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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Guidelines/Who-When-What-How-Where

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The guidelines were initially structured according to simple questions: why, who, when, what, how and where. We report below the index of all the pages produced with this approach.

The content is structured in very specific sub-pages to allow users to access content from different entry points. To facilitate editing and integration, in this page you can see all the main pages and the sub-pages they are made of.





Why Open Science is important and its advantage for research and society

It includes the sub-pages:



Open science according to who you are

When – Integrating Open Access in your research workflow timeline


After the end of the project (worst-case scenario), including the following subpages:

During the project (this scenario will become obsolete after 2024)

  • Phase 1: Planning and preparing research - Data Management Plan (DMP) for Arts, Design and Music/ Step by Step "How to" guidelines
    • Data Management Plan (DMP) for Arts, Design and Music
  • Phase 2: Discovering and selecting relevant source materials to reuse (cultural heritage resources and also academic publications as literature)
    • Where can I find Open content (content I can freely use)

Before starting the project (best-case scenario and the way to go after 2024), including the following sub-pages:

What – List of research outputs to be released in Open Access


How - Resources and tools
