Stewards/elections 2009/statements/Apteva
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The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted. |
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- Languages: en-N, en-5
- Personal info: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: My first edit on Wikipedia used a registered username, but having forgotten both the username and the password I decided to do what I could as an IP user. Since then I have contributed thousands of edits, only using a username when necessary, or to participate in discussions. In order to make the Wikipedia project valuable as a source of knowledge, I have done what I can to improve the quality of the information. As a registered user my focus is on recent changes patrolling and development of better guidelines. As an IP user, one of my many focuses is to assist at en:WP:RM. Qualities, are: very intelligent, and very thoughtful.
- Sprachen: en-N, en-5
- Informationen zur Person: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: Mein erste Bearbeitung wurde mit einem registrierten Account vorgenommen, aber da ich sowohl Benutzername als auch Passwort vergaß, entschied ich mein Bestes als IP zu geben. Seither habe ich Tausende von Bearbeitungen beigetragen und einen Benutzernamen nur wenn nötig oder zur Teilnahme an Diskussionen verwendet. Um das Wikipedia-Projekt zu einer wertvollen Informationsquelle zu machen, habe ich mein Bestes getan, um die Qualität der Informationen zu verbessern. Als registrierter Benutzer konzentriere ich mich auf die Kontrolle der Letzten Änderungen und die Entwicklung besserer Richtlinien. Als IP ist eines meiner vielen Arbeitsgebiete die Hilfe auf en:WP:RM [auf dieser Seite werden Verschiebungen durch Administratoren beantragt, Anm. d. Übersetzers]. Meine Qualitäten sind: sehr intelligent und sehr umsichtig.
- Langues: en-N, en-5
- Renseignements personnels: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: Ma première édition sur la wikipédia anglaise a été avec un compte utilisateur, mais j'ai oublié à la fois le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe, j'ai donc décidé de faire ce que je pouvais sous IP. Après avoir eu des milliers de contributions, j'utilise seulement le nom d'utilisateur quand c'est nécessaire, ou pour participer aux discussions. Afin de rendre le projet Wikipédia valable comme source de connaissance, J'ai fait ce que j'ai pu pour améliorer la qualité de l'information. En tant qu'utilisateur enregistré, je me suis concentré sur les patrouilles des changements récents et au développement de meilleures ligne de conduites. En tant qu'utilisateur sous IP, l'une de mes nombreuses attentions est d'assister à en:WP:RM. Mes qualités, sont: très intelligent, et très pensif.
- 言語: en-N, en-5
- 候補者の情報: User:Apteva、en:User:Apteva: 私のウィキペディアでの初めての編集では登録利用者名を使っていましたが、利用者名もパスワードも忘れてしまったためIPユーザとしてできることをする決心をしました。そのときから数千回の編集をし、必要に応じて、あるいは議論に参加するときにのみ、利用者名を使っていました。ウィキペディア・プロジェクトを知識の資源として価値あるものにするため、情報の質を改善するためにできることをしてきました。登録利用者としての私の焦点は「最近更新したページ」の見回りと、ガイドラインの改善に当たっています。IP利用者としては、多くある焦点のうちの1つは、en:WP:RM(訳者注:移動依頼)で手助けすることに当たっています。質というものは、とても知性的で、思想に富んでいるということ、そこにあります。
- Języki: en-N, en-5
- Informacje osobiste: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: Moja pierwsza edycja w Wikipedii została wykonana z zarejestrowanego konta, ale potem ze względu na zapomnienie zarówno nazwy użytkownika, jak i hasła, postanowiłem pracować jako IPek. Od tej pory wykonałem tysiące edycji, korzystając z logowania tylko wtedy, gdy było to konieczne, lub biorąc udział w dyskusjach. By uczynić z Wikipedii wartościowe źródło informacji robiłem to, co mogłem, by poprawić jakość informacji. Moim priorytetem jako zarejestrowanego użytkownika są Ostatnie Zmiany i opracowanie lepszych zasad. Jako IPek koncentruję się na wspieraniu en:WP:RM. Zalety: bardzo inteligentny i myślący.
- Línguas: en-N, en-5
- Informações pessoais: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: Minha primeira edição na Wikipédia usei um nome registrado, mas tinha esquecido tanto o meu nome de usuário como a senha e decidi fazer o que poderia como IP. Desde então tenho contribuído com milhares de edições, utilizando apenas o nome de usuário quando necessário ou para participar em discussões. A fim de tornar o projeto Wikipedia numa valiosa fonte de conhecimento, tenho feito o possível para melhorar a qualidade das informações. Como usuário registado meu foco é no patrulhamento das mudanças recentes e desenvolvimento de melhores guias de ajuda. Como usuário anônimo, um dos meus muitos focus é ajudar em en:WP:RM. Qualidades, são: muito inteligente e muito pensativo.
- Языки: en-N, en-5
- Личная информация: User:Apteva, en:User:Apteva: Первую правку в Википедии я сделал, зарегистрировавшись, но забыв и имя пользователя, и пароль, я решил делать то, что мог, как IP-пользователь. С того момента я внёс тысячи правок, используя учётную запись только если это было необходимо либо для участия в обсуждениях. Для того, чтобы сделать Википедию ценной как источник знаний, я сделал то, что мог для улучшения качества информации. Как зарегистрированный участник я патрулирую свежие правки и занимаюсь развитием лучших руководящих принципов. Одним же из моих многочисленных занятий как IP-пользователя является оказание помощи на en:WP:RM. Мои качества: я очень умный и очень вдумчивый.
- 可说语言: en-N, en-5
- 个人资料: User:Apteva、en:User:Apteva:我在维基百科上的第一次编辑便使用了注册帐号,但当我把用户名和密码都忘掉的时候,我决定当一名IP用户。自那时起我在维基百科上贡献了成千次编辑,但只当在有必要或要参与讨论时我才会使用用户名。为了让维基百科项目能够成为有价值的知识来源,我为提高其资讯的质量而尽心尽力。作为一名注册用户,我关注于最近更改巡查以及更佳指引的发展。作为一名IP用户,协助英文维基百科的移动请求是我的众多关注点之一。质量,是需要深思熟虑的。
- 可说语言: en-N, en-5
- 个人资料: User:Apteva、en:User:Apteva:我在维基百科上的第一次编辑便使用了注册帐号,但当我把用户名和密码都忘掉的时候,我决定当一名IP用户。自那时起我在维基百科上贡献了成千次编辑,但只当在有必要或要参与讨论时我才会使用用户名。为了让维基百科项目能够成为有价值的知识来源,我为提高其资讯的质量而尽心尽力。作为一名注册用户,我关注于最近更改巡查以及更佳指引的发展。作为一名IP用户,协助英文维基百科的移动请求是我的众多关注点之一。质量,是需要深思熟虑的。
- 可說語言: en-N, en-5
- 個人資料: User:Apteva、en:User:Apteva:我在維基百科上的第一次編輯便使用了註冊帳號,但當我把用戶名和密碼都忘掉的時候,我決定當一名IP用戶。自那時起我在維基百科上貢獻了成千次編輯,但只當在有必要或要參與討論時我才會使用用戶名。為了讓維基百科計畫能夠成為有價值的知識來源,我為提高其資訊的品質而盡心盡力。作為一名註冊用戶,我關注於最近更改巡查以及更佳指引的發展。作為一名IP用戶,協助英文維基百科的移動請求是我的眾多關注點之一。品質,是需要深思熟慮的。
Questions → Stewards/elections 2009/Questions
[edit]Support because otherwise it's impossible to indent the line below properly, and that makes my vote-checking bots not work. ST47 19:32, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Support --Zeljko 23:11, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Oppose No. You have not mentioned anything relevant to stewardship in your summary. Gak 08:51, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No, If you are not willing to sign what you write. Fenrisulfir 01:05, 3. February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose — Aitias // discussion 00:00, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Imho the user has not enough experience, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 00:06, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Abdullah Harun Jewel 01:05, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry, you are not eligible to vote this year, you must have had 600 edits on any project by November 1, and either an SUL account or a link to that account on your userpage. You must also have 50 edits since August 1 and not be blocked here. ST47 01:12, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry, I don't believe you have enough experience. Have you thought about en:Administratorship though? With a little work, that might be better. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by NuclearWarfare (talk) diff, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 00:15, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- You just voted two lines up... ST47 20:39, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by NuclearWarfare (talk • contribs) diff, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 00:15, 1 February 2009 (UTC). ;) --Thogo (talk) 14:46, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
- You just voted two lines up... ST47 20:39, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Puntori 00:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Mr.Z-man 00:19, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Thogo (talk) 00:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose no. Micha L. Rieser 00:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose I think you should be familiar with your home project first before running for Steward. miranda 00:24, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No Udufruduhu 00:30, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Inexperience, haven't really explained what you'd do with the Steward bit and you were blocked back in October on en-wiki, can't support sorry. Matt (Talk) 00:31, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Az1568 (talk) 00:36, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No. Not a word about the stewardship. This user seems to think it is all about en-Wikipedia what we are talking about, but stewards shouldn't do anything (or ver very little) on en-Wikipedia. We are talking here not about the Wikipedia-project, but about the Wikimedia-project, a small difference in words, a very big difference in practice. Romaine 00:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No/いいえ. --Taichi - (あ!) 00:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, but No - what do you want? Marcus Cyron 01:04, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Kanonkas 01:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Not enough experience. — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 01:16, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose per some of the issues mentioned above. macy 01:18, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose, inexperienced. — neuro(talk) 01:20, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --FollowTheMedia 01:24, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Ivan Štambuk 01:24, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Tomatejc 02:58, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose bibliomaniac15 03:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose--1j1z2 03:27, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Revolus Echo der Stille 03:49, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No. Prodego talk 04:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose—『Skjackey tse』 04:51, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Sir James 05:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Avjoska 06:34, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Achates 07:18, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Shipmaster 07:38, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Matema 08:18, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry. Sebleouf 08:40, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Vd437 08:41, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Brownout(msg) 09:59, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Against monolingual stewardship. Man77
10:05, 1 February 2009 (UTC)Oppose --Church of emacs 10:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Efbé
10:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Doesn't show understanding of what stewardship is. Jon Harald Søby 10:29, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --AFBorchert 11:08, 1 February 2009 (UTC) apparently no experience and no knowledge of foreign languages
Oppose Vyk 11:14, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --KRLS 11:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose are you joking? --Smihael 11:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose only using a username when necessary - stewards use a username more than when necessary'. The Helpful One 11:46, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Against monolingual stewardship (especially english speaker). VIGNERON * discut. 11:53, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Béria Lima Msg 11:58, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose In my view, stewards on EN Wikipedia should speak English as their first language. Also this user cannot be praised (if that if the right word) for the edits he has made via an IP account as we cannot tell for sure whether this user made those edits. Also user has not had enough experience. Manadude2 12:02, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Florian Adler 12:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose sorry axpdeHello! 12:32, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose —Dferg (meta-w:es:) 14:10, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --MF-W 14:27, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Stewardship has little or nothing to do with enwiki. Stifle 14:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose John Vandenberg 14:42, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Obelix 14:59, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Obelix 14:59, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Enbéká 15:46, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Jdrewitt 16:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Japiot 18:08, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose À cause du manque d'expérience avec les outils d'admin. / Lack of experience with admins' tools. --Edhral 19:07, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Seems to be very little active (less than 50 edits in 3 monts) even in his home wiki — NickK 19:10, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Obviously not nearly enough experience. Majorly talk 19:56, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Saloca 20:47, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose –Ejs-80 20:50, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose NonvocalScream 20:51, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No. Razorflame 21:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Njaelkies Lea 21:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No, a strong one. --Nrainer 23:19, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Needs language skills. --Shizhao 01:15, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry.You aren't expert enough.Try next years.Good luck. --Rangond 06:26, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry, you are not eligible to vote this year, you must have had 600 edits on any project by November 1, and either an SUL account or a link to that account on your userpage. You must also have 50 edits since August 1 and not be blocked here. ST47 19:27, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose ~ putnik 08:00, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Uwe Gille 09:32, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose This is obvious. User doesn't even remotely have the prerequisites to become a steward. --FiliP × 12:07, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Filipe RibeiroMsg 12:27, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose GlassCobra 14:59, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose — MrDolomite • Talk 15:06, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Contra. QuartierLatin1968 20:17, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- Mmmmm.... WT...? I don't think so.- 天使 BlackBeast Do you need something? 20:48, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- Against monolingual stewardship (especially english speaker) Enst38 23:07, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Against monolingual stewardship (especially english speaker), too HBR 23:46, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Davecrosby uk 00:24, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Mailer Diablo 03:50, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Stef48 08:17, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Alex Pereira falaê 12:13, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Don't think he has enough experience.--Lighterside 16:04, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Tiptoety talk 20:50, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, but IPs cannot become stewards. --ChrisiPK (Talk|Contribs) 21:38, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose - Amgine/meta wikt wnews blog wmf-blog goog news 02:53, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Not very active, and monolingual Gonzolito 11:15, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Experience? ...Aurora... 11:19, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Very Strong Oppose Only using account when nessaccary? I'm doubt if this user even knows what accounts are for, let alone stewardship. Leujohn (talk) 13:05, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
- The candidate later made a statement on my talk page:
- "When I wrote the statement "only using a username when necessary, or to participate in discussions", I was referring to the past, and it is written in the past tense. For what it is worth, the only reason I segment my contributions is because I am only willing to contribute to WP under the condition of anonymity, something that would be extremely unlikely if I did not segment them. Fortunately Wikipedia has a very good privacy policy, but that is only half of the equation. And yes I know that IP editing is far less anonymous than using a registered username. However, most of my 5 to 10 thousand edits are as an IP user, so I see no reason to change now. You know, I make so many edits, that when I put in a website, and have to solve the captcha, not only is the first word often something that my browser recognizes, I have seen both words before sometimes (in that same order). Apteva (talk) 23:28, 4 February 2009 (UTC)"
- Retrieved from ""
- which proves that this candidate is stubborn and will not change whatsoever. I have completly lost faith to the candidate to even be an admin. I beg that you read carefully over this message before casting your vote. Leujohn (talk) 10:37, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
- I really do not like to comment on votes, or answer questions asked here - there is a questions section for that, but I would suggest carefully reading especially the section above that is highlighted (not by me) - "I see no reason" - bear in mind that I make many changes, and follow the principle "change what needs to be changed, keep what needs to be kept, and have the wisdom to know the difference", which is a paraphrase of the en:Serenity Prayer. Tenacious would be a better word to use than stubborn, but clearly only when there is a good reason. Otherwise it is equally clearly better to just move on. Apteva 16:47, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Ozymandias 09:05, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose -- (cypsy) 09:56, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose a joke ? --Gdgourou 10:19, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, do not think you are qualified. --Captain-tucker 02:58, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Not qualified. -download | sign! 05:57, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Not eligible to vote, follow all instructions at Stewards/elections_2009/Guidelines#Voters please. --Nick1915 - all you want 11:05, 9 February 2009 (UTC)Oppose --Snake311 20:06, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose speaks only english. Kafka1 21:52, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Seems to be too inexperienced. --Tauwasser 02:43, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry, you are not eligible to vote this year, you must be logged in, have had 600 edits on any project by November 1, and either an SUL account or a link to that account on your userpage. You must also have 50 edits since August 1 and not be blocked here. ST47 02:47, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Tom 02:51, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Strongest possible This user does not seem to understand what is required from a normal contributor let alone someone with extra responsibilites such as a steward. fr33kman t - c 03:19, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Juliancolton 03:57, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Daniel73480 11:02, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose IMatthew 20:57, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose - Not nearly enough experience crosswiki PseudoOne 03:51, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --Liangent 10:32, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --DorisAntony 11:54, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose ts --Rax 22:52, 9 February 2009 (UTC) btw
Oppose Contributing mostly anonymously is not serious enough to become a steward. It is impossible for me to check what you have done or not on Wikipedia. O. Morand 00:08, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No way. I still oppose your use of 2 accounts and a dynamic IP range to contribute (on the same range of subjects). -- lucasbfr talk 23:56, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Inexperience, misunderstanding of steward role. Nbarth 01:29, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 07:01, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose No experience, no relevant contributions, misunderstanding of steward role, unwilling to sign, etc. Mkruijff 15:13, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose--Drboisclair 22:55, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose --4wajzkd02 09:39, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose--Thesupermat 09:18, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose English only. Maedin\talk 19:40, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
- --Mayer Bruno 21:30, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose-- Harrywad 23:32, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose seems fair, but lack of language skills imminent --Höyhens 02:50, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose he is definitely not stewardship material--Sampi 04:43, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose [[User:Christian Hartmann|Christian]]<sup>[[User talk:Christian Hartmann|msg]]</sup> 16:34, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose You haven't said what you are going to do mainly with the steward tools. Techman224Talk 01:03, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
OpposeNatanaeel83 20:51, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
Oppose Masti 21:21, 18 February 2009 (UTC) you don't want to edit under your nick you have a problem
[edit]Neutral GOOD LUCK! Although it seems you have little chance this time NoychoH 13:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Neutral Punx 09:24, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Neutral I'm not sure that you are ok for become a steward this year. -- A2 supersonique 22:55, 6 February 2009 (UTC)