Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Advocacy/zh
Movement Strategy Working Groups |
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Thematic Working Groups (2018-2019) |
Writing Working Groups (2019-2020) |
![]() | Movement strategy working groups are currently undergoing a transition as the process moves from drafting recommendations to synthesizing those recommendations into one coherent set. We are not in an open consultation phase at the moment, but you can review the draft recommendations below. |

- 法律框架、公共政策和议程,以确定积极倡导和政治参与有助于完成我们的使命和实现战略方向的领域;
- 建设打破政治障碍的能力;
- 确定合作伙伴的政治影响力
- 在成为自由知识必不可缺的基础设施的过程中,我们应优先考虑哪些政策领域? 我们必须在哪些方面与更广泛的全球运动保持一致?
- 要实现战略愿景,需进行哪些政策变革? 运动可以进行变革的领域有哪些?
- 推动有助实现目标的公共政策的最有效方法是什么? 运动的各组织和社区中,需要什么类型的法律、公共政策和活动能力,以及我们如何建设这些能力?
- 除政策专家外,我们如何在社区倡导行动意识、支持和准备?
- 开放型知识运动如何支持全球对法律工作日益增长的需求,从而保护自由言论、自由获取信息和开放型知识? 谁应参与这项运动,谁是我们需要合作以帮助实现我们使命的伙伴?
- 更广泛的开放式知识运动自身应如何组织起来,以便更好地与政策制定者、法律倡导者和其他利益相关者就开放型互联网的未来相关事宜进行沟通?
- 维基媒体如何利用其强大知名度和影响力与其他开放型互联网和开放型知识盟友合作,从而倡导新闻自由、言论自由、全球统一互联网接入以及其他确保信息自由流动的政策目标?
姓名 | 组织/项目 | 角色 | 地区 |
Allison Davenport | 维基媒体基金会 | 工作人员 | 北美 |
Alice Wiegand | 志愿者 | 中欧 | |
Anass Sedrati | 维基媒体摩洛哥用户群 | 董事会成员 | 北非、西欧、北欧 |
Anna Mazgal | 欧盟自由知识倡导组织 | 工作人员 | 西欧、中欧和东欧 |
Isla Haddow-Flood | Wiki In Africa / WikiAfrica | 董事会成员 | 南非 |
Jimmy Wales | 维基媒体基金会 | 董事会成员 | 北美 |
Mohsen Salek | 伊朗维基媒体人用户群 | 志愿者 | 南亚 |
Reports and documents
Please take a look at the draft recommendations (September 2019):
- Transparency: A global network of Wikimedia advocates is built on community driven rules of engagement. Processes for decision making are known and comprehensible. There are established entry points for those who want to be involved or want to initiate advocacy activities
- Diversity: Community actively seeks and provides a good environment and tailored pathways that attracts more people from a variety and diversity of languages and cultural backgrounds to engage in advocacy for Wikimedia on a local or global level
- Global conversation: There is an established communication process for community advocates to have central conversations about advocacy
- Knowledge management: There is constant knowledge management about methods, cases, success stories, and failures for all advocates to access and learn from, processed and maintained by, with and for them
- Advocacy Hub: Movement advocacy efforts are streamlined and reinforced by a hub run with and for current and future advocates
- Common positioning: The advocacy priorities of the Wikimedia movement are clearly articulated through a shared, highly visible and living document
- Partnerships: Advocates for the Wikimedia movement are able to collaborate with and build upon an existing global network of partners working on aligned advocacy issues
- Empowerment of advocates: Advocacy is recognized and encouraged as a valid pathway in the Wikimedia Movement
- Self-Determination: Subsidiary decentralisation should be a model of collaboration for advocacy across the movement
- Protection of Advocates: Advocates have access to clearly defined and accessible safety measures enabling them to work without having their personal and communal security compromised
First draft recommendations are available as well (August 2019).
There is also an abbreviated, translated version prepared for easier engagement.
Scoping document
- Scoping document (March 2019)
此概述为 2018 年维基媒体会议上关于“倡导”的讨论结果。工作组讨论了下列事项:1. 该主题领域的范围;2. 应加入工作组的人员;3. 工作组运作方式。
- 会谈关注点
2018 年维基媒体会上,“倡导”工作组就以下观点达成一致:
- 维基媒体应该更加 [公开] 政治化
- 需要在运动中培养更多政策专业知识
- 合作关系和联盟至关重要
内容 | 对象 | 方式 |
- Considering 2030: Future of the Commons
- Considering 2030: Misinformation, verification, and propaganda
- EU policy
- Strategy 2030: Wikimedia's role in shaping the future of the information commons
- Legal texts in Wikimedia blog
- Wikimedia's 8th transparency report
- "Net neutrality is essential for access to knowledge" in Wikimedia blog
- Internet Health Report
- State of Creative Commons
- ...