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Mkataba wa Harakati/Kamati ya Uandishi wa Rasimu/Utofauti na Utaalamu

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Diversity and Expertise Matrices and the translation is 30% complete.

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee will be a group of individuals responsible for drafting the Movement Charter. They will develop the content of the Charter as defined in the Movement Strategy recommendation “Equity in Decision-Making”. Their work will not be limited to writing the Charter. It will also include consultation with communities and organizations as well as research and consultation with experts.

The group will not be a governance body. It must have diversity of members and skills fitting to their work. The Diversity matrix below suggests the factors expected to be covered. The Expertise matrix suggests the skills necessary to work as a solid team, including content expertise suggested in the recommendations.

Diversity matrix

Diversity matrix
Historia kwa ujumla Ushiriki
Miradi Mashirika Wajibu
Kanda/nchi Miradi mbalimbali (Wikipedia, Commons, Wikisource, Wikidata, n.k. Ukubwa wa Mshirika, umri, eneo la mkazo Mchangiaji
Lugha Inayoanzishwa/ Iliashaanzishwa Kamati Functionary
Gender Languages Wikimedia Foundation Community organizer
Project size (small / mid-size / big) Board or Committee member
Affiliate or WMF staff member

Expertise matrix

Expertise matrix
General background Drafting skills Content expertise Experience
Cultural and linguistic awareness Policy writing skills Safe and collaborative spaces Participatory and consensus processes
Inclusion and diversity awareness Writing and editing skills Revenue generation Previous phases of Movement Strategy
Governance of organizations Communication skills Resource allocation Global or local policy work
Knowledge of Wikimedia Strategic and structural thinking skills Team collaboration