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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Cycle 2/Engaging in the Knowledge Ecosystem/id

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This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Cycle 2/Engaging in the Knowledge Ecosystem and the translation is 7% complete.
The following discussion is closed.

Cycle 2 of the discussion is now closed. Please discuss the draft strategic direction (link coming soon).

Kami akan membangun hubungan dengan berbagai macam organisasi yang berdedikasi pada cita-cita pengetahuan yang bebas. Komunitas Wikimedia akan bekerja sama dengan sekutu yang tidak mereka kenal. Konten dan teknologi kami akan menjadi bagian utama dari pendidikan formal dan informal di seluruh dunia. Kamiakan bermitra dengan institusi terkemuka di bidang pendidikan, seni, hiburan, masyarakat sipil, pemerintahan, sains, dan teknologi. Bersama-sama, kami akan mengundang generasi baru orang-orang yang belajar, menciptakan dan merawat perpustakaan pengetahuan bebas yang berkembang untuk semua orang.


This theme was formed from the content generated by individual contributors and organized groups during cycle 1 discussions. Here are the sub-themes that support this theme. See the Cycle 1 Report, plus the supplementary spreadsheet and synthesis methodology of the 1800+ thematic statements.

  • Education
  • Institutions
  • Educators
  • Existing programs

Insights from movement strategy conversations and research

Insights from the Wikimedia community (from this discussion)

Insights from partners and experts  

Insights from user (readers and contributors) research

Other Research

About education

  1. World Bank: http://data.worldbank.org/topic/education
  2. United Nations Education: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/education
  3. Brookings: While overall literacy will rise, global access to post-secondary education will remain out of reach for billions of people: https://www.brookings.edu/research/why-wait-100-years-bridging-the-gap-in-global-education
  4. Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Burns, M. and Lawrie, J. (Eds.). (2015). Where It’s Needed Most: Quality Professional Development for All Teachers. New York, NY: Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies.
  5. UNESCO: Miao, Mishra and McGreal (2016). Open Educational Resources: Policy, Costs and Transformation. Paris, UNESCO.
  6. UNESCO: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002164/216451E.pdf
  7. Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2015/09/whos-benefiting-from-moocs-and-why


View discussion of these questions on the talk page

These are the main questions we want you to consider and debate during this discussion. Please support your arguments with research when possible. We recognize you may not have time to answer all the questions; to help you choose where to focus, we have listed three types of questions below. The primary questions are the ones most important to answer during this discussion cycle.

Primary questions:
  1. What impact would we have on the world if we follow this theme?
    • Note that if you already submitted key ideas that answer this question for this theme in the previous discussion, consider just adding a link to that source page versus rewriting the whole statement. (see spreadsheet). If you have something new to add to a comment you made previously, however, please do.
  2. How important is this theme relative to the other 4 themes? Why?
Secondary question:
  1. Focus requires tradeoffs. If we increase our effort in this area in the next 15 years, is there anything we’re doing today that we would need to stop doing?
Expansion questions:
  1. What else is important to add to this theme to make it stronger?
Expansion questions:
  1. Who else will be working in this area and how might we partner with them?

Other comments:

Remember, if you have thoughts about the strategy process or larger issues, please share those here, where they are being monitored daily!

If you have specific ideas for improving the software, please consider submitting them in Phabricator or the product's specific talkpage.