Social media/Calendar/2014/05
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May 1-May 4
[edit]May 1
[edit]Metrics meeting live-tweeting
- Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts in 30mins (19:00 UTC). Join via IRC or livestream:
- The Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts now! Livestream: [insert Hangout URL] IRC: #wikimedia-office
- Now at #WMFMetrics Meeting: @quominus on mobile metrics.
- Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: @nightrose with a Wikidata update.
- Now at #WMFMetrics Meeting: @carolynne on Wikipedia Zero.
May 2
[edit]Mobile site blog post {{Ok}]CMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:57, 2 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Meet the Wikipedia editors behind the curtain with an “article freshness” indicator on mobile:
- Trying to include what the new indicator does:
- t: Easily review an articles edit history with the new "last modified" bar when visiting Wikipedia on mobile devices
- Trying to include what the new indicator does:
- f/g: When visiting Wikipedia on mobile devices, you'll now see a “last modified” bar at the top of the page. This feature will give you a sense of the article's health, who last edited it and when. It will also make it easier for you to explore the history of the article and the authors' other contributions.
- es
- t: Conoce a los editores de Wikipedia detrás del nuevo "indicador de frescura" de un artículo en la versión para móviles: <link>
- f/g: Cuando visites Wikipedia desde un dispostivo móvil, ahora verás una barra de "última modificación" al inicio de la página. Esto para darte una noción de la salud del artículo, quien lo modificó por última vez y cuando. Esto te hará más fácil explorar el historial de un artículo, sus autores y otras contribuciones. <link>
May 5−May 11
[edit]May 5
[edit]Cochrane Collaboration Recruits Talented Wikipedian In Residence
- t: In conjunction with @cochranecollab, @WikiProjectMed has announced @SydneyPoore as the new Wikipedian-in-Residence
- f/g: The Cochrane Collaboration has teamed up with the Wiki Project Med Foundation and brought Sydney Poore as the new Wikipedian-in-Residence. Sydney will have access to the Cochrane Library, a collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties which she'll use to enhance Wikipedia as a leading medical resource.
Tech News #19, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: VisualEditor updates, CompactPersonalBar & MediaViewer rollouts, and 100 new language names:
Posted, thank you! guillom 07:51, 5 May 2014 (UTC)
May 6
[edit]Wikipedia Education Program students keep editing in Arabic long after their assignments are finished
- t: Wikipedia Education Program students keep editing in Arabic long after their assignments are finished, but why?
- f/g: The Arab World Wikipedia Education Program has experienced an unexpectedly high retention rate among student editors. Of the 464 valid usernames 27 were still editing months later, according to statistics from February of 2014. That’s a 6% higher retention rate than education programs on English Wikipedia.
- t: El Programa de Educación de Wikipedia mantiene editando Wikipedia en árabe aún más que al terminar sus materias. ¿Porqué?
- f/g: El Programa de Educación de Wikipedia en el Mundo Árabe ha experimentado una alta e inesperada tasa de retención entre los estudiantes edotres. De 644 usuarios válidos, 27 permanecieron por varios meses después, de acuerdo a las estadísticas de febrero de 2014. Eso es una tasa de retención 6% más alta que los programas educativos en inglés.
May 7
[edit]Armenian students enjoy editing Wikipedia DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 05:18, 9 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Students are the most active editors within Armenian Wikipedia, who, to date, have created more than 2,110 articles
- f/g: The most active contributors within Armenian Wikipedia are high school students, who, to date, have created more than 2,110 articles and continue their active participation well passed their assigned courses.
es // Estudiantes armenios disfrutan editar Wikipedia
- t: Estudiantes son los más activos dentro de @wikimedia_am, quienes han creado más de 2,100 artículos <link>
- f/g: Los contribuyentes más activos en Wikimedia Armenia son estudiantes de escuela secundaria, quienes han creado más de 2,110 artícuñps y han continuado su participación activa aún aprobando sus cursos. <link>
May 8
[edit]There are no barriers to free knowledge DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 05:18, 9 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: For Jacek Halicki, being a Wikipedian is not just a hobby; it’s a way to rekindle the active life-style he once had
- f/g: For Jacek Halicki, being a Wikipedian is more than just a hobby; it’s a way to rekindle the active life-style he once had while also creating something of value for future generations.
// es No hay barreras para el conocimiento libre
- t: Para Jacek Halicki ser un wikipedista no es sólo un hobby: es una manera de reavivar el estilo de vida activo que tuvo una vez. <link>
- f/g: Para Jacek Halicki ser un wikipedista no es sólo un hobby: es una manera de reavivar el estilo de vida activo que tuvo una vez, al tiempo en el que está creando algo valioso para las generaciones venideras. <link>
May 9
[edit]American Historical Association DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 22:26, 9 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Read how an American historian went from being a skeptic to an active Wikipedia editor
Opposing Mass Surveillance on the Internet DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 19:23, 9 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Wikimedia Foundation opposes mass surveillance online by signing the Necessary & Proportionate principles.
- f/g: Privacy on the Internet is closely connected to our mission to disseminate free knowledge. Today, the Wikimedia Foundation joins like-minded organizations in opposing mass surveillance by signing the Necessary & Proportionate principles.
May 12−May 18
[edit]May 12
[edit]Donating His Estate to the Wikimedia Foundation: The Story of Jim Pacha DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:59, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Before passing away, Jim Pacha donated much of his estate to the Wikimedia Foundation. Here's his incredible story.
- f/g: Having lived an accomplished life, one of Jim Pacha’s final acts before passing away was donating much of his estate to the Wikimedia Foundation; making it the largest legacy gift in the Foundation’s history. Here's his incredible story.
- t: Antes de fallecer, Jim Pacha donó su patrimonio a la Fundación Wikimedia. Aquí su increíble historia. <link>
- f/g:Después de haber vivido una vida lograda, uno de los últimos actos de Jim Pacha antes de fallecer fue donar todo la mayor parte de su patrimonio a la Fundación Wikimedia, haciendo el más grande regalo de donación en la historia de la Fundación. Esta es su increíble historia.
Tech News #20, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: category page moves, faster Vector skin, jQuery update, Phabricator IRC office hours & more:
Posted, thank you! guillom 06:11, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
May 14
[edit]Ten years of the German Wikipedia writing contest
- t: The German Wikipedia community holds a biannual writing competition. Here's a brief look back at the last ten years:
- f/g: For the past decade, the German Wikipedia community has held a biannual writing competition to recognize the best article on German Wikipedia. Here's a brief history on the competitions last ten years - and its latest winner.
May 15
[edit]Wikimedia Projects in Urdu: Unleashing the Latent Potential DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 04:34, 16 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: After celebrating the 50,000 article mark, Wikipedians gathered to evaluate the rapidly growing Urdu Wikipedia
- f/g: After celebrating the milestone of 50,000+ articles, a group of Wikipedians gathered to evaluate the future and overall workings of the rapidly growing Urdu Wikipedia. Here’s what they discussed:
May 19−May 25
[edit]May 19
[edit]Tech News #21, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: In this week's Tech News: jQuery update, MediaViewer roll-out, VisualEditor improvements and tech report summary:
posted, thank you. guillom 07:22, 19 May 2014 (UTC)
May 20
[edit]Wiki Loves Earth Goes International DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 00:02, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: In only its 2nd year, the @WikiLovesEarth photo contest saw a substantial increase in global participation
- f/g: The 2nd annual Wiki Loves Earth photo competition is going on now and extends until May 30th. Though only in its second year, the contest has saw a substantial increase in global participation. Here are some of the exciting developments so far.
Tech News anniversary post, from @wikimedia, shared by @wikipedia and @mediawiki:
- t: Celebrating one year of Tech News, the weekly newsletter about technical changes affecting Wikimedia sites:
- f/g: A year ago, we launched Tech News, a weekly newsletter for Wikimedia editors to stay informed of technical changes likely to affect them.
- Reviewed off-wiki and
posted. guillom 13:25, 20 May 2014 (UTC)
- Reviewed off-wiki and
May 21
[edit]Yale’s Information Society Project Big Data Symposium: Expanding the conversation in an international context DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 00:34, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Wikimedia fellow Roshni Patel reports on @yaleisp's Big Data Symposium, which addressed US government surveillance
- f/g: Wikimedia privacy fellow Roshni Patel reports on the recent Big Data Symposium at Yale Law School, which addressed the effects of US domestic and international surveillance.
May 22
[edit]Wikipedia Zero will accelerate Wikipedia in Nepal
- t: @Gkpaudel talks about @NCELL's recent partnership with Wikipedia Zero & what it means for the future of Nepal
- f/g: Nepali Wikipedian Ganesh Paudel talks about the recent partnership between telecom NCELL and Wikipedia Zero, and what it means for the future of Nepal.
May 23
[edit]“Wiki Learning” to be adopted at Mexico’s Tec de Monterrey DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:46, 23 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: .@TecdeMonterrey is using Wikipedia in the university system's 21st century education model.
- f/g: Tec de Monterrey, Mexico’s largest university system, has adopted “Wiki Learning” as part of their initiative to develop a 21st century pedagogy for the institution.
May 26-May 31
[edit]May 26
[edit]Happy Birthday, Ward Cunningham, inventor of the Wiki DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 09:03, 26 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Today is @WardCunningham's birthday! Check out a new interview with the inventor of the wiki (recorded in 2011)
- f/g: Today is Ward Cunningham's birthday, the inventor of the wiki! Check out a newly published video interview with him (recorded in 2011), where he talks about how he created the first wiki and how it changed worldwide collaboration.
Tech News #22, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: In this week's Tech News: MediaViewer rollout, VisualEditor improvements, upcoming downtime of Wikimedia Labs & more
posted, thank you! guillom 08:23, 27 May 2014 (UTC)
May 27
[edit]Programs:Evaluation portal has a twitter account. (Request to post by MCruz (WMF) (talk) 14:08, 27 May 2014 (UTC)) DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:54, 28 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Program Evaluation&Design @Wikimedia is on Twitter. Follow @WikiEval for daily updates on evaluation resources, metrics discussion and more!
- f/g: The Program Evaluation & Design team, part of the Grantmaking department at Wikimedia, now has a Twitter account. Follow them @WikiEval for a daily update on evaluation resources, peer learning, metrics discussion and more!
- The tweet seems to have one character too many, maybe drop the exclamation mark. Otherwise these LGTM. Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 23:10, 28 May 2014 (UTC)
MediaWiki RFP blog post: from @wikimedia, shared by @mediawiki
- t: The Wikimedia Foundation is running an RFP on the release management of @MediaWiki for third-party users:
- f/g: The Wikimedia Foundation is running a Request for Proposals to manage the release of the MediaWiki software for third-party users. Send in your proposals by June 15!
May 28
[edit]Luganda Wikipedia project DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:10, 28 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: See what motivated two Swedish students to start the “Luganda Wikipedia Project" during a trip to Uganda in 2012.
- f/g: See what motivated two students from Sweden to start the “Luganda Wikipedia Project.” A project aimed at growing the relatively neglected Luganda Wikipedia page.
May 29
[edit]Cancer Research UK, Royal Society and Women Fellows DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 22:17, 30 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: See how John Byrne, Wikimedian in Residence at Cancer Research UK (@CR_UK) aims to improve cancer related articles
- f/g: See how John Byrne, Wikimedian in Residence at Cancer Research UK, plans to work with existing medical editors on English Wikipedia to improve articles on cancer topics.
Airtel Offers Nigerians Free Access to Wikipedia DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 00:44, 30 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Telecom @AirtelNigeria offers Nigerians mobile access to Wikipedia free of data charges. #WikipediaZero
- f/g: Telecommunications services provider, Airtel Nigeria, has announced a partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation, to offer Nigerians across the country access to Wikipedia through their mobile devices free of data charges.
May 30
[edit]A Collaborative Definition of Impact: Building Metrics Together DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:13, 30 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: WMF's Learning and Evaluation team consolidated findings of recent evaluation reports. Here’s what they discussed.
- f/g: As part of the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, 10 members of the WMF Grantmaking department’s Learning and Evaluation team held a brainstorming session to consolidate findings from the program’s evaluation reports. Here’s what was discussed.
New grantees bring fresh perspectives on research, mobile, and community-building DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 08:40, 31 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: Individual Engagement Grantees plan to bring fresh perspectives on research, mobile and community building
- f/g: A new group of Individual Engagement Grantees has been announced. This round the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting 12 projects led by 16 grantees. They hope to bring a fresh perspective on research, mobile and community building.