Stewards/elections 2007/statements/Aphaia
Regarding the opinions submitted until yet, in spirit of WP:SNOW, I'd like to withdraw my candidacy.
Thank you for your all inputs, including close review of my achivements on several projects from every side, warm supports and sincere arguments. In a trip now I have no time to comment to them each, even at a risk of lazy rudenesss, I'd hereby appreciate your participation, collectively.
--Aphaia 01:26, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
- edit multilingual text
- Identity previously confirmed by Cary Bass.
- 言語: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- 候補者の情報: 日本在住で日本人のウィキメディアンです。2004年1月にプロジェクトに参加しました。メタ管理者・財団公式サイトビューロクラット兼管理者・英語版ウィキクォートチェックユーザ(兼ビューロ兼管理者)を含む6つのウィキで管理者権限をお預かりしています。私の活動領域は主に3つに分かれています。1)グローバルな翻訳コーディネート活動、2)ウィキクォートの管理者活動、3)時間があるときにはさまざまなプロジェクトへの投稿。活動の詳細を時系列でまとめてありますのでご覧下さい。また internal-l のメンバーで過去には理事選選挙管理委員をつとめました。翻訳小委員会座長として、また前選挙管理委員として、私はさまざまなプロジェクトコミュニティとかかわり、世界的なレベルでの協調が切要であり、また時を得て支援がなされることが肝心であると感じています。日本在住であるため、UTC 22 - 16 の時間帯に通常お手伝いが出来、もってアジア諸プロジェクトの必要にとりわけ応じられると希望しております。またアジア圏からさらに多くの方がスチュワードに立候補されることを望んでおります。
- Languages: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Personal information: I am a Japanese Wikimedian living in Japan. In January 2004 I got involved into Wikimedia project. I've been trusted admin flag on six projects including meta admin and Wikimedia Foundation official website admin & bureaucrat and English Wikiquote checkuser, b'crat and admin. My main working area consists in three parts: 1) global coordination for translation 2) Wikiquote administrator and 3) occasional contributor to various projects (Full details are available on my Wiki CV). Also I'm a member of internal-l and in the past served as Election official to the global community at large. As chair of Traslation subcommittee and a past Election official, I've been interacting with many project communities and feel an immense need of global coordination and providing help in time. As a Japan resident, I'm available between UTC 22 - 16 usually and I hope I can cover Asian projects need in particular. I hope more Asian Wikimedian offer help in this sphere too.
- Idioma: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Información personal: Soy una Wikimedista que vive en Japón. En enero de 2004, me involucré en el proyecto Wikimedia. He sido confiada flag de administrador en seis proyectos, incluyendo administradora en Meta, y administradora & burócrata en la página oficial de Wikimedia y administradora, burócrata y checkuser en Wikiquote en Inglés. Mi área de trabajo principal consiste en tres partes: (1) coordinación global para traducciones (2) administradora en Wikiquote y (3) contribuidora ocasional en varios proyectos (más detalles disponibles en mi CV Wiki). También soy miembro de internal-l y en el pasado serví como Oficial electoral a la comunidad global en general. Como presidente del Subcomité de Traducción y una Oficial electoral, he interactuado con varias comunidades de varios proyectos y siento una necesidad inmensa de coordinación global y proveer ayuda a tiempo. Como residente japonesa, estoy disponible entre UTC 22-16 generalmente, y espero ayudar a los proyectos asiáticos en particular. Espero que más Wikimedistas asiáticos ayuden en esta esfera, también.
- Langues : ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Renseignements personnels : Je suis une Wikimédienne japonaise habitant le Japon. Je suis active dans les projets Wikimedia depuis janvier 2004. Je suis admin sur six projets, dont meta ; je suis également admin et bureaucrate sur le site officiel de la Wikimedia Foundation et admin, bureaucrate et checkuser sur le Wikiquote anglophone. Mon travail peut se diviser en trois parties : 1) la coordination de la traduction en général, 2) les tâches administratives sur Wikiquote, et 3) les contributions occasionnelles à plusieurs projets (voir en détail sur mon Wiki CV). Je suis membre d'internal-l et j'ai servi autrefois comme superviseure électorale à la communauté globale en général. Étant présidente du Transcom et ayant été superviseure électorale, j'ai établi une relation avec les communautés de beaucoup de projets et je pense qu'il y a besoin d'une coordination globale et de l'aide rapide. Habitant le Japon, je suis disponible le plus souvent entre UTC 22 et 16 et j'espère pouvoir aider les projets asiatiques en particulier. J'espère que d'autres Wikimédiens en Asie offriront leur aide en ce domaine, aussi.
- Sprachen: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Informationen zur Person: Ich bin eine japanische Wikimedianerin und lebe in Japan. Im Jänner 2004 begann ich mich an Wikimedia-Projekten zu beteiligen. Mir wurde der Administratorstatus auf sechs Projekten anvertraut, inklusive Meta-Admin und Admin und Bürokrat der offiziellen Wikimedia-Foundation-Website; in der englischen Wikipedia CheckUser, Bürokrat und Admin. Meine Hauptarbeit besteht aus drei Bereichen: 1) Globale Koordination für Übersetzungen 2) Wikiquote-Administration und 3) Gelegentliche Bearbeiterin verschiedener Projekte (vollständige Details unter Wiki CV). Außerdem bin ich Mitglied von internal-1 und habe in der Vergangenheit der Gemeinschaft als Election official gedient. Als Vorsitz des Übersetzungs-Gremiums und ein Wahl-Official, war ich in Interaktion mit Gemeinschaften vieler Projekte und fühle einen immensen Bedarf an globaler Koordination und Bereitstellung von rechtzeitiger Hilfe. Als Ansässige in Japan bin ich erreichbar zwischen UTC 22 - 16 und hoffe, die Bedürfnisse asiatischer Projekte im besonderen abdecken zu können. Ich hoffe mehr asiatische Wikimedianer bieten ihre Hilfe in diesem Bereich an.
- Bahasa yang dikuasai:
- Informasi pribadi:
- Lingue: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Informazioni personali: Sono una Wikimediana giapponese e vivo in Giappone. Da gennaio 2004 mi occupo dei progetti Wikimedia. Ho ottenuto la fiducia come amministratore su sei progetti tra cui Meta e il sito ufficiale della Wikimedia Foundation, dove sono anche burocrate e sul Wikiquote in lingua inglese dove sono anche checkuser, oltre che amministratore e burocrate. La mia principale area operativa è suddivisa in tre parti 1) coordinamento globale per le traduzioni; 2) amministrazione di Wikiquote e 3) contributrice occasionale su diversi progetti (ulteriori dettagli sono disponibili nel mio Wiki CV). Inoltre faccio parte di internal-l e ho svolto servizio come Election official per la comunità in genere. Come presidente del Traslation subcommittee e incaricata dello svolgimento delle elezioni, ho potuto interagire con molte comunità dei diversi progetti e sento una grandissima necessità di un coordinamento globale e di fornire aiuto rapidamente. Dato che sono residente in Giappone, sono disponibile abitualmente tra le 22 e le 16 UTC e spero che ciò possa coprire in particolare le necessità dei progetti asiatici. Spero inoltre che altri wikimediani dell'area asiatica possano aiutare a loro volta in questo stesso campo.
- Bahasa-bahasa: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Maklumat peribadi: Saya seorang Ahli Wikimedia Jepun yang tinggal di Jepun. Pada Januari 2004 saya terlibat dalam projek Wikimedia. Saya telah diyakinkan dengan status penyelia di enam projek termasuk penyelia Meta, penyelia & birokrat laman web rasmi Yayasan Wikimedia, dan penyelia, birokrat, serta Pemeriksa Wikiquote Bahasa Inggeris. Kerja utama saya terdiri daripada tiga bahagian: 1) koordinasi global untuk penterjemahan 2) penyelia Wikiquote, dan 3) penyumbang kadangkala untuk beberapa projek (Butir-butir penuh terdapat di Wiki CV saya). Saya juga seorang ahli internal-l dan pernah berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai pengundian untuk komuniti global. Sebagai pengerusi subjawatankuasa Penterjemahan dan seorang bekas pegawai Pengundian, saya telah berinteraksi dengan banyak komuniti projek dan terasa keperluan yang besar untuk koordinasi global dan memberi pertolongan pada masa yang tepat. Sebagai seorang pemastautin Jepun, lazimnya saya boleh didapatkan pada antara UTC 22 - 16 dan saya berharap agar saya boleh meliputi khusus untuk keperluan projek-projek Asia. Saya berharap agar lebih banyak ahli Wikimedia Asia juga boleh memberi pertolongan di dunia ini.
- Idioma: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Informação pessoal: Sou uma Wikimedista que vive no Japão. Em Janeiro de 2004, me envolvi no projeto Wikimedia. Foi-me confiada flag de administrador em seis projetos, incluindo administradora no Meta, e administradora & burocrata na página oficial da Wikimedia e administradora, burocrata e checkuser no Wikiquote em Inglês. Minha área de trabalho principal consiste em três partes: (1) coordenação global para traduções (2) administradora em Wikiquote e (3) contribuidora ocasional em vários projetos (mais detalhes disponíveis em minha CV Wiki). Também sou membro da internal-l e no passado servi como Oficial eleitoral à comunidade global em geral. Como presidente do Subcomitê de Tradução e uma Oficial eleitoral, interagi com várias comunidades de vários projetos e sinto uma necessidade imensa de coordenação global e prover ajuda a tempo. Como residente japonesa, estou disponível entre UTC 22-16 geralmente, e espero ajudar aos projetos asiáticos em particular. Espero que mais Wikimedistas asiáticos ajudem nesta esfera, também.
- Języki: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Informacje o mnie: jestem japońską wikipedystką mieszkającą w Japonii. W styczniu 2004 zaangażowałam się w projekt Wikimeii. Uzyskałam uprawnienia administratora w sześciu projekta włącznie z meta, administratorem i biurokratą oficjalnej strony Fundacji Wikimedia i checkuserem, biurokratą i adminem angielskich Wikicytatów. Główne obszary mojego zainteresowania to: 1) globalna koordynacja tłumaczeń, 2)adminsistracja Wikicytatów i 3) okazjonalny wkład w różne projekt (szczegóły dostępne na moim Wiki CV). Jestem również członkiem internal-l i w przeszłości nadzorcą wyborów. Jako przewodnicząca podkomitetu tłumaczeń i oficjel wyborczy współpracowałam z wieloma społecznościami projektów i czuję ogromną potrzebę globalnej koordynacji i wsparcia na czas. Jako mieszkaniec Japonii jestem zwykle dostępna między UTC 22-16 i mam nadzieję, że mogę wspomóc w szczególności projekty azjatyckie. Mam nadzieję, ze więcej azjatyckich wikimedian również zaoferuje swoją pomoc.
- Језици: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- Лични подаци: Ја сам јапанска Викимедијанка која живи у Јапану. Од јануара 2004 укључена сам у Викимедијине пројекте. Поверљив сам адинистратор на шест пројеката, укључујући Мету, званичан сајт Задужбине (где сам администратор и бирократа). На енглеским Викицитатима сам чекјузер, бирократа и администратор. Моја основна област рада састоји се из три дела: 1) глобална координација превода, 2) администрација на Викицитатима и 3) повремени сарадник на различитим пројектима. (Потпуне детаље можете наћи у мојој Вики биографији. Чланица сам листе internal-l и у прошлости сам радила као изборни званичник у глобалној заједници. Ако председавајућа Поткомитета за превођење и некадашња изборна званичница, била сам у интеракцији с многим заједницама и осећам велику потребу за глобалном координацијом и пружањем помоћи на време. Као становница Јапана доступна сам између 22 и 16 часова по UTC-у и надам се да могу покрити азијске пројекте. Надам се да и други азијски Викимедијанци нуде помоћ у овој сфери.
- 語言: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- 候選人資料: 候選人是一位日本人,在日本居住的維基人。2004年1月參加計劃。是元維基的管理者、基金會官方網頁的事務員及管理者、在英文版維基語錄的用戶檢查權限,並兼任事務員及管理者,合共六個維基計劃項目的管理員權限。她的活動領域主要在以下三方面:1) 協調環球翻譯活動,2) 管理維基語錄,3) 當有空閒時間時,會在各個計劃內投稿。有關候選人的詳細活動紀錄,可參閱:用戶的履歷,請細閱。過去曾經擔任內部郵件群組的會員,並曾擔任選舉管理委員會的理事。作為翻譯小委員會的主席及前選舉管理委員會,候選人需要與多個計劃群體互動,因此強烈的感覺到要為環球的協調工作出力。作為日本的居民,大家可以在
として、また前選挙管理委員として、私はさまざまなプロジェクトコミュニティとかかわり、世界的なレベルでの協調が切要であり、また時を得て支援がなされることが肝心であると感じています。日本在住であるため、UTC 22 - 16 の時間帯に通常お手伝いが出来、もってアジア諸プロジェクトの必要にとりわけ応じられると希望しております。またアジア圏からさらに多くの方がスチュワードに立候補されることを望んでおります。 As chair of Traslation subcommittee and a past Election official, I've been interacting with many project communities and feel an immense need of global coordination and providing help in time. As a Japan resident, I'm available between UTC 22 - 16 usually and I hope I can cover Asian projects need in particular. I hope more Asian Wikimedian offer help in this sphere too.
- 話: ja-n, en-3, de-2, it-1, fr-1, zh-tw-1, zh-ch-0.5
- 個人資料:我係個日本維基人,住喺日本。 2004年1月我開始參加維基媒體計劃。我響六項維基計劃得到大家信任,做緊操作員,包括:維基元,維金會維基操作員用埋事務員、英文維基語錄稽查、事務員同操作員。我做嘅嘢主要分三種: 1) 環球嘅譯文協調; 2)維基語錄操作,同埋 3)間唔中喺唔同計劃寫下嘢(詳細睇下我嘅 維基 CV)。重有我係 internal-l 會員,以前幫大家做過做過選舉工(Election official)。我做 譯會主席同埋以前做選舉工時,同好多計劃嘅街坊交流過,覺得我地好需要及時嘅全球協調同埋幫手。我住響日本,我通常係 UTC 22 - 16 幫到手;我亦希望可以幫到各亞洲計劃手,尤其係。我亦希望多啲亞洲維基友可以響呢環出手幫。
Questions / Frage / Domande / Pertanyaan / Kysymykset / Perguntas
[edit]- Hi Aphaia, why are you banned from the Japanese Wikipedia? Korg 04:12, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your question, Korg. On that project I eventually addressed a Wikipedian, who uses her real name in correspondence with me as well as her mail contact on info-ja address, with her real name. She didn't like it and I offered apology. She accepted it and - I didn't talk with her about that closely, but she seems not to mind anymore: she even recently came to listen to my talk at a local conference and we had a dinner together. Anyway, but some other people who liked politics didn't miss this occasion and demanded me to offer an apology for them too. In my humble opinion it doesn't make a sense since the issue had be settled already between her and me: so I ignored it simply. Also, at that time my aunt-in-law passed away and I had a hard time with several family duties. So even if I had liked to deal with that, I wouldn't have had time to spend that. I love that project as the first Wikimedia project I've involved, I have other priorities and responsibilities, and more than that, I think my family, and my duty for them more important than those things which are unclear how beneficial to spread the free knowledge. Of course it is my opinion and the other parties involved may have different views. Thanks. --Aphaia 04:37, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your reply. Korg 12:45, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Being honest, that she is banned is a kind of mistranslation. She is currently blocked for at least three months and likely soon to be indefinitely. As of this writing, more than two dozens of unanimous pros for extending her sentence indefinitely. See ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia 11262007 期間延長. HOTUMA 12:32, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Note: my question was based on her own words, in User:Aphaia/WikiCV ([1]). Korg 12:40, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I am regretful for knowing that. Maybe she had just confused blocking and banning. Being blocked for three months and requested a word of apology should not be a ban. But I cannot tell the near future. HOTUMA 16:21, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Question to all from the Japanese Wikipedia: She had apologized to the user, but why must you all want her explanation? In my opinion, if the matter has resolved between her and the user, then the community don't need to chase after it anymore! --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:35, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- She is not blocked from that single occasion. We, Japanese Wikipedia community decided to block her, considering three-year-long history of her arrogance, her problems, troubles she cause, and her wrongdoings, as well as that occasion. Yassie 17:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oh so bad? If then I think she should have been blocked some times ago, yet you all have such a three-years patience! Wow! I'm so admired of you Japanese! But if that was her first time she expose someone's privacy, then just warn her once will do, why block indefinitely? And I'd like someone please tell us the whole world (I mean all Wikimedians, incl those who don't know Japanese like me) in details what are all the problems she caused. Thank you. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 18:43, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- And I hereby warn Edmund the King of the Woods!. Stop stirring up the election. Yassie 17:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Woah please hold it Yassie, Edmund isn't stirring up the election, he/she is only checking for the facts, it seems to me. (ja: Edmundさんはただ単に事実に確信が持てるまで確認を続けたいのだと思いますよ。) --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:58, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, I'm just checking the fact. All the time I love Aphaia so much. But now I see my "idol" being critized so badly. That's why I want to find out what's going on. Can anyone please translate the Request for Block against Aphaia page into English, so that everybody understands? Thanks a lot! --Edmund the King of the Woods! 18:39, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Woah please hold it Yassie, Edmund isn't stirring up the election, he/she is only checking for the facts, it seems to me. (ja: Edmundさんはただ単に事実に確信が持てるまで確認を続けたいのだと思いますよ。) --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:58, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- She is not blocked from that single occasion. We, Japanese Wikipedia community decided to block her, considering three-year-long history of her arrogance, her problems, troubles she cause, and her wrongdoings, as well as that occasion. Yassie 17:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Question to all from the Japanese Wikipedia: She had apologized to the user, but why must you all want her explanation? In my opinion, if the matter has resolved between her and the user, then the community don't need to chase after it anymore! --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:35, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- 最初の質問への答えを以下にまとめてみました。以下に述べる経緯の説明に不備があるかもしれないので、日本語で書きました。翻訳をお願い出来ると助かります。なお、ブロック依頼は多くの意見が集まり、過去の依頼なども参照されているため、全容を理解するだけの翻訳は難しいかもしれません。
- 日本語版では、日本の著作権法との関係から、ある版を削除する場合、その後の版も削除するという運用がなされています。この運用は、日本語版の利用者には十分浸透していると認識しています。フェアユース条項がある英語版の利用者には不自然に思えるかもしれませんが、この点はご理解下さい。
- 日本語版には、荒らしを続けている無期限ブロックされた利用者の特徴をまとめたページがあります。英語版の「Wikipedia:Long term abuse」に相当します。このページの記述について、名誉毀損のおそれがあるという指摘が無期限ブロックされた利用者本人からInfo-jaにあり、SYSOPMLでの検討を経て、Info-jaメンバーによって2007-08-16T13:21:18の版以降が削除されました。
- 立候補者は、この削除に対する不満を対処したInfo-jaメンバーの会話ページに残し、この際に個人情報を書き込んでいます。その後、「つい動転して配慮の足りない記述がありました」と謝罪し、記述を編集除去しました(立候補者から削除依頼は出されていません。後に、他の管理者が緊急に削除しました)。
- オフ会などでは、ウィキペディア上での公開をしないよう確認した上で、個人情報を明らかにすることはめずらしくありません。他の利用者に対する呼びかけのなかで、「つい動転して」、そのような形で知られた個人情報を書き、削除の処置を取らない利用者がコミュニティにいたならば、個人情報の漏洩を望まない利用者は、対話を避けるしかありません。これは当事者間の問題ではすまない問題です。
- このような意見は、ある利用者からブロック依頼の場でコメントとして提示されました。また、対処した管理者の判断の説明の中にも書かれています。--Ks aka 98 18:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- 最初の質問への答えを以下にまとめてみました。以下に述べる経緯の説明に不備があるかもしれないので、日本語で書きました。翻訳をお願い出来ると助かります。なお、ブロック依頼は多くの意見が集まり、過去の依頼なども参照されているため、全容を理解するだけの翻訳は難しいかもしれません。
- I try to answer the first question in detail. ...(translation needed)... --Ks aka 98 18:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- // *rough* translation to English // please note I added/deleted several words and phrases in order to clarify the intention of the original author and to build rather natural English, while (hopefully) preserving most of the original meanings. --Marsian 17:14, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- (translation start) I tried to answer the first question as follows:
- Firstly, on Japanese Wikipedia, when you need a revision of an article deleted because of copyright infringement, all the revisons (edits) after the edit too are to be deleted, by considering the Japanese copyright law. I believe this procedure is widely known to and accepted by the users of Japanese Wikipedia, although for the users on English Wikipedia where Fair Use is available (whereas on Ja.WP it's not) this might seem strange.
- Secondly, corresponding to Wikipedia:Long term abuse on English Wikipedia, there's a page on Japanese Wikipedia which summarises the features of the users who would not stop vandalisms even though being blocked indefinitely.
- Now, with these points in mind, read the followings:
- One day, one of the users listed on the page mentioned (i.e. Ja.WP version of Wikipedia:Long term abuse) posted an e-mail to Info-ja, pointing out the possible defamation. At the result of the discussion carried out in the SYSOPML (mailing list for sysops only), the pages including and after the revision as of 2007-08-16T13:21:18 were deleted.
- The candidate (User:Aphaia) expressed unsatisfaction against this deletion at the talk page of one of the members of Info-ja, and at the same time she wrote there some personal information of the user. Later she apologised the user by saying as "I was upset thus made a comment with thoughtless consideration", and removed the problematic line made by herself (Note she did not requested for deletion of the page. A sysop deleted it later as an 'emergency deletion'.).
- It is not uncommon for us to exchange personal information at the off-lined 'face-to-face' meetings, with promising each other not to reveal it on the Net (e.g. Wikipedia). However, if there's a user in your community who writes such information on your talk page by (just) "being upset", while does not take the necessary action (i.e. request for deletion), then you, who is not willing your personal information leaked, eventually forced to avoid talking with any user. At this point, the problem cannot be treated as mere inter partes issue.
- Foregoing observation was offered as a comment by a user in the request for block of User:Aphaia, and the same kind of opinion was presented by the sysop who executed the block.
- (signeture of Ks aka 98)
- (translation start) I tried to answer the first question as follows:
- // *rough* translation to English // please note I added/deleted several words and phrases in order to clarify the intention of the original author and to build rather natural English, while (hopefully) preserving most of the original meanings. --Marsian 17:14, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- We wanted him/her to declare. The declaration of not violating others' privacies. We witnessed his/her violation of others' privacies. We feared, and fear who's privacy the next. He/She and the victim at that time were personally acquainted. The problem among two people might be solved. However, the problem is not solved among he/she and third parties who fear invasion of privacy. We are not to request apology. We requested a promise. Promise of being never involve some invasion of privacy in the future. However, the demand was disregarded. He/She did not do any explanation.--Nekosuki600 18:59, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Yes / Sí / Oui / Ya / Ja / Za / Evet / За /支持 / مع الترقية / Kyllä / Sim
[edit]- Sure. Aren't you a steward already? --Meno25 00:02, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Definitely. Nishkid64 (talk) 00:03, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yes Jaranda | wat's sup 00:03, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yes. FloNight 00:05, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oh yes--Nick1915 - all you want 00:06, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Support. Sam Blacketer 00:08, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sim. Alex Pereira falaê 00:10, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yep. —Animum (talk) 00:17, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Arria Belli | parlami 00:18, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sicuramente sì. --M/ 00:22, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- krimpet⟲ 00:25, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Manuel Menal 00:25, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- James F. (talk) 00:26, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yes Dbl2010 00:34, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Hoch auf einem Baum 00:35, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Concordo Slade ♠ 00:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sip - Jurock 01:06, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- I bet a lot of people think she's already a steward. :P--Shanel 01:10, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Support - As per Shannie and Meno25..hehe ...--Cometstyles 01:20, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- for sure; long-time trusted user, even if she's sometimes a bit stressed ;-) but she knows how to handle difficult issues, especially international and coordination ones --:Bdk: 01:23, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Absolutely. Philippe 01:26, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Definitely. Cbrown1023 talk 02:11, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Shooin. Who doesn't trust Aphaia?</rethorical question> Redux 02:17, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- If anyone should be promoted, aphaia is. drini [es:] [commons:] 03:14, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Shizhao 03:31, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongest support! MaxSem(Han shot first!) 06:44, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- ;) --.snoopy. AKA dario vet · (talk) 08:38, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- GerardM 09:01, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Frieda 09:04, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Berto 09:58, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- はい. DarkoNeko 10:05, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Gianfranco 10:08, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Definitively Snowolf 10:16, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Sabine 10:52, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- We worked toghether sometimes, we come from opposite spots of the planet and yet never had a problem in understanding each other. --Bèrto 'd Sèra 11:05, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Actarux 11:22, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- helpful and experienced, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 11:23, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- oscar 11:57, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Sailko 12:15, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- .anaconda 12:43, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
--Kronin▄¦▀ 12:45, 26 November 2007 (UTC)I wanna try to understand better the situation
Support pfctdayelise 12:55, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Support (exception). Hégésippe | ±Θ± 13:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- I am enough introduced in Aphaia's Wikimedian work to say that she would be very helpful in dealing with local communities. --Millosh 14:24, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Massimiliano∞ 14:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Jon Harald Søby 14:42, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Support--Yukichi99 14:46, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Please link to home wiki for your vote to count Jaranda | wat's sup 01:02, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Jokecrazy 16:00, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Support She's user friendly & experienced. --Jérry~雨雨 16:36, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --filip ⁂ 16:39, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- (+) Hillgentleman 16:49, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Giovanni 16:59, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Great help on Meta Gaillimh 18:44, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Paginazero - Ø 20:01, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Waerth 20:03, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Freegiampi 20:05, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Walter 20:37, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Support She is an excellent bureaucrat and checkuser on English Wikiquote.--Cato 23:20, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- --mmm25967 05:07, 27 November 2007 (UTC) But You are Not.
- Sure. And I still can't believe the chair of our Translation Committee and member of the 2007 Board election steering committee was banned for untruthful reasons from a Wikimedia project. Something is definitely wrong on the Japanese-language Wikipedia. guillom 09:51, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Hmm. Do you say so with you reading and undersutanding ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia 09022007? She was banned because many users thought that she had to reflect on writing Miya's real first name at her talk page and not nominating that page to Articles for deletion and that she contributed to JAWP development but also exerted a bad influence. I think that your speech of "Something is definitely wrong on the Japanese-language Wikipedia." is realy careless speaking.--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 17:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Miya had already leaked her real first name in public emails. Furthermore, Miya and Aphaia talked about this case and Miya forgave Aphaia [2]. This case was only a good opportunity for Yassie and other users to ban Aphaia, pretending that she made "continuous wrongdoings during 3 years" but not being able to provide one single example. Some of them said she lied when she said she was a member of the Board election steering committee. The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, which is the highest instance of the Wikimedia organization, trusted her enough for this mission. I also know some of those users are defaming Aphaia on external websites, saying she killed her husband (!). Those people managed to get the JAWP community ban Aphaia, so yes, I think I have some solid basis to say something is definitely wrong with the JAWP community. guillom 11:18, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I understand that you did not understand why Aphaia was banned. Aphaia is banned because she wrote Miya's real first name. It has no relation that Miya forgave Aphaia. People whose real name is known by Aphaia feared that she would write their real name somewhere. Although it is true that she was trusted by The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, she actually obeyed JAWP rule. Why do you determine that JAWP community is wrong? People who said she killed her husband is some of JAWP user, not all of them. Are all of community wrong in your contry if some of them are wrong?--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 13:02, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I would support guillom here. The name leaking is just giving some people in ja.wp a chance to ban Aphaia. I don't think it's right but, it's what ja community decides.
- Aphaia is been a great help to Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimania, I'm very proud to have her in my Wikimania 2007 adventure. :) --H.T. Chien ( Talk / Contributions ) 18:23, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I understand that you did not understand why Aphaia was banned. Aphaia is banned because she wrote Miya's real first name. It has no relation that Miya forgave Aphaia. People whose real name is known by Aphaia feared that she would write their real name somewhere. Although it is true that she was trusted by The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, she actually obeyed JAWP rule. Why do you determine that JAWP community is wrong? People who said she killed her husband is some of JAWP user, not all of them. Are all of community wrong in your contry if some of them are wrong?--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 13:02, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Miya had already leaked her real first name in public emails. Furthermore, Miya and Aphaia talked about this case and Miya forgave Aphaia [2]. This case was only a good opportunity for Yassie and other users to ban Aphaia, pretending that she made "continuous wrongdoings during 3 years" but not being able to provide one single example. Some of them said she lied when she said she was a member of the Board election steering committee. The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, which is the highest instance of the Wikimedia organization, trusted her enough for this mission. I also know some of those users are defaming Aphaia on external websites, saying she killed her husband (!). Those people managed to get the JAWP community ban Aphaia, so yes, I think I have some solid basis to say something is definitely wrong with the JAWP community. guillom 11:18, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- stv # 11:00, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Fabexplosive The archive man 11:01, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I don't regard the opposing arguments as crucial, but I agree to most of the supporting ones. --Dan-yell 12:08, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Thogo (talk) 15:09, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Yes / Sí / Oui / Ya / Ja / Za / Evet / За /支持 / مع الترقية / Kyllä / Sim --다중 계정 15:54, 27 November 2007 (UTC)- Please link to your home wiki for your vote to count Jaranda | wat's sup 01:02, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- --DarkAp89 16:11, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Support - I doubt she'll abuse the tools, she's an ABC on en.wikiquote. People should not bear grudges for mistakes that have been apologised for. Sceptre 17:04, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Note that she has not aplogized. If she will aplogize, we won't be so fussy. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:15, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- In addition, what she has done was not a mere mistake. She was not even blocked for a single "mistake"; in fact she was blocked due to series of troubles, problems, and wrongdoings for more than three years. Yassie 17:35, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, of course! -Romihaitza 17:11, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Jollyroger 19:12, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Xaura 19:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- The strong oppose from her community is astonishing; but as steward she won't be involved there. --Rax 21:34, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Alastor Moody (talk) 23:39, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Support--Ellery 06:00, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Support Has always been extremely helpful whenever I have had problems.--Poetlister 10:34, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Kaganer 18:34, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Most definitely. Regards, --Celestianpower (wp, wikt, books) 23:36, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- The japanese opposition convinced me. If with all their motivation they couln't find a single case in which she abused her sysop, b'crat or chekuser rights in so many projects she's active in, then she certainly deserve stewardship whether or not she accomodated socially in the japanese wikipedia. The Relativity of The Truth 00:55, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Aphaia is passionate and caring about her work. She has already served the foundation well in positions of trust such as the board election committee. I don't know what the true story of jp:wp is, although I do know that she has detractors there who have in the past hounded her here and elsewhere. I believe that despite the issues raised, she will be a conscientious and effective steward. In fact I think the issues raised make it more likely that she will be caring and careful, and she has my support. ++Lar: t/c 04:12, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Support--Alex S.H. Lin 13:22, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Support; no question about it. The WP:ja situation is regrettable, and worrying behaviour from the ja community, but I'm hopeful that it will be sorted, but this is about Stewards over all the projects, not just in a single one. --Alison Wheeler 15:49, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- All the projects include, needless to say, Japanese Wikipedia too. Yassie 23:43, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Support--Tomchiukc 16:36, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strong support. I always thought she was a steward already. --Mbimmler 17:49, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strong support. Why not? She is a long term supporter to Wikimedia, and helps on Wikimedia stuffs a lot. What happened in ja.wp does not mean she cannot help meta more. H.T. Chien ( Talk / Contributions ) 18:14, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strong support. ~ Kalki 21:34, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Support I am satisfied with the explanations offered with respect to the concerns raised (and satisfied that Aphaia would make a worthy Steward). BD2412 T 21:44, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
No / Non / Nein / Tidak / Przeciw / Hayır / Против /反对/ ضد الترقية / Ei / Não
[edit]- Oppose. Danny 03:53, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Care to explain? guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- After speaking with other users and conducting my own research, I feel that his user isn't suited for stewardship. John Reaves (talk) 11:49, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. SHE IS INDEFINITELY BLOCKED FROM JAPANESE WIKIPEDIA, very the home project of hers, due to leaking other user's privacy and series of troubles and problems she caused since 2004. Please also see RfB Page, Block log, and her JAWP userpage for further information. How come can such a person be suitable for the Stewardship? Yassie 11:52, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Additional information. Why she is banned from Japanese Wikipedia is NOT a matter of politics. In her RfB page, even some of the finest article authors of Japanese Wikipedia, such as w:ja:User:Complex01 and w:ja:User:河川一等兵, supported the ban, while they seldom appear onto RfB pages, let alone so-called politics. She had been very tyrant to Japanese Wikipedia community and many of its members, for more than three years, boasting her adminship in other projects and meta. If someone criticised her on JAWP, she usually treated them as vandalisms. She even submitted RfB for those who merely did not follow her opinion, for several times. One example was RfB for a JAWP user GcG, which was rejected by nearly no support. She failed RfA in Japanese Wikipedia twice, mainly due to her tyranny. Again, how come can such a person be a Steward? Yassie 12:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Note: There are very few Japanese speakers who can speak and write English fluently. Most of Japanese people do not speak or write English so frequently in their daily lives. Many of the comments below from Japanese Wikipedia users may be very awkward as English sentences and passages. Still, such a vast numbers of Japanese Wikipedia users want to stand up and tell their thoughts candidly, even though they are not accustomed to English composition. Please, please listen to us and know what Aphaia has done to Japanese Wikipedia project, its community, and its users. Yassie 17:30, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- We should listen to you and believe you assuming your good faith? Why not assuming Apahia's good faith then ? I have met Apahia and she is not only a very nice person, but also one of the most devoted people to Wikimedia. You say "There are very few Japanese speakers who can speak and write English fluently". The contrary is also true: There are very few English speakers who can speak and write Japanese fluently. And this is a chance for the people who banned Aphaia and consider ja:wp as their untouchable kingdom. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I just talked about language barrier. Assuming good faith is NOT overlooking wrongdoings anyway. Your saying totally sounds like "Hey, Yassie, assume anybody's good faith, even Willy on Wheels'". Yassie 11:19, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Don't put words in my mouth ; this may work on JAWP, but not here. I know Aphaia, I have met her, and I trust her. And I won't even reply to your pathetic comparison between a well-respected Wikimedian and a well-known vandal. guillom 11:27, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- In fact, she has merely been taking advantages of language barrier; most Japanese speakers speak Japanese only while few non-Japanese speakers can read Japanese. You may think you know Aphaia, but in fact you don't. Rather, you are also one of those who have been deceived by her. She has just kept concealing her wrongdoings outside Japanese Wikipedia, while she kept abusing Japanese Wikipedia, its community, and oppressing its users by saying "You shall obey me, for I am a sysop of meta, chair of the election board, bureaucrat of the foundation, bruh, bruh, bruh. Any criticism on me is considered as the rebellion to the Wikimedia Foundation" all the time. At least for Japanese Wikipedia, she had been nothing but a vandal, even if she had been well-respected in communities of other languages. Yassie 11:45, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Who are you to state peremptorily that I "dont know" a person met, I respect and I trust? guillom 13:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- It's simply because you don't know the fact. You are just one of those who are deceived by her. Yassie 13:20, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- So, basically, you're telling me that you have never met her, but you know her better than me who have met her in real life. Brilliant. guillom 13:41, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- At least I know what she has done to Japanese Wikipedia, its community, and its users. You don't. Yassie 13:49, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Please calm down, guillom. It does not matter whether you or Yassie have met her or not, does it? Emotion or impression is not important. What is important is the fact. The fact is what is told, what is done. See the fact, please. Horlicks 15:29, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I am very calm. I believe meeting someone and spending several days with her is a good way to know someone. And I have been working for Wikimedia with Aphaia for more than a year. Aphaia has always showed to be a very reliable and trustful person. That's a fact I can rely on. guillom 15:34, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I think you should listen to what others say. We all know that you like her and you trust her very much, because you told us again and again. But, I said, it is not important. It does not matter. It is good for you to trust someone and I do not deny it. But, there is a problem that you never understand or believe what she did, what she said. It is not a normal way of having conversations with others. Do you really believe that all of these 10s of Japanese people lying in a same manner, and only Aphaia is right? A person is not wise enough to know all of the character just by meeting. If it is so easy, there must be no wars in the world. Please, think carefully, and do not protect yourself so hardly. Horlicks 16:04, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sometimes it makes you wonder whether if we're talking about the same person or not, doesn't it? Same here; once, I almost thought that there are two different individuals behind the same account named Aphaia, because Aphaia as I knew before was a respected member of the international WM circle: the Aphaia you know, the Aphaia I once knew. But the WM logs don't lie, and it's a fact that she repeatedly looks down on other users utilizing languages full of sarcasm[3][4] and does not hesitate to insult others[5], just to name a few. I know that our accusations have come as a shock to you, but did I already tell you that it came to me also? I hope you'll understand. Get over it. At least I have. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 16:34, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Asahiko, We have often seen Aphaia expressing strong opinions on Meta. Her use of the English language softened her outlook on Meta. Hillgentleman 17:37, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I know. What I don't understand is why she should show such different attitudes in Ja communities and elsewhere. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:44, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Here is my perspective, as one accused to have bad attitude on Wikipedia in Cantonese: (1) the natures of the works on Meta and on Wikipedia are different; (2) Meta is smaller, has fewer content disputes and fewer rules; (3) interaction with different people generate different reactions. --Hillgentleman 17:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I know. What I don't understand is why she should show such different attitudes in Ja communities and elsewhere. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:44, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Asahiko, We have often seen Aphaia expressing strong opinions on Meta. Her use of the English language softened her outlook on Meta. Hillgentleman 17:37, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I am very calm. I believe meeting someone and spending several days with her is a good way to know someone. And I have been working for Wikimedia with Aphaia for more than a year. Aphaia has always showed to be a very reliable and trustful person. That's a fact I can rely on. guillom 15:34, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Who are you to state peremptorily that I "dont know" a person met, I respect and I trust? guillom 13:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- In fact, she has merely been taking advantages of language barrier; most Japanese speakers speak Japanese only while few non-Japanese speakers can read Japanese. You may think you know Aphaia, but in fact you don't. Rather, you are also one of those who have been deceived by her. She has just kept concealing her wrongdoings outside Japanese Wikipedia, while she kept abusing Japanese Wikipedia, its community, and oppressing its users by saying "You shall obey me, for I am a sysop of meta, chair of the election board, bureaucrat of the foundation, bruh, bruh, bruh. Any criticism on me is considered as the rebellion to the Wikimedia Foundation" all the time. At least for Japanese Wikipedia, she had been nothing but a vandal, even if she had been well-respected in communities of other languages. Yassie 11:45, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Don't put words in my mouth ; this may work on JAWP, but not here. I know Aphaia, I have met her, and I trust her. And I won't even reply to your pathetic comparison between a well-respected Wikimedian and a well-known vandal. guillom 11:27, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I just talked about language barrier. Assuming good faith is NOT overlooking wrongdoings anyway. Your saying totally sounds like "Hey, Yassie, assume anybody's good faith, even Willy on Wheels'". Yassie 11:19, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- We should listen to you and believe you assuming your good faith? Why not assuming Apahia's good faith then ? I have met Apahia and she is not only a very nice person, but also one of the most devoted people to Wikimedia. You say "There are very few Japanese speakers who can speak and write English fluently". The contrary is also true: There are very few English speakers who can speak and write Japanese fluently. And this is a chance for the people who banned Aphaia and consider ja:wp as their untouchable kingdom. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose(反対). --Nekosuki600 12:04, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- He/She was not banned by political people or political reason. The reason why he/she had been banned was his/her behavior. Japanese Wikipedia Community requested the explanation of invasion of privacy from him/her, but he/she disregarded the request and refused the answer. Our community have understood her behaviour as a refusal for conversation. His/Her refusal for conversation was repeated till then, and finally our community decided to ban. We, many of JA-Wikipedian, DO NOT hope for him/her to be trusted as steward of meta. --Nekosuki600 13:34, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose.--Dakara930 12:39, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose.--Red-Comet 12:52, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose See ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007. これを読めばスチュワードに不適格な人物であることは「明らかです」。--Goki 13:02, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- no! 断じてNoである。日本語版でどのように判断されているかは、日本語版での書き込みをよくよむべし。日本語版の人の発言にも耳を傾けるべきである。日本語が読める方は。Null 13:16, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- 日本語版では現時点においてバンではなく、有限ブロック期間中である。それに対して日本語版で自分が9月時点でバンされたということをmetaで表現するのは誤った情報である。Aphaia氏はなぜこのような間違った情報をmetaで流すのだろうか? これは故意に情報を操作していると私は判断せざるを得ない。このような行動をするから信任できないのである。Null 11:17, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- 私は、この人物と話をしたこともあるし会話もした。その会話および印象から受ける結論からすれば、断固反対する。ということは変わらないNull 14:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- (Translation of what Null says) I have met and talked to her. From the conversation with and impression of her, I firmly oppose to her stewardship. Yassie on behalf of Null 14:29, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. Yassie's oppinion is quite right. She never perceive why she has been blocked, or telling a lie. I do not think such a person is suitable for Stewardship. ja: Yassieの主張は正確です。彼女はブロックされた理由を全く理解しないか、嘘をついています。このような人物がStewardにふさわしいとは思えません。--cpro, as jawp sysop. 13:17, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- So if she disagrees with you, she's lying? How easy! She was even accused of lying when she said she was a member of the Communications Committee, Chair of the Translation Committee and member of the Board election Steering Committee for last Board election. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I think Aphaia's very capable of handling the duties, but I'm not sure I can trust her at this time, due to recent events. Ral315 (talk) 13:21, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. Maybe reason is needless to say in WPJA user. i think she is FAR from a good administrator.GcG 13:24, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. See ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia 09022007. JAWPを追放されたユーザーがスチュワードになるような事態になれば、ウィキメディアもおしまいですね。--Monaneko 13:50, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- No. ----Anonymous DissidentTalk 13:56, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. If she tries to solve her own problem in JAWP, I might change to the agreement vote. --Chatama 14:44, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose 14:55, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. 彼女はWPJAでブロックされた理由をまったくわかっていないとしか思えません。ブロックされたのを自分のせいではなく陰謀だと決め付けるようでは到底スチュワードにふさわしいとはいえないでしょう。I think that she never understands why she has been banned. She is not adequate to the steward because she think that the reason she was banned is not her problem but the conspiracy.--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 15:03, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. I can't believe her.--A. J. Kuonji 15:11, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Non mi sono del tutto chiare le dinamiche del ban su, ma uno steward oltre alle funzioni della carica riveste, imho, un ruolo di collegamento con le realtà locali, anche verso la propria wiki linguistica "d'origine". Non voglio caricarlo di significati, ma deve essere un ruolo che unisce, non divide. Al di là delle qualità personali del candidato, se una candidatura crea profonde divisioni come queste, non penso debba ricevere supporto. Mi dispiace.--Nanae 15:36, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- MF-Warburg(de) 15:41, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. I cannot trust him/her. Please read ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia 09022007 and ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia 11262007 期間延長 if you understand Japanese. --Tomika 15:58, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose; the reason does not need to explain because it is told above. --Tamago915 16:16, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. I don't want by results in jawp. --Wdpp 16:27, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose.--Numerike 16:30, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. jawpから追放された人物が立候補するなど、そのような行為に走る神経を疑う。--Lonicera,as a admin of jawp. 17:25, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. Seeja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007. もし、Aphaiaさんがスチュワードに就任された場合、ja:wpの多くのユーザーは失望することになるでしょう。--T-coco 18:20, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- 反对.jawp.ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007. --たね 18:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Strongly Oppose. --emk 18:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. --Meisterkoch 20:21, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- PDD 20:22, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose Captain panda 21:23, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Per concerns over communication issues expressed in the last board election -- Tawker 22:10, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- No. --LuckyStar Kid 22:51, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- I don't regard a user as trustworthy who was banned from her home Wikipedia because of revealing someone's real name. -- kh80 22:55, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- こういう人物に賛成票を入れる利用者の神経を疑います。--hyolee2 23:27, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. --Law soma 00:47, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- These oppinions are quite right. I am disappointed at him/her because the person banned from jawp declared candidacy. --Law soma 00:47, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- oppose... --Junnosuke 01:09, 27 November 2007 (UTC) I do not agree with her/him. S/he had a mistake. S/he let a secret slip. The secret is family name of other SysOp person. But Aphaia did not give an explanation of this matter, even now. You all knows, Aphaia is capable person however, in my opinion, she neglect her duty.--corrected miss spelling. I can speak little english...
- 反対(no) It is too young. A lot of Japanese users will be disappointed if it assumes the position. --Umagurui 01:39, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. Please look at here and here,if you can read/talk Japanese.They are enough as reasons opposite.--Ish-ka 01:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Aphaia, I'm VERY sorry for your pleading. You are quite a person who liked politics, I believe. --Hatukanezumi 01:53, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Resolve the privacy violation issue and banning first; I can't in good conscience support a stewardship nomination this clouded in controvery. SMcCandlish 01:59, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- That's because you don't know her. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose due to the issues raised above on Japanese wikipedia. Miranda 02:57, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
反対 Kemonomichi- Please sign in per instructions. Jaranda | wat's sup 03:35, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対)--shikai shaw 08:19, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose.I sense danger of the privacy.--マクガイア 10:17, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対)こちらについては、正当な手続きで行われたものです。もし、依頼に問題があったとしたらブロック依頼は通らず、仮にブロックされたとしてもブロック解除依頼が出るでしょう。そうなっていない事は、日本語版ではAphaiaさんの投稿ブロックは正当なものであると解釈できます。先のブロックの理由を自分の都合の良い様に解釈し、問題の本質を分かっていません。一番大事なのは、母国版を大事にすることではないでしょうか。その様な形でStewardsに就任した場合、重大な問題を起こすでしょう。--Taisyo 11:09, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- sorry but, can you write in english? --.snoopy. AKA dario vet · (talk) 11:10, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Okay, okay. I hereby translate what Taisyo says into English. That RfB was done with right processes. If there had been any problems on the request, the RfB would have been rejected, or at least someone else would have submitted an unblock request. Thus, blocking Aphaia from Japanese Wikipedia is to be considered as totally legitimate. Aphaia takes the reason of that blocking as she would like, without understanding the root cause of the problem. Isn't it the most important thing to respect the project of her native language? If she gains stewardship without this, she may cause serious problems. Yassie on behalf of Taisyo 12:12, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- sorry but, can you write in english? --.snoopy. AKA dario vet · (talk) 11:10, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対)日本語版でブロック依頼が出され、依頼が実行された以上賛成するわけには行きません。なおブロック期間延長を求める依頼も提出されています。FREEZA 11:41, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Her lack of accountability is enough to disqualify herself. At least, she could have sought a remittal in the Japanese project BEFORE running for a steward. Saying politics stands for nothing. HOTUMA 11:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- She doesn't want to have anything else to do with ja:wp. She wants to serve the Wikimedia community, not the Japanese Wikipedia who deceived her. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose She misused her authority of the meta wiki's sysop and appropriated the JAWP for her own use. Now, the users of JAWP are afraid about what is going to happen.--Izarl 12:26, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Could you provide any evidence of misusing her authority on meta ? guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Here is the evidence. There, she said, "If you revert these criticism on me, it will be considered as election interference and you will be punished. I am busy and cannot talk to you, so you just shall obey me, for I am the chair of the election board". Yassie 12:30, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- You know, a machine translation can be very useful when people like you misrepresent truth [6]. She never says "you will be punished", nor "you just shall obey me". She indicates she is a representative of the Wikimedia Foundation for this election, and as such her edits about this election must not be reverted. guillom 13:09, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- So, how about this, this, and this then? Combined with these, she virtually said "you shall obey me". Yassie 13:17, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- You know, a machine translation can be very useful when people like you misrepresent truth [6]. She never says "you will be punished", nor "you just shall obey me". She indicates she is a representative of the Wikimedia Foundation for this election, and as such her edits about this election must not be reverted. guillom 13:09, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Here is the evidence. There, she said, "If you revert these criticism on me, it will be considered as election interference and you will be punished. I am busy and cannot talk to you, so you just shall obey me, for I am the chair of the election board". Yassie 12:30, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Could you provide any evidence of misusing her authority on meta ? guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I'm very sorry, I should oppose for this nomination. --Kwansai 12:40, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Even only refer this page, she ignored the comment from ja wikipedian. I don't understand why doesn't she reply to them. She claims that she can cover Asian projects. She, however, actually ignored JAWP, which is one of the largest project among Asian projects. From my understanding about RfB for her, community has never required her apology. They just require her declaration that she never leak privacy of other users any more in JAWP. Because of situation of Japanese community, including the JAWP, leaking the privacy such as a real name of user is very serious matter. She leaked the privacy of the user when she complained to that user. A little user doubted that she leaked the privacy as a threat. More user also worried that she leaks the privacy again when she is not calm. I think she should resolve the problem first. After that I, and maybe more people, will support your stewardship nomination.--Kwansai 12:40, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry I oppose. --Sylphie 13:55, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対)Johncapistrano 14:25, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose She can freely think about blocked. She can freely won't come back. but...Can she neutral of steward? I think difficult for her who decided to ignored community's vote result. --Chiether 14:52, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. I'm very sorry too. However, I cannot agree with the Stewardship of Ms. Aphaia/Kizu. Certainly, she had substantially contributed to the Ja-WP, (and most of us recognize her contributions), however, on the other hand, she had been continueing to give the damages to our Ja-WP Community through her self-righteous activities. Maris stella 15:04, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- If you aren't able to provide any example of those "damages" and "self-righteous activities", you'd better not say that. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Reply Sorry. I haven't been aware your question. You ask evidences or examples? Then look here. This is the Support (agree) vote and comment by one member of the Ja-WP in the RfB to Ms. Aphaia. This member stated "一方で長期に渡ってトラブルメーカーとしてプロジェクト及びコミュニティーに悪影響を及ぼしてきたことも残念ながら事実です。以下にほんの一例を挙げておきます" (rough translation by Maris stella: on the other hand, to my regret, it is true that Ms. Aphaia has given the bad influences to both our project and our community for long time as a trouble-maker. I provide some little examples as follows: ). And this user in Ja-WP presented 7 links, which are not privacy problems, but personal attacks, egoistic attitudes and self-righteous activities etc. I hope you realize the simple truth that it is not correct that the facts/matters you don't know don't exist, but merely you don't know them, and those facts/matters really exist. Regards. --Maris stella 21:32, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- As you see, there are many opposition votes by the users of the Ja-WP. I shall say the possible reason. The reason why the many users of Ja-WP don't approve Stewardship of Ms. Aphaia is that they have the concerns of her behaviors if she would become a steward. Shortly saying, we are greatly afraid of her Stewardship vandalism. We seriously fear that she will arbitrarily and self-righteously wield her authority and power of Steward, ignoring the Ja-WP community's consensus. I think this is the most possible reason that many users of the Ja-WP have opposed her RfS. In addition, please understand that many users of the Ja-WP, including myself, don't read/write English well. And, please consider what this situation means in which many persons who don't understand Japanese have supported her RfS here, while many members of the Ja-WP community have expressed their opposition. Maris stella 15:04, 27 November 2007 (UTC) /correction --Maris stella 19:36, 27 November 2007 (UTC)/
- Question: Huh? "Stewardship vandalism"!? I don't quite understand. Can you please make an example of such thing? --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Reply I feel almost no need to explain you. You have insisted the name Aphaia is inadequate since this is the name of the ancient Greek goddess (Aphaia). Then, are Mary or Diana inadequate? Mary is the English form of the blessed Virgin Maria who is the mother of Jesus, the one persona of the Christian Lord God. And Diana is the name of the Roman goddess of the Moon, corresponding to the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. --Maris stella 18:23, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Well, you ask what stewardship vandalism is. As I hear, Steward in meta-wiki has the authority of making admin/sysope of any projects in the Foundation, if necessary, isn't it. We fear that if Aphaia as steward will make herself admin of Ja-WP, she will be able to unblock herself without consensus of the Ja-WP community. And moreover, she will block the users of Ja-WP who have been against her as well. It means just abusing authority. I think you could not imagine such cases will take place. But members of the Ja-WP think and fear these situations will be realized. To my very regret, Ms. Aphaia hasn't been trusted by the people of the Ja-WP who know the details of her deeds. Many persons have been disappointed with her and, now, haven't believed in her. Ms. Aphaia told many lies and conducted deception in the Ja-WP. However, people of meta-wiki (and most users in the Projects of the Foundation except those of the Ja-WP) don't know these facts/matters really took place in the Ja-WP. --Maris stella 18:23, 27 November 2007 (UTC) /correction, changing to American form such as "realise" to "realize" etc., --Maris stella 19:36, 27 November 2007 (UTC)/
- OK now I don't want to question about her name anymore. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 18:47, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Answer from the third member I could not understand what "Stewardship vandalism" means, too. However, I can imagine it. There are possibilities of him/her use of steward authority on JA-Wikipedia. He/She has continued to have disregarded agreement so far. We fear his/her returning to a Japanese version with the power of steward. We do not hope for the exertion of authority not based on mutual agreement. Perhaps, "Stewardship Vandalism" means "Authority exercise not based on mutual agreement". It is a very keen problem for us. --Nekosuki600 18:01, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- This is a complete nonsense. Aphaia is a well-respected editor and member of the Wikimedia Community. She is definitely not going to vandalize anything. Besides, Stewards rules say she doesn't have the right to act on projects where she is involved. That means she doesn't have the right to sysop or desysop anyone on the Japanese language Wikipedia. If she did, her steward status would be immediately removed. So stop canvassing and talking about "Steward vandalism" or "fear that she abuses her steward powers on JA:WP. Thanks. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sorry. But it is not nonsense. You certainly know one face of Ms. Aphaia, however you just don't know the other figure/face of her, which she has shown on Ja-WP and people of Ja-WP community. I highly evaluate Ms. Aphaia and her contributions still now, as I wrote in the first comment. See the next page: Questions and Answers about Ja-WP. As to the Community, see this answer. These answers were made by Ja-WP community. Mainly, Ms. Aphaia and I composed these answers in collaboration. You may possibly better understand our community by this page. And I hope you will understand that the opposition by me and other members of Ja-WP has the due reason. We are really afraid what in the Cosmos she would do if she would be a steward. Again sorry my poor English. Plus, WE ARE NOT IDIOT. --Maris stella 17:22, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I am sorry, I cannot stand on your side. Ms. Aphaia has not taken right procedures many times in the past. For example. In a Japanese version, a discussion of the community is necessary for the user block. However, she had ordered system operators the block against users who considered her to be hostility without discussion procedure. Some users were blocked without discussion. Some requested system operators submitted the block discussion as representation, and almost were voted down. She has often broken the rule. I can not think that she will keep the rules as a steward. --Nekosuki600 14:17, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- たいへん申し訳ありませんが、私は同じ立場に立てません。Aphaia氏は、過去に幾度も、正しい手続きを取らなかったことがあります。たとえば。日本語版では、ブロックに際しては原則としてコミュニティの審議が必要です。しかし彼女は、敵対的とみなしたユーザに対して、審議を飛ばして、シスオペにブロックを命じたことがありました。幾人かは、審議を経ずしてブロックされました。幾人かは、依頼されたシスオペが代理でブロック審議を提出し、否決されました。彼女は、ルールをしばしば破ってきました。わたしには、彼女は今回はルールを守るだろうとは、思えないのです。--Nekosuki600 14:17, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Have you read my comment? I am a steward myself, and I can tell you if she broke the steward rules only once, she would lose her steward status immediately. guillom 14:40, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I read your comment and I wrote my comment. The damage that cannot be recovered exists. The possibility of damage is not few. I think that you do not understand what we fear at all.--Nekosuki600 15:08, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- 私はあなたのコメントを読み、それから私のコメントを書きました。回復できない損害は、存在するのだ。損害が生じる可能性は、少なくない。私は、あなたが、私たちが何を恐れているかを全く理解していないと思います。--Nekosuki600 15:08, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Have you read my comment? I am a steward myself, and I can tell you if she broke the steward rules only once, she would lose her steward status immediately. guillom 14:40, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- If you aren't able to provide any example of those "damages" and "self-righteous activities", you'd better not say that. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose strongly. Although I have previously respected her, I would like to express my strongest opposal I've ever exercised as a Wikipedian. She seems to be an adept contributor in areas of international cooperation and exchange, and I consider her talented in those areas. However, I gradually realized how she treats users who opposes her opinions as Yassie points out. In addition to all that, she assumes an air of importance around her making use of the Foundation's influence, and tries to shove matters out of the JA communities' hands claiming that a prominent WM figure (e.g. Brion) is working on that and you should reconsider the schedule, etc., which turned out to be false. And since she has not (yet) caused a problem anywhere else, she is still considered a trusted member in all the other language projects. We cannot let an Aesop's bat be a Steward. The JAWP community firmly rejects an untrustworthy person like her, and I wish that other members of the Wikimedia circle respect our sentiments lest the bond between JAWP and the other projects weaken. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 16:07, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Question: How did she treat the opposes against her? --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I've already told about her treatment against those who oppose to her opinions, in my comments far above. Yassie 16:40, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, she treated as vandalism. But how? I mean how did she act to call it "vandalism"? --Edmund the King of the Woods! 17:03, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- She usually talks very politely and friendly, so I was perplexed with her actions at first. This is only one incident I've come across: on the Japanese Wikinews, I've seen her speedily ban a user indefinitely without any warning on the Talk page whatsoever, and without reporting the ban anywhere. (If i haven't been monitoring the Recentchanges, I wouldn't have noticed.) I asked for comments on the JAWN village pump (on July 20, 2007), but was met with harsh words calling me an annoying faultfinder who goes against what she calls "international practices". (That's when I lost my motivation to contribute to Wikinews and froze my JAWN account. There were only 3 or 4 active users on JAWN at the time and I felt I couldn't work with her any longer.)
- My motivations aside... Yes, we're humans so we all get punchy once in a while, but what I couldn't stand is that when someone points out her mistakes, she treats that person on the same line with the vandals. --朝彦 (Asahiko) 17:47, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Just see this. These comments were just critical to her, far from vandalism. One of those two comments were from a sysop. Still, she tagged them "vandalism", deleted them, and refused to talk. Yassie 17:53, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Question: How did she treat the opposes against her? --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:33, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose No fear!! I just can't stand her deed. --Yoyuuu! 16:46, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose I insist that s/he is not suitable for the Stewardship.--Hirokun 17:00, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose S/he should have restored the community's confidence first. It seems that this candidacy and the comment above (7days discussion with 39votes, over 180edits on project page + over 70edits on discussion page was political in his/her opinion. In addition, jawp community did not offer any apology, but some words, or an oath to considerate for treatment of other user's privacy) showed little consideration for the community's result. --Ks aka 98 17:34, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- No. - Mailer Diablo 18:18, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose pruthvi 19:38, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Efbé
19:57, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- You have been banned from one of the largest Wikimedia projects, your "mother" project. I just can't support the election of a steward that such a project doesn't trust at all. Sorry, but first thing a steward needs is trust. That doesn't change my general opinion about your contributions (very good, as far as I've seen them). Benji 20:31, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Ja:wp is not her mother project. And she has trust from all people who are involved in Wikimedia activities (see all the well-known names in the Support section). guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Well-known names in support section? So what? Aside from banned users such as Willy on Wheels, any people gathering towards Wikimedia projects are equal. Nobody, even Jimbo Wales, comes above anyone else. Yassie 00:38, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
- Ja:wp is not her mother project. And she has trust from all people who are involved in Wikimedia activities (see all the well-known names in the Support section). guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose This election is joke. --千代林檎 22:45, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Actually, what would be the joke is the whole canvassing and harassment from the Japanese community. But it's clearly not funny. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose --Hisagi 03:31, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose --NobuoSakiyama 03:43, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. --Michey 04:40, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sorry, I can't write my notion in English well.
- ごめん。英語で上手く書けなかったから日本語で書く。この反対票は彼女の業績を否定しているわけではない。確かに私は彼女が嫌いだけれど、それが理由でもない。なぜ、ここまでjawpでの関係がこじれてしまったのかを、私は彼女に気付いてほしいだけ。
- 一回の失敗で追い出そうとするほどjawpのコミュニティは厳しくない。逆に、対話が出来る相手に対してjawpのコミュニティは相当に辛抱強い。ここで反対票を入れているひとには、ただ罵倒している人(そんな奴らは無視していい)だけじゃない。むしろ、jawpで業績を積み上げてきた人、彼女と一緒に良い物を作ろうと努力してきた人が無視できないほどいる。なぜ、jawpで活動する良きウィキペディアンが彼女を見限ったのだろうか? なぜ、彼女は彼らの信頼を失ったのか? 気付いてほしい。それに気付けなければ、他のコミュニティでもいつか同様の状況を引き起こすのではないかと思う。
- いくつか問題があるだろうけれど、私からは一つだけ指摘する。人間は誰でも失敗する。でも、失敗したときの対応でその人の真価が問われると思う。私も人のことは言えないけどね。--Michey 08:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- (Translation of Michey's comment) This opposal vote is not intended to deny the values of her previous work. Yes, it's true that I don't like her that much, but that's not the reason why I'm voting against. I only want her to realize why the matters in JAWP has become so tangled.
- The JAWP is not a harsh place where people get banished with one single mistake. On the other hand, the JAWP community is very patient concerning users who can hold dialogues. The opposing people here aren't just here to insult her. (Ignore those who are.) Rather, there are many people among the opposers who have worked together with her, those who have strived with her for a long time to make a good resource. Then, why did those JA Wikipedians have turned on her? Why did she lose their trust? That's what I want all of you to realize. If you don't, I believe that she will cause a similar situation in other communities.
- She's got several problems, but let me point out one of them. All the people make mistakes. But what really matters is how you handle the situation after you've done it. Not to say I've been perfect on that though... --Michey 08:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC) (Translated by 朝彦 (Asahiko) 15:39, 29 November 2007 (UTC))
Oppose I'm sorry but I've to rebel against you, Ms. Kizu. I see that you are really not suitable to be a steward. When people criticize you, you simply treated as vandalism and removed it. You're not respecting people's right of speech. If you think that your deed was right, why not you defend yourself? Don't you think that simply erasing people's comment is an act of a coward? Wonder whether you've heard of this - violence is an act of a coward. Actually I still cannot agree with that block against you, because that was your first time you exposed someones' secret, thus you should only be given a warning. But you're said to have caused a lot of controversies. How can such a controversial person become a steward? I don't mind you carry on as an admin here, but not a steward. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 06:18, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対) --Centaurus 09:51, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose I strongly oppose this election. --Hatara Kei 09:52, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Sorry, you seem dedicated, but being in such bad terms with your home project can't help. -- lucasbfr talk 10:09, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, Aphaia. I cannot support you. -- Lusheeta:Talk 11:09, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose I am a JAWP user. To my regret, Ms Aphaia's lack of accountability shows she is not suitable for a steward even though she is a skilled translator. I do not want her having any authority with stewardship, e.g. CheckUser and Oversight, over JAWP as a goddess. Ms Aphaia should have declare that she will never leak privacy of other users. She might get excited when someone criticises her. --Kurihaya 11:55, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- As said previously, the stewards rules say she will not have the right to perform any steward, checkuser or oversight action on JAWP. guillom 10:57, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose--Triglav 13:32, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose--Humanoid Damian 14:09, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose(反対) sigh. --Quatro 14:57, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry but I just do not want to see her saying somewhere "just respect what I did because I am the steward." --Aotake 15:17, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- You're a hard worker, but I don't believe you're the best candidate for stewardship at this time (primarily because of issues with your home project). EVula // talk // ☯ // 15:24, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- --Poupou l'quourouce 16:14, 28 November 2007 (UTC) see Nanae
- --JD {æ} 16:33, 28 November 2007 (UTC) no way.
Oppose Zginder 16:43, 28 November 2007 (UTC) Even if the banning was unjustified, we should not have a steward that is baned on any project.
- Even if the ban's unjustified, I just can't vote yes for someone who is banned from any project. If the ban is for some reason lifted by the end of this election, I might change my vote. --Coredesat (en.wp) 21:20, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Also, the circumstances here do not justify any of the personal attacks and abuse directed at the candidate by most of the oppose votes from users on ja.wp. --Coredesat (en.wp) 21:21, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Technically speaking, Aphaia has not been banned yet. The dicision of ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007 by, JAWP sysop was that she was blocked for 3months and that a block against her would be unlocked if she apologyzed for writing Miya's real first name and promised to pay attention to handling personal data. But she has not apologyzed yet and defines the dicision as "a political circumstance". So many JAWP (
incluseinclude people who opposite at ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007) users feel let down and supporse the request for indefinite block. I think it is too rarely that a block against her will be unlocked.--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 06:39, 29 November 2007 (UTC) I correct spelling miss.--Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion 10:00, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Technically speaking, Aphaia has not been banned yet. The dicision of ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007 by, JAWP sysop was that she was blocked for 3months and that a block against her would be unlocked if she apologyzed for writing Miya's real first name and promised to pay attention to handling personal data. But she has not apologyzed yet and defines the dicision as "a political circumstance". So many JAWP (
- Also, the circumstances here do not justify any of the personal attacks and abuse directed at the candidate by most of the oppose votes from users on ja.wp. --Coredesat (en.wp) 21:21, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
- Way too controversial. –Ejs-80 00:50, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. For non-Japanese-speakers. Please keep in mind that so many Japanese Wikipedia users have negative oppinion on this. The most critical problem on ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Aphaia_09022007 is that she completely ignored the whole issue. She didn't comment even a single word. Many users waited her comment that she would never make same mistake, but she just ignored. You all know what it means, don't you? So, many of the ordinary, careful, kind, merciful users had to vote to block her. Nobody was pleased to do that. Just understand that the problem is her attitude. Horlicks 08:43, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Addition. I will try to translate this into English, but it will take some time. So, please be patient enough to wait for it. Horlicks 10:30, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I'm on my way of working on it here. Horlicks 11:59, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oppose. I'm very sorry to say that, but I've found no reason to justify her abusive behavior in the JAWP. It is certainly attributed to her silence. The JAWP community generously spared her enough time to account for her alleged misconducts. I would definitely insist she shouldn't have wasted this past three months.--クマー 11:03, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, but whilst I'm sure you'd make a great steward, I'm concerned that all the drama will get in the way of doing the job. Adambro 18:37, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- WjBscribe 19:28, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- Per Coredesat. Given the apparent strength of feeling the candidate could not realistically work with jawiki users, and surely must have understood this when writing her statement. At best, this reflects poorly on the candidate's judgement. Angusmclellan 21:19, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Oppose(反対) Sorry, I cannot trust her. --Alljal 00:07, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Neutral / Neutrale / Neutre / Netral / Wstrzymuję się / Tarafsız / Воздержались /中立 / Tyhjää / Neutro
[edit]- --Brownout(msg) 02:29, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Refus de vote, à cause du système de confirmation des stewards. Hégésippe | ±Θ± 05:52, 26 November 2007 (UTC)Translation: "Refusal to vote, because of the stewards confirmation system." —translated by Pathoschild.Neutral Miss/Madam Aphaia/Kizu, actually I want to support you, because I see that you're such a helpful person. I love you! Muacks... :-P But unfortunately I found that you've caused some controversies. So you're blocked in the Japanese Wikipedia. Your username is being questioned in the English Wikipedia. So I'm still unable to support you, but I have no reason to oppose you too. P/S: I've translated your speech into Malay, as the Indonesian translation is not available. Note that they are similar languages. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 11:01, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- comment The questoning of her username seems to be trolling. Someone says a user naming herself after a fertility goddess is an insult to infertile people. WTF? Lurker 13:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
I don't wish to troll. Yesterday (M'sian time) only I found out that her name is actually a name of a Greek goddess. The username policy says that you cannot name yourself after a religious figure, and yet she did so. Can you guarantee that the Ancient Greek religion has really extinct? Perhaps there are still one or two worshippers? In fact, seriously speaking, even I as a Christian is offended to see people naming themselves after a god of other religion. Strong neutral--Edmund the King of the Woods! 23:30, 26 November 2007 (UTC)OK then, I don't wish to chase after the matter of her username. So I strike of the relevant messages of mine. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 18:35, 27 November 2007 (UTC)- Thank you for your advice on the below but I don't think in your way. A bit off topic, but I prefer to be addressed with "Ms.". It may be wrong to address me with Miss. Thanks. --Aphaia 03:55, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- You're welcome. OK then, I'll address you as "Ms." next time. Good luck. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 17:05, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I have to comment that this sounds a bit hypocritical coming from someone masquerading as royalty. <shrug> SMcCandlish 02:05, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- And, Miss Kizu, you shouldn't have ignored those so-called politic-playing people, instead defend yourself by saying why shouldn't they interfere after you have settled your matter with the user. If you really didn't respond to those people, they surely think that you're proud and misrespecting them. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 23:37, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Neutral mainly because I do not understand your answer and why you ended up banned - I suggest you ask for re-intégration in the Japanese Wikipedia Ofol 12:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- I don't see any realistic way to find out the truth of the matter, as I don't read Japanese. So I'll have to be neutral. Lurker 13:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- You can use [7] / [8] Hillgentleman 19:23, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
- The Google translation for the RfB page is here, but only the top half part being translated, I don't know why. --Edmund the King of the Woods! 23:43, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
こういう人物こういう人物に賛成票を入れる利用者の神経を疑います。— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hyolee2 (talk) 23:27, 26 November 2007 (UTC) — Duplicate vote: [9] - [10]. Korg 01:31, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
- I see hard work in the edits I can read, much vocal opposition from her home community. Her own response does not put me at ease that she did as much as she could to put that issue to rest. MaxEnt 01:26, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your comment, but you misunderstand my activities. While it is the first project I registered, it is not my home wiki in a double meaning. 1) I don't think Wikipedia as my home project: I am a Wikiquotian. 2) And Japanese projects haven't been my central point of activities for years. My home wikis are meta and English Wikiquote. --Aphaia 03:55, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- So? Still you are INDEFINITELY BLOCKED from Japanese Wikipedia and soon to be ETERNALLY BANNED, as a result of the history of your wrongdoings in JAWP, no matter what is your home project. More than 20 of the JAWP users supported the extension of the ban, while nobody opposed, so far. Yassie 04:19, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yassie, please be careful when you speak, don't you find better to bold instead of CAPITAL LETTERS? --Edmund the King of the Woods! 04:53, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- So? Still you are INDEFINITELY BLOCKED from Japanese Wikipedia and soon to be ETERNALLY BANNED, as a result of the history of your wrongdoings in JAWP, no matter what is your home project. More than 20 of the JAWP users supported the extension of the ban, while nobody opposed, so far. Yassie 04:19, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your comment, but you misunderstand my activities. While it is the first project I registered, it is not my home wiki in a double meaning. 1) I don't think Wikipedia as my home project: I am a Wikiquotian. 2) And Japanese projects haven't been my central point of activities for years. My home wikis are meta and English Wikiquote. --Aphaia 03:55, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- Due to the lack of working out the issues that are very obviously there at jawp. 日本穣 Nihonjoe 03:43, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
- I'd appreciate if you become more active on enwiki. TML 05:29, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Neutral. Aphaia was very kind for me here and in Japanese Wikipedia when I was a newcomer. I still remember it. I saw the logs about her wrongdoings, but her acts seem gaffes come from angers not malices. I believe she is not a bad person though she tends to lose her temper sometimes.--Kasuga 19:02, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Neutral--Bellcricket 14:19, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
Neutral. We often make a mistake. We have no way to prevent it completely. But we can speak words of the apology. We must remember that JAWP respects anonymity very well as difference with other language projects. She made a mistake. I hope she makes an effort so that JAWP users forgive her before she requests for Steward. Sorry,I can speak English very little. Thank you. ChibaRagi 16:21, 29 November 2007 (UTC)