Social media/Calendar/2014/04
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April 1−6
[edit]April 1
- t: Destination of the Month on Wikivoyage is Wikipedia.
April 2
[edit]Tech discovery report 5/6 (@wikimedia, retweeted by @wikipedia and @mediawiki) posted
- t: Discovering @MediaWiki's community and learning by asking questions:
- f/g: In this guest post, Code-in student Vlad John explains how he realized that asking questions to fellow developers was the first step towards solving problems.
ES Tech discovery report 5/6
- t: Descubriendo la comunidad @MediaWiki y aprender haciendo preguntas: <LINK>
- f/g: En su post como invitado, el estudiante Vlad John explica cómo descubrió que hacerle preguntar a otros desarrolladores es el primer paso para resolver problemas. <LINK>
April 3
[edit]LocalisationUpdate blog post:
- t: .@MediaWiki's LocalisationUpdate tool now uses JSON files to update user interface translations automatically:
- f/g: +MediaWiki's LocalisationUpdate tool now uses JSON files (instead of PHP) to provide readers with regularly updated translations of the user interface.
Monthly metrics meeting live tweeting
Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts in 10min (19:00 UTC). Join via IRC or livestream: DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 17:52, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
The Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts now! Livestream: [insert Hangout URL] IRC: #wikimedia-office DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:06, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Now at #WMFMetrics Meeting: WMF deputy director @xirzon introducing new staff DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:06, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: WMF deputy director @xirzon on top line metrics DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:07, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Now at #WMFMetrics Meeting: Rise in the number of active @wikisource "librarians" after proofreading contest: DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:16, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: @StevenWalling on anonymous editor acquisition experiments DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:18, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
.@StevenWalling: By now, 80% of newly registering users (on desktop) benefit from "GettingStarted" #WMFMetrics #WMFMetrics DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:29, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: Ori Livneh and Erik Bernhardson on Flow and HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:42, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: James Forrester on citations in VisualEditor
Next at #WMFMetrics Meeting: Anasuya Sengupta on current FDC and IEG rounds, and the FDC Advisory Group meeting in May DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 18:52, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Now at #WMFMetrics Meeting: @SuePGardner on the Foundation's draft annual plan for 2014/15, published for comment: DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 19:04, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
.@SuePGardner on a new comprehensive overview of ongoing, "invisible" WMF staff work: The #WMFMetrics & Activities Meeting is over. For more on last month's activities, see the upcoming monthly reports
April 4
[edit]Tech discovery report 6/6 (@wikimedia, retweeted by @wikipedia and @mediawiki) posted guillom 17:21, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
- t:A young @MediaWiki developer’s story of discovery, perseverance and gratitude:
- f/g: In the last post of our Code-in stories, student Jared Flores tells us about software that won't compile, messing up code commits on Thanksgiving dinner and how fellow MediaWiki developers helped him sort it all out.
ES Tech discovery report 6/6
- t: La historia de descubrimiento, perseverancia y gratitud de un joven desarrollador de @MediaWiki: <LINK>
- f/g: En el último post de la serie sobre código, el estudiante Jared Flores nos cuenta acerca de software que no se deja compilar, de desordenar commits durante la cena de Acción de Gracias y cómo otros desarrolladores de MediaWiki le ayudaron a resolver problemas. <LINK>
Wiki Voice blog
- t: Wikimedia Russia expands the Wikipedia Voice intro project to incorporate WikiMusic
- LGTM. Regards CMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 20:27, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
- f: This month Wikimedia RU successfully launched the Russian version of the "Wikipedia voice intro project" and expanded it to incorporate the "WikiMusic" project. [please, share our post - ].
- g: This month Wikimedia RU successfully launched the Russian version of the "Wikipedia voice intro project" and expanded it to incorporate the "WikiMusic" project.
Labs migration blog post posted guillom 17:21, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Engineers and volunteers have worked together over several months to move Wikimedia Labs to a new data center:
- f/g: Wikimedia engineers and volunteers have recently completed a big DevOps project: They've worked together over several months to move Wikimedia Labs to a new data center.
April 7−April 13
[edit]April 7
[edit]Tech news #15: posted guillom 09:34, 7 April 2014 (UTC)
- t/f/g: This week in the Tech News bulletin: Tracking categories, CAPTCHAs and Wikidata interwiki links in Wikiquote.
April 8
[edit]Odia blog post DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 17:03, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Odia Wikimedia has re-licensed 14 copyrighted books under Creative Commons & have begun digitizing the publications
- f/g: During a conference celebrating Odisha Day, Odia Wikimedia announced that it has recently re-licensed 14 copyrighted books under the Creative Commons license and has begun the process of digitizing publications for Odia Wikisource in an effort to further expand resources in the 2,500 year old language.
April 9
[edit]Europeana Fashion blog DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 17:24, 10 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: After hosting multiple fashion Edit-a-thons @EurFashion has compiled a handbook for future GLAM projects to use.
- f/g: Europeana Fashion has partnered with Wikimedia and compiled “The Europeana Fashion Edit-a-thon Handbook for GLAMs" in an effort to assist future GLAM projects and increase fashion knowledge on the web.
April 10
[edit]MediaWiki localization JSON files blog post (from @wikimedia, reshared by @wikipedia and @mediawiki ):
- t: Wikimedia Language engineer @aharoni explains why and how @MediaWiki's localization file format was changed to JSON:
- f/g: In this follow-up to last week's announcement about LocalisationUpdate, Wikimedia Language engineer Amir Aharoni why +MediaWiki's localization file format was changed to JSON, and how it required a concerted effort by many MediaWiki developers.
Remembering Adrianne Wadewitz DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 21:59, 10 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Remembering Adrianne Wadewitz
- f/g: Remembering Adrianne Wadewitz
April 11
[edit]Innovation and IP blog post
- t: .@Yale ISP conference explores how innovation (like on Wikimedia sites) is encouraged without traditional IP laws
- f/g: The Yale ISP conference “Innovation law beyond IP” explored how IP rights are not the only motivation for authors and scientists to continuously innovate.
April 14−April 20
[edit]April 14
[edit]In memoriam of Cynthia Ashley-Nelson
- t: In memoriam of Cynthia Ashley-Nelson by @mSefi [link]
- f/g: In memoriam of Cynthia Ashley-Nelson [link]
Tech News #16, from @mediawiki: posted guillom 08:46, 15 April 2014 (UTC)
- t/f/g: In this week's Tech News: Font changes, MediaViewer testing, VisualEditor & MassMessage updates, #heartbleed & more:
April 15
[edit]Katherine Maher announcement DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 20:02, 15 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: The Wikimedia Foundation is happy to announce @krmaher as the new chief communications officer [link].
- f/g: The Wikimedia Foundation is happy to announce Katherine Maher as the new chief communications officer. In her role as CCO, Katherine will work to ensure fast, easy information flow about Wikimedia in multiple languages, both internally within the movement and outside of it. [link].
Agile/Trello blog post:
- t: How the @WikimediaMobile Apps team uses @Trello to plan their Agile development sprints:
- f/g: In the first post of a series, Wikimedia's Mobile Apps team explains how they use Trello to plan their Agile development sprints.
April 16
[edit]Luis Villa profile Done
- t: As deputy general counsel for the Wikimedia Foundation, @tieguy is living his dream of being an "internet lawyer"
- f/g: As deputy general counsel for the Wikimedia Foundation, Luis Villa's job combines traditional legal counsel with community advocacy that stretches across 700+ communities - something that is seen as a curiosity among most traditional legal circles.
- LGTM now, posted. Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 02:27, 17 April 2014 (UTC)
April 21−April 27
[edit]April 21
[edit]Tech News #17, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: news feeds, MediaViewer roll-out, user preferences changes, task management RfC & much more:
posted. Thank you! guillom 08:43, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
April 22
[edit]- t:Read how two IEG grantees hope to organize gadgets for Visual Editor and create a repository across all wikis.
- f/g: Since there is no central repository, it's sometimes hard to tell what Visual Editor gadgets exist across all wikis. Fortunately, two IEG grantees are working to organize all gadgets for an improved editing experience across all wikis.
April 25
[edit]Legal Post DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 01:32, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Today, we are happy to announce the release of our Requests for User Information Procedures and Guidelines [link].
- f/g: We are happy to announce the release of our Requests for User Information Procedures and Guidelines. We hope that these new guidelines will help everyone — our users, civil litigants, government agencies, law enforcement and even those at the Foundation — better understand the responsibilities and rights that are evoked when a request for user information arises. [link].
- Suggest to use the title of the post instead for the tweet:
- T: What happens when someone asks us for your information? #privacy #transparency
- F/G: The Wikimedia Foundation is happy to announce the release of our Requests for User Information Procedures and Guidelines. We hope that these new guidelines will help everyone — our users, civil litigants, government agencies, law enforcement and even those at the Foundation — better understand the responsibilities and rights that are evoked when a request for user information arises. [link].
- Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 01:15, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
- Suggest to use the title of the post instead for the tweet:
Visiting Scholar blog DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 00:01, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Are you the next Wikipedia Visiting Scholar? Apply by May 1st to be considered!
- f/g: Are you the next Wikipedia Visiting Scholar? Apply by May 1st to be considered for the program - which aims to provide the resources of a top research university to an active editor by offering staff access to all of the universities online holdings for free.
April 28−May 4
[edit]April 28
[edit]Ethan Sherbondy profile DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 23:54, 28 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: Armed with @KiwixOffline, Ethan Sherbondy set out on a cross country bike ride to teach kids about engineering
- f/g: Armed with Kiwix, an offline version of Wikipedia, Ethan Sherbondy and seven of his friends set out on a bike ride from California to Washington D.C. - holding "learning festivals" in schools and communities along the way to teach children about engineering and computers.
Tech News #18, from @mediawiki:
- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: new interwiki for Commons, updates on CirrusSearch & MediaViewer, and new version of Winter:
Posted, thank you! guillom 07:51, 28 April 2014 (UTC)
April 29
[edit]A comprehensive evaluation of Wiki contributors for recognition blog DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 17:29, 30 April 2014 (UTC)
- t: The Telugu Wikipedia community recognized prolific wikimedians. Here’s what the organizers learned:
- f/g: The Telugu Wikipedia community has recognized prolific contributors to Wikimedia projects with a special award called the “Komarraju Lakshmana Rao Wikimedia Puraskaram." The award is named after the first modern encyclopedist in Telugu, perhaps the first among Indian languages. Here’s what the organizers learned during their recognition process
- t: La comunidad Wikipedia Telugu reconoce a wikimedistas prolíficos. Esto es lo que los organizadores han aprendido:
- f/g: La comunidad Wikipedia Telugu ha reconocido contribuciones prolíficas a los proyectos WIkimedia con un premio especial llamado el “Komarraju Lakshmana Rao Wikimedia Puraskaram." Este premio honra al primer enciclipedista moderno en Telugu. Esto es lo que los organizadores han aprendido sobre el proceso de premiación:
April 30
[edit]Lebewesen portal blog DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 00:03, 1 May 2014 (UTC)
- t: The Lebewesen portal in German Wikipedia was founded a decade ago. Here is a retrospective account of those ten years.
- f/g: The oldest editorial team of the German Wikipedia is Redaktion Biologie, which originated from the Lebewesen portal. The Wikipedia Signpost of the German Wikipedia community recently posted a retrospective account of the first ten years since the Lebewesen portal was founded. Here is a lightly edited version of that text.