Requests for comment/Removal of the global administrator DARIO SEVERI
The following request for comments is closed. There is no significant minority to remove DARIO SEVERI's global adminship status.
Hello, I don't know if I am making this request on the correct page, but I came here to request the global removal of DARIO SEVERI's administrator status for the following reasons:
In the Wikinews project, the user has committed an abuse of tools, gross and contumacious, this shows that he is not at all prepared to be an administrator of this project, let alone prepared to be a global administrator.
I have gathered here the parts of the user's removal request that I believe are the most important:
Desconhecimento de políticas básicas e essenciais do projeto, nomeadamente as que dizem respeito à publicação apenas de conteúdo disponível em licença livre, como pode ser visto aqui. Além de demonstrar não conhecer as políticas, reverteu indevidamente as marcações de VDA já colocadas [1] [2], e para coroar ainda me bloqueou de modo a impedir que o conteúdo em VDA fosse eliminado do projeto.--DarwIn (discussão) 17h27min de 22 de julho de 2021 (UTC) Continua abusando das ferramentas administrativas, agora protegeu a própria discussão para impedir qualquer comunicação. Não tem nenhum burocrata neste projeto? Não é possível pedir uma remoção de flag emergencial, nem que seja no meta?--DarwIn (discussão) 22h42min de 22 de julho de 2021 (UTC) Não estou entendendo, a votação está parada desde o dia 23 com aprovação unânime. Total perda de tempo manter essa discussão, obviamente não vai mudar nada. Se encerrar agora ou em mais sete dias vai continuar com 7 votos a favor da remoção. Mas tudo bem. E o Dario ameaça outros de bloqueio [3]. 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧d 19h06min de 28 de julho de 2021 (UTC) Novamente o usuário reverte minha edição onde marquei a notícia como VDA, e depois alega que o texto da notícia foi modificado, sendo que a própria predefinição avisa que o conteúdo do website Governo do Brasil não pode ser modificado, além de que o usuário foi desrespeitoso comigo, perguntando se aprendi a ler, lamentável! Biel disc 22h06min de 22 de julho de 2021 (UTC)
-- Taken from: Wikinotícias:Pedidos de administração/Desnomeações/DARIO SEVERI
I leave all this here up to the stewards to decide what they will do with the user.
Comment I call the users who were mentioned in these excerpts taken from DARIO SEVERI's removal request: @Skyshifter: @DarwIn: Biel 18:53, 1 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Comment I also call a user who had already given his opinion about this in the other request in the wrong place: @GustavoDortmund: Biel 18:59, 1 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Abusive restoration of previously deleted disinformation article on Wikipedia
Totally abusive and unjustified blocking, according to him, to "chat" (first blocks, then conversation), after improperly reversing VDA markings on articles.
Ignorance of the project's basic and essential policies, namely those concerning the publication only of content available under a free license, as can be seen here. In addition to demonstrating that he did not know the policies, he improperly reversed the VDA tags already placed [1] [2], and to top it off he blocked me in order to prevent the VDA content from being deleted from the project.--DarwIn (discussion) 5:27 pm of July 22, 2021 (UTC)
It continues to abuse the administrative tools, now it has protected the discussion itself to prevent any communication. No bureaucrats on this project? Can't request an emergency flag removal, even on meta?--DarwIn (discussion) 22:42, 22 July 2021 (UTC)
I don't understand, voting has been stopped since the 23rd with unanimous approval. Total waste of time maintaining this discussion obviously won't change anything. If it ends now or in seven more days it will continue with 7 votes in favor of removal. But it's alright. And Darius threatens blocking others[3]. 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧d 19:06, July 28, 2021 (UTC) Again the user reverts my edit where I marked the news as VDA, and then claims that the text of the news has been modified, and the template itself warns that the content of the Governo do Brasil website does not it can be modified, in addition to the fact that the user was disrespectful to me, asking if I learned to read, regrettable! Biel disc 22:06, 22 July 2021 (UTC)
- @DarwIn: When I questioned him about restoring the page, and about the dozens of vandalisms he says Wikinews has detected, he replied rudely with giggles and even said "you must be dreaming" as if he hadn't would like to be asked. (see [4]) Biel disc 18:04, 22 July 2021 (UTC)
@Biel8729: Hello, I'd suggest sending a notice about this GRFC to Meta:Babel, the Stewards' noticeboard and DARIO SEVERI themselves as a courtesy. --Martin Urbanec (talk) 19:19, 1 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Martin Urbanec: Could you do this for me? I am new here and I don't know English. Biel 19:42, 1 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Strong oppose that's an issue with one project. If you think that the wikinews he was on should no longer accept Global Sysops, then make a proposal there. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 23:19, 1 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Comment @SHB2000: If he did all this on a small project like Wikinews he is not qualified at all to be a global administrator Biel 11:17, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- That was done by consensus. AGF. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 00:40, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- I also don't see how this was an abuse of admin tools? SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 00:43, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000 It depends on wiki standards. For instance, on Czech Wikipedia, protecting talk pages is very unusual in itself, and an admin protecting their own talkpage would be probably removed for acting while involved (or at least someone would suggest that). Martin Urbanec (talk) 19:23, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- I see. I think it's just me since my en.voy and pages are often protected for long periods of time due to Ljupco. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 22:02, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Martin Urbanec and SHB2000: In this case this person was very much unaware that Wikimedia projects only accept free licenses, and uploaded a large number of copyvios, relicensing works originally under unfree licenses as free, without permission. After I've marked 2 of them for elimination, carefully explaining why they were copyvios and the rationale for elimination, they bluntly reverted the elimination marks and blocked my account (!!). After that, they protected their own talk page at sysop level so that nobody but other sysops would be able to communicate with them. I would say such a person, unaware of license restrictions and blatantly inapt with sysop tools, is not capable in the least of acting as a global sysop in our projects. But if meta wants to take that risk... *shrugs* --- Darwin Ahoy! 15:14, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000 It depends on wiki standards. For instance, on Czech Wikipedia, protecting talk pages is very unusual in itself, and an admin protecting their own talkpage would be probably removed for acting while involved (or at least someone would suggest that). Martin Urbanec (talk) 19:23, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000: See Biel 13:03, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Still not convinced. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 22:09, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000: Maybe you would be, knowing the block was made after I've marked two copyvios produced by DARIO SEVERI for elimination, with the proper rationale for it. They immediately removed the elimination marks and blocked my account. After the block was contested and reverted, they protected their own talk page blocking all communication with anybody but sysops. Ignorant of free licence nuclear principles of Wikimedia, grossly inept with sysop tools. Does not seem like a great fit for having the global sysop flag.--- Darwin Ahoy! 15:29, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Still not convinced. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 22:09, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Comment Why not just request via SRP#Removal_of_access? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 03:50, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Liuxinyu970226: Because it has been told it was not the correct place for it. There is no obvious place to request removal of the global sysop flag, at least that I could see. Apparently it's dealt with with in meta with a general RfC.--- Darwin Ahoy! 15:23, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Liuxinyu970226 Local sysop access for the user was already removed per community consensus. The correct place to request removal for a global sysop is a global RfC (see Global sysop as the policy). Martin Urbanec (talk) 15:37, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Liuxinyu970226: Because it has been told it was not the correct place for it. There is no obvious place to request removal of the global sysop flag, at least that I could see. Apparently it's dealt with with in meta with a general RfC.--- Darwin Ahoy! 15:23, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@DARIO SEVERI: Notifying the user if he wants to manifest himself Biel talk 23:28, 7 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@SHB2000: and @Liuxinyu970226:. I will try to summarize the facts of what happened on Wikinews. On June 30th of last year, to make it easier to check which articles on other journalistic sites (outside the Wikimedia Foundation) were allowed to copy or translate, this list was created [5].
As can be seen here [6] I did not participate in its creation. It was created by another sysop and other editors. These sites mentioned that … "Our contents are free and freely reproducible. We want to help you bring quality information to your audience" [7]…
Following the guidance of the list practically all editors created pages on Wikinews (pt) using it, myself included.
On July 22, 2021 the editor DarwIn, who practically never edited on Wikinews (he had only 19 editions mainly in 2017) without any warning put in several pages the VDA warning, saying that I and @Edu!: could be blocked [8] and [9] and [10]. Trusting the existing list I removed the warning from the page and I put on his discussion page that the license to copy was valid and please come talk to me about it [11]. To prevent it from adding warnings without dialog I blocked it for two hours but after new editors came to discuss I removed the block which lasted 20 minutes.
I should have chosen another option and not blocked it, but because of this I was blocked for 3 days and they removed my sysop tools on Wikinews.
I have as Global sysop 130,000 edits in 600 different projects [12]. My edits in these projects didn't do anything wrong, they're correct edits and so I don't see why they're asking for my removal as global sysop. What I have to add it is the person who open here this request is blocked indefinitely on Wikipedia (pt) (please see [13]). He has been harassing me constantly on Wikinews. This is why some of my talk to him are not polite.
I protected my home page because they started putting several notices on my page, and they had already put them on the news pages. There was no need to fill my home page with notices as there were already pages open with discussion about this subject. Sincerely. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 04:29, 8 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- I also agree that you did nothing wrong. For that matter, half the time, my Wikivoyage talk page is protected. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 04:31, 8 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Oppose nothing actionable here that I can make out. If your talk is being disrupted it is fine to protect it. JavaHurricane 10:43, 10 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@JavaHurricane, Martin Urbanec, SHB2000, and Liuxinyu970226: After having their sysop flag removed by the Wikinews community for not being trusted there, this person continues acting in that project as sysop, now using their global sysop flag. Is this supposed to happen?--- Darwin Ahoy! 16:11, 11 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @DarwIn I kindly asked @DARIO SEVERI to avoid intervening on a project where his local access was revoked. Hope it helps. Martin Urbanec (talk) 20:01, 11 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Hi @Martin Urbanec:, yes I agree with you. I'm avoiding to act as a sysop here, several times I found cases to act as an administrator but I avoided doing it. I think I only acted once because it's something uncontroversial, I blocked a vandal [14]. But I won't act anymore. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 20:09, 11 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Martin Urbanec: Yes, it helps. Thanks.--- Darwin Ahoy! 01:15, 12 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
What does this have to do with it?DARIO SEVERI
— who open here this request is blocked indefinitely on Wikipedia (pt)
— If your talk is being disrupted it is fine to protect it.
There was no vandalism, the page was protected to prevent communication. Biel talk 22:05, 12 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- There was a page discussing all possible copyright infringements, over three hundreds, there was no need to put all warning on my discussion page. I protected my talk page to avoid hundred of unnecessary warning. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 06:05, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Martin Urbanec:. As a global sysop I should be eliminating at least vandalism and blocking vandals on Wikinews, there are now more than 10 vandalism on Wikinews because they ask above that I leave the vandals in the project until a local sysop come to eliminate them and block the vandal. An absurd request made here by someone who has never created a news on the wikinews [15]. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 06:25, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- If really were, you would not have been removed by unanimous consensus. Biel talk 10:07, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @DARIO SEVERI: Nobody needs you there, you are not trusted by the community. What is needed is that the two sysops that were already approved by the Wikinews community to have their flags. Stewards have placed one of them on hold for more than a week already, which is very bizarre. In any case, the least thing that is needed there is you acting as a sysop again, whatever the excuse is. Go do something else.--- Darwin Ahoy! 10:56, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- The vote was not unanimous against me and editors who voted against me had only 11 editions and had not appeared on Wikinews for more than a month [16], obviously they were called to vote. Saying that no one wants me editing it is the most absurd thing you can say. I'll open a page about this on wikinews. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 11:20, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @DARIO SEVERI: No one has called anyone to vote, what you are doing is pure spread of distrust! Biel talk 11:24, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Frankly, DARIO SEVERI, in good old Portuguese, "larga o osso". I'm pretty sure there are a ton of other projects where you can contribute productively. Simply respect the community decision and abstain from using the global sysop flag there.--- Darwin Ahoy! 13:57, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Maybe you didn't notice because this discussion is long but I already commented above with Martin Urbanec that I won't act as a sysop on Portuguese Wikinews (please see [17]). DARIO SEVERI (talk) 14:53, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @DarwIn I'd like for you to reconsider the language you used in "@DARIO SEVERI: Nobody needs you there, you are not trusted by the community" and "Go do something else". Such is disruptive and do not get a wiki going. Nobody, ever should be treated like that, and does not build a community. And to @Biel8729 I'd say the same to you as well.
- Regarding JavaHurricane's quote, you might want to see this. (Basically has been protected since 20 April, and has ever since. Maybe that might get you convinced? SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 05:44, 16 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000: "nobody needs you there, you are not trusted by the community" - indeed, the community has voted him out of that flag, specifically for not trusting him. And that includes behaviour similar to the one you yourself display at WikiVoyage (different projects, different communities, different rules). What's your doubt? What's "disruptive" in stating what is public and obvious? The RfA is there, you can confirm. I really don't get your point.--- Darwin Ahoy! 23:52, 20 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Nobody should ever be forced to leave a project unless for vandalism, spamming, or harassment. DARIO has done none of that, and yet isn't it sad that a community makes an innocent person unwelcome? SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 00:03, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Ah, no, you misunderstood. I'm just referring to the use of the sysop flag, since after being removed as a local sysop by the project community, he continued acting as a sysop there, now using the global sysop flag. That's what I meant with "go do something else (more productive than insisting in acting as a sysop in a project that notoriously do not want you as such). - Darwin Ahoy! 00:36, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Oh I see. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 11:29, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Probably a translation mistake. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 01:21, 22 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Ah, no, you misunderstood. I'm just referring to the use of the sysop flag, since after being removed as a local sysop by the project community, he continued acting as a sysop there, now using the global sysop flag. That's what I meant with "go do something else (more productive than insisting in acting as a sysop in a project that notoriously do not want you as such). - Darwin Ahoy! 00:36, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Nobody should ever be forced to leave a project unless for vandalism, spamming, or harassment. DARIO has done none of that, and yet isn't it sad that a community makes an innocent person unwelcome? SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 00:03, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @SHB2000: "nobody needs you there, you are not trusted by the community" - indeed, the community has voted him out of that flag, specifically for not trusting him. And that includes behaviour similar to the one you yourself display at WikiVoyage (different projects, different communities, different rules). What's your doubt? What's "disruptive" in stating what is public and obvious? The RfA is there, you can confirm. I really don't get your point.--- Darwin Ahoy! 23:52, 20 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- The vote was not unanimous against me and editors who voted against me had only 11 editions and had not appeared on Wikinews for more than a month [16], obviously they were called to vote. Saying that no one wants me editing it is the most absurd thing you can say. I'll open a page about this on wikinews. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 11:20, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Martin Urbanec:. As a global sysop I should be eliminating at least vandalism and blocking vandals on Wikinews, there are now more than 10 vandalism on Wikinews because they ask above that I leave the vandals in the project until a local sysop come to eliminate them and block the vandal. An absurd request made here by someone who has never created a news on the wikinews [15]. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 06:25, 13 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@SHB2000: No, he doesn't convince me:
Protected the PDU itself to prevent communication.[1]
He made an abusive restoration of a disinformation news story about the Portuguese Wikipedia based on his point of view.[2]
Blocked DarwIn improperly.[3]
Improperly removed VDA bookmarks and was blocked as a consequence.[4]
He disrespected me several times.[5][6] It shows clear ignorance of the essential policies of that project about licenses and probably the global one [7]
It threatened me with a completely undue block. [8]
Biel8729 12:31, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- But you do realise that I see Dario Severi on SWViewer all the time, and he's been active in fighting vandalism especially on some small projects. This is an issue with pt.voy, and not a global issue. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 12:37, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- He doesn't seem to me to be very active globally...[9] -- Biel8729 12:40, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- On top of all that, DARIO SEVERI has given a sockmaster the autoreview flag.[10] Biel8729 17:46, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- What you're linking me to is 7elteven's admin request page, but I don't see what DARIO SEVERI had to do with that. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 23:31, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- On top of all that, DARIO SEVERI has given a sockmaster the autoreview flag.[10] Biel8729 17:46, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- He doesn't seem to me to be very active globally...[9] -- Biel8729 12:40, 17 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Hi @SHB2000:, most of the links refer to my edits on Wikinews on July 22/23, 2021 and I've already detailed above what happened there (please see [18]). I don't understand why this should be mentioned again here if this issue has already been resolved on Wikinews.
To give more details about Wikinews, on 13 August Biel opened another request to block me. The answer was unanimous ... no one agreed with my blocking, with some editors commenting ... "Stop wasting time with these useless discussions. Go write news. That goes for you too, Biel. Enough of asking for denomination and blocking from everyone. I'm sick and tired of these discussions and I don't want to be called to any more"... (see [[19]]).
Biel wrote above ..."He doesn't seem to me to be very active globally" the link he attached show more than 40 my administrative actions as global sysop in the last seven days, [20]. I think 40 edits in a week is enough to show that I'm active as a global sysop.
Biel started editing on Wikinews on 1 July 2021, after being blocked indefinitely on Wikipedia. He's been harassing me practically since he started 48 days ago.
Sorry to bother you @Martin Urbanec: but I believe Biel should be warned here to stop harassing me. He's wasting everyone's time. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 07:10, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Agreed. Also Biel, this isn't Wikipedia nor Wikisource so can you please not have citations? Oh, and does pt.wikinews have this sort of one strike policy? Even 20 edits globally is enough. Moreover, I noticed that on small wikis, DARIO has also been adding images, and not only reverting vandalism (examples of helping small wikis are: this or this), making you one of the "not just revert vandalism" global sysops and grollbackers. Biel, please don't take pt.wikinews issues outside pt. SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 09:15, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Harassing? I have not harassed you at any time, this is a completely unfounded accusation, and about the diffs, I am just putting it here for everyone Biel8729 14:29, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- And it has nothing to do with me being blocked on Wikipedia, what you are doing is a conflict of interest because I have had several discussions with you. Biel8729 14:29, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Being blocked on a project does matter. A google translate gave me
- "Illicit use of multiple accounts for vandalism, disruption, linking offenses, blocking bypass, and editing Wikipedia domain pages"
- Oh dear... Please don't make such accusations against DARIO SEVERI SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 08:53, 19 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- You hide that the local thread I opened was recommended by an admin, and I just followed the global admins policy when opening this RfC Biel8729 14:32, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Show proof that I have harassed you since I started contributing in that project Biel8729 14:39, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Biel, are you going to actually listen or just go on? SHB2000 (talk | contibs) 10:00, 20 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I opened a Biel blocking request here [21]. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 16:01, 18 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Comment I have not seen the argument made that there is a case for removal of global sysops rights, especially the lack of commentary from uninvolved parties. I would agree that for GS to place blocks on established users is something that I would discourage though the block was absolute minimum, and was removed in 20 minutes, so I think that DARIO SEVERI has paid the right attention to their actions. If the ptWN community has expressed their opinion and DARIO SEVERI has agreed to their direction, then I think that is satisfactorily addressed and resolved. We can all make mistakes, and can overstep; I would be more concerned if repeated, or not listening to community. With regard to protecting their own talk page, that is not an issue for here, that is accountability to a local community's policy, though I would generally not recommend it during a conversation about accountability for actions. DARIO SEVERI would not seem to have a history abusing their user rights (admin or editing). Naturally I would hope that DARIO SEVERI can reflect on the interactions, and apply a lessons learnt to future actions, and if they wish to use administrative rights at ptWN that they apply for rights through their processes. I do not support a loss of admin rights as I do not believe that the case has been made. — billinghurst sDrewth 03:18, 19 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- @Billinghurst:, thanks for your comment. I would like to add that when I blocked the infrequent user on Wiknews-pt, he hasn't done any editions there in the last three years, I was a sysop on Wikinews-pt. Due to my error, I should have chosen another option, I was initially blocked for three days and removed my local administrative tools on Wikinews-pt. I didn't act as a global sysop there. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 08:11, 19 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Comment user:Biel8729 you talk a lot and don't seem to listen much. In my experience in wikiworlds, that is not a good idea, and one should spend more time listening, and working to a consensus. These are shared space where we have to work together for the generation of the output. Have your say, then listen to response. Try not to them bombard that commentary, let it stand, we are not stupid, we can interpret both sides of a conversation. — billinghurst sDrewth 03:25, 19 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- A discussion ended on Wikinews (see [22]) where none of the ten participants agreed that DARIO SEVERI should be blocked or that he should leave Wikinews, the consensus was unanimous on this. The four current administrators participated in the discussion. DARIO SEVERI (talk) 18:45, 25 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
- Biel8729, has been permanently blocked on Wikinews-pt on 6 September 2021 (please see [23]. He was already permanently blocked on Wikipedia-pt since 4 july 2021 [24]. This week, several Biel socks were discovered that he used to bypass the block on Wikipedia-pt, all of them were blocked (see [25]). DARIO SEVERI (talk) 16:06, 9 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]