazione. Troll di nuova generazione. Anno quinto. Molte grandi cose attendono dietro l'angolo; nuove associazioni, nuove pubblicazioni, nuovi gruppi di lettori e ricercatori. Cosa possiamo fare con tutto questo? Come si gestirà la comunità? Scoprirlo è metà del divertimento.
On a dark office evening,
Sat down in my chair.
Sharp smell of stale coffee
Circling round in the air.
Suddenly on the webpage
There came a flickering light.
My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim;
I had to stop for the night.
There it was in the link list:
"Edit page; you'll do well"
And I was thinking to myself This could be Heaven or this could be Hell!
Then it lit up the quickbar
And it showed me the way.
There were pages begging clean-up;
I thought I heard them say-ay:
Welcome to the Hotel Wikipedia Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) So much empty space... Plenty of work at the Hotel Wikipedia Any time of year You can find us here...
Many links in the Portal Disambigs won't suffice
And users said, We are all just prisoners here Of our own device.
And in the Most Requested
The list of pages increased;
They edit it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast.
Last thing I remember,
I couldn't take any more.
I had to find the hyperlink back
to the life I had before Relax, said the Rambot, We are programmed to receive. You can log out any time you like But your work can never leave.
Welcome to the Hotel Wikipedia Such a lovely place So much empty space They're typing it in at the Hotel Wikipedia Things that you can do— Revertvandals, too—