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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Templates/Consent form for copyrighted materials and use of personal data

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Consent form for material subject to copyright protection and for the collection and use of personal data.


Purpose of this consent form[edit]

The following consent form is a practical tool to help you open your research and its data.

Its goal is to allow you to publish your output in open access with a compliant Creative Commons licence, either CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0, and open tool CC0.

The consent form covers two subject matters:

  • privacy and data protection
  • copyright clearance of third-party material and jointly created content.

The consent form can be adapted and customised according to the specific needs of your research project.

The consent form directly addresses the participant, who is the person who provides you with their personal and sensitive data and the copyright holder. It's written in the "I" form to clarify what the participant is consenting to.

The consent form consists of 5 sections:

  1. Open access:
    1. this section introduces the concept of open access and advocates for it;
    2. it indicates and explains the CC licence used to release the research output;
    3. you can also use this section independently from the consent form and, for example, add it to your email to a publisher or your co-authors.
  2. Introduction:
    1. this section illustrates the research project: it explains the goals of the projects, lists the outputs and deliverables, indicates funding bodies and eventual partners;
    2. it identifies the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
  3. Authorisation to collect, analyse, store and share personal data:
    1. this section identifies the personal and sensitive data you intend to collect;
    2. it grants you permission to collect, analyse, store and share personal and sensitive data within the scope of your research project;
    3. it provides the contact details of the Data Processor and/or Data Controller. The Data Processor is the person who collects, uses, and stores the data, and who works according to the instructions and supervision of the Data Controller. At times, the two roles converge in one person.
  4. Use of Material Possibly Subject to Copyright Protection:
    1. this section is a request for copyright clearance;
    2. it grants you permission to publish third-party material and jointly-created material.
  5. Conclusion and signature

How to use the consent form[edit]

Customise the form:

  • depending on your needs, you can decide to use both sections 3 and 4 or only one of the two;
  • section 1 can also be used independently for purposes other than the consent form.

Fill in the missing information:

  • the text highlighted indicates instructions for you; cut it once you have adjusted the form to your purpose and before sharing it;
  • the bullet points indicate the parts that can be selected depending on your needs; pick the relevant option/s and delete the text that does not apply to your specific case.

Provide context:

  • when using the form, you are encouraged to provide further information about its goal and the open-access agenda verbally or in writing.

Consent Form[edit]

Section 1: Open access[edit]

Open science is committed to making research results immediately available to all, for free and worldwide, fostering knowledge creation and sharing its benefits. Open access refers specifically to the right to access, copy, modify, and reuse research outputs free of charge as soon as they have been published. It is a right that extends to all, the scientific community and the wider public. Making all research results as open and accessible as possible increases their impact, encourages collaboration, and stimulates public engagement.

In Switzerland, open access is mandatory for all researchers whose work has been publicly funded. Accordingly, research results developed within the scope of the Research Project are released under the licence [pick one of the following options]

  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, CC BY 4.0. This licence requires anyone to credit the creator and allows them to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, including for commercial purposes.
  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0. This licence requires anyone to credit the creator and allows them to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, including for commercial purposes, provided they licence the modified material under identical terms.
  • Creative Commons Zero 4.0, CC0. This licence allows anyone to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, including for commercial purposes. Crediting the author is not mandatory but is good practice.  

Section 2: Introduction[edit]

This form defines how [adjust as needed by choosing one or both of the following options]

  • my personal data


  • the content I contribute that is possibly copyright-protected

can be used within the following open science Research Project: [add the title of your Research Project]

[briefly describe the Research Project: goals, output, funding body]

Roles and responsibilities

All personal data are collected, used and stored by [add the name of Data Processor]  

  • according to the instructions given by [add a name if the person collecting the data (Data Processor) is not equal to the one giving instructions (Data Controller), otherwise cut this line].

The Research Project is carried out by [add the name of the institutions involved].

This consent form is issued by [add the name of the Research Project Manager and University Institute].

Section 3: Authorisation to collect, analyse, store and share Personal Data[edit]

I authorise [add the name of Data Processor] to collect the following personal data: [specify exactly which personal data are necessary for your project].

I provided the data during the Research Project. The data is stored and used exclusively for purposes strictly related and limited to this Research Project.

The research results developed within the scope of the Research Project may include personal data, including sensitive data. The following options require consent to collect, use, publish, and distribute such results to a broad audience and unlimited time through the Creative Commons licence [choose between the following options, coherent with what you indicated in section 1.]

  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, CC BY 4.0
  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Creative Commons Zero 4.0, CC0

▢   I consent to the collection, storage, and use of my contact data [list in brackets what you need to collect, e.g., name and surname, email, phone number, ...] for the purpose of this Research Project. At the end of the Research project, my contact data will be deleted unless I request otherwise.

▢   I consent to the collection, use, storage, publication, and distribution of my personal data, including sensitive data [specify what content you will be collecting, for instance, video recording, audio recording]

I want my data to be attributed as follows (e.g., my name); blank means I do not want my content to be attributed to me:  _______________________________________________

The consent options listed above relate exclusively to the Research Project's results and respect the scope and limitations indicated in this form. My contact data will be deleted as soon as the project ends.

For further information on the processing of my personal data, I am aware that I have the right to contact [add the name of the Data Processor or the Data Controller] at the following email address: [add email address]

Revocation of the consent to process personal data

I may revoke this release form by written notification to [add the name of the Data Processor or the Data Controller] [select one of the two options]

  • at any time
  • by [add date].

I understand that revoking this Release Form may have repercussions on the conduct of the Research Project.

Section 4: Use of Material Possibly Subject to Copyright Protection[edit]

I hereby grant to [add the name of the university institute in charge or of the Research Project Manager] and to those entitled under them the right to use, modify, and elaborate and to sublicense the following material provided by me and/or jointly created within the context of the Research Project, without any economic compensation:

[list the third-party content and/or the jointly created materials you request permission to use and publish].

  • I agree to share and publish such material within the framework of the Research Project itself with the Creative Commons licence [choose between the following options, coherent with what you indicated in section 1]
  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, CC BY 4.0
  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • CC0
  • I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw this agreement.

Section 5: Conclusion[edit]

The university institute and those entitled under it commit to [adjust as needed by choosing one or both of the following options]

  • processing all personal data


  • using the content I contribute

in accordance with the terms defined by this release form, paying particular attention to not harming me as a participant.

By signing this Release Form, I confirm my acceptance of the terms set and understand that this Release Form constitutes a complete agreement between me and the institution and/or the Research Project Manager in question regarding [adjust as needed by choosing one or both of the following options]

  • the processing of all personal data


  • the use of the content I contribute

in the context of the Research Project.

Research Project Manager

First and Last Name: ___________________________

Name of the Institution _____________________

Email Address: _______________________

I, the Participant

First and Last Name: _________________________

Email Address: ____________________

Place and date:____________________________

Signature of the Research Project Manager: ______________________________________

My signature: __________________________________________________________

Note: Please keep a copy of this Release Form!