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Network Archives Design and Digital Culture

Design and digital culture occupations and professions


In the NADD Wikidata project, we maintain a curated selection (controlled vocabulary) of names of occupations and professions that are typical for the sector of design and digital culture. Wikidata items for these occupations and professions have the on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008)NADD occupations (Q133270020) statement.

The Wikidata community has already extensively linked many of these terms with other controlled vocabularies, most notably the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (Q611299). Where these are missing, Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID (P1014) statements are added as much as possible.

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List of design and digital culture occupations

What is shown in the list below?

This list shows all Wikidata items with the on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008)NADD occupations (Q133270020) statement,

If you want to improve data in this list, click the Wikidata Q-id(s) to go to and edit the Wikidata item(s) directly.

This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

number label/en alias/en label/nl description Wikidata Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID ESCO Occupation ID Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms ID
1 Delftware master meester plateelbakker expert maker of Delftware and officieel member of St. Luke guild Q69777789
2 patroneur Textile designer and profession, in the field of textile design Q2058243
3 artist or smith specialized in metal artwork Q10547741
4 Pelterer bontwerker furrier and profession Q21500241
5 advertising designer ad designer reclameontwerper Artists who design for logos, advertisements, illustrations, books, brochures, signs, posters, animation, Web pages, or other displays to promote sale or acceptance of products, services, or ideas Q110312558
6 animator animation artist
graphic artist
animator person who makes animated sequences out of still images Q266569 300025646 48c8eccb-4bd0-487e-a187-4953cbbe956e
7 arcanist arcanist person who has knowledge of a secret process of manufacture, especially of the manufacture of porcelain Q672632 300190373
8 batik designer batikontwerper textile designer specialized in batik Q84592062
9 bell founder bell caster
bell maker
klokkengieter profession; someone who makes bells Q474306 300025331
10 book designer boekontwerper occupation of a person involved in book design Q28933278
11 bootmaker boot maker laarzenmaker person who makes boots by hand Q103839759
12 brass caster messinggieter profession Q2168912
13 cabinetmaker cabinet maker
ebbenhoutwerker profession; person practicing cabinetry Q559597 300025373 e1416610-ad08-4f37-8b46-9f99632a5c0f
14 car designer automobile designer
automotive designer
auto-ontwerper profession Q11295636 1d8f8111-79dd-41dc-aa2a-12f3192dde3c
15 carpets designer tapestry artist
tapestry designer
tapijtontwerper People or corporate bodies who specialize in designing tapestries, which are heavy, woven textiles incorporating a design or scene, and used as wall hangings, curtains, upholstery, or for other purposes Q56236186 300386343
16 ceramicist ceramic artist
craft potter
keramist practitioner of ceramic arts Q7541856 300025388 ec0e64c9-6d9b-4a9f-a022-a418f3b381fe
17 ceramics designer ceramic designer keramiekontwerper designers who design ceramic objects, often in a studio or manufactory, working separately from those who execute the design and create the ceramic works Q106811253 300435148
18 clockmaker clock maker
uurwerkmaker artisan or firm that makes and repairs clocks Q2700922 300025397
19 cobbler cordwainer
footwear worker
shoe maker
schoenmaker person who makes or repairs shoes Q152355 300025294
20 computer artist computerkunstenaar artist who uses a computer as a main tool for creating pieces of art or for performances, mainly in the fields of 2D and 3D graphics, video and multimedia Q106208189 300253822
21 copper engraver chalcographer
copperplate engraver
kopergraveur artisan or artist who uses the technique of engraving images or text into a copper plate, which is then used to produce prints Q13365770 300420015
22 coppersmith redsmith koperslager person who makes artifacts from copper Q1551626 300025318
23 cover artist album artist
album cover designer
book cover designer
cover designer
record cover designer
omslagontwerper artist who designs and creates cover artwork for books, record albums, etc Q27472738
24 currier leather currier
leerbewerker person who dresses and colors tanned leather Q1326835 300025290
25 decorative artist decoration artist decoratiekunstenaar artist who creates decorations Q56673616 300386189
26 decorative painter decoration painter
decorative painting artist
decoratieschilder painter who specialize in creating embellishments, adornments, or ornamentation Q1183704 300435166 41a51397-089d-459d-9b7e-f1cdee5ad6bb
27 decorator decorateur person who decorates for a living Q22811707
28 design director design director designation in various creative industries Q6342372
29 design engineer construction engineer
designing engineer
constructeur professional who applies engineering principles to the design and development of products, systems, or structures Q1779650
30 designer design expert ontwerper person who designs Q5322166 300025190 dg2015060769
31 digital artist digitaal kunstenaar Artists who create artistic works that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process Q11079476 300386183 d5c4ab26-c293-4f4d-ad89-fe776f49a67f dg2015060746
32 dressmaker couturier
mantua maker
couturier person who designs, makes or adjusts custom clothing for men and women Q2034021 300343831 5589e8e0-48d9-4193-8c85-86ba9f17e0e9 dg2015060771
33 embroiderer broderer
stitch maker
borduurder person engaged in embroidery Q1509440 300025352 7324e9f5-0f94-497e-af2f-42142e939a94 dg2015060473
34 enameler enamel artist
emailleerder person specialized in the craft of enameling Q21148249 300025258 066fe11d-10e4-4fec-bd27-3e78797500b9
35 exhibition designer display designer
exhibit designer
tentoonstellingsontwerper professional who creates fixtures and display stands for events Q5420222 300025195
36 eyeglass maker eyeglasses maker
maker of eyeglasses
maker of spectacles
spectacle maker
spectacles maker
brillenmaker profession Q98218956
37 fan maker waaiermaker artisan specializing in hand fans Q64008862
38 fashion designer clothing designer
modeontwerper one who designs clothing and related items Q3501317 300025198 77bfd6e7-5598-4818-84cb-31e2651eb046 dg2015060771
39 fashion entrepreneur mode-ondernemer entrepreneur, fashion person, and profession Q5436768
40 fashion illustrator fashion illustrators modeillustrator person who creates drawings or paintings of fashionable clothing and accessories for advertising or editorial use Q27943388 300025126
41 fashion tailor mode kleermaker profession of tailoring, which deals with the design and manufacture of garments Q113109
42 furniture designer meubelontwerper one who creates furniture or designs for its manufacture Q11455387 300386292 bc4d1659-6860-488e-bc13-e87eb0e36f67 dg2024060111
43 furniture maker furnisher meubelmaker People or corporate bodies who make furniture Q19382184 300386289
44 game designer game creator
puzzle creator
spelontwerper person who designs games Q3630699
45 garden designer tuinontwerper profession of a person who designs gardens Q15432439 300386168
46 gilder gilders vergulder artisan who gilds Q281795 300025261
47 glass designer glass designers glasontwerper people or corporate bodies who design glassware or other objects to be executed in glass Q113995863 300386223
48 glass engraver glass carver
glass cutter
glasgraveerder craftsman who carves, engraves, or cuts designs into glass Q18510097 300386226 3a55bf97-a0d2-47a0-a8b3-b248d32c7969
49 glass painter float glass painter glasschilder artist or artisan who specializes in painting on glass surfaces, often creating decorative or functional artwork Q18431816 300263758 6d16c41d-81a7-44a9-836d-7aed46ccb955
50 glassmaker glass maker glasmaker profession Q12184432 300025285 64a68a43-24be-4929-95ce-5b14617199d1
51 goldsmith goudsmid metalworker who specializes in working with gold and other precious metals Q211423 300025319 8a007cd3-ba40-4c55-b238-587bd59e74b2
52 grand couturier List of grand couturiers grand couturier fashion designer who is a member of the French Chambre syndicale de la haute couture Q4845479
53 graphic artist graphical artist graficus artist who makes lines on paper through various drawing and print techniques, or the digital equivalent Q1925963 300264850 dg2015060757
54 graphic designer grafisch ontwerper professional who assembles images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design Q627325 300025119 69bcbb0a-8d80-4ecd-b0a4-9adea2a40de2 dg2015060772
55 handicrafter craftsman
kunsthandwerker profession Q11479517
56 illustrator book illustrator illustrator narrative artist who makes images for printed and electronic products Q644687 300025123 1b949bae-882f-40ff-9fe7-3c8ede5e38b5 dg2015060133
57 industrial designer applied designer
industrial artist
industrieel ontwerper professional who designs products and objects Q11287574 300025203 ab7bccb2-6f81-4a3d-a0c0-fca5d47d2775 dg2015060773
58 installation artist installatiekunstenaar artist specialized in installation art Q18074503 300265517
59 interaction designer interaction designer professional who focuses on designing the interaction between users and digital or physical products, systems, or services Q11977439
60 interior architect binnenhuisarchitect architect focusing on the arrangement and layout of spaces and architectural details inside architectural structures Q103893954 300395661 efa81635-9125-4276-8902-9deb12170ea7
61 interior designer interior architect
interior decorator
internal design
interieurarchitect person who designs the interior decoration of a room or building; who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such projects Q2133309 300162547
73e776fb-4d99-4031-bad4-7716f121155d dg2015060776
62 internet artist net artist internetkunstenaar artist who uses the Internet as a medium Q106208042 300443912
63 jewelry designer jeweler
jewellery artist
jewellery designer
jewellery maker
jewelry maker
sieraadontwerper one who creates jewelry or designs for its manufacture Q2519376 34c57104-ff9b-4003-809e-56eece3cb4d5
64 knitter breister occupation Q58321742
65 lace maker lace worker
kantwerker person who make lace Q3023339 300025358
66 mechanical designer mechanical designer professional engineer who designs machines, engines or other mechanical components Q83788030
67 medalist medallist
сoin designer
medailleur artist who designs medals or medallions Q1708232 300025337
68 metal engraver metal engraver engraver and profession, in the field of metal engraving Q114049711
69 metalsmith smith
smith (metalwork)
metaalsmid craftsman fashioning tools or works of art out of various metals Q838566 300025297
70 metalworker metal worker
metal workers
metaalbewerker craft/trade; one who works with metal to create art, tools, or other objects Q15980591 300025297
71 modiste milliner modist person who makes or sells women's clothing, especially dresses or hats Q18199649 300025356
72 mosaicist mosaic artist mozaïekkunstenaar artist who designs or builds mosaics Q282718 300025276 dg2015060758
73 motion graphic designer motion designer motion graphic designer videographer, profession, and occupation, in the field of motion graphic design Q110652362
74 multimedia artist multi-media artist multimedia-kunstenaar artist working with different media Q6934789 300386236
75 musical instrument maker instrument builder
instrument craft
instrument maker
muziekinstrumentenmaker manufacturer of musical instruments Q1955150 300386303
76 needleworker needle-worker
naaldwerker person who does needleworking, especially as an occupation Q28966333 300252058 dg2015060471
77 new media artist media artist mediakunstenaar artist who primarily uses (new) media art in their work Q7016454 300386815
78 organ builder organ constructor
organ maker
orgelbouwer profession that designs, builds, and maintains pipe organs Q1937431 300237243 c7b31477-88e3-400f-988f-3baa090de173
79 piano maker piano builder pianobouwer profession Q885122 97dd9a0c-dd6b-416d-9537-655a08dd2895
80 postage stamp designer stamp designer postzegelontwerper person who designs postage stamps Q2000124
81 postcard publisher prentbriefkaartuitgever person that publishes postcards Q84473837
82 poster artist poster designer
poster painter
affichist person who designs poster Q739437 300386240
83 potter pottery maker pottenbakker someone who makes pottery Q3400050 300025414 dg2015060764
84 product designer product-designer productontwerper professional responsible for designing and developing products Q18915967
85 production designer PD production designer responsible for developing the visual concept of a film, television show, or theater production Q2962070 4d4b243f-6c3b-48c3-a564-2e7f2d592a3c
86 puppet designer doll maker poppenmaker person who makes puppets Q2217284 300025399 07c2287f-3caa-4128-b7c8-59801084d931
87 raffiavlechter Braider, textile artist, and profession Q122931344
88 reed weaver coir fibre worker rietvlechter Braider and profession Q110367998
89 scientific illustrator wetenschappelijk illustrator person who paints, sketches or otherwise illustrates scientifical subjects Q19507792 300025129
90 shoe designer footwear designer schoenontwerper person who designs footwear Q67175841 34c57104-ff9b-4003-809e-56eece3cb4d5
91 silversmith zilversmid craftsperson who makes objects from silver or gold Q2216340 300025323
92 sound designer geluidsontwerper person that works in the field of sound design Q3024424 790c8dca-f624-4bdc-ac16-27bc13ead188
93 stained-glass artist stained glass artist
stained glass maker
stained glass window designer
glazenier artist active in (flat, window) glass Q2205972 300386222 6d16c41d-81a7-44a9-836d-7aed46ccb955
94 steel engraver staalgraveur artist, engraver, and profession, in the field of steel engraving Q80167875
95 tapestry maker wandkleedmaker artisan who makes tapestry from textiles, leather or other materials Q64351975
96 tapestry weaver gobelin maker
wandtapijtwever artisan or artist who makes woven tapestries Q21117684 300025366
97 textile designer textielontwerper person who designs printed, woven, or knitted textiles for production Q18611810 300386335 0f7c84c5-1c0d-4fc1-8949-07dbe8bd34ef
98 textile industrial textielondernemer industrialist, profession, and proprietor, in the field of textile industry Q58455065
99 textile manufacturer textielfabrikant businessperson in textile production Q23754015
100 textile print artist textieldrukkunstenaar Textile artist and profession Q131340079
101 theatre designer scenic designer
set designer
stage designer
stage set designer
theater decorator
theater designer
theatre decorator
theatrical designer
theaterdecorontwerper person who designs the visual environment of the stage in a play or opera Q11613590
102 tile painter tegelschilder Ceramic painter and profession, in the field of tegelschilderen Q107736890
103 tinsmith pewterer
tinplate worker
tingieter person who makes and repairs things made of tin or other light metals Q852718 300025324
104 tinsmith tingieter profession Q22671340
105 trimmings manufacturer passementwerker historical profession; fabricator of trimmings (ribbons, braids, tassels, cords, borders, etc.) Q87206308
106 type designer font designer
typeface designer
typeface designers
typography designer
typography designers
letterontwerper person who designs typefaces Q354034 300417840
107 typographer typograaf typography worker; for the designer of fonts and type, see Q354034 Q1229025 300025745
108 user experience designer UX Designer user experience designer person who designs user experiences Q68200826
109 user interface designer UI designer
interface designer
user interface engineer
gebruikersinterface-ontwerper person working in the field of user interface design Q29381289 96e20037-0a25-4bf6-a25e-808d1605d890
110 video artist videokunstenaar person who creates video art Q18216771 300253827 7beefadd-ea05-4f59-bc4b-01075f27b937
111 video installation artist video-installatiekunstenaar artist who uses video as the primary medium within spatial installations Q106227216
112 watchmaker horlogemaker artisan who makes and repairs watches Q157798 300025398 11eb55d3-4dbe-45c5-a6ce-f04ae843c938
113 weaver wever craftsperson or artist who creates fabrics or textile artworks using weaving techniques Q437512 300025367 02375132-3290-4221-bf55-d93ec61a3bf3 dg2016060532
114 web developer Web developer
webdesigner programmer who specializes in World Wide Web applications Q6859454 c40a2919-48a9-40ea-b506-1f34f693496d
115 website designer web designer website designer professional who designs websites Q11288554
116 woodwind instrument maker woodwind instrument maker Musical instrument maker and profession, in the field of musical instrument making Q120845099

∑ 116 items.

End of auto-generated list.