Kichik Viki monitoring jamoasi
Kichik Wiki Monitoring Team (SWMT) — Vikimediachilar guruhi bo'lib, ular IRC va boshqa asboblar yordamida kichik vikilarda (maqola soni kam bo'lgan vikipediyalar) vandalizm, spam yoki trolling mavjudligini kuzatadilar. SWMT nazorat qiladigan vikilarga har qanday shubhali tahrirlar haqida xabar beradigan bir nechta bot mavjud. Yordam berish uchun IRCga qoʻshilshingiz mumkin. Shuningdek, nomingizni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun quyidagi foydalanuvchilar ro'yxatini tahrirlashingiz mumkin.
Definition of "small"
The "small" in "Small Wiki Monitoring Team" is to be broadly interpreted. Although the bots on IRC monitor most wikis with fewer than 10,000 articles, that is not to say that they are "small" as in "insignificant"; rather, we prefer to monitor as large a number of wikis as possible, so that we can most effectively coordinate measures to stop spammers and vandals that damage a lot of wikis en masse, or target smaller wikis because they think they can avoid detection altogether.
Therefore, please don't be offended if one of our members reverts vandalism on your wiki, identifying themselves as a member of the SWMT; we're there because we care about your wiki, not because we think it is a backburner project.
How to monitor a small wiki
- Monitor recent changes to small Wikis via IRC or SWViewer. See Small Wiki Monitoring Team/IRC for details.
- Report vandals and request page deletions at Global sysops/Requests.
- Revert vandalism.
- Report link spam for the Spam blacklist.
- A list of small wikis can be found here.
Global permissions
Any user in good standing can become a member of the SWMT. However, there are global permissions that may be of help. These include global sysop and global rollback. Please note that candidates for these permissions are expected to have significant experience in the SWMT.
Members of SWMT are requested to create a global user page at Meta, which will show on the wikis where they are editing. Consider using a Babel tag on your user page.
You can add the following userbox to your user page by typing {{User SWMT}}:
![]() | This user is a member of the Small Wiki Monitoring Team. |