Social media/Calendar/2014/07
July 1
[edit]Request by MCruz (WMF) (talk) 15:52, 1 July 2014 (UTC):
- t: @WikiEval team goes beyond #Wikimetrics: join the 1st #webinar (07/16) on tools and #APIs to collect data about programs!
July 3
[edit]Metrics meeting live tweeting
- t: Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts in 30mins (19:00 UTC). Join via IRC or livestream:
- t: The Wikimedia Foundation's monthly Metrics & Activities Meeting starts now! Livestream: [insert Hangout URL] IRC: #wikimedia-office
- t: The #WMFMetrics & Activities Meeting is over. For more on last month's activities, see the upcoming monthly reports
- t: There's more to #data than #Wikimetrics. Join @WikiEval 's webinars on tools and APIs to collect data! First one: July 16
Wiki Loves Monuments goes to Pakistan blog post
- t: Wiki Love Monuments will be heading to Pakistan for the first time ever in September!
- t: "We'll give people a run for their money." Wiki Loves Monuments Pakistan is in it to win it come September!:
- t: Pakistan, get your cameras ready! Wiki Loves Monuments Pakistan set to begin in September for the first time ever:
- f/g : "It's giving you free knowledge, why shouldn't you care? Why shouldn't you share your knowledge when you are gaining from others?" Wiki Loves Monuments is coming to Pakistan for the first time. See what it means for Wikimedia Pakistan and the rest of the country.
July 4
[edit]Summer of monumnets 2014
- t: Celebrate the 4th of July holiday by snapping pictures of your favorite monuments for a chance at a cash prize!:
- t: Celebrate America's heritage by snapping pictures of your favorite historical sites for Summer of Monuments 2014!:
- t: Visiting any cool sites this 4th of July weekend? Snap a pic and enter Summer of Monuments 2014!:
- I'm going for this one, with an edit to clarify the geographical scope:
- T: Visiting any cool sites in the Southern US this 4th of July weekend? Snap a pic and enter Summer of Monuments 2014!
- Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 19:03, 4 July 2014 (UTC)
- I'm going for this one, with an edit to clarify the geographical scope:
- f/g: As Americans across the United States kick off the 4th of July weekend, the “Summer of Monuments” campaign prepares to launch an exciting photo contest focusing especially on Southern states whose history is underrepresented on Wikimedia Commons. So snap a few pictures, upload your photos and get a chance at a cash prize!:
- LGTM, made a small edit. Posting now. Regards, Tbayer (WMF) (talk) 19:03, 4 July 2014 (UTC)
July 7-July 13
[edit]July 7
[edit]- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: CirrusSearch rollout to 30+ wikis, VisualEditor changes, delayed global user rename & more:
Posted, thank you! guillom 07:13, 7 July 2014 (UTC)
July 8
[edit]- t: "It takes a lot of work to truly research a film,"says Erik, a member of WikiProject Film. Check out his interview:
- t: Lights, Camera, Action - Edit! Check our interview with WikiProject Film:
- t: "If you make a film article, you are basically making that web page the best place anywhere to read about a film":
- t: So, who manages quality on all those movie articles, anyways? Meet WikiProject Film:
- t: Passionate about film? Want to edit? Great! Learn more about WikiProject Film!:
- f/g: "Once in a while, a filmmaker will try to create an article about their film. We editors who have to explain the notability guidelines, and it's rare to convert the filmmaker into an editor since their goal on Wikipedia was to have their article for the film," says one of the members of WikiProject Film, one of the largest projects on Wikipedia. Check out the Signpost's interview with them:
- f/g: "Above everything, though, the end goal is to make Wikipedia’s content better." Read an interview with five editors from WikiProject Film and see what it takes to edit the 100+ history of cinema.
July 10
[edit]Esperanto Wikipedia DoneCMonterrey (WMF) (talk) 19:51, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
- t: Within the past 13 years, Esperanto Wikipedia has registered a record growth of about 196,923 articles & counting:
- t: Why contribute to Esperanto Wikipedia? For the love of culturally neutral universal language:
- t: Uniform grammar in a culturally neutral universal language explains Esperanto Wikipedia's steady growth:
- f/g: "In the context of Esperanto Wikipedia, we find people from different parts of the world enthusiastically contributing." See what makes Esperanto Wikipedia among the fastest growing Wikipedias among both constructed and natural languages:
July 11
[edit]Digging for Data
- t: Join @Capt_Swing for the first Beyond Wikimetrics meet-up on Wednesday, July 16, at 3pm UTC!
- t: Want to increase your wiki-research skills by accessing data directly? Join @WikiEval at Beyond WIkimetrics!
- t: Want to learn MySQL basics, about community data resources, tools, and data from Wikimedia APIs? Learn how here:
- t: Think you know Wikimetrics? Think again. Join @Capt_Swin and @WikiEval July 16, 3pm UTC, for Beyond Wikimetrics:
- f/g: "For learning & Evaluation, Wikimetrics is a powerful tool for pulling data for wiki project user cohorts, such as edit counts, pages created, bytes added or removed. Learn how to use this tool July 16, 3pm UTC, for the first of a three-part series, BeyondWikimetrics.
- f/g: Whether you recently received an Individual Engagement Grant, coordinated programs for a chapter or user group, or just launched a new WikiProject, finding out how your initiative evolves might give you key information for success. Learn how to develop your wiki-research skills to optimize your program's performance with the first of a 3-part series, Beyond. Wikimetrics:
July 14-July 20
[edit]July 14
[edit]- t/f/g: Tech News this week: Wikidata newsletter, CirrusSearch on four wikis, end of PediaPress and history merge for admins
Posted a slightly edited version to avoid confusion on "end of PediaPress":
- t: Tech News this week: Wikidata newsletter, CirrusSearch on 4 wikis, end of PediaPress orders, and history merge:
- f/g: Tech News this week: Wikidata newsletter, CirrusSearch on 4 wikis, end of PediaPress orders, and history merge for admins.
- Thanks! guillom 07:56, 14 July 2014 (UTC)
Creating Safe Spaces Posts
- t: A systematic approach to the gender gap discussion is what new IEG grantee @amandamenking hopes to provide:
- t: The Women and Wikipedia IEG project is designed to address the gender gap by providing a "safe place" for Women:
- t: "How can we talk about Wikipedia's gender gap without alienating critics and allies?" @amandamenking explains:
- f/g: “If you don’t understand why safe spaces are important, the world is probably one big safe space to you.” New IEG grantee Amanda Menking hopes to address the gender gap by aggregating qualitative and quantitative data to create a safer environment.
- f/g: "This past month I’ve been watching, reading and thinking. I’ve been revisiting my goals." Amanda Menking and The Women and Wikipedia IEG project hope to collect and provide the Wikimedia community with aggregate qualitative and quantitative data that can be used to address the gender gap.
- f/g: "Being a cyclist is like being a woman: Welcome to being vulnerable to people around you. Welcome to being the exception, not the rule. Welcome to not being in charge." Amanda Menking, a 2014 Individual Engagement Grantee, is determined to create a "safe place" on Wikipedia and fight the gender gap.
July 15
[edit]- t: The WMF announces it will provide legal support to editors named in a defamation suit:
- t: WMF to offer assistance through its Defense of Contributors policy against defamation suit:
- f/g: "Wikipedia's mission is to provide the world with the sum of all human information for free and we will always strongly defend its volunteer editors and their right to free speech." WMF to defend four volunteer editors of English Wikipedia against defamation suit.
July 16
[edit]- t: Congrats to the five winners of the Coding da Vinci competition, organized by @WikimediaDE. See what they invented:
- t: The future of Wikimedia content is here! Check out the winners of Coding Da Vinci competition in Berlin:
- t: Oh the places (Wikimedia content) will go! An alarm clock, a dancing cyberbeatle and a time machine app:
- t: What do you get when you mix free, open-source Wikipedia data and programmers? 5 amazing culture hacks:
- f/g: The results are in for the first German culture Hackathon, Coding da Vinci. Check out the five innovative winners.
- f/g: Are you a culture hacker? Check out these 5 innovative winners of the first ever, Coding da Vinci competition, held in Berlin
July 18
[edit]- t: @Wikisignpost talks with members of WikiProject Indigenous Peoples of North America. Read more of the interview here:
- t: WikiProject Indigenous Peoples of North America aims to improve underrepresented articles on Wikipedia:
- t: See what motivates editors to be part of WikiProject Indigenous Peoples in a recent report from the @Wikisignpost:
- t: Encompassing more than 7,000 articles, WikiProject Indigenous Peoples editors are really motivated, find out why:
- f/g: WikiProject Indigenous Peoples of North America participant Maunus decries the state of coverage of Mexican indigenous people and aims to improve it. "Mexican indigenous people require improved coverage...there are some articles on the Spanish Wikipedia of very high quality, mainly because of the work of one editor, but likewise there are other articles that are of poor quality, with either romanticizing or discriminatory undertones."
- f/g: WikiProject Indigenous Peoples of North America seeks to improve the coverage of indigenous people on Wikipedia, especially articles of Mexican indigenous people, whose articles sometimes are "romanticized." Read more from a recent report from the Wikipedia Signpost.
July 18
[edit]- t: 90 LGBT-related articles, 750 images on Commons, See the results from Wiki Loves Pride multi city edit-a-thon:
- t: Check out the results from the @wikilovespride multi-city, international campaign:
- t: Proposed user group, @WikimediaLGBT, aims to promote the development of LGBT-related content on Wikimedia projects:
- f/g: "Our hope is that the campaign will continue to grow and evolve, galvanizing participation in more locations and in different languages." Proposed user group Wikimedia LGBT ran a campaign in June (LGBT Pride Month in the United States), culminating with multi-city edit-a-thons. See how they contributed over 90 LGBT articles on Wikipedia and 750 images on Commons to promote LGBT-related content on Wikimedia projects.
July 21-July 27
[edit]July 21
[edit]- t/f/g: This week in Tech News: CirrusSearch rollout delay, VisualEditor for mobile tablet users, and new version of Winter:
Posted, thank you! guillom 07:50, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
July 22
[edit]Spanish Republica Exiles Edit-a-thon Blog Post
- t: A hard episode in Spanish history is a positive reason to gather Wikipedians in 3 countries for an edit-a-thon:
- t: Mexico, Argentina and Spain hosted an edit-a-thon to commemorate an event of deep social and political impact:
- t: Spain, Mexico & Argentina hosted a Spanish Exile edit-a-thon to remember the events that occurred 75 years ago:
- f/g: "To mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Sinaia vessel to the Mexican port of Veracruz, the Wikimedia chapters in Argentina, Spain and Mexico ran the First Spanish Republican Exile Edit-a-thon of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikisource on historical facts, biographies and testimonials related to these events."
- f/g: A negative event in Spanish history is a positive reason to gather Wikipedians in three countries to contribute to the growth of information on Wikimedia projects.
es Editatón del Exilio Español
- t: Un episodio difícil en la historia española es una razón positiva para reunír wikipedistas en tres países para un editatón <link>
- t: Mexico, Argentina y España hicieron un editatón para conmemorar un evento de profundo impacto social y político: <link>
- t: España, México y Argentina realizaron el Primer Editatón del Exilio Republicano para recordar hechos ocurridos hace 75 años: <link>
- f/g: "Para conmemorar 75 años del arribo del buque Sinaia al puerto mexicano de Veracruz, los capítulos Wikimedia en Argentina, España y México realizaton el Primer Editatón del Exilio Republicano Español de Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons y Wikisource sobre hechos históricos, biografías y testimoniales relacionados a estos eventos". <link>
- f/g: Un evento negativo en la historia hispana fue una razón positiva para reunir wikipedistas en tres países para contribuir al crecimiento de la información en los proyectos Wikimedia. <link>
Court Victory in Italy
- t: Wikimedia wins significant defamation lawsuit in Italy against politician:
- t: Legal win in favor of @Wikimedia paves way for more robust free speech protections under Italian law:
- t: WMF will defend against those who challenge the community's right to speak, create and share freely:
- f/g: After an arduous four years, the Wikimedia Foundation has obtained a resounding victory in an Italian defamation suit filed by Italian politician, Antonio Angelucci and his son, Giampaulo. The ruling paves the way for more robust free speech protections on the Internet under Italian law.
- f/g: On July 9, the Roman Civil Tribunal handed down its ruling in favor of the Wikimedia Foundation, dismissing a defamation lawsuit and declaring that the Foundation is not legally responsible for content that users freely upload onto the Wikimedia projects.
- f/g: "When the need arises, the Wikimedia Foundation will not hesitate to defend the world's largest repository of human knowledge against those who challenge the Wikimedia community's right to speak, create, and share freely."
es Victoria de la corte italiana
- t: Wikimedia ganó a un político en Italia una significativa demanda por difamación
- t: Victoria legal en favor de @Wikimedia abre camino a una protección efectiva de la libertad de expresión en la ley italiana
- t: @Wikimedia actuará contra los intentos de menoscabar el derecho de su comunidad a escribir, hablar o compartir libremente.
- f/g: Después de cuatro arduos años, la Fundación Wikimedia obtuvo una victoria contundente contra una demanda por difamación hecha por un político italiano, Antonio Angelucci y su hijo Giampaolo. La sentencia abre camino a una forma más robusta a mecanismos de protección para la libertad de expresión bajo las leyes italianas..
- f/g: El 9 de julio el Tribunal Civil de Roma falló en favor de la Fundación Wikimedia, desestimando una demanda por difamación y declarando que la fundación no es legalmente responsable del contenido que usuarios suben libremente a los proyectos Wikimedia.
- f/g: "Cuando sea necesario, la Fundación Wikimedia no dudará en defender el más grande repositorio de conocimiento humano contra aquellos que desafíen el derecho de la comunidad de Wikimedia a escribir, declarar, crear o compartir libremente"
July 23
[edit]- t: Photograph a historic place near you! Enter the Wikipedia Summer of Monuments photo contest—and enrich the Commons.
- f/g: Welcome to Wikipedia Summer of Monuments: a photo drive aimed at improving Wikipedia's coverage of historic places in the U.S. Find a monument near you using this map tool:
- t: @WikiEval hosts a new virtual event. Join next Tuesday for 'Project & Event #Grants: an #Impact Review of 2013-14'
- f/g: Wikimedia Program Evaluation is hosting a new virtual event. Join them next Tuesday, July 29 (15 hs UTC / 8 am PDT), for 'Project and Event Grants: an Impact Review of 2013-14'. Join the Hangout on Air or watch the live stream on the event page:
The First ever Creative Commons event in Telugu: Ten Telugu Books Re-released Under CC
- t: Wikimedians came together for a Telugu Creative Commons event - 10 books released under CC license:
- t: 100 Wikimedians came together for the first ever Creative Commons event in Telugu.
- f/g: “Wikimedians in collaboration with CIS-A2K came together to celebrate this first ever Creative Commons event in Telugu.” 10 Telugu books were re-released under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA 3.0) – inspiring other participants to come forward and donate their books under the license as well.
es La primera reunión de Creative Commons en télugu: diez libros en télugu publicados bajo CC
- t: Wikipedistas se reunieron para un evento de Creative Commons en télugu. Diez libros liberados bajo licencia CC <link>
- t: 100 wikipedistas se reunieron para el primer evento de Creative Commons en télugu <link>
- f/g: "Wikipedistas en colaboración con el CIS-A2K se reunieron para celebrar el primer evento de Creative Commons en télugu. Diez libros en dicha lengua (hablada mayormente en los estados de Telangana, Andhra Pradesh y el distrito de Yanam en India) fueron liberados bajo licencia Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA 3.0), inspirando a otros a integrarse y donar sus libros bajo la misma licencia. <link>
July 25
[edit]Wikimedians in Residence: a journey of discovery
- t: Check out the valuable insights discovered from @Wikimediauk on the efficiency of Wikimedians-in-Residence
- t: What are Wikimedians-in-Residence good for? Try thousands of new images uploaded, hundreds of new articles and users
- f/g: Looking over the course of six months and seven cultural institutions, which included the British Library, the Natural History Museum and the Royal Society, Wikimedia United kingdom has unearthed valuable findings in its research into the efficacy of Wikimedians-in-Residence and their contributions to growth of freely-available information
Africa's first Regional Conference gathers Wikimedians in Johannesburg
- t: First ever Wiki Indaba Conference in Johannesburg re-ignites passions for building editing communities in Africa
- t: Wikimedians take Johannesburg for first ever Wiki Indaba Regional Conference
- f/g: Dumisani Ndubane, Project lead for Wikimedia South Africa, reflects on this past June's first ever Wiki Indaba Regional Conference "We left the conference with a renewed sense of purpose and a united goal to create Wikipedia editing communities in our respective countries through clear communication channels and co-operation plans, even though we were reminded that we don't have a magic wand to accomplish this overnight."
- f/g: They came from all over Africa, from Cameroon to Kenya, Egypt to Namibia, Wikimedians congregate at first ever Wiki Indaba Regional Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa
July 28-August 3
[edit]July 28
[edit]- t/f/g: In Tech News this week: new version of Huggle, HTML comments in VisualEditor, article badges on Wikidata & more:
Posted a slightly edited version. Thank you! guillom 08:24, 28 July 2014 (UTC)
Sign the Petition for Free Access to Wikipedia on Cellphones
- t: All humans deserve equal access to the sum of all knowledge. Please sign our petition & have your voice heard!
- t: Free knowledge for all! Please sign our petition & let mobile carriers know they should work with us:
- t: WMF has published a petition for free access to Wikipedia on mobile phones. Please help bring equal access to all
- f/g: The WMF is pleased to announce the publishing of a petition for free access to Wikipedia on mobile phones, along with a short documentary film called "Knowledge for Everyone."
July 31
[edit]Official Wikipedia app revamped and now available on iOS and Android
- t: Experience Wikipedia like never before with the new & improved Wikipedia app for iOS, available on the @AppStore:
- t: Faster browsing, editing capabilities & language support are some of the improvements on the new iOS Wikipedia app:
- t: Browse, share & edit like never before with the new & improved Wikipedia app for iOS, available on the @AppStore:
- t: The sum of all human knowledge at your fingertips. Get the new iOS Wikipedia app, now available on the @AppStore:
- f/g: “Quick access to information is important for our mobile users and we want to give people the fastest way to access Wikipedia while on the go.” Check out the new and improved Wikipedia app for iOS now available on the @Apple Store.
Introducing the new blog: a place for movement news
- t: The new Wikimedia blog makes it easier for anyone to contribute knowledge about the Wikimedia movement. Check it out!
- t: The redesigned Wikimedia blog & its dedicated editorial team are ready to help you contribute to the movement!
- t: Check out the redesigned Wikimedia blog and let us know what you think. It’s here to serve you!
- t: Read. Contribute. Share. Check out the new and improved Wikimedia blog!
- t: Launched in 2008, the Wikimedia blog has gotten an exciting redesign. Check it out!
- t: Aiming to make the Wikimedia blog a bigger part of the Wikimedia movement, we’ve redesigned it with you in mind!
- f/g: “Over the past six years, the blog has evolved and taken on a character closer to the movement of which it is a part.” We’re happy to announce the launch of the new and improved Wikimedia blog, tailored to bring you closer to the movement!
- f/g: “Today we’re excited to announce the relaunch of the Wikimedia blog, with a new design and new features intended to make it easier for people to participate in sharing knowledge about the Wikimedia movement.” Check out the redesign and let us know what you think!