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Movement Strategy/Events/Friendly Space Policy and Privacy Statement/es

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This page is a translated version of the page Movement Strategy/Events/Friendly Space Policy and Privacy Statement and the translation is 37% complete.

Políticas de espacio amigable


El equipo de Estrategia de Movimiento está dedicado a proporcionar un espacio y una experiencia libres de acoso para todos, independientemente del género, la orientación sexual, la identidad o expresión de género, la discapacidad, la apariencia física, la edad, la raza, la etnia, la afiliación política, el origen nacional o la religión, y no se limita a estos aspectos. No toleramos ninguna forma de acoso a los participantes en la conferencia. El lenguaje y las imágenes sexuales no son apropiados en ningún espacio o charla de la conferencia. Cualquier participante que infrinja estas normas podrá ser sancionado o expulsado de la conferencia a discreción de los organizadores de la misma.

Requisitos de participación

El equipo organizador se compromete a ofrecer una gran experiencia a todos los participantes. Por ello, seremos especialmente cuidadosos con el comportamiento de los participantes en las plataformas en línea que supervisaremos durante el evento. Fomentamos firmemente una colaboración positiva y benévola entre los participantes, y también estamos dispuestos a limitar o cancelar la participación de las personas que no estén dispuestas a seguir estas directrices.

Comportamiento esperado

Fomente un ambiente positivo y amistoso Valore las ideas, los estilos y los puntos de vista de los demás. Sé consciente de que las personas pueden tener niveles de conocimiento, habilidades y antecedentes diferentes a los tuyos. Esté abierto a diferentes posibilidades y a equivocarse. Sé respetuoso en todas las interacciones y comunicaciones. Sé consciente de tu impacto y de cómo tu contribución (mensajes, debates, comentarios) puede afectar a la gente. Antes de enviar un mensaje (especialmente una broma o una crítica), tómate un minuto para preguntarte si otras personas se sentirán heridas o molestas por tu mensaje. Sé directo, constructivo y positivo.

Respetar la privacidad y el anonimato de las personas. Algunos participantes utilizan un seudónimo y lo diferencian de su identidad real. No reveles nunca información privada sobre una persona (nombre real, lugar de residencia, situación familiar, orientación sexual, fotografías...) sin su consentimiento explícito. Acepta que las personas pueden no querer responder a preguntas privadas.

Ten en cuenta el espacio que ocupas Durante un debate o en un grupo de trabajo, asegúrate de que no eres el único que habla o escribe. Asegúrate de dejar suficiente espacio para que los demás participen, y fomenta los debates en lugar de los monólogos. Anima activamente la participación de todos los asistentes, especialmente de los grupos que puedan estar poco representados en el público (mujeres, hablantes no nativos, recién llegados).

Ask for help if needed The conference will cover a wide range of topics involving a lot of different tools, technologies, areas of knowledge. No one knows everything, and it's perfectly OK to have questions or to need help with something. Please ask for help when needed!

Help others If you have knowledge about a specific topic, or if you have this special skill of being able to find documentation even when it's well hidden, then please help others. Helping doesn't mean doing the work for them: you can point to useful documentation, answer questions, suggest workarounds.

Comportamiento que no será tolerado

The organising team will be especially careful about the following areas and can make the decision of temporarily or completely banning participants whose behaviour is considered harmful for others.

Harassment This includes, among other things, offensive statements about gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance such as physique, ethnicity or belief, representations of a sexual nature, conscious intimidation, stalking, persecution, unwanted photography or recording, repeated disruption of lectures and other events, undesirable physical Contact and unwanted sexual attention. People who are warned about such behaviour must stop it immediately.

Violence and Threats of Violence Violence and threats of violence are not acceptable - online or offline. This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm. This also includes posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information ("doxxing") online.

Personal Attacks Conflicts will inevitably arise, but frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is not okay to insult, demean or belittle others. Attacking someone for their opinions, beliefs and ideas is not acceptable.

Unwelcome Sexual Attention This includes comments, jokes or imagery in interactions of a sexual nature, communications or presentation materials, as well as sexual images or text. Simulated physical contact (such as emojis like "kiss") without affirmative consent is not acceptable.

Unwanted content Posting content, pictures or links that have nothing to do with the current topic. Repeatedly posting content, pictures on link about a topic that no one asked for. Promote repeatedly a specific opinion, medium, tool or project without being asked. This also includes: asking several times the same question after other participants tried to answer, asking very general questions that are not directly related to projects people are working on, calling out people asking for their opinion about a specific topic.

Get some support/help

We will have a group of designated people who will monitor the chat and discussion areas to ensure that the policy outlined here is adhered to. They will have the ability to remove those violating the policy from comment sections, pads, and any other discussion areas under the control of the conference team. They will also have the ability to permanently ban anyone who clearly and/or persistently violates the policy.

If you feel uncomfortable during the event or feel that the above policies are being broken, please contact Cornelius Kibelka (via Telegram or by emailing ckibelka-ctr(_AT_)wikimedia.org).

Declaración de privacidad

This statement describes how and when Wikimedia collects, uses, and shares the information we receive from people who fill in this registration form. Please note that this survey is powered by Google Forms, which means Google’s use of your information is governed by their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Propósito del formulario de registro

This registration form will allow us to collect registration data for the virtual global events on Movement Strategy.

Información que recopilamos

This registration form collects the responses you provide to the questions asked. There are two types of answers: defined responses, and free-form responses.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Aggregate data about the defined-response questions, and a deidentified sample of raw answers to the free-form response questions, may be published on meta.wikimedia.org and diff.wikimedia.org. Raw data will only be shared with the Wikimedia staff and contractors who need to process this information and are subject to non-disclosure obligations, with the exception of the circumstances described below. We may disclose any collected information when required by law, when we have your permission, when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, users, or the general public, and when necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or any other Wikimedia policy.

Licensing of Form Responses

By answering the free-form response questions, you agree that we may record your answers, and agree to donate them to the public domain under the terms of Creative Commons Zero 1.0 (full text).

Important Information

Wikimedia Foundation is a global organization committed to promoting free and open knowledge. In submitting your response, you understand that the information transferred to Wikimedia Foundation will be collected, transferred, stored, processed, disclosed and otherwise used in the U.S. as described in this Privacy Statement. You also understand that the information may be transferred by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in order to carry out the aforementioned purposes and objectives. Wikimedia understands the importance of user privacy. For this reason, we work to protect our users from the unauthorized disclosure or use of information we maintain. The raw data collected in this registration form will be deleted, anonymized, or aggregated within 90 days. See our data retention guidelines for more information.

If you have questions about this registration form, or wish to change, access, or delete the information you provided in the registration form, please contact strategy2030(_AT_)wikimedia.org

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this Privacy Statement and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.