Charta hnutí / návrhový výbor / kandidáti
Tato stránka obsahuje prohlášení kandidátů do 'Výboru pro přípravu Charty hnutí. Zájemci o kandidaturu byli vyzváni, aby se na této stránce od 2. srpna do 14. září 2021 AoE nominovali. ( UTC). Předpokládá se, že výbor bude mít na začátku 15 členů.
Volby se konaly od 12. října 10:00 UTC do 24. října 2021 23:59 AoE ($1 UTC - $2 UTC). Podle nastavení procesu získá sedm nejlépe umístěných kandidátů ve volbách místa. Ostatní kandidáti, kteří se zde přihlásili, budou vybráni pobočkami a Nadací Wikimedia během samostatného procesu ve stejném období.
Volení členové
Sedm vybraných kandidátů v otevřených volbách bude oznámeno 31. října 2021 nebo později:
- Richard Knipel (Pharos)
- Anne Clin (Risker)
- Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy)
- Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)
- Richard (Nosebagbear)
- Ravan J Al-Taie (Ravan)
- Ciell (Ciell)
Členové vybraní pobočkami
Šest nejlepších kandidátů ve výběrovém řízení pobočkami bude oznámeno 31. října 2021 nebo později:
- Anass Sedrati (Anass Sedrati)
- Érica Azzellini (EricaAzzellini)
- Jamie Li-Yun Lin (Li-Yun Lin)
- Georges Fodouop (Geugeor)
- Manavpreet Kaur (Manavpreet Kaur)
- Pepe Flores (Padaguan)
Pobočky Wikimedia byly rozděleny do devíti regionů na geografickém a tematickém základě. Každý region byl požádán, aby jmenoval jednoho zástupce, který jej bude ve výběrovém řízení zastupovat. Výběroví komisaři z každého regionu jsou uvedeni v následující tabulce:
Členové vybraní nadací Wikimedia
Wikimedia Foundation oznámila svůj výběr před 11. říjnem, čímž vyloučila dvě vybrané osoby z kandidátek jak otevřených voleb, tak výběru poboček. Výběr byl následující:
Země uchazečů
Uchazeči pocházejí z těchto zemí:
![Graphical depiction of the geographical diversity of the applicants of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee](
Stát | Počet | Region | Regiony Wikimedie[Country 1] |
Alžírsko | 2 | Severní Afrika | Blízký východ a severní Afrika |
Austrálie | 1 | Tichomoří | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Belgie | 1 | Západní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Brazílie | 1 | Jižní Amerika | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Burundi | 1 | Východní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Kamerun | 1 | Střední Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Kanada | 2 | Severní Amerika | Spojené státy a Kanada |
Kolumbie | 1 | Jižní Amerika | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Pobřeží Slonoviny | 4 | Západní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Demokratická republika Kongo | 3 | Střední Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Francie | 1 | Západní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Německo | 1 | Západní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Ghana | 2 | Západní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Haiti | 1 | Karibik | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Maďarsko | 1 | Střední Evropa | Střední a východní Evropa a střední Asie |
Čína | 2 | Východní Asie | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Indie | 9 | Jižní Asie | Jihoasijské sdružení pro regionální spolupráci |
Indonésie | 1 | Jihovýchodní Asie | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Irák | 1 | Střední východ | Blízký východ a severní Afrika |
Itálie | 1 | Jihozápadní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Mexiko | 1 | Střední Amerika | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Maroko | 1 | Severní Afrika | Blízký východ a severní Afrika |
Nizozemsko | 2 | Západní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Nigérie | 4 | Západní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Palestina | 1 | Střední východ | Blízký východ a severní Afrika |
Peru | 1 | Jižní Amerika | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Filipíny | 2 | Jihovýchodní Asie | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Polsko | 3 | Střední Evropa | Střední a východní Evropa a střední Asie |
Portugalsko | 1 | Jihozápadní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Jižní Korea | 1 | Východní Asie | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Rusko | 2 | Východní Evropa + severní Asie |
Střední a východní Evropa a střední Asie |
Rwanda | 1 | Východní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Slovensko | 1 | Střední Evropa | Střední a východní Evropa a střední Asie |
Španělsko | 1 | Jihozápadní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Srí Lanka | 1 | Jižní Asie | Jihoasijské sdružení pro regionální spolupráci |
Švédsko | 1 | Severní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Tchaj-wan | 3 | Východní Asie | Východní, jihovýchodní Asie a Tichomoří |
Tanzanie | 1 | Východní Afrika | Subsaharská Afrika |
Trinidad a Tobago | 1 | Karibik | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Ukrajina | 1 | Východní Evropa | Střední a východní Evropa a střední Asie |
Velká Británie | 3 | Severní Evropa | Západní a severní Evropa |
Spojené státy americké | 8 | Severní Amerika | Spojené státy a Kanada |
Venezuela | 2 | Jižní Amerika | Latinská Amerika a Karibik |
Tuto sekci uzavíráme kvůli správě překladů. V důsledku toho nelze provádět žádné další úpravy prohlášení kandidátů.
Dále žádáme uchazeče, aby potvrdili svůj "hlavní wiki projekt" a definovali své odborné znalosti tím, že projekt pojmenují a vyberou 3 oblasti kompetencí z respektivní matice. Žádáme kandidáty, aby tyto informace zaslali do 3. října 2021 na adresu
Lhůta pro vyjádření kandidátů uplynula dne 2021-09-24 17:53 UTC.
Richard Knipel (Pharos)
Pharos (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Podrobnosti o uchazeči | ![]()
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Wikimedia movement experience | V komunitním hnutí působím od roku 2004 a pracoval jsem jako správce na anglické Wikipedii a Meta-Wiki a dříve také na Commons. Mou první editační oblastí byl WikiProject New York City, který jsem založil, a mým úplně prvním článkem byl U Thant Island, o obskurním malém městském ostrově s fascinující historií. Snažil jsem se najít rovnováhu mezi lokálním a globálním, a to jak při editaci, tak při organizování komunity.
Působil jsem mimo jiné v následujících organizovaných skupinách:
Zahájil jsem také iniciativy Commons a GLAM:
V reakci na loňský spor o značku jsem spolu s dalšími lidmi pomohl zorganizovat tyto strategické iniciativy:
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Team collaboration experience | Wikimedia je hluboce týmové hnutí a moje úsilí nebylo individuální, ale vždy jsem se učil od ostatních.
Pomáhal jsem spojovat jednotlivce a komunity a asistoval jsem při svolávání mnoha setkání, jak projektových, tak geografických (včetně WikiKonference Severní Amerika), ve snaze podpořit větší komunitní dialog. Kromě iniciativ COLOR a SWAN jsem se v uplynulém roce snažil také podpořit porozumění globální komunity prostřednictvím Wikipedia Weekly Network a zejména u příležitosti 20. výročí prostřednictvím Wiki 20 Countdown/Asie-Pacifik a Wiki 20 Countdown/Afrika. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Potřebujeme skutečně decentralizované a demokratické hnutí a já věřím, že mohu být v pozici, která pomůže tento cíl prosadit. Potřebujeme statut, který komunitám zaručí skutečnou nezávislost a zdroje. Budu vycházet z letošních zkušeností s dopisem COLOR a celosvětovými setkáními SWAN a budu usilovat o to, aby aktéři hnutí nesli odpovědnost za smysluplný a vymahatelný dokument. Strategie je o rozdělení moci a neměli bychom předstírat, že tomu tak není. To, co hledáme, je spravedlivý způsob rozdělování zdrojů a vytváření konsensu mezi mnoha složkami našeho hnutí v celosvětovém měřítku.
Proto se zavazuji k dodržování těchto zásad:
Věřím v komunitou řízený iterativní proces na wiki, ne v něco, co je napsáno v černé skříňce v temné místnosti. Zavazuji se, že tyto zásady budu v procesu i v produktu dodržovat, a věřím, že mám zkušenosti, diplomacii a nuance, abych byl v tomto úkolu efektivní. |
Adel Nehaoua (Nehaoua)
Nehaoua (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | aktuální správce arabské Wikipedia a arabských Wikizdrojů, přispívám do arabské a francouzské Wikipedie a mám více než 102 000 editací na globální úrovni, překládám články mezi angličtinou, francouzštinou a arabštinou na wikipedii a meta. | |
Team collaboration experience | Aktivní člen arabské a alžírské komunity od roku 2019. Jsem členem organizačního týmu Wikiarabia 2021. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Od chvíle, kdy jsem se začal úzce stýkat s francouzskou a arabskou komunitou, jsem věděl, že komunity potřebují budovat dobré vztahy s nadací a jejími projekty. Podporoval jsem strategii Wikimedia 2030 a domníval jsem se, že doporučení povedou hnutí k naplnění jeho poslání a vize. Proto je účast na realizaci doporučení společným zájmem všech komunikátů a nadace. Myslím si, že jako jednotlivec mohu být ve výboru pro přípravu charty přínosný; rád bych se podělil o své myšlenky a vyměnil si nápady a zkušenosti s ostatními. Kromě toho, že mám zájem s výborem úzce spolupracovat, budu hrát roli spojky mezi výborem a svou komunitou a nezachovám žádnou snahu posloužit potřebným úsilím a časem nutným k vypracování ambiciózní charty, která splní očekávání wikipedistů na celém světě. |
Sofia Matias (Girassolei)
Girassolei (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Started editing in 2020 with Wiki Editoras Lx, since then I have participated in several events promoted by various Wikipedia groups, including wikimedia portugal and Wiki Movimento Brasil | |
Team collaboration experience | I'm a member of Wiki Editoras Lx that is a group of women that tries to fix the gender gap in portuguese Wikipedia by creating articles about women and at the same time teaching new editors. I was in the team that organized Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia (2021); | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I'm not sure what to write here. I decided to apply because I fell in love with the project.I'm a relatively new editor on Wikipedia and i think that the Movement Charter is crucial, so that it doesn´t lose the foundations on which it rests and doesn't lose sight of the goal which is to share knowledge. |
Josh Lim (Sky Harbor)
Sky Harbor (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | For the last sixteen years I have played several roles in growing and supporting the Wikimedia movement in the Philippines and the local community that anchors it, as well as the global Wikimedia community at large. These include:
* Organizing the Philippine Wikimedia community into a coherent group of people, which led to the founding of Wikimedia Philippines in 2010. Between 2010 and 2016, the organization was responsible for significantly expanding the reach of the Wikimedia projects in the Philippines, including significant inroads in content, outreach and the growth of our community and volunteers. Today, as the Wiki Society of the Philippines, we continue to work with various stakeholders to improve quality of access to Wikidata in the country, as well as encouraging documentation of historical sites in the Philippines and combatting disinformation on the Wikimedia projects online and offline. This has also parlayed into activities outside the Philippines, such as building the Cite Unseen bias checker tool. * Giving at least three editing workshops to members and non-members of WikiProject Never Again, and have played an active role in supervising our growing number of Wikipedians-to-be to ensure that they are properly editing Wikipedia while also preserving the accuracy, neutrality and rigor of our articles on Philippine history and politics, both in Tagalog/Filipino and English. I was also instrumental in developing Southeast Asia's first Wikipedian in Residence program at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani. I have also spoken at various conferences and fora, internal and external, about the Filipino Wikimedia community and the Wikimedia projects, including at Wikimania, the Wikimedia Hackathon, Open Source Bridge, AlterConf, CredCon and FOSSASIA. My work in the movement has also been covered by both the local and international press, with mentions in The Guardian, FHM, CNN and Scout Magazine, among others. Aside from my work in the Philippines, I am actively involved in the activities of the Wikimedians of Los Angeles user group, as I currently live in Los Angeles. As part of that group, we're working to grow the community while pursuing impactful events and outreach in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have made community and collaboration the center of my volunteer work and my professional career over the last sixteen years. Many of the activities we've done in the Philippines were inherently collaborative in nature. For example, our work with WikiProject Never Again was only made possible with the complex work of bringing Wikimedians, external partners, volunteers and interested persons together to build a lasting project. Having worked as well in the movement for as long as I have, both in building things like Cite Unseen and the ESEAP Hub, and in working with the Affiliations Committee, I have come to have a deep respect for the need to have everything built collaboratively, in pairs or large groups, whether it be working on solutions to the hardest issues of our time or just finding easier ways for people to communicate and share knowledge. These lessons on collaboration that were gleaned through the Wikimedian experience were also instrumental in my professional life. Working for DeviantArt, I've come to use what I've learned in the movement to help develop the kinds of activities we should do for our users, or to help inform major decisions that we should make in terms of how we ought to approach the site's development. Working with a team of eight other people, we've had several successes in terms of contests and other community campaigns that we've run on-site, with this extending to external partnerships as well that have led to successes like our campaign on mental health awarness, our annual Holiday Card Project, and more recently our endeavors to celebrate our global diversity through thoughtfully-executed campaigns that showcase our shared common heritage. I strongly believe that when it comes to collaboration, it is important to be able to both talk and to likewise be a quiet observer when the time calls for it. Although I've become more quiet in the movement over the last few years, ultimately collaboration requires giving way. Participating in community discussions across three continents (in Asia, Europe and North America), both online and offline and in formal and informal settings, is part and parcel of that experience. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | The Wikimedia movement deserves, more than ever, to have a definitive statement of our values. I have advocated for much of my time as a Wikimedian a movement-wide document that encapsulates what we stand for, and now that we're at the cusp of having a Movement Charter, I strongly believe we need to have people who have broad-based, deeply-informed and well-grounded experience in working with communities, partners and individuals to best encapsulate what it is we hold dear. I don't take the work of the Drafting Committee lightly, and I intend to ensure that Wikimedians will be more than adequately represented as we finally put to paper what it is we stand for. I look forward to bringing the lessons I've learned from both the movement and outside it, coupled with my own life experience as someone who has worked with and is familiar with the Wikimedia movement on three continents, to the table: a table that we need to be as representative as possible of our movement's diversity, experience and expertise. More than ever, it's important that the ones who will set up our movement for success, first with the Movement Charter and then the Global Council, be from a broad base of our community, able to interact with as many people as possible and capable of representing the broadest of opinions in as concise a manner. I look forward to helping steer the important work of this Committee to help us move forward as a movement towards a more balanced, just and representative future: one where everyone, no matter where they're from or what languages they speak or what projects they serve, are adequately represented. The work won't be easy, but I look forward to committing to it should I be called to serve. On a parting note, please feel free to leave me a message should you have any questions or concerns, and thank you so much for your time. |
Richard (Nosebagbear)
Nosebagbear (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Podrobnosti o uchazeči | ![]()
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Wikimedia movement experience | Po falešném startu v roce 2012 jsem v roce 2018 spadl do králičí nory a od té doby jsem aktivní. Jedním z mých nejaktivnějších oborů je práce agentky pro reakce OTRS (nyní VRT), která pracuje především s těmi, kdo nemají s Wikimedií vůbec žádné zkušenosti, a pomáhá jim orientovat se v procesu, který může být značně byzantický. V roce 2019 jsem se také stal administrátorem en-wiki, což bylo také v době, kdy jsem začal být velmi aktivní na straně Strategie hnutí. To probíhalo od účasti v každé fázi téměř každého doporučení, diskusí o stanovení priorit, UCOC a všech diskusí, které jsme vedli k implementaci strategie 2030. To zahrnovalo i pomoc při vytváření kompromisní metody výběru pro MCDC. | |
Team collaboration experience | Většinu své kariéry jsem pracoval jako strategický analytik v nadnárodní společnosti - v malém týmu, jehož hlavním úkolem bylo zjistit různé názory a priority tuctu různých obchodních jednotek a následně navrhnout životaschopnou strategii, se kterou budou všichni souhlasit. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Přemýšlel jsem, co sem napsat - zdá se, že každý má svůj vlastní názor na použití prohlášení, ale myslím, že byste chtěli vědět, co bych skutečně udělal, kdybych byl zvolen (i když ve zkrácené podobě!).
Jde o zásadní proces, ale je třeba, aby se co nejméně týkal konkrétních navrhovatelů a co nejvíce názorů Společenství (s důrazem na množné číslo). Neměli bychom se pokoušet prosadit kontroverzní stanovisko s 51% podporou, a já bych to nedělal. Jsem silným zastáncem "subsidiarity" - to znamená, že vše, co lze udělat na nejširší úrovni (místní společenství a metaspolečenství), by mělo být.
'A konečně, jsem otevřený jakékoli úrovni otázek. Pokud by formální proces skončil na hranici, ptejte se na mojí diskusní stránce" |
Nethi Sai Kiran (Nskjnv)
Nskjnv (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Active contributor on Wikipedia, Wikidata & Wiki commons. | |
Team collaboration experience | Working closely with Telugu Wikipedia community in growth project and welcome message structure for improving new user contributions. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am a budding Wikimedian contributing majorly towards Telugu Wikipedia, although my journey with the Wikimedia movement is short I have had enough opportunities to build content and interact with the community. I am participating in the 100 wiki days challenge and on the 98th day as of 10 September 2021. I contributed to over 7500 pages in wiki pages wanting photos competition and stood 6th in the world & 1st in Telugu Wikipedia. I also actively take part in community activities helping new wikimedians to edit on Wikipedia through growth project, proposing changes in content and outreach activities at Telugu Wikipedia. |
Gnangarra (Gnangarra)
Gnangarra (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Podrobnosti o uchazeči | ![]()
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Wikimedia movement experience | Community builder, helped to form Wikimedia Australia, 2 years as President, 4 as Vice President, Currently part of ESEAP leadership group, created Commons Quality Images project, also part of the development of Nyungar language Wikipedia. Former Admin/Sysop on en.wp stepped down in good standing in after about 14 years, admin/sysop on Commons since 2007. current VTRS volunteer since 2019 previously a volunteer for about 2 two years around 2007-10. | |
Team collaboration experience | Everything we do in the movement is a team effort whether its content creation, event organisation, or Affiliate activity. Last commitment was Wikimania 2021 | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I cant reinforce enough that everything we do is a collaborative effort. I believe in assuming good faith and giving people the opportunity to learn, grow, and make mistakes regardless of how long they have been contributing, I acknowledge there must be limits on when actions stops being a mistake become pattern characteristic. The Movement Charter must provide a foundation for who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Priorities I see in the charter are for ensuring protection of anonymity, equity in access for everyone through both being able to participate at reasonable local times in what ever language they most comfortable with. Care needs to be taken in nuances of every language and how its translated to ensure that the concepts are presented equally to everyone equity starts with the charters wording must be able to carry the same principles through every translation iteration. |
Yair Rand (Yair rand)
Yair rand (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am an administrator on several projects, and an interface admin on English Wiktionary. I've done a reasonably large amount of policy writing on multiple projects, wrote a lot of gadgets and user scripts (some examples include TabbedLanguages on Wiktionary, ReferenceTooltips for Wikipedia, the WikidataInfo.js script for Wikidata, and the SignWriting Keyboard for Sign language projects), worked on Wikidata ontology structuring, and have done a moderate amount of work on content. I spend far too much time following things on Meta and elsewhere, so I'm fairly familiar with how the various movement structures and systems work. (I've also been writing "fantasy Wikimedia charters" on my own for ~5 years, which ought to count for something. :) ) | |
Team collaboration experience | I'll be blunt: My relevant team collaboration experience is much less than many other candidates. I've never worked as part of any affiliate organization, nor any on-wiki committee, nor any strategy working group. Additionally, both my technical and policy-writing activities have been less "team-based" than is typical. That said, all Wikimedia activities are pretty inherently collaborative, and if anything is going to be a skill that we've almost all necessarily gotten good at, it's good-faith collaboration in writing something together. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | A major goal of the Charter is to "clearly define roles and responsibilities", set boundaries, and define what we're doing and how we do it. It is essential for the future functioning of the projects and supporting organizations, that we create ironclad safeguards against overreach by our institutions, firmly anchor long-standing principles and goals, and establish a solid and effective framework for how the various high-level processes and parts of Wikimedia interact with each other. The new framework should unambiguously specify responsibilities and authorities, minimize conflict, and allow everyone to get on with their work. The Charter should organize structures to enable projects and groups to receive needed support, while protecting them from inappropriate interference. As expressed in the Strategy Recommendations, all of Wikimedia's supporting organizations should be bound by enforceable basic requirements, and certain structures should be distributed and decentralized. I would like the creation of the Charter to be an open and participatory process, involving many volunteers directly editing numerous Charter drafts around Wikimedia, moving forward in a wiki-style manner, our many communities and groups cross-pollinating texts and ideas and arguments and points of discussion, and gradually converging towards coherent results with the assistance of the drafting committee. Whatever the method, the final outcome must be subject to community-wide ratification. Wikimedia is built by the volunteer community; it is the community that must decide whether to go forward with the Charter. |
Ad Huikeshoven (Ad Huikeshoven)
Ad Huikeshoven (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Experience in the Wikimedia movement: Online:
Familiarity with the Wikimedia movement strategy:
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Team collaboration experience | Experience with team collaboration:
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | Imagine a world in which all editors of Wikimedia projects are happy, and have found balance in their lives. The reality here and now is different. You are addicted to editing one or more of the Wikimedia projects. It's not your fault nor are you to blame that you're addicted: it's quieting the pain of a childhood trauma.
The Wikimedia Foundation shamelessly exploits the fruits of your unpaid volunteerism. You put so much time into it that it comes at the expense of caring for your family, your friends, your job or your school. In case you are financially independent or retired, you are free to spend all your time as you wish – if you do not forget to drink, eat and sleep on time. As long as you are not yet financially independent, you could expect the Wikimedia movement to look after you and provide guidance and support where you need it most. The Charter for the Wikimedia Movement is the place to establish the rights of unpaid volunteers. I want to work to ensure that locally, in all countries, there is professional support for local volunteers in their own language, which meets the local needs of those volunteers. This includes translation to (and from) local languages of (news) reports about the Wikimedia projects, localization of templates and gadgets, organization of community activities, and what you need to become happy, and find balance in your life. My intention is to contribute to the drafting of a text that will be endorsed by the communities. This, I believe, will need to be an iterative process of community consultation. The committee will produce texts in several rounds and gather feedback from the communities - and other stakeholders. I will work to ensure that it will be an open consultation process based on making consent decisions. In the feedback rounds, anyone may object to parts of the text. For the Charter to eventually be ratified, the committee must have resolved any insurmountable objections before anyone is asked to ratify the text. |
Dušan Kreheľ (Dušan Kreheľ)
Dušan Kreheľ (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Team collaboration experience |
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | Překlad Tech / News mě upozornil na celosvětovou existenci hnutí Wikipedia. Toto globální hnutí může být pro člověka přínosné a obohacující a hnutí může fungovat jako další rozměr vedle pouhého přispívání a editace některých článků v nějaké místní Wikipedii.
Technologie slouží člověku, ne člověk technologii. Technologie je prostředek. To, co se stane v budoucnosti, závisí na dnešních činech, a ne pouze na činech s krátkodobými účinky nebo na pohledu na sebe a své činy. Rád se dívám na celek, tj. jaké jsou trendy a jaké jsou charakteristiky. Stejně jako jsou v hnutí potřebné technologie a přítomnost článků, jsou v něm potřební i lidé. Mladí lidé jsou naším darem / příležitostí. |
Ravan J Al-Taie (Ravan)
Ravan (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Through the last 13 years, I've gained a very wide & diverse experience in various Wikimedia projects as a volunteer, an admin, an AffCom member and recently a part time Contractor. I have almost 19,000 edits and around 850 articles created and translated by me. I've founded the Iraqi Wikimedians User Group back in 2015, the first user group in Iraq, I also co-founded Wikiwomen Prize Competition in 2015. I've created and managed various editathons and workshops, as well as helped in founding Sorani Kurdish User group. I organized WLM competition for Iraq for 3 years. I'm very well engaged in the movement current strategy implementation discussions, further more as I worked for last year a contractor in the foundation, I've gained valuable knowledge about what communities need and where the movement need to get directed? | |
Team collaboration experience | I have been a supportive team member in several teams within Wikimedia movement. I've coordinating projects for Wikimedia Iraq for several years. On wider level, I was an admin in Arabic Wikipedia for 3 years & have served as an Affcom member engaging with different affiliates and communities. As I participated since 2008 in more than 15 local and international Wikimedian conferences, I've gained amazing friends from around the globe. therefore, according to accumulative and continuous discussions, I've built a valuable skill of collaboration with different cultures effectively. On a professional & personal level, I have a 10+ years professional experience of managing teams & projects. I have worked in projects in Telecommunications, Oil & gas Industry, NGO organizations, Electronics companies around the world. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I believe the 2030 strategy will be a great success for many years to come, and my extensive expertise will help ensure that the charter is written according to that strategy. My time spent in this movement has prepared me for such an opportunity, and I sincerely hope I can contribute in drafting the most important document in the future of the movement. I have wide and detailed knowledge about underrepresented communities which I believe it will be very crucial in the process of bringing all the point of views on the table while drafting the charter. It will be an honor to participate in this drafting committee and I'm fully committed to help on that. |
Galder Gonzalez (Theklan)
Theklan (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I started as a wikimedian really early, in 2006. I have been mainly collaborating at my main wiki, but since 2017 I have been involved in the Wikimedia movement. I'm currently an staff member at the Basque Wikimedians User Group, where I work mainly on our education program. As a devoted wikimedian on education, I was part of the team which organized the first Wikimedia+Education conference. I have been part of the Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy team, focusing on Diversity. I have volunteered in other Wikimedia events, such as Wikimania. As a volunteer, I also like to help small Wikipedias to work with automatic templates from Wikidata, a project where I also spend some volunteering time. I have organized the WLM contest three times in the Basque Country and I have a broad knowledge about how we are organized. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have worked on communications before, especially co-ordinating big campaigns, so I can work with a team. I have also volunteered at the Movement Strategy and I'm experienced working both online and asynchronous. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | As a member of the Basque Wikimedians User Group, I have a good approach of what is happening in smaller wikis and smaller communities. During the Movement Strategy (long) discussion I had a good perspective on how we should handle differences and go beyond our current status. I think I can be useful in this moment, as the Movement Charter will handle many of the arguments we had about governance during those long long long online and offline discussions. |
Dosso Djibril (Djibril016)
Djibril016 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Zúčastnil jsem se tří školení o francouzské Wikipedii a online webinářů. Jsem členem pracovní skupiny WhatsApp pro francouzskou Wikipedii v mé zemi, v Pobřeží slonoviny. | |
Team collaboration experience | V rámci aktualizace článků na francouzské Wikipedii jsme během školení i po něm pracovali jako tým. Mám také dobré zkušenosti s používáním kolaborativních nástrojů, a to nejméně pět let. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Wikimedia je ve světě výzkumu velmi důležitá, protože obsahuje velmi důležité informace pro žáky, studenty, vědce, učitele ..... Je proto nutné spojit své úsilí pro rozvoj tohoto projektu, který je užitečný pro celé lidstvo. V této souvislosti předkládám svou přihlášku, abych uplatnil své know-how, své znalosti a všechny své dovednosti ve prospěch tohoto zajímavého projektu. Mé kvality jsou v dokonalém souladu s požadavky návrhového výboru tohoto hnutí.
Především jsem správce dokumentárních informací a mým úkolem je zpřístupňovat informace uživatelům, školit je v technikách dokumentárního výzkumu a nasměrovat je na slovníky užitečné v kontextu jejich výzkumu. Členství v redakční radě hnutí mi umožní zpřístupnit tomuto týmu všechna očekávání, potíže a informace, které si uživatelé přejí. Především jsem informační manažer, mým úkolem je zpřístupňovat informace uživatelům, školit je v technikách vyhledávání dokumentů a směrovat je k užitečným slovníkům v kontextu jejich výzkumu. Být součástí redakční komise mi umožní dát celému týmu k dispozici všechna očekávání, potíže a požadované informace uživatelů. Za druhé jsem školitelem několika modulů v oblasti informační vědy a nástrojů spolupráce pro zvýšení produktivity. Tyto nástroje dokonale ovládám, abych mohl pracovat v týmu, zajistit návaznost činností a stanovit termín plnění různorodých úkolů. V neposlední řadě budu moci nejen propagovat projekty Wikimedia ve svých sítích, ale také školit další lidi o zdrojích dostupných na tomto projektu. |
Rafael Laynes Hancco (RaftaLayns123)
RaftaLayns123 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Creator and editor of more than 100 articles | |
Team collaboration experience | I have not worked but will do so after a great translation. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | For Wikipedia, those who have joined before and those who will use it. Wikipedia is not just an encyclopedia, it moves us towards the change. #RafaRedactor |
Gergő Tisza (Tgr)
Tgr (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Since finding Wikipedia in 2004, I have gained experience in a wide range of roles - editor, patroller, administrator, translator, OTRS agent, technical volunteer, outreach activist, chapter founder, and board member. Since 2013 I have been working for the Wikimedia Foundation as a software developer (see staff user page here - to avoid any doubt: my candidacy here is entirely in a volunteer capacity) and have focused my free time on wiki software development as well. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have been involved in movement strategy since 2017, first as a member of the Product & Technology working group, then as a recommendation writer. On-wiki, I have been active (mostly between 2005-2012) in mediation, consensus-building, and policy-making. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | For all its virtues, the Wikimedia Movement has only been partially successful at empowering its volunteers, whose work it is sustained by. We need to improve equity, in both senses of the word: ensuring we treat each other fairly and impartially, and ensuring we treat those donating their time and efforts to the movement as shareholders, who can participate in the decisions that affect them and their work, and get all the support they need to do that well. The movement strategy is a bold attempt to achieve that, and I'd like to do what I can to help it move forward.
What I hope to bring to the table:
Osama Eid (Osps7)
Osps7 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Přispívám do arabské a anglické Wikipedie, mám editační práva do arabské a anglické Wikipedie a správcovská práva do Wiki Commons. Pracuji hlavně proti vandalismu Svobodných znalostí, mám více než 11 000 úprav po celém světě, velmi jsem se zapojil do hnutí Wikimedia šířením svobodných znalostí v soutěžích a kampaních a procenta úspěchů, jsem aktivním členem skupiny Wikimedia v Levantě a věřím tomu, co se děje na východě. Zahájení projektů na univerzitách pro školení o Wikipedii.
Řídím vzdělávací programy arabské Wikipedie ve státě Palestina a také se účastním všech kampaní a projektů nadace Wikimedia. | |
Team collaboration experience | Levantská skupina Wikimedia a činnost arabských dnů Wikipedie | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Edituji články v arabské a anglické Wikipedii a mám práva v arabské a anglické encyklopedii. Požadované právo. Mám velký zájem o šíření znalostí. Vytvářím také editace ve všech projektech nadace Wikimedia, jsem členem týmu Levant Wikimedia a na své univerzitě zahajuji vzdělávací programy. Rád bych se stal členem týmu pro přípravu charty hnutí, což pro mě bude nové a úžasné zpestření a očekávám, že přijdu s velmi důležitými doporučeními. Chci také vypracovat flexibilní chartu hnutí, a aby tato charta podporovala všechny komunity a přispívala k rozšíření znalostí lidí o projektech nadace Wikimedia.
Chci také, aby charta byla vhodná pro všechny změny a pro všechny společnosti a aby byla spravedlivá a pozitivní. |
Daria Cybulska (Daria Cybulska (WMUK))
Daria Cybulska (WMUK) (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Team collaboration experience | At Wikimedia UK I usually work across teams to deliver projects – this requires soft influencing skills to reach agreement, negotiate common ground and move projects forward. I collaborate with external teams where Wikimedia UK gives grants to partner organisations, or projects pitched by volunteers. Beyond working with others on the 2030 strategy (see below), earlier this year I was one of 15 people chosen through a competitive application process to work on a collaborative book sprint. I was collaborating with people from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences, some experts within narrow technical fields, some academics. The ‘Collective Wisdom’ book, our end product, can be seen at this link. I believe that with my team collaboration approach comes a great dose of humility. I know I don’t have the answers. I believe in putting others in focus and learning from them, especially if their context is different than mine. My commitment to equity steers me to seeking solutions and knowledge within the people I work with and support. In practice that means that when I coach my team members, or facilitate group discussions, my primary belief is that the people I work with may already hold the answers to their challenges. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I bring a perspective from the organised part of the Wikimedia movement, and a long standing participant of the 2030 strategy process, while holding an open and learning approach. I have worked in the UK civil society sector for the past 12 years, and for the last 9 I’ve worked at Wikimedia UK, leading on its programmes to deliver ‘free knowledge for all’ and implement the knowledge equity vision. I’ve been a trustee at two charities, currently at Global Dialogue, a European-wide field building network for civil society organisations working on human rights and democratic space. Being a secretariat space for a number of organisations at various stages of development, it gives me insight into a range of governance models, and into legal structures for developing organisations. Global Dialogue also brings a lot of funders in the space, which connects to my practical experience within the 2030 strategy process. Throughout 2018/2019 I was a member of the strategy working group focusing on Resource allocation. We looked into progressive philanthropies, barriers that emerging communities are experiencing in accessing funding. We centered on structures of power and privilege that come with grant-making, and programmatic harms resulting from not addressing them. Accountability to donors is also something we investigated. (I also spent a week with representatives of 8 other thematic groups, taking 90 recommendations total and editing them into a coherent set of global recommendations). A lot of the work done within the Resource Allocation group later informed key principles expressed in the global strategy. However, them being quite abstract and separated from implementation initiatives, I’m concerned that we will not see them realised in action. This would be a big loss, as I think it’s in these principles that we can really envisage a different Wikimedia movement. A Movement Charter is an opportunity to bring that into operation, and I’d hope to help with that. |
Chris Keating (The Land)
The Land (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Na wiki
Mimo wiki
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Team collaboration experience | Byl jsem členem pracovní skupiny pro strategii Role a odpovědnosti, která vypracovala myšlenku Charty hnutí. Jednalo se o mezikulturní a mnohojazyčný tým, který měl před sebou velký úkol - stejně jako bude mít návrhový výbor. V této situaci si velmi dobře uvědomuji své vlastní privilegium rodilého mluvčího angličtiny a dbám na to, abych povzbuzoval a podporoval ostatní, aby vyjádřili své názory a také přispěli. Jsem si také vědom důležitosti komunikace s projektovými komunitami. Byl jsem jedním z mála členů pracovní skupiny, kteří se účastnili diskusí o návrhu doporučení na wiki.
Byl jsem předsedou Wikimedia UK v době, kdy pobočka procházela mnoha změnami. V době mého předsednictví jsme prošli Governance auditem a implementovali jeho závěry, včetně toho, že se naše představenstvo stalo mnohem rozmanitějším a inkluzivnějším. Bylo to poprvé, kdy organizace Wikimedia požádala o podrobnou odbornou kontrolu svého řízení. Provedení jejích závěrů vyžadovalo hodně diplomacie, taktu a odhodlání. Působil jsem také v desítkách dalších dobrovolnických skupin - od velkých charitativních organizací až po malé dobrovolnické výbory, v různých oblastech od politických kampaní přes lékařský výzkum až po orchestr, ve kterém hraji na housle. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Jako jednomu z autorů původních doporučení, která vedla k Chartě hnutí, mi velmi záleží na tom, aby se to podařilo. Nejen o vytvoření Charty a Globální rady, ale i o další klíčové aspekty doporučení, jako je zřízení regionálních center a decentralizace moci, aby se Hnutí stalo otevřenějším a participativnějším.
I believe drafting and building acceptance for the Movement Charter will be a significant challenge. I believe the Drafting Group can only be a success if there is a big, open process to reach out to communities and build the Charter on their needs and aspirations. I've set out my views on how this should work at more length here. To make this process work, we need to be clear as early as possible about how communities will be asked for input and how the development / ratification process will work. I have extensive experience of working on movement governance issues - not just in the strategy process. As Chair of Wikimedia UK I helped resolve some significant governance problems in that chapter, and have also been in a participant in many previous rounds of discussions between communities (the Fundraising and Funds Dissemination discussions in 2011-2, Superprotect, FramBan, the many changes at the WMF in the last 10 years). While the Movement Charter looks to the future, I feel I can bring some important 'institutional knowledge' with me. Věřím, že Charta hnutí - a nakonec i Globální rada - bude hrát v budoucnu pro naše hnutí zásadní roli. Pokud budou fungovat, může to celé hnutí nasměrovat správným směrem. Můžeme začít řešit dlouhodobé problémy týkající se nedůvěry a nerovnováhy moci. To je však třeba udělat správně. Věřím, že mohu pomoci nasměrovat tento projekt správným směrem, a proto kandiduji do výboru. Pokud byste chtěli o věcech diskutovat, pak mi prosím napište! |
Ashioma Medi (SuperSwift)
SuperSwift (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I've been an active contributor to the English Wikipedia since 2017 and hold the new page reviewer rights. I have contributed to articles relating to women through the women in red campaign. I started editing Wikidata in 2019. Outside of editing, I have worked in the creation of Wikimedia hubs in Nigerian Universities, where I serve as a leader and trainer in different institutions. I have also served as a judge in different contests; from the Afrocine project to the African Women in Media contest. | |
Team collaboration experience | Actively involved in the ongoing memorandum of understanding between the Wikimedia community in Nigeria and the Nigerian National Archives. Member of the Communications Team at the 2019 Wiki Indaba. Reaching an agreement with the Ekiti State University, Nigeria to set up a Wikimedia hub in the school. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | It is my desire to help create a Movement Charter that will not be restrictive to individuals, communities, organizations but shares accountability and responsibility as well as ensure equitable opportunities for participation in decision-making and resource allocation. Having cross-cultural communication skills (English and Igbo) means I can actively engage the English community and Igbo Wikimedia community and relay their issues with the movement charter.
My experience as a research fellow at a government & public policy institute has broadened my scope on governance, organization management, board management, legal actions, policy documentation & implementation, and other required knowledge bases. This helped me successfully draft the by-laws with consultation from appropriate authorities for the working of a Wikimedia hub. As a product designer, my skills of design thinking, critical thinking, strategic thinking would help in translating strategy recommendations into structures, help see the gaps to be covered, and would also help in getting things done at the set time. |
Alvonte (Alvonte)
Alvonte (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I have significant experience with Wikimedia projects since 2010, I am:
Various on-wiki experience under a former account:
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Team collaboration experience | I have collaborated with all kinds of different teams at various stages off-wiki, including but not limited to:
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | Fear, uncertainty and doubt is born out of ignorance. To combat the increasing tribalism and hostility, we must hold dear the values every one of us believe in, all human knowledge must be free and accessible. Wikimedia is not doing nearly enough. Our movement is crucial, a comprehensive un-biased repository of information is essential to combat hate and promote global understanding. Mutual understanding between different people is the cornerstone of a safer, and more sustainable world. We must do more. I dreamed of a world that belongs to everyone, where every one of us could be anywhere, love anyone, and fear nothing. It would not be possible without increased understanding, without free, accessible knowledge. and I sincerely hope Wikimedia can play a more significant role in combating knowledge inequality worldwide. I hope that Wikimedia would place more value in non-English contributions and provide much more support to non-English contributors. It's never going to be an easy job, but that's what we set out to do. I hope that all of our projects could provide an easier channel for potential editors who are simply not so well-versed in English communication. I hope that many of the disappearing cultural traditions could find their place here, even though our children and children's children will grow up following the brand new traditions of some hyper digitalized world with facebook, twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, crypto, NFT, and a lot more to come. They can at least read about the ways we have lived. I hope that we could one day, realize the dream that Babylon never managed to achieve, where Wikimedia projects will be the lighthouse that stand for our generation and the many generations to come. Our work is important, and more must be done. P. S.: I did not think about running initially, but seeing the enthusiasm from the encouraging emails and messages, I feel obliged to at least try. I'm inclined to use a new account since I believe that is the best way for me to contribute onward. Email me if you have any thoughts. |
Irvin Sto. Tomas (Filipinayzd)
Filipinayzd (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | In my leadership role, I actively represented PhilWiki Community and presented at the Wikimedia Conference (2017-2018) and Wikimedia Summit (2019), Wikimedia+Education Conference (2019), ESEAP Conference (2019), and the Global Conversations (2020). As a community coordinator and organizer, I represented and served as a presenter at the Philippine WikiConference (2012-2013). Currently, I am the Board Treasurer and the committee chair in GLAM and Education. Prior to this, I have served as a community coordinator (2012-15; 2015-2017), and chairman/president of PhilWiki Community (2018-2020).
As a project lead, I implemented different campaigns including WikiGap Campaign in the Philippines (2019-2020), Wiki Loves Monuments in the Philippines (2018-2020), Wiki Takes the City (2012 and 2015/16), and the Community celebration of the 20th year of Wikipedia (2020) in Naga City, and Bikol Wikipedia's 1st (2008), 5th (2012), 10th (2017) and 13th year (2020). In the advocacy campaign, I was invited and talked in various fora promoting the activities of the organization and answering relevant issues related to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement. Among these engagements are: at the Bicol Region Librarians Council (BRLC)'s Regional Conference on Reinventing Library Management in the 21st Century (2012), Boses ni Lolo guest Wikipedian on DWRN 657khz (2015) and DWRJ 96.1 (2016), Ini An Totoo DWOK 97.5 TV program on the Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education policy under the K-12 Curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd) and Wikimedia Movement (2019), Language Month episode of Abogado Juan "Hapot mo, Simbag ko" on Home Radio 95.1 (2020), WikiGAP: Closing the Digital Gender Gap discussion sponsored by Developh Community (2021), and Wiki Loves Earth and Wikimedia Commons Workshop at the Pagkarahay Art Festival (2021). I am most active on my local Wikipedia and spend some of my time contributing on Commons and Incubator. I used to be an admin on Bikol Wikipedia and on Bikol Wiktionary. Currently, I am working on Bikol Wikisource and Rinconada Bikol Wikipedia. | |
Team collaboration experience | I am actively involved in various collaborations on and offline in different capacity. As a project team member, I served as the event manager of Wiki Loves Earth in the Philippines (2018-2020). I also served as a final jury in Wiki Loves Monuments in Armenia (2020), and Wiki Loves Earth in Armenia (2020), and the local coordinator of WPWP Campaign (2020) and Wikipedia Asian Month (2018-2020) on Bikol Wikipedia. In 2018, I was part of the communications committee of the ESEAP Conference held in Bali, Indonesia. As a mentor and volunteer, I taught new editors and participants at workshops such as at the Open Web Day - University of Nueva Caceres (2013), Rinconada Bikol Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (2016) held at Iriga City Public Library, WikiTutorial (2018) held at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, a teacher's training workshop of Department of Education – Division of Catanduanes (2019), and WPWP in the Philippines at CBSUA (2021). As a participant, I am proud to have finished 6th over-all in the WikiGap Challenge (2020), and to be recognized among the participants as "meritevoli di menzione" at the [[[:it:Progetto:WikiDonne/Wikipedia 20]] Wikipedia 20 concorso di testi poetici] by WikiDonne. Together with other global community leaders, I participated in the 2019 Training of Trainers which developed my organizing and leadership skills. Recently, I have been an active participant in the Wiki Loves Art mural painting activities of PhilWiki Community in partnership with Kintab Artists Group promoting Wikimedia and Wikipedia in Education at different public schools and a state university. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | ESEAP has to have representation in the drafting of the Movement Charter. Being deeply involved in the movement for quite some time now, I believe I have something to share. To be part of a diverse, and vibrant pool of passionate advocates of free knowledge, is one great opportunity and challenge. |
Kishore Kumar Rai Sheni (Kishorekumarrai)
Kishorekumarrai (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Team collaboration experience |
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | I would be happy to participate at the drafting of the Movement Charter for several reasons. As a Principal of College, I am motivator to my fellow students of our region, so I have always believed that knowledge is the only thing that grows the more it is shared. |
Jaseem Ali (J ansari)
J ansari (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I have been contributing to Wikipedia and its sister projects for more than 5 years. After attending, Hindi wiki conference 2018–19 and WAT 2018, I felt there is a lot of work to do in the field of awareness of Wikipedia among societies and outreach activities so, other than online editing I am more involved in conferences, meetups, GLAM, online and contests like Wiki Love Monuments, Wikipedia Asian Month 2017–18, Wikimedia Tiger project-2018-19, etc.
I was Joined to Wikipedia and Wikimedia as a Reader in the year 2011 but I have registered this account year 2016. After joining the Wikimedia Movement, I led several contests in the form of an organizer in Edit A Than and Offline, Online The event. In which Hindi Wikipedia conference Delhi 2018. And Hindi Wikipedia conference Kolkata 2019 contributed as an organizer in. I am currently contributing to the Hindi Wiki Library and Hindi Wikipedia education program as a coordinator. I am an advisor in Wikisource GLAM Heritage India Project For Hindi Wikisource. I mainly contribute to the projects of Hindi Wikipedia. Where I have important rights. As I Was a sysop on Hindi Wiktionary and Hindi Wikivoyage. And I am an autopatrolled, reviewer, Rollbacker on the Hindi Wikipedia. As well as being the most active contributor to Hindi Wikipedia, I have created more than 1400 articles based on geography. Political science etc. I've edit numbers more than 31K. I am the founder member of the Hindi Wikimedians User Group I am a founder member of Hindi wikivoyage and Hindi Wikiversity. I am a translator of the weekly technical newsletter for Hindi Wikipedia.
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Team collaboration experience | There are briefly my past Wikimedia involvement.
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | As a Student and a Wikimedian I spend more time of my daily exposure on Wikipedia and its sister projects. Which is why I share my experience with social media channels, Whatsapp, telegram, Hangout and Wikipedia. Since joining Wikipedia 2016, at first I thought Wikipedia is just a free knowledge sharing mechanism. I'm interested in the art of spreading free knowledge globally. I would be happy to participate at the drafting of the Movement Charter for several active Wikimedia, and have a lot of experience in Wikimedia movement, this will be great opportunity for me in Wikimedia movement. |
Aliyu (Aliyu shaba)
Aliyu shaba (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Since I joined Wikipedia I have learned many things such as creating editing and translating articles. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have participating in various Wikipedia programs such as wikimenia 2020 | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I want to contributes wikimedia projects for improve their content . It is always good to work together for the benefit of everyone, especially through education. I intend to use my expertise in collaboration with other members to develop the Wikimedia Foundation |
Sadik Shahadu (Shahadusadik)
Shahadusadik (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | My name is Sadik Shahadu from Ghana. I am a Co-founder of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group and the Global Open Initiative. I am currently serving as a regional ambassador for indigenous communities at Art+Feminism, a steering committee member of the Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub, and have previously served as a volunteer on the Wikimedia project grants committee.
Over the past six years, I have served as a Wikipedia community leader and a project lead for several Wikimedia projects such as edit-a-thons, workshops, campaigns, and photo walks at the Global Open Initiative and the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group. I have also served as a country coordinator for Wiki Loves Folklore and Wiki Loves Earth 2021. Since 2017, I have volunteered for different Wikimedia communities including the current 3 Wikimedia affiliate User Groups in Ghana. As an indigenous ambassador, I work with indigenous communities to improve the content of Wikipedia in African languages. Some of my works include:
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Team collaboration experience | Over the past over the past six (6) years, I have collaborated and worked on several Wikimedia-related projects with organizations/institutions such as the University of education's school of languages Ghana (The Dagbani department), University for development studies (UDS Navrongo campus), Wiki Africa Education and Artandfeminism. Outside Wikipedia, I served as a Mozilla Open Leader X fellow working with students to create open educational resources (OER) in Ghana and currently serving as an ambassador for the Mozilla festival 2021. Since 2020, I have served as a MozFest wrangler, working with the Mozilla foundation staff to co-designed the Mozilla festival. In 2017, I was a member of the CC global summit 2018 program committee and a Co-lead for the 'future of the Commons' track. I am currently a program facilitator and panel chair for the Hack4OpenGLAM at the 2021 Creative Commons global summit.
In addition to that, I work with several open leaders and OER experts on the 'Open Education for a Better World' program as an advisory board member to support participants and also help create scholarship opportunities for students from Africa at the university of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. As a digital language activist, I work with individuals and organizations who are interested in digitizing the Dagbani language on the internet. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I believe, open education will provide a lasting solution to the global injustice that is affecting education in Africa. As one of the world's most visited online learning platforms, Wikipedia has proven to be one the most valuable online resources for both students and educators. As a volunteer contributor, I wish to contribute my experience to help this committee thrive. I am a project manager, researcher and a digital language activist with strong internet industry experience. I am passionate about open education, open data, and opensource technology.
My strengths are my interpersonal communication skills and my ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds. I am interested in working with indigenous languages communities, and always happy to discuss how we can bridge the gender gap on Wikipedia and the digital divide across Africa. |
Jamie Li-Yun Lin (Li-Yun Lin)
Li-Yun Lin (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Board member of Wikimedia Taiwan (2016.03 - present)
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Team collaboration experience | As a board member of Wikimedia Taiwan, I worked as a volunteer manager for Taiwan Wikiproject Med for three years, also assist the Taiwanese community and WMTW can have better conversations/ cooperation with international Wiki communities and involve in more movements. Besides the duties from WMTW, I also participate in several regional organizations and Wikimedia movements. such as joining the program committee of the ESEAP conference to design and arrange programs for participants, discussing and writing recommendations as a Community health team member for 2030 movement and so on. Starting from 2017, I keep assisting improve the Chinese translation quality for Wikiprojects and movements; what's more, working as a Chinese interpreter for Wiki global conversations. I have plenty off-Wiki and on-Wiki collaboration experience. I am currently the director of Wikipedia Asian month (events and user group), cooperating with more than 60 Wiki teams from worldwide to promote Asian cultures via Wikipedias and Wikimedia projects. I am a full-time PhD researcher/ PhD candidate in real life, my major research field is immunology, virology. I shared my Wiki experience in some universities before and now have a lot of cooperation with other research teams all over the world. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Since the feedback from Chinese communities has been ignored for a long time, now it's time to make a move: participating in the draft committee to make some changes. Besides the ignorance; in my Wiki years, I suffers from the insult due to my ethnicity, gender, academic degree, accent and so on, those are definitely something that should not last and let the newcomers suffer like me. Hope I can bring my experience and Wiki expertise, also as diverse voices as possible to the draft committee. I am looking forward to making our future achievement more comprehensive and creating a more diverse, equal, safe and friendly environment for everyone to devote themselves to volunteer work without fears. |
Valentin Nasibu (VALENTIN NVJ)
VALENTIN NVJ (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | As a co-founder and board member of the Wikimedians of Democratic Republic of Congo User Group, I organize awareness-raising conferences, training workshops, edit-a-thons and photo shoots for Wikipedia, Commons and other sister projects. I participate in the International Francophone Contributions Month, Art+Feminis, Wiki Love. | |
Team collaboration experience | On the national level, I work in collaboration with the members of the steering committee of our user group in organizing Wikipermanence (face-to-face and online) and for the production of free content related to Africa on the internet in general and on Wikipedia in particular through the Africa Month campaigns, Africa Wiki Challenge. On the continental level, I participate in the campaigns WikiForHumanRightsin in Morocco, 1Libre1Ref and several collaborations with other African user groups (Ivory Coast, Guinea, Kenya, etc.). On the international level, I participate in Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | In 2019, I have been involved (with friends) in organizing strategy fares based on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy recommendations; and with my experiences on the Wikimedia movement, I feel able and available to be part of the drafting team of the movement's charter in order for it to be a solution that all affiliates of the Wikimedia community from all corners of the world are waiting for "Ensure Equity in Decision-making". |
Pepe Flores (Padaguan)
Padaguan (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I have been member of Wikimedia Mexico's board since 2013. I was an ordinary board member from 2013 to 2018, and vicepresident since 2018. I helped as organizer in Wikimania 2015, and represented my chapter at Wikimedia Conference (2015, 2016), WikiConference North America (2016, 2019) and Wikimania (2015, 2019. My main activities in Wikimedia Mexico are focused in outreach, communications, advocacy, regional affairs and community building. | |
Team collaboration experience | As Communications Officer in a digital rights organization, I'm used to work with interdisciplinary groups regarding regulatory and policy discussions, collaborative writing, and legal analysis. I'm capable of working with global stakeholders in different parts of the world, and I'm flexible about time zones and schedules. I have also experience working with related to open culture movements, as part of the Creative Commons Global Network and member of Creative Commons Mexico. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Community is the backbone of the Wikimedia Movement. I'd like to offer my expertise as part of the digital rights community to ensure that the Charter is diverse, inclusive, and respectful of all the different backgrounds. I'd like to promote central discussions regarding privacy, freedom of speech, among other human rights in the drafting process. As Latin American, I'd also want to ensure that the Movement Charter reflects the cultural diversity of my region. |
Abel L Mbula (BamLifa)
BamLifa (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Jsem spoluzakladatelem uživatelské skupiny Wikimedians of DRCongo a organizuji akce spojené s Wikimedií (např. školení, hackathony, ediathony...) převážně ve frankofonní komunitě. | |
Team collaboration experience | Většinou spolupracuji s kolegy wikimediány na kontinentu, abychom vytvářeli povědomí o projektech Wikimedia. Spolupracujeme také v rámci naší univerzity, pokud jde o projekty, protože žijeme v různých městech. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Od roku 2018 usilovně přemýšlíme, jak by naše hnutí vypadalo v roce 2030. Dnes je Wikipedii 20 let a od Wikimedia 2030 nás dělí pouhých 9 let. To už není tolik let vzhledem k množství práce, kterou je třeba ještě vykonat, abychom rok 2030 přivítali. Potřebujeme tedy lidi, kteří se alespoň trochu vyznají ve strategii hnutí a kteří jsou k dispozici, aby nám v této realizační fázi pomohli pokročit. Do strategie jsem se zapojil jako organizátor salonů (v DRCongo) i jako účastník (ve východní Africe, Ugandě). Díky tomu se skvěle hodím do návrhového výboru Charty hnutí. |
Abdulrahman (itzedubaba)
itzedubaba (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Member Hausa Wikipedia user group | |
Team collaboration experience | Participate in various Wikipedia programs such as wikimenia 2021 | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I have lofty and noble professional dreams of helping as many vulnerable people as I can to be safe and happy. As a graduate student, I will aim to master the gambit of strategies that are most effective at promoting progressive social change. Being a caring person is intrinsic to social work, along with the drive and high motivation to challenge clients to realize their full potential. Social workers must honor the individuality of each client and empower them to move forward and achieve improvement. The fullest respect of client dignity helps to foster a sense of worth leading towards self-realization and -determination, and helps to produce participatory citizens rather than burdens to the system. The fight against social injustice is intrinsic to social work as I see it, in addition to advocacy, always with an eye on achieving the best outcomes for one’s clients. I personally feel strongly that serving as a voice for the oppressed should come naturally for social workers as they fight for justice and progressive change in their communities. While working with individual clients in the micro setting is my primary and immediate goal, I think it is complimentary to never lose sight of the broader picture and the way in which our own efforts are part of a larger movement towards greater levels of equality and dignity in our society. |
Iniquity (Iniquity)
Iniquity (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I have been actively involved in Wikimedia Foundation projects since 2008. Was the administrator of some small wikiprojects in Russian. But most of the time I worked as a technical specialist in Russian Wikipedia. Recently I have been paying a lot of attention to the development of cool things from the Growth team in the Russian Wikipedia and try to integrate the community more strongly into the global movement. | |
Team collaboration experience | Since 2017, I has been actively involved in promoting technical initiatives, collecting opinions and finding consensus on Russian Wikipedia. I was a member of technical teams, organizer of projects both inside and around Wikipedia. One of the last, just a project about help to beginners, which accumulates work with newcomers and features of the Growth team. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I love when communities are intertwined. When there is no clear division between English and other Wikipedias. It seems to me that we must move towards globalization towards unification, in terms of information, of all projects. So that the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation become not separate small cells, but really one movement. One movement is not only the people who participate in the projects, but also the information these projects provide to the readers. It should be diverse, standardized and available in all languages of the world, for all cultures. It seems to me that my knowledge of different communities, understanding of how poorly integrated communities work and what they think, will help fix these problems within the framework of the Movement Charter. |
Zhong Juechen (三猎)
三猎 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I contribute to several Wikimedia projects, mainly zh.wikipedia. I'm proud to be one of few editors in zh.wikipedia who keeps writing articles on their own instead of translating from other projects without checking references. I review articles and call on the community to realize the seriousness and importance of reviewing, which was the main reason I received the Awards for Professionalism of Instruction. I try my best to help newbies (to some extent, we're all newbies), online and offline. I visited meetups held in various cities of Mainland China and Taiwan to learn experiences, and now I hold meetups in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Also, as a PhD candidate in sociology, I study zh.wikipedia (nationlism, colonialism, gender issues, bureaucracy, knowledge as power, and the wall between veterans and newbies / editors and readers) and published a paper on Taiwan Sociology Association Meeting of 2019. | |
Team collaboration experience | I am used to collaborate with people on an article, a programme, a document. However, I don't treat these experience as team collaboration, but peer to peer collaboration instead. I tell good jokes. In Chinese, though. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | As someone who truly believes that the administrative system of Wikimedia should be taken as *not a big deal*, I couldn't imagine my self being a candidate here. But I just changed my idea, realising that there are thousands of people around the world keeping writing articles, spreading free knowledge, and not caring Wikimedia politics at all, just like me. They may not care, but should be cared. So here I am. My objective is to represent the idea of decentralization. There're flowers in my home, just beside my computer. I grow flowers, or flowers grow? I think the latter way. |
Marie-Louise Aembe (WINEUR)
WINEUR (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | V hnutí se angažuji od roku 2018. V současné době jsem přispěvatelem Wikipedie | |
Team collaboration experience | Spolupracujeme také v rámci naší univerzity, pokud jde o projekty, protože žijeme v různých městech. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Dnes je Wikipedii 20 let a od Wikimedia 2030 nás dělí pouhých 9 let. To už není tolik let vzhledem k množství práce, kterou je třeba ještě vykonat, abychom rok 2030 přivítali. Potřebujeme tedy lidi, kteří se alespoň trochu vyznají ve strategii hnutí a kteří jsou k dispozici, aby nám v této realizační fázi pomohli pokročit. Byl jsem zapojen do strategie (v DRCongo) a účastníkem (ve východní Africe, Ugandě). |
Oleksandr Havryk (Oleksandr Havryk)
Oleksandr Havryk (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am active editor Ukranian Wikipedia and a member of the Wikipedia movement since 2016. I am a participant and co-organizer of several Wikiconferences in Ukraine, one of the co-authors of a special page for the media, which is designed to provide objective and reliable information about Wikipedia for the Ukrainian media. I am actively involved in advocating for Panorama Freedom and distributing free licenses. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have experience of teamwork both in the Ukrainian Wikipedia community and in public organizations. I am a former member of the Board and a former member of the Audit Commission WMUA. I have experience participating in collegial organizing committees both within and outside the Wikimedia community. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I believe that the main task in building the Movement, along with building institutions, is to establish external and internal communication between all the members of the community. |
Tito Dutta (Titodutta)
Titodutta (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am an active Wikimedian, and a participant of different Wikimedia programs/processes. You might have seen my posts or comments on different topics on Wikimediaindia-l or Wikimedia-l or on Village pumps. Wikimedia Strategy is definitely the most important thing at this movement, and the Movement Charter is really crucial. I am showing my interest to serve in the drafting committee, because—
Sameera Lakshitha (Sameera94)
Sameera94 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Active contributor on Sinhala Wikipedia | |
Team collaboration experience | I am so glad to contribute to makes the internet better. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am a Sri Lankan wikimedian and I edit English and Sinhala Wikipedia, since 2019. |
Alice Wiegand (lyzzy)
lyzzy (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | V roce 2004 jsem začala pracovat jako editorka na německé Wikipedii. Kromě editování jsem byla administrátorem, byrokratem, agentem OTRS a dalšími. Brzy jsem si uvědomila, že je to pro mě víc než psaní článků. Počáteční jiskrou pro mé mezinárodní zaměření byla moje účast během procesu globální strategie v roce 2010. V letech 2008 až 2011 jsem se stala členem správní rady Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) a v letech 2012 až 2018 jsem byla členem správní rady Wikimedia Foundation.
V současné době jsem opět členem rady Wikimedia Deutschland. Během přípravy doporučení pro strategii 2030 jsem byla členem pracovní skupiny pro propagaci strategie hnutí. Od té doby strategii hnutí pozorně sleduji a účastním se globálních rozhovorů a akcí na podporu dalšího postupu procesu. | |
Team collaboration experience | Co se týče mých zkušeností s Wikimedií, spolupracovala jsem v několika procesech, například v hnutí v letech 2010-11 nebo v pracovní skupině (2018-20), nebo samozřejmě v různých výborech během mého působení v radě. Přesto si myslím, že musíme být otevřeni experimentům s novými metodami a nápady, abychom spojili lidi, myšlenky a procesy na globální úrovni a zjistili, co nás spojuje. To, co je v mé komfortní zóně, nemusí být nejlepší způsob, jak dělat věci pro ostatní, v jiných částech světa a v jiných kulturách. V tom musíme být všichni otevření a nestavět své vlastní zkušenosti a předpoklady jako osamocený střed moudrosti. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Charta hnutí je pro mě základem pro to, aby naše hnutí, naše úsilí o svobodné znalosti a přístup ke svobodným znalostem bylo připraveno na budoucnost.
Jsem hluboce přesvědčena, že musíme přehodnotit některé věci, které jsme nikdy nezpochybňovali do důsledků. To, o co usilujeme, je spravedlnost v rozhodování. Co to znamená s ohledem na typy organizací, které vytváříme, jejich vztah/závislost na Nadaci Wikimedia a mezi sebou navzájem a roli komunit v globálním rozhodování? Musíme vstoupit do jednání a vyvažovat zájmy, moc a práva. Charta hnutí položí základy pro nové struktury, jako je Globální rada, která má tyto zájmy opět sjednotit a sloužit celému hnutí. Včetně přispěvatelů a dobrovolníků i našich organizací a zaměstnanců. Podle mého názoru návrhová skupina spojuje potřebný výzkum, již odvedenou práci pracovních skupin a účinné příspěvky wikipedistů. Je to spíše dirigování než vytváření. Mám na mysli iterační kruhy s komunitou, po malých krocích, nečekat, až bude vše v podobě, kterou je těžké změnit. To může být nejnáročnější část práce. Ale pevně věřím, že v našem hnutí máme více moudrosti, než může mít skupina dvaceti lidí. A potřebujeme ji celou, když vytváříme společný základ pro budoucnost. |
Ndahiro Derrick (Ndahiro derrick)
Ndahiro derrick (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | A founder of the Wikimedia User Group in Rwanda, a jury coordinator for Wiki Loves Monuments international organizing team and a member of the regional grants committee for Middle East & Africa. | |
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am a Rwandan wikimedian and the Founder of Wikimedia User Group Rwanda and a volunteer in the User Group in Uganda, I edit English, Kinyarwanda and Kirundi Wikipedias, Wikivoyage, English Wikiquote and Wikimedia Commons, since 2019, I have participated in Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Folklore, Wikigap, Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki4Refugees both in Uganda as a contestant where I made it among winners and in Rwanda as the coordinator, Besides that, I also train newbies from Rwanda, Burundi as a way of recruiting more people in the movement but also pay back to the Wikimedia User Group Uganda, who introduced me and mentored me throughout to the Wikimedia movement. Besides the above, I also create and improve content on English, Kinyarwanda and Kirundi Wikipedias, something I wont hesitate to call my passion. I believe that team work, mentorship and passion are essential to achieve a collective goal, therefore having a full conviction in possessing the above essentials, I believe they will help me to serve in the Wikimedia Movement under the movement Charter's Drafting Committee and representing East Africa. One, by engaging every movement Charter's Drafting committee member through listening to their views, without judging, and creating a leveled ground by mainstreaming gender in all operations ,to fight against systematic discrimination of women in the decision making processes. Am a quick learner, enthusiastic and reliable, I believe in team work and change creation therefore ,The committee having me as part of them, will enhance team work, commitment and reliability not forgetting representation of East Africa on the committee |
Jastin Boniventure Msechu (Justine Msechu)
Justine Msechu (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Since joining Wikipedia I have learned many things such as creating, editing and translating articles. I have also attended various Wikipedia sessions especially the Movement Charter. | |
Team collaboration experience | I am participating in preparing various wikimedia swahili programs here in Arusha. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I’m a very flexible and resourceful person. Even when things change at the last minute, I’m able to adjust accordingly and meet tight deadlines. So i bilive its a great opportunitie to be in Movement Charter Drafting Committee so as we can so that we can develop Wikipedia and achieve the goal by 2030 and also to share my experience and learn from others. |
Michael Baker (Tango Mike Bravo)
Tango Mike Bravo (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | My main experience is creating and editing pages on en.wikipedia. I have also contributed to Wiki Loves Monuments in 2017 and attended Wikimania in 2014 in London where I was living at the time. | |
Team collaboration experience | In 1994 I founded Electronic Frontiers Australia and was on its board, first as chair, then as board member for several years. During that time I was the EFA representative on the Global Internet Liberty Campaign. With others I was responsible for drafting several of the GILC statements that were subsequently signed by many of the GILC member organisations. On en.wikipedia was part of an ad-hoc team that merged Template:Family tree into Template:Tree chart. This involved editing every template and page that used the former template to check and if necessary make minor changes so that the template use did not break. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Grew up in Scotland (can translate Glaswegian to English), went to universities in Scotland and England, later moved to Australia where I became a citizen and now live in Italy with my wife. Currently learning Italian. At The Open University was Vice President Constitutions of the students association, responsible for managing changes to the organisations constitution. Before moving to Australia was involved in The Hunger Project for which raised over £10,000 by gathering pledges only payable if at least £10,000 in pledges were made. Founded Electronic Frontiers Australia which included drafting the first constitution and for which was first chairperson. Being an EFA board member and representative on the Global Internet Liberty Campaign involved both national and global policy work, both for the organisations and understanding and criticism of national and international policy with respect to online civil liberties. On en.wikipedia have been involved in:
Manavpreet Kaur (Manavpreet Kaur)
Manavpreet Kaur (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Started off as an editor on Punjabi Wikipedia creating content about Forensic Science. Later expanded to Hindi. As a teacher at University, I engaged my students, started planning activities, events & realising my inclination towards outreach & engagement, later moved to designing programs, initiatives and building institutional collaborations with support of other affiliate members in India. Some of the programs organized in collaboration with fellow wikimedians & regional communities are- WikiConference India 2016, Strategy Salon Patiala, 2017, Women TTT 2019, WikiGap 2019, Armenian-Indian collaboration/2019, Wiki4Women 2020, Syberthon 2020, WikiGap-Wiki4Womxn 2021 (India). I have been a resource person to- Train the Trainer 2017, Wiki Awareness Campaign Karnal 2018, Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India), Train the Trainer 2018, Wiki Advanced Training 2018, Strategy Youth Salon 2019, TWLCon (2019 India).
Apart from this, I have shared my work with fellow wikimedians during Conference(s), Summit(s), training(s) and have also been a part of some panels like- Women in the Wikimedia movement for in-depth discussions on experiences, challenges and learning. I am also the Co-founder of first affiliate in India, Punjabi Wikimedians UG. | |
Team collaboration experience | In addition to the shared details, organized a campaign, Wiki Women for Women Wellbeing 2018 bringing together 10 language communities in India with an intent to explore and promote women leadership in different languages (in India), thus helping in bridging the gender gap along with the usual accomplishment of content creation. In addition to this, with Women leads from 10 different language communities in India, organized first Women Train the Trainer program (India) in 2019. Currently supporting an education program in Regional institution with students working in 11 languages & mentors from different communities. Working with AffCom has provided me the experience of community challenges, strengths & collaborative operations. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | As a Wikimedian from India, I have learned a lot from the diverse experience & expertise of various communities in India. Our content needs, movement challenges & work scenarios are quite different from other regions which necessitates active engagement in discussions that are going to shape the global movement. As someone from the under represented region in Strategic conversations, I feel responsible for sharing our experiences & thoughts to help build a pathway that caters to the needs of diverse communities. Understanding importance of voicing the regional needs and challenges, I have been an active participant of strategic discussions. As we envision to make the movement stronger & inclusive, I am committed to invest my time & knowledge to ensure together we create a Charter that addresses the gaps & is a reflection of diverse vision(s). |
Yao Kouamé Didier (Didierwiki)
Didierwiki (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Since I joined the Wikimedia user Group Côte d'Ivoire community in 2015 and I have remained a very active volunteer contributor. I learned a lot of things in a progressive way, such as article creation and editing, training and others. As a very active member of the Wikimedia user Group Côte d'Ivoire community, I was elected General Secretary of the said community and Glam-Wiki Project Leader in this year 2021. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have worked on several local projects in perfect collaboration with the project teams, such as wikikouman, Glam-Wiki, Wiki Loves Africa. I participated in several committees that have reflected on setting up strategies for the realization of certain projects within the community Wikimedia user Group Ivory Coast, I was part of the trainers of the Wiki Class where we worked in synergy. I am part of the Working Group of Wikimania 2021.In regards of Wikimedia volunteering, I work in perfect harmony with other Project Managers. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I would like to be a volunteer in the drafting of the Wikimedia Movement Charter because I have participated in the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy process. 20 years from Wikipedia’s birthday we have to believe that we have a lot to do to reach our goals of Wikimedia 2030. I strongly believe that the Movement Charter will be a document (a compass) for a better future of the movement. |
Abdul-Rasheed Yussif (Din-nani1)
Din-nani1 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am a very active Wikimedian from 2015. English and Dagbani Wikipedia are the Wikipedias that I edit most. Being a co-founder of Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, I worked tirelessly for the realisation of the group's objective. Due to the hardwork of the team and volunteers, the group (language specific) was given a [[[:dag:Solɔɣu]] fully fledged Wikipedia] that was announced on July 1, 2021. I, being a pioneer of the group trained a lot of volunteers to acquire editing skills to be able to contribute to Wikimedia projects. I have participated actively in different projects and initiatives, including being GLAM ambassador for GOIF,event organiser for Art and Feminism and a trainer/project manager for Dagbani Wikimedians User Group. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have participated in several team collaborative experiences within Dagbani Wikimedians User Group at different levels and that lead to successfully carrying out several useful projects such as Bachinima project, Wiki loves Folklore and My Northern achiever project. The accumulation of which landed us into having a fully fledged Wikipedia. I have vast experience in bringing up my community from being in the incubator to being made a fully fledged Wikipedia. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | This is my first time of applying to part of the movement strategy Committee and the purpose of doing it is to contribute my skills gained to support WMF at large. I am so passionate about making the marginalized and endangered languages get the chance to contribute to Wikimedia projects or consume content published on Wikipedia hence I channel a chunk of energy in working on the Dagbani Wikipedia. Translating English content on Wikipedia to Dagbani Language and also creating new content for the usage of those that can not read in English. |
Alek Tarkowski (Tarkowski)
Tarkowski (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am a member of the Polish Wikimedia Association and consider myself a member of the Wikimedia Movement, although I am not an active editor. My main affiliation in the broader free knowledge movement is with Creative Commons: I co-founded the Polish chapter in 2005, co-chaired the CC Network strategy process review, and am currently on the CC Board of Directors and the CC Network Executive Committee. Since 2018, I have participated in the Movement Strategy process, and in 2018-2019 I was a member of the Partnerships Working Group. I deeply believe that the Wikimedia Movement Strategy requires the participation of partners from the broader open / free knowledge movement - so I also try to personally engage as much as possible. Furthermore, my main job is as Strategy Director of Open Future Foundation, a think tank for the open movement. Previously, I have led for a decade Centrum Cyfrowe, a Polish open think-and-do-tank, and I have been for many years a member of Communia, the Association for the Digital Domain. Through these work engagements I have been focused on advocacy and policymaking in support of the commons, which I see as a contribution to the Wikimedia movement - by making sure that the policy and regulatory environment in Europe and globally is favorable to Wikimedia, its creators and users. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have extensive experience in strategy building, also as a collaborative process. In the years 2008-2011 I worked on a team inside the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland, which led the work on Poland's national long term strategy, "Poland 2030". Afterwards, I have been involved in multiple strategic exercises, including Polish Strategy for Digital Skills, strategic organizing of the Open Education movement (including the "Cape Town Open Education Declaration + 10 years" process), the Creative Commons Network Strategy process (which I co-chaired) and the Wikimedia Movement Strategy Partnerships Working Group (mentioned above). I also have experience in participatory workshop design and facilitation, and I am an alumnus of the Leadership Academy for Poland, an adaptive leadership program with a strong soft skills / team collaboration component. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I believe that Wikimedia is the most important free knowledge / open movement effort, and also a unique service on the internet. It is more than just an encyclopedia with associated free knowledge services - it is also a service that is unique in respecting user rights (in today's toxic online environment) and a community which is one of prime examples of peer production. For this reason, I want to be involved in the Movement Charter process, which I hope will allow the Wikimedia Movement to further grow and be able to fulfill the goals of the 2030 Movement Strategy. I believe that the Charter will be a key element of the next phase in Wikimedia's history, where it's institutions are thoughtfully redesigned in light of strategic goals, needs of the movement and the broader free knowledge environment, which Wikimedia aims to support. I hope that my extensive experience with strategic work - both at the level of strategy design and at the level of practical team cooperation skills - will be useful in this process. I also want to bring the perspective of a partner movement (Creative Commons), as well as experiences we have with network governance (in which I am actively involved). Finally, I believe that the Movement Charter process should be highly participatory, and that the Drafting Committee should create a methodology and use tools that will enable broad participation of other movement members in the process. I hope to steer the Movement Charter drafting process in the direction of greatest possible participation. There are interesting methodologies that we can employ, so that the Wikimedia Movement does state of the art peer-to-peer work also in this regard. |
Reda Kerbouche (Reda Kerbouche)
Reda Kerbouche (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am a founding member of Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group and head of communication at Wikimedia Algeria since 2014. I am an active member of the community since 2010. I have organized and led several Wikimedia projects in the last few years. I support all communities, mostly indigenous languages. I have organized with my group several Wikimedia contests. I presented several projects at several conferences around the world about Wikimedia, in 2018 I did a small presentation about the Wikimedia movement at a UNESCO event in Tunis. I speak French, Arabic, Russian, Tacawit, and work in English. I work for developing African and indigenous languages, in 2019 I was able to start the creation process of the Tacawit Wiktionary (the first language community to found itself on a project other than Wikipedia). I was in the organizing committees of WikiIndaba and WikiArabia. I am also a member of WikiIndaba Steering Committee and a Former member of the AffCom and I was a Candidate of The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. I represent my affiliation in the organization of the collaboration between the francophone groups of the Wikimedia movement (WikiFranca). | |
Team collaboration experience | I have participated in several team collaborative experiences within our movement at different topics and levels. At the organizational level of the UGs, I can say that I am a very important member for my affiliations. I organize meetings to discuss the situations and solutions that must be resolved or achieved. My team and I are working on projects of several formats. Organization of contests, example of WLX on Commons, or lastly the contest of Kateb Maktub on WP in Arabic. I also participate in training of young and future Wikimedians in Russia, Algeria and Dubai by collaborating with different affiliations of the region. I participated in the organization of many conferences in Africa and Europe. We made partnerships to set up educational projects such as MOOCs in Arabic, Russian and Tamazight, working with affiliates and companies in these regions. I always launch discussions to launch projects or activities wherever I am. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | My professional experience has always been related to management and leadership. I started by creating my own company working in the field of culture, then I was invited to work with large European retailers and multinational corporations from France and Sweden. in parallel with my personal projects in the cultural field. From 2019 I am working with cultural associations in Algeria collaborating with UNESCO to promote the material and immaterial heritage. I start an organization in Algeria the Citizen Inventory of Heritage where I am a co-founder and CFO. I have specialist degree and a Ph.D. in management from the University of St. Petersburg. As an active member of the community at the international level, and with my personal experience, I know that we can do better. many affiliates cannot receive grants to meet their needs and struggle day and night to exist. The big challenge will be to find a solution to help all volunteers to do their work promoting our movement, especially where access to our resources is difficult. More diversity in the movement, we always say that we have a diverse movement, but in fact, we still have to work on it, especially on gender and minority groups. My biggest dream is for our movement to live in non-politics so that all peoples, countries, genders, cultures, religions live with the sole purpose of promoting free knowledge. |
Christophe Henner (schiste)
schiste (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Team collaboration experience | I had many collaboration experiences during both my wikimedian and professional lives, some key ones:
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | The drafting committee will have to ensure that the whole process respects the recommendations from the Wikimedia 2030 strategy. The recommendations are to explore and set-up how we can move from a centralized movement to a decentralized and truly global movement. That move will require all of us to be able to have all the discussions that we need to have and never hide behind how the way are today, but find solutions to design what we need to become. In that endeavor, I did show across my Wikimedian life that I have no problem challenging the status quo to improve the movement. To me, the main role of the drafting committee will be to structure the work to allow for community collaboration all across the writing process and not just at the end for the ratification. On top of that, to also ensure we don’t take the easy path to conserve things as they are but that everything we keep as it is today is kept that way because it actually contribute to the movement being global and decentralized. As for my vision, I do strongly believe that we should be having those discussions very directly and not shy away to open tough discussions and options. And have them by always trying to find ways to apply a subsidiarity principles. The discussion we are about to address are key, important and sometime very emotional topics. Through the different hats I wore (editor, chapter chair, Wikimedia Foundation chair) and my professional curriculum (which has been about governance and running organizations for almost ten years and the last two in the size range of the Foundation staff-wise) I believe I also will be able to bring not only experience or knowledge, but also perspectives. As I have sat at the different side of the table I can empathize with the different stakeholders of that discussion. Finally, the charter will become our guiding document to ensure we have shared alignment on where we go, trust and empowerment in the institutions and processes so that we can focus on making the world a better place and not on “how do we disseminate funds?”. |
V M (Vis M)
Vis M (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | My main contributions so far have been maintenance & housekeeping, patrolling vandalism across different projects, adding 50,000+ Malayalam language lexemes at Wikidata, 500+ ml entries at en.Wiktionary, 1000+ uploads to Commons, editing chemistry, materials and manufacturing articles on en.w, collaborating, connecting and assisting people across different projects, widening free knowledge movement, etc. I am active across diverse Wikimedia sister wikis; having 1000+ edits on 4 wikis and 100+ edits on 10 wikis in total. | |
Team collaboration experience | Collaborated as part of a few WikiProjects, mainly LD, KERALA and POLYMER. I participate in many discussion forums of Wikimedia projects and groups. I am also a happy-to-help person, assisting those looking for help. I have always maintained a welcoming atmosphere. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I will try to give importance for ensuring that the diverse groups of people, including the global south and especially the women, all can access and contribute conveniently to different Wikimedia projects. This would include ensuring a safe and welcoming community that keeps to the Universal code of conduct.
Wikimedia should enable everyone to easily contribute from smartphones and preferred devices (The desktop, IMHO, has a gender/demography bias). I have always strived to remove barriers to free knowledge and reduce the learning curve needed to participate and contribute. Those who like to add knowledge should be able to do so without spending time familiarizing stuffs. Things should be designed intuitively. Proper communication and documentation are other aspects that have been missing so far. The WMF need to communicate with the communities and take in feedbacks of diverse groups of different sister projects. The drafting committee should include it. |
Érica Azzellini (EricaAzzellini)
EricaAzzellini (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I fell in love with Wikimedia through an Education program when I was a Social Communication student. Soon, I started to organize edit-a-thons to tackle the gender gap on Wikipedia.
After my graduation, I became a Wikimedian in Residence at the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (RIDC NeuroMat), in which I researched Computational Journalism and Wikidata. This led me to develop the Mbabel tool. I’m a Wiki Movimento Brasil liaison. In my professional capacity, I serve as Communications Manager for the affiliate, which means that I’m involved in community support and consultations, partnership building and Wikimedia outreach. I’m also leading the development of WMB’s own strategy based on the Movement Strategy recommendations. I’m a member of the Diversity Committee responsible for the elaboration and the implementation of WMB’s diversity plan. I’m the organization lead for the Brazilian team organizing WikidataCon with Wikimedia Deutschland this year. In this process, I’m also responsible for the Reimagining Wikidata from the margins project. I’ve been involved in the organization of dozens of activities to tackle diversity gaps on Wikipedia in Portuguese and I’m currently acting to create a Lusophone women user group. | |
Team collaboration experience | I’m an active listener and a non-violent communicator. I’ve been building bridges among different stakeholders and the Wikimedia community for the last years, which wouldn’t be possible without cooperation and teamwork abilities.
I have experience with high level stress/low resource environments and in decision making, especially in the field of Human Rights. I’m a former Communications Adviser for a NGO dedicated to migrants and refugees in a marginalized part of my city, from which I’ve learned how to properly collaborate with people from different contexts and how to fight for their rights. Earlier this year, I was one of the organizers of the Festa da Wiki-Lusofonia - Wikipedia 20’s celebration - and engaged several user groups and projects on activities and strategic discussions. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | This is the time to define what we want to be as a movement from now on. This is the major goal we have set for ourselves for ensuring equity in decision-making. Brazil (as other underrepresented communities) has been systematically excluded and disempowered from the strategic processes and we want to shift the scenario contributing to the sustainability and good governance of the Wikimedia Movement in the long run. It all starts now.
To move forward, we need to define a common ground of principles and practices for decision-making, and develop mechanisms for equitable global representation and meaningful, empowering participation of local communities. As a participatory, community-oriented process, the Movement Chart will embody the Wikimedia spirit and provide a necessary framework for the Wikimedia Movement. We need to learn from what we have achieved and envision together the future we want to live in. For instance, roles and responsibilities need to be clearly laid out, as transparency is key for our movement procedures and deliberations. Coming from an underrepresented community, I know procedures and deliberations must be empowering and structured in a way that contributes to mitigating unequal capacities to participate in the open knowledge ecosystem. The success of the Movement Charter --an embodiment of the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process discussions and practices-- is dependent on our capacity to deeply engage our diverse communities in the drafting process. This founding document will not succeed by the relevance of its content and commitment of its initial drafters only; it must be a collaboration across stakeholders, that is, it must be done the wiki way. |
Handgod Abraham (Kitanago)
Kitanago (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Jsem zakládajícím členem Wikimedia Haiti User Group. Účastním se a vedu několik seminářů o projektech Wikimedia. Překládám články mezi angličtinou, francouzštinou a haitskou kreolštinou na wikipedii a meta. Spravuji projekt haitské literatury na wiki ve francouzštině a účastním se několika dalších wiki projektů. Dobrovolně se účastním probíhajících voleb do správní rady nadace Wikimedia. Právě jsem se navrhl za člena regionálního výboru pro Latinskou Ameriku a Karibik. | |
Team collaboration experience | Jsem komunitní manažer. Již asi 10 let přispívám jako kulturní aktivista a jsem výkonným předsedou "Marathon du Livre". Jsem také členem výkonného výboru Éditions Pulùcia. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Rád se účastním projektů Wikimedia pro jejich komunitní charakter. Považuji za vždy lepší spolupracovat ve společném zájmu, zejména při šíření znalostí. Své schopnosti hodlám uplatnit spoluprací s ostatními členy pro rozvoj nadace Wikimedia. |
Ybsen M. Lucero (Ybsen lucero)
Ybsen lucero (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Co-Founder, Board Member and former Executive Director of Wikimedia Venezuela. I've been organizing Wikimedia-like events (e.g.: workshops, edit-a-thons, contests..) for more than 10 years. I translate articles from english to spanish. | |
Team collaboration experience | Active member within the Venezuelan and Iberocoop community since 2010, I've participated in global and local events since 2014, including Iberoconf 2014 and Wikimedia Conference from 2016 to 2018. I've participated in the Iberocoop strategy discussions, Movement Strategy conversation, Wikimedia Venezuela, Iberocoop (telegram group), Wikimedia en Español (telegram group), Discussing Wikimedia’s Movement Strategy process. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | As a Wikimedian, I have always believed that knowledge is the only thing that grows the more it is shared. And as a human being I am aware that the best actions are those that have clear, concise and plural bases and rules. This drafting process requires people with diverse mentalities and points of view and at the same time similar to the Wikimedia movement. I'll always find the better way to collaborate for the common interest especially by promoting free knowledge. I intend to apply my skills by collaborating with other members for the advancement of the Wikimedia Movement. |
Georges Fodouop (Geugeor)
Geugeor (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am an active member and Co-founder of Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group. I have contributed to Wikimedia projects since 2013. During all these years, I have coordinated several projects: Wiki Loves Women, like Wikimedian in residence, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Afripedia, the WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique project... I coordinated several other local projects: Promotion of local Cameroonian languages in the Wiktionary through Lingua Libre. I am also a member of Wiscom (WikiIndaba Steering Committee); 1Lib1Ref ambassador for French-speaking countries. I am a member of the grants commission (Microfi) of Wikimedia France. I have also actively contributed to the organization of several strategic salon which have enabled us to make our modest contribution to the future vision of the movement. Cameroon UG Reports. | |
Team collaboration experience | I participated in several collaborations through the projects that I coordinated or the responsibilities that I held. Whether locally or internationally.
Locally, I contributed to the creation of the Cameroon User Group with other founding members; so we have worked on setting up all the procedures leading to affiliation and laying the foundations for the future. The Wiki Loves Women project opened the doors for me to the Wikimedia movement; I worked extensively with both the principal coordinators of the project and the national coordinators of countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. This was the case with the project coordinators Wiki Loves Earth and others. As a member of the Wiscom (WikiIndaba Steering Commitee), I discovered the place of the movement in Africa and contributed to its evolution and impact through the organization of annual conferences. In the French-speaking world, I have several collaborations:
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | I have contributed to the movement's 2030 strategy from its inception, whether through the various strategic exhibitions organized, through the meetings in which I participated or through the exchanges that I had regularly with the main team of The strategy. I remain determined to make my modest contribution to getting things done through the contribution to the Charter of the Movement. I am motivated to take up a new challenge in the movement especially with the experience that I have acquired first in Africa and now in Europe. |
Ciell (Ciell)
Ciell (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | V hnutí se angažuji od roku 2006. V současné době jsem administrátorem nizozemské Wikipedie, dočasným administrátorem Papiamentské Wikipedie, administrátorem Commons, VRTS-agentem, administrátorem CN na Metě a mám některá další práva, jako je tvůrce kampaní pro Commons:Montage kampaně pro hodnocení fotografických soutěží. Zejména jako administrátor CN pracuji ve velmi jazykově a kulturně rozmanité roli, která vedle této rozmanitosti také vyžaduje mít na paměti postavení a vnímání WMF ve světě při výběru a designu, který děláme pro bannery a kampaně Wikimedia. Tato náročná role mě velmi baví. V mezikulturních situacích je pro mě výzvou hledat rovnováhu mezi osobou, která se na mě obrací s požadavkem, a obecným cítěním a pravidly na různých projektech.
Zapojuji se také do wikiprojektů Gender Gap, LGBTI+, Accessibility a GLAM, a to jak v rámci on-, tak offline spolupráce. | |
Team collaboration experience | Konkrétně v oblasti Strategie jsem se od roku 2017 zapojil mnoha různými způsoby, někdy překládáním a získáváním názorů naší komunity na Strategické směřování 2030 (např. nl:Wikipedia:Strategie 2030 a zveřejňováním informací o iniciativách WMF v naší Pod lípou, hlavním kanálu pro interní komunikaci s komunitou. Zúčastnil jsem se několika schůzek k přípravě Strategického směřování. V uplynulých měsících jsem se podílel na implementaci nového Univerzálního kodexu chování (UCoC) v našem holandském "Beleid Vriendelijk Ruimtes", který holandská pobočka (WMNL) používá pro své akce: koncept je momentálně na wiki pobočky ke konzultaci s komunitou.(Concepttekst nieuw Beleid Vriendelijke Ruimtes)
Organizoval jsem také několik akcí, sám nebo v týmu, od malých setkání v knihovnách až po několikadenní a mezinárodní akce, jako je Wiki Techstorm. Měl jsem několik menších podpůrných úkolů v rámci několika WikiManií (2018, 2019, 2021). Krátký (stále neúplný) přehled mých aktivit na wiki za posledních 15 let najdete v holandštině zde. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Rád bych pomohl vytvořit Chartu hnutí, která nebude příliš omezovat naše současné komunity, ale stanoví slušnou základní linii toho, co se očekává od různých rolí a odpovědností, které máme. V průběhu let jsem zjistil, že role se vyvíjejí a povinnosti mění. Chtěl bych proto, aby se Charta hnutí stala jasnou chartou, ale dostatečně flexibilní, aby bylo možné do ní kromě dodatků a změn vkládat i další změny, takže bude skutečně představovat pevný základ pro naše společenství v příštích letech a snad i později. Takříkajíc časově odolná charta. |
Jorge Vargas (JVargas (WMF))
JVargas (WMF) (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I joined the Wikimedia Foundation in September 2013, allowing me to connect with the Movement across several forums and geographies in many opportunities. In my role with the Foundation's Partnerships Team (initially with a focus in Latin America, and now leading the Regional Managers team for almost 5 years), I've had the opportunity to meet and work with Affiliates and movement leaders globally, and better understand more particularly the needs of those outside of the United States and Europe.
I have been actively involved in the Movement Strategy process since it started, from the New Voices Research in 2017 that led to the Strategic Direction, to co-charing the Diversity Working Group in 2018–19. | |
Team collaboration experience | Collaboration is in my DNA. As a Sr. Partnerships Manager, working successfully with others is essential to my team's goals and success. Impactful partnerships (within or outside the Wikimedia movement) always require team collaboration. I collaborate with other WMF teams constantly, engaging with people across themes and areas of work.
Leading Regional Partnerships also means closely collaborating with a range of actors, from UN agencies, tech companies, other non-profits, governments, and multilateral agencies. This work has also allowed me to partner with Wikimedia affiliates and movement leaders globally, building bridges between the movement and different partners with the goal of furthering our mission and making Wikimedia a well-known, diverse, and relevant space on the Internet. The 8+ years of tenure serving the Wikimedia movement also trained me well in what cross-cultural collaboration truly means, leading with empathy and understanding of cultural differences, navigating diverse personal and professional approaches towards problem-solving, multiple time zones, and across geographies. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Being an active participant and leader in the Movement Strategy process helped me to really understand the big importance the Movement Charter will have for the future of our Movement. I'm excited to take this work into tangible and needed actions towards our mission. Although not an active on-wiki contributor, I'm a Wikimedian at heart in a variety of ways, truly understanding the needs, gaps, strengths, and flaws of our movement, and more particularly, in underrepresented parts of the world whose voice is not present in our projects.
While participating in the Movement I've seen first hand the unfortunate bias Wikimedia (and the Internet) has towards US/Europe and English language centrism. During my time with Wikimedia, it became evident that as a social movement we need to strongly address the multiple blockers that exist to really allow our vision statement to become a reality. The Movement Charter will be instrumental in this goal. Trained initially with a legal background that transitioned in my last 7 years of experience to partnerships and business development, I also think I have the skills to be part of a drafting committee of a document such as this Charter, as I can bring the voices and ideas of others and my own into text that's understandable and clear. The Movement Charter needs to be a strong foundation towards that goal, and I strongly believe my professional and personal experience gives me the skills and tools required to be a part of the Drafting Committee, and represent both my professional side as a WMF staffer, as well as my personal interests and motivations in the Wikimedia movement. |
James Hare (Harej)
Harej (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Volunteering since 2004 in a number of capacities, including individual content and technical contributions (mainly bots). I have also worked on behalf of Wikimedia affiliates to plan outreach and training programs, including Wikimania 2012, and I have also run those kinds of programs as a representative of a partner institution. More information is available on my user page. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have worked with volunteer and hybrid volunteer–professional teams to organize events as large as over 1,000 people, run affiliate boards, plan events both large and small, build and maintain relationships with partners, and develop software collaboratively with the communities as a Wikimedia Foundation staffer. I served on the boards of two affiliates, Wikimedia District of Columbia (2011-2018) and Wiki Project Med (2017). I also was briefly on a Wikimedia Foundation conference grants committee and I served as a facilitator for the 2014 affiliate-selected board seat process. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I have been a part of Wikimedia for way too long. I remember when Wikipedia was a radical experiment that no one took seriously. We proceeded anyway. Fast forward twenty years and Wikipedia is now looked upon as one of the last bastions of reliable nonpartisan information. I consider this to be a massive failure of the part of our society to take this kind of work seriously as a priority, but also a testament to the strength and resilience of Wikimedia's movement. One that is built organically around a common belief around the importance of sharing information. One where you do not need to formally join an association in order to participate.
With the movement charter we are presented a challenge to develop a governance framework for the Wikimedia movement. A decentralized movement which has, historically, resisted most forms of consolidation and imposition of hierarchy. This is a feature of our movement, not a flaw. But without a formally recognized institution like the Global Council, we are left with various scattered power structures that favor the well-organized and well-resourced. In practice this leaves volunteers feeling like they have no control over what the Wikimedia Foundation does even as the Foundation spends millions of dollars improving its community relations. The system may somewhat work but the belief will persist that it doesn’t. If the movement charter drafting committee is successful, it will create a new polity that has been sorely missing: the organized counter-voice to the Wikimedia Foundation. Even with the best intentions, the current arrangement, with a few large organizations and many poorly organized volunteer communities, will inevitably produce conflict. There are sincere disagreements over what should be prioritized and why, and given how spending power is allocated, people will perceive the process to be unfair. And I honestly don’t think corporate hierarchies like the Foundation’s scale well to movements like ours; this is reflected in the velocity at which the Wikimedia Foundation makes improvements to the projects. I consider these the top three priorities for the movement charter:
Ian Ramjohn (Guettarda)
Guettarda (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am a founding member of Wikimedians of the Caribbean User Group, and serve as part of the leadership team. Since the group's formation at WikiConference North America in 2018, I have helped organise and lead our events, including recruiting a noted artist and cultural activist to take part in WikiCari Fest 2020. I have been a staff member (as User:Ian (Wiki Ed)) at the Wiki Education Foundation since 2014 where I have supported tens of thousands of new editors (10–14,000 each year) as they navigate making their first contributions to Wikipedia and using the Wiki Education Dashboard (the 'older sister' of the Programs & Events Dashboard). I co-authored our Wikidata training modules in 2019. I have been an active Wikipedia editor since 2004, an administrator on the English Wikipedia since 2005 where I have contributed Featured Articles, Featured Lists and Good Articles. | |
Team collaboration experience | I work in a very collaborative environment at Wiki Education. We are a small organisation where everyone works closely together to get things done. In our work with university instructors and student editors (our Wikipedia Student Program) I work very closely with colleagues on a daily basis. In my role in our Scholars & Scientists Program where we train faculty and professionals to edit Wikidata and Wikipedia, I collaborate with colleagues to run these course. Our procedures for writing our annual plans, annual reports and strategic plans are collaborative, and I work closely with my colleagues to edit blog posts and other communications and to co-author a chapter in the recent Wikipedia @ 20 book.
Prior to this, I worked for a decade as an instructor in higher education; shepherding classes of undergraduates through semester-long courses, coordinating with other instructors, teaching assistants, and lab prep staff, requires a team that collaborates effectively, week after week. Before that, I worked in environmental consulting. Designing, collecting, and analysing field survey data, and working with my colleagues to get reports written, delivered to clients, and getting revisions done in response to their feedback required considerable collaborative team work. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am an active content contributor to the English Wikipedia, our largest and oldest community. While no one person can speak for a community that large and diverse, I can speak from it. As a 17-year contributor and admin, I’m an insider, but as a non-white person, a citizen of the Global South who showed up because I wanted the chance to tell our stories and challenge the top-down process of knowledge creation, I am also an outsider. Having directly supported more new editors than anyone else in the movement, I have a sense of their needs and the issues they experience. I've chosen to use my social capital to be heard in places where newcomers pushing for equity are likely to either be overwhelmed or ignored. I have pushed back against Wikipedia's colonised bones, and worked to help empower others to work for equity. I have collaborated with people making huge strides to bring historically excluded groups into our mission. The people chosen to draft the Movement Charter should understand the need to balance the interests of the large communities with the needs of the small groups, especially those who have been historically excluded. They must also be willing to listen to what people within the community have to say, understanding that the collective wisdom of the community, there are always better ideas than any individual might bring. I have a sense of the breadth of what exists in our movement. I have worked on large projects like the English Wikipedia, and collaborated to help develop small ones like WikiSpore. I have experience with an organisation with a formal governance structure and paid staff that obtains the majority of its funding from funders outside WMF, and one with a more informal structure run with no budget gives me an understanding of some of the contrasts among affiliates. I am a good writer and a better editor. I am an effective and experienced cross-cultural communicator. I have experience building systems of support that helped Wiki Education go from supporting 2,747 students with two dedicated half-time staffers in Fall of 2014 to supporting 6,820 students in Fall 2020 with one dedicated staffer (me). I have experience with policy development on en.wp; one of my first major forays was an (unsuccessful) attempt to standardise Era notation in 2005. These skills and experiences should help me draft effective and efficient procedures. |
Anne Clin (Risker)
Risker (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Current:
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Team collaboration experience | Most of the committees and teams I have worked with have been highly collaborative. Of particular note is the work of the Roles & Responsibilities strategy team, the FDC, and the Arbitration Committee, whose success was dependent on collaborative work. Although less visible, there is also significant collaboration amongst both the local and global CheckUser group; and as part of the Arbitration Committee and later as an oversighter, I have worked with local oversighters to create and maintain a highly collaborative and mutually supportive environment. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | My personal background is different from that of a lot of other candidates. I have always seen myself as primarily an editor with an interest in the global organizational aspects of the Wikimedia movement, rather than a member of any particular group. I’ve been a Wikimedian for over 16 years, and have a very broad range of experience at both the local and global levels. I’m familiar with a lot of the history that has had an impact on how the movement has developed over the years, and a good understanding of the sensitivities of different sections of the movement.
My current and past movement activities have reinforced to me the necessity of co-operation, collaboration, and compromise in order to meet broader goals. I recognize that it will not be possible for this drafting committee to meet all of the expectations of all of its members, let alone all of the expectations of every member of the movement; however, I believe that by working together we can achieve a balance that will gain acceptance from our broad global community. I firmly believe that the individual projects – the Wikipedias, Commons, WIkidata, Wikisource, and the many other “sister” projects – are the centerpiece of the movement, and the movement infrastructure must be designed to help these projects to grow and develop in a healthy way. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of any Wikimedia affiliate organization; nonetheless, my work on the FDC and the 2030 strategy project has inculcated a deep and abiding respect for these organizations and their value to the movement as a whole, as they are important aspects of the project support infrastructure. |
ellif d.a (ellif)
ellif (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | For Wikipedia, I had started Korean Wikipedia in Feb 2005. The whole editing experience was dreadful, including several ‘fights’ and block requests from other 'users' until now. A lot of disagreeing with policies in the KO-WP made me afraid of participating with Korean Wikipedia, and I had to start a new one in 2012, for fulfilling the Sum of the Knowledge. And now, I regard myself as a user of the Korean Wikimedia movement, not about Wikipedias. For the Non-WP experience, I have participated with the first day of Wikimedia (South) Korea and photographed most main events in Wikimedia Korea, which one of them are included in the foundation's press release for the WM-KR recognition. And I have initiated several editathons in the Republic of Korea before the COVID-19. The main project is about the participating researchers on humanities into Korean Wikipedia to enhance articles' qualities. Also, I have participated in the recent global conversations by the Strategy team. In these events, I emphasised the importance of including wikimedians with Disabilities and Wikimedians who are not enabled to speak in English. | |
Team collaboration experience | (Had several projects completed, but not public) For Wikimedia projects, I was an representative for the Wikimedia South Korea before KWA organized, and participated for making Korean Wikimedia Association. I also served one year in the OTRS(2012-2013) for Korean service. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Current Wikimedia movement has several severe problems. First of all, our projects forgot the way to include users, which enable enhance user diversity. For example, many users with disabilities, especially those with Neurodivergent/autistic traits, usually have negative experiences with their communities, making them stop the editing or block them by the Admins. Their experience never researched or covered any Wikimedia movements. Also, many researchers, which has rich knowledge about their research field, are worth participating in the projects, are unwilling with our projects. We also have a few women editors, which the foundation are endeavour for increasing. The foundation has to find the methodology for including these groups. Secondly, the methodology that blocks the discriminative attacks, aiming to get out users who have different viewpoints with their groups, should be made. The current 2030 strategy or UCoC policy do not have any mention or procedure of it. For an example of KO-WP and JA-WP (See Wikimania submissions by Kitamura Sae), some people are making edits with aggressive speeches or argue they are not ‘logical’ or ‘rational’: for intimidating users in opposition with them. These attritional debates, which cause heartbreak to many users, and weaken the community, should handle in this charter. The charter should be the start point of the change that we need. We have to admit our communities are eliminating the diversity in the community, which are essential to thriving our project. I want to participate in this committee for this purpose, for the Wikimedia projects enable to get the sum of the knowledge from all human beings. |
Kanhai prasad chourasiya (कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया)
कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I member of the SWMT, I also active doing cross-wiki spammers and Patrolling project from Twinkle preference & Swviewer.
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Team collaboration experience |
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Statement (not more than 400 words) | Active project name
Hobit (Hobit)
Hobit (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Před lety jsem pracoval na návrhu NSF, který se týkal Wikipedie a byl podporován WMF. | |
Team collaboration experience | Často vyučuji velmi rozsáhlé kurzy na vysokoškolské úrovni, které někdy zahrnují až 25 lidí. Přestože veškerá moje práce probíhá v angličtině, pracuji s lidmi z celého světa. Během pandemie jsem vedl online schůzky s lidmi z ~10 různých časových pásem. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Ve Wikipedii mě zajímá především pojem samosprávy. Přes všechny její nedostatky jsem zjistil, že má velmi úspěšný model správy, který jen zřídka vyžaduje zásahy zvenčí (ve skutečnosti jsou vnější zásahy často kontraproduktivní). Je pro mě úžasné, že téměř čistě dobrovolnická organizace je tak úspěšná. Věřím, že klíčem k tomuto úspěchu je důraz na spravedlnost a slušnost.
Nepovažuji se za skvělého spisovatele, ale jsem silný editor a někdy musím poskytnout zpětnou vazbu (jak k obsahu, tak k psaní) k tuctu více než 15stránkových návrhů za méně než týden. Uzavírání RfC, které jsem vytvořil na en, jsou pravděpodobně nejlepším způsobem, jak mohu ilustrovat svou schopnost číst a chápat názory různých stran ([1] je nejnovější). Od září do poloviny prosince budu pracovně zaneprázdněn a pravděpodobně by se našlo pár týdnů, kdy bych nemohl poskytnout 5 hodin práce. To by mělo platit zase až od září 2022. |
Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (Gilbert Ndihokubwayo)
Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Spoluzakladatel Wikimedia Community User Group Burundi, Východoafrický strategický summit, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Pages Wanting Photos. | |
Team collaboration experience | Diskuse o strategii pro východní Afriku, setkání k regionální strategii pro západní Afriku, konverzace o strategii hnutí, skupina uživatelů komunity Wikimedia, afričtí Wikimediáni (telegramová skupina), Vikimedio en Esperanto (telegramová skupina), diskuse o procesu strategie hnutí Wikimedia. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Jsem motivovaný člověk a jsem rád, že mohu sloužit nadaci Wikimedia. Během svého akademického studia jsem získal znalosti v oblasti komunikace na podporu rozvoje; osvojil jsem si znalosti různých aspektů a přístupů v komunikaci, včetně skupinové komunikace, participativní komunikace, komunitních konzultací a mezikulturní komunikace.
Jsem k dispozici pro tuto činnost a slibuji, že budu jednat v zájmu hnutí Wikimedia, v souladu s Univerzálním kodexem chování a doporučeními Strategického směru a Strategie hnutí. Ostatně po různých účastech na akcích hnutí Wikimedia rozvíjím své dovednosti v projektech Wikimedia a plánuji růst. Ve své profesionální práci jsem dosáhl konzistentní databáze, koordinace různých aktérů, hledání kompromisů. Praxe mi pomohla vyzkoušet si schopnost plánovat, být pohotový a kreativní, vyzkoušel jsem si také schopnost vidět mezery, které je třeba pokrýt, schopnost vyjednávat s různými stranami. |
Yang Shih-Ching (imacat)
imacat (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |
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Team collaboration experience | Working as a community organizer of the Taiwan local female STEM communities since 2010, I founded Women in FOSS in Taiwan (2010), PyLadies Taiwan (2013), and WikiWomen Taiwan (2015). | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | As a transgender women and an advocator for the women and LGBT rights, I think it is very import to make sure the goal of the Wikimedia movement covers the gender-based diversity, is for all people. Not only that the knowledge itself is free for all people, but the content of the knowledge covers all people, and is created by all people. It's thus very important to devote resources in order to promote friendly spaces to encourage women, LGBT and other minorities to contribute to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Movement. I would like to contribute my efforts to the committee.
As a Taiwanese and a member of the Chinese Wikipedia, as Chinese Wikipedia is one of the largest Wikimedia projects, I think more voices should be heard in the committee, in order to accomodate the problems the Chinese Wikipedia is facing, and the cultural issues that should be included into the Wikimedia Movement. I would also like to contribute my efforts for us to be heard. |
Basheer (Uncle Bash007)
Uncle Bash007 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am an experienced Wikipedia editor with most of my contributions from Hausa & English Wikipedia. I have organized and participated in a number of Wikipedia campaigns and this lead to increase in new editors in northern Nigeria. I am one of the co-contributors of Hausa Wikimedia user group. I have being a contributor to Wikipedia movement since September 2019 and I want to stay and give more as long as i am alive and able. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have collaborated in many Wikipedia projects which leads to the rapid growth of the Hausa Wikipedia. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Since joining Wikipedia in the late 2019, at first I thought Wikipedia is just a free knowledge sharing mechanism. I was just interested in the art of spreading free knowledge globally. Later on I came to realize that Wikipedia is lot more than just an education sharing platform, rather, a global education movement comprising a diverse set of languages and cultures and at the same time protecting the laws of human rights in respect to cultural and religious differences. I became keenly interested with Wikipedia more especially after attending the Wikimania 2021 for the first time and getting to meet hundreds of different people from round the world with different lifestyle and backgrounds working collaboratively in love and harmony. This is only as a result of equity, fairness and good governance of the WMF. I just feel this is exactly where I belong, as to me 'every person i meet is my superior in some ways' and I have a lot of respect in regards to cultural and religious differences as well, I therefore want to be part of this gigantic movement. I want to give more and am committed to learning more from the movement.
I am confident I have what to give to the chatter as I have experience in governing and I have good speaking and writing skills. I will work collaboratively in defining & structuring policies that will ensure the positivity of the Wikipedia goals and vision. |
Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)
Aegis Maelstrom (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience |, editor since 2004
* Proud part of international community thanks to the Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe, public speeches, grants comm, collaborations among affiliates incl. capacity building, and more. Twice elected to the Funds Dissemination Committee, also member of the Resource Allocation Wikimedia strategy working group. | |
Team collaboration experience | Diverse, mission-oriented and driven by passion teams are the crucial part of the Wikimedia Movement. Be it Wikipedia or Wikimedia projects and programmes, I find starting/joining and further developing a spirited team representing various skills and perspectives as a highly rewarding and effective way to achieve our goal: equitable, quality, developed together knowledge. The same I strive to use in my professional life, including work in a multicontinental team and in multinational expert groups in banking. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Wikimedia are the most successful novel knowledge institution and the distributed organization in the world. 8 billion people need us: both as an access to convenient, free, structured arts and information - but also as an empowerment to create, edit and self-govern. After 20 years, we need to ensure our achievements will be constantly improved and passed to further audiences and generations. While we reinvent ourselves to serve the world better, we should build on the sources of our greatness and uniqueness, and fill in large gaps which we still have. I believe in empowered individuals and their associations, in the wisdom flowing from their diversity, and the motivation stemming from the equitable treatment. I also believe in the diversity of the approaches and organizations, empowerment of affiliates, in their equity and adaptability to local contexts and future needs. Wikipedia taught us that self-governance, grassroot and partnership prevailed over centralization and strict hierarchies; similar lessons come from great initiatives of the individuals, groups, chapters and the teams of the WMF. By 2030, we need to be less centralized and more attentive to local ideas, opportunities and needs. We need to operate as a much wider graph of successful organizations, developing and testing new ways to serve the needs of their audiences. We need to create a better space for collaboration and invention, for leadership and learning, for Wikimedians from the past, and the Wikimedians of the future. I believe, that both my Wikimedia experience of an editor, affiliate person and grant assessor, as well as my education and professional experience (economics/psychology/MBA working in risk/finance) help me to recognize the needs of particular community members, bring valuable perspective and help coin the great charter. |
Dennis Raylin Chen (Supaplex)
Supaplex (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I started contributing to Wikipedia in 2006, when Wikipedia was an early example of a Web 2.0 site. Wikipedia brings together a large number of people from different backgrounds to write articles on the scope of human knowledge that is less included in encyclopedias and textbooks. This open knowledge project has encouraged people like me to participate more deeply.. In 2010, I started to participate in community activities in Taipei, and held a few quarterly gatherings to promote the revival of the formerly inactive local chapter of Wikimedia Taiwan. For people who know the story of the Taiwanese Wikimedia community, they know that Wikimedia Taiwan was successfully revived particularly due to the Taiwanese aborigines which belong to the Austronesian languages group. We assist them in bringing the incubator to an official Wikipedia site. | |
Team collaboration experience | I am the board member of Wikimedia Taiwan and served as the board supervisor. I co-organized a program track at the COSCUP, which is a large open source conference in Taiwan, together with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap. About the community, I mainly organize the OpenStreetMap x Wikidata monthly gathering in Taipei. OpenStreetMap and the Wikidata Taiwan community participate in the local promotion and data maintenance of these two projects. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Although speaking Austronesian languages in Taiwan will have a better international recognition, because according to scholars, Taiwan is considered to be the birthplace of the Austronesian languages. However, it is still not widely recognized that there is not only Taiwanese Chinese in Taiwan, but also other Chinese languages, such as Taiwanese and Hakka. Through the Movement Charter, I hope to preserve the underrepresented languages in Taiwan and other minority languages that need to be protected, And to preserve the digital world through an international Wikimedia Movement. |
Anupam Dutta (Anupamdutta73)
Anupamdutta73 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Contributing to Bengali Wikipedia, mainly by translating articles from English Wikipedia ; Editing articles in Bengali, English and other languages ; Contributing pictures in Wikimedia Commons; Sometimes I edit Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. | |
Team collaboration experience | Served as Secretary and President of Rotaract Club of Tollygunge (under Rotary Club of Tollygunge) | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Wish to be part of the historical Movement by collaborating with all the interested fellow Wikipedians and create the Draft which will serve as the "Reference" for all the Wikipedians to follow. At the same time, it should be flexible enough to reflect the passage of time. |
Robert McClenon (Robert McClenon)
Robert McClenon (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I am not sure what is meant by the Wikimedia movement, but my experience with Wikimedia servers and communities is as a builder of the English encyclopedia, and in particular as a mediator in the English Wikipedia | |
Team collaboration experience | A 45-year career of professional involvement with information technology teams, as well as a track record as a mediator in the English Wikipedia | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I am not sure that there is or should be a Wikimedia movement in the sense of a social movement for change or improvement. The editors and users of Wikimedia servers and systems make up an interlocking set of communities, a community of communities tied together by maintaining a set of electronic libraries. My objective as a candidate for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee is to represent that practical idea of an electronic community of communities that maintain and build free knowledge. The Wikimedia communities should be self-governing, and should govern rather than be governed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The Movement Charter Drafting Committee should draft an overall charter for a community of editors of multiple electronic libraries, rather than of any sort of movement for social change. The Charter Drafting Committee should focus on the quality of the electronic libraries that the communities are maintaining, not any other social objective, and should write a charter that provides full self-government, with minimal involvement by the Foundation. |
Adi Purnama (Rtnf)
Rtnf (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | Just a newcomer contributor who occasionally chats on several Wikimedia-related Telegram group and participated in several Wikimedia Online Meeting (ESEAP, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct) | |
Team collaboration experience | I'm already involved with several social/tech movement outside Wikimedia before. For example: Knowledge Management Research Group: Pustaka , Tempat Tempat Project ,, and OpenStreetMap Foundation. Inside Wikimedia, i and several fellow participants at Indonesian Wikidata Datathon 2021 founded Komunitas Wikidata Indonesia (Indonesian Wikidata Community) to coordinate our effort. We work together to improve Wikidata items related to Indonesian topics in general. In addition, we also focus on translating other Wikidata items into Indonesian language. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | The greatest strength of Wikimedia is the talent, dedication and integrity of its members. We should accomodate the diversity of the people in our communities, including our particular interests, motivations and contributions. Some of us write articles. Some of us develop software. Some of us donate money, time or expertise. Some curate data, sources, or media. Some organize events, advocate for copyright reform, or remix artwork. Some are community organizers, educators, or copy editors. Some of us do all of the above, and more. What brings us together is not what we do, it's why we do it. We are all part of this movement because we share a belief that free knowledge makes the world a better place. Every human being deserves easy access to knowledge. And every human should have an opportunity to participate in compiling and sharing back their own knowledge.
But, we are still far from having collected the sum of all knowledge. Most of content we have created is in the form of long-form encyclopedia articles and still images, which leaves out many other types of knowledge. Our current communities don't represent the diversity of the human population. This lack of representation and diversity has created gaps of knowledge and systemic biases. Readers often question the reliability of the content we create, notably because it is not accurate, not comprehensive, not neutral, or because they don't understand how it is produced and by whom. The low barrier for entry from our early years has now become insurmountable for many newcomers. Some communities, cultures, and minorities have suffered from this exclusion more than others. Toxic behaviors and harassment have had a negative impact on participation in our projects. Other types of contribution beyond editing aren't recognized as equally valueable, and the structures of our movement are often opaque or centralized, with high barriers to entry. We even should change and innovate our services before it was too late. Many readers now expect multimedia formats beyond text and images. People want content that is real-time, visual and that support social sharing and conversation. We should address all of this issue so we can improve our movement. I hope, Movement Charter could address this issues. |
Runa Bhattacharjee (Runab WMF)
Runab WMF (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I have a personal and a professional role inside the Wikimedia movement. In my [capacity] I am a contributor to Bangla and English Wikipedia, and Commons. In my professional role, I work at the Wikimedia Foundation providing operational support to the Inuka, Language, and Campaigns Product teams as a Director in the Product Department. At various times, I have participated in activities that the teams or the Product department have undertaken for product initiatives. | |
Team collaboration experience | I have been part of open source communities since 2000, and participated in various roles that directly impacted the project’s objective and growth. My primary contributions have been in localization of open source software at a time when internationalization support for Indic languages was at a formative stage.
It was a challenging frontier that provided me the opportunity to understand how software development practices could be optimized towards equitable adoption beyond socio-political and linguistic boundaries. This required continuous collaboration with a globally spread community of volunteers, organizations, policymakers, corporates, and governments. I have participated both in an individual and organizational capacity in such efforts primarily as part of the Fedora, Mozilla, GNOME, KDE, and Ankur Bangla (formerly Bengalinux) communities. Since 2013, I have been part of the WMF’s Language team, with whom I had earlier collaborated in my other roles, and have been closely associated with language support efforts within the Wikimedia movement. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | I believe that the strength of any movement can be determined by how well it can anticipate its preparations for the future. A movement as vast and global as the Wikimedia movement is an ever growing space and will continue to diversify in ways we may not even be able to imagine in the present. What we do know is that the movement has a mission and we can take consistent steps towards its success. Within the Wikimedia Movement, we have regularly acknowledged the need to bridge gaps of content and participation that currently exist. Big and small efforts have been conducted at various times. Having had the opportunity to closely observe some of these activities, my understanding has been that the success that we achieve through these efforts happens through sheer grit and perseverance of the individuals involved. Our systems and structures could have supported them better if there was more clarity on how we can conduct our everyday work through well established processes, and how we can bring in change to meet new challenges. As part of the drafting committee for the Movement Charter, I would like to keep our focus on a healthy combination of globally shared standard practices, and flexibility so that the guidance provided through the Charter allows a sense of stability to movement participants at all levels, and retains scope for continuous improvements as we work towards the 2030 vision. |
Anass Sedrati (Anass Sedrati)
Anass Sedrati (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | V projektech Wikimedia jsem aktivní od roku 2013. Edituju Wikipedii v několika jazycích a přispívám k zavádění nových verzí i v jazycích s nedostatečnými zdroji. Jsem spoluzakladatelem skupiny uživatelů Wikimedia Morocco (člen představenstva), skupiny uživatelů Wikimedia Tamazight a skupiny uživatelů Wikimedia Arábie. Aktivně jsem se podílel na různých projektech a iniciativách, mimo jiné jsem byl členem pracovní skupiny Wikimedia 2030 (advocacy), strategickým styčným důstojníkem pro arabštinu. (WMF - kontraktor), členem skupiny pro návrh přechodu a členem skupiny pro propojení, který se podílel na psaní závěrečných doporučení pro rok 2030. | |
Team collaboration experience | V rámci našeho hnutí jsem se zúčastnil několika týmových spoluprací na různých úrovních. Na místní úrovni jsem byl několik let koordinátorem projektu Wikimedia Maroko a spolupředsedou konference WikiArabia v roce 2019. Na mezinárodní úrovni jsem byl manažerem dobrovolníků pro Wikimanii 2019 ve Stockholmu a působil jsem jako člen programového výboru a stipendijního výboru na mnoha místních a regionálních konferencích. Jsem také členem Výboru pro udělování grantů pro roční plán.
Co se týče strategie, spolupracoval jsem s wikipedisty ze všech koutů světa, a to nejen jako člen pracovní skupiny, ale také na různých konferencích, projektech a akcích, kde jsme se setkávali. To mi poskytlo důležitý vhled a cenné zkušenosti o tom, jak spolupracovat napříč kulturami, v různých časových pásmech a také o tom, jak zvládat různé způsoby práce, ale přesto dokázat dosáhnout potřebného výsledku. Jinak mám více než 8 let zkušeností jako projektový manažer a můj každodenní život je o týmové spolupráci. Pracoval jsem na projektech v oblasti IT, telekomunikací, zdravotnictví, veřejného sektoru, financí, s několika týmy a společnostmi po celém světě. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Na procesu Strategie Wikimedia 2030 se podílím od jeho počátku a mám na sobě několik kabátů. Podílel jsem se na psaní závěrečných doporučení a pevně věřím, že Charta hnutí bude zásadním dokumentem (a vodítkem) pro budoucnost našeho hnutí. Je proto důležité, abychom jí dali potřebné místo a zajistili, že v ní bude pracovat ten nejlepší možný tým.
Rád bych do tohoto návrhového výboru zapojil své zkušenosti mezioborového wikipedisty, který žil ve třech zemích. Jsem spojen s několika komunitami v hnutí a snažím se sdílet různé perspektivy a souvislosti, o kterých vím, a promítnout je do našeho globálního kontextu. Různorodost a inkluzivita patří mezi mé důležité hnací síly a zajištění toho, aby všechny naše zúčastněné strany (včetně těch případných budoucích) byly něčím, čeho bych rád dosáhl. Jako vedoucí komunity jsem se účastnil několika diskusí o správě a moje doktorská práce se týká správy internetu věcí (IoT) a obsahuje celou kapitolu o správě Wikipedie. :) Znovu potvrzuji, že Charta hnutí je velmi důležitý dokument (srovnatelný s ústavou) a že by měla být prioritou pro ty, kteří se mohou k této iniciativě připojit. Bude mi ctí, že ji budu moci vytvářet společně s redakčním týmem. Pokud má někdo dotaz nebo ode mne potřebuje informaci, neváhejte se na mne obrátit na mé diskusní stránce a já se vám ozvu, jakmile to bude možné. |
Félix Guébo (Ivcom)
Ivcom (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Podrobnosti o uchazeči | ![]()
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Wikimedia movement experience | Do Wikipedie přispívám od roku 2015. Ke komunitě uživatelů skupiny uživatelů Wikipedie Pobřeží slonoviny jsem se připojil ve stejném roce, kdy jsem se stal dobrovolníkem. V roce 2016 jsem byl v rámci komunity zařazen jako komunikátor, především na pozici grafika. Podle tohoto titulu mám na starosti vypracování veškeré grafické a fyzické vizuální komunikační podpory v rámci komunity v naší zemi. V roce 2021 jsem se stal členem výkonné rady Wikimedia Pobřeží slonoviny jako zástupce generálního tajemníka, kde mám na starosti sekretariát komunity. | |
Team collaboration experience | Konkrétně jsem ve Wikimedii pracoval v místním týmu projektu Wiki Loves Africa v letech 2015, 2016 a 2017. Moje role spočívala v pomoci s realizací programů aktivit, tvorbou obsahu pro publikaci, řízením týmů pro pořizování fotografií, školením a podporou dobrovolníků projektu, udržováním souladu se strategickým směřováním a doporučeními projektového manažera. To mělo za cíl spolehlivé a dokonalé šíření komunikačních materiálů, pomoc místním přispěvatelům na Commons a konečně realizaci a korekci zpráv o projektových aktivitách. Na práci dohlížel manažer projektu v dané zemi. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | Po 20 letech od svého narození se Wikipedie stala velmi důležitým kanálem s vlastní pečetí. Udělali jsme toho hodně a máme toho ještě hodně před sebou, vzhledem k tomu, že nás od cílů Wikimedia 2030 dělí pouhých 6 let. Vzhledem k horlivosti cílů a intenzitě práce, kterou je třeba vykonat, je tedy nezbytné přivést kvalitní lidské zdroje, aby se podařilo mnoho věcí. Proto je potřeba volných lidí se znalostmi o hnutí prvořadá. Pokud jde o mě, s ohledem na zkušenosti získané v mé zemi a také dovednosti získané jako aktivní člen při realizaci prací na strategii Wikimedia 2030 prováděných v Pobřeží slonoviny se hlásím k realizaci návrhu Charty hnutí Wikimedia. |
KAHOU (Kahoutoure)
Kahoutoure (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
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Wikimedia movement experience | I participated in several edit-a-thons, especially the 1lib1ref edit-a-thons and the Afrociné projects, Wikikouman, as well as the Wiki Loves Africa contributor evenings, and Wikipedia Class | |
Team collaboration experience | I am the Project Manager of Afrociné Côte d'Ivoire and the Project Assistant of Glam and I actively participate in the different activities of the Wikipedia sister projects | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | En ma qualité de Producteur des médias et réalisateur, je suis un conservateur d’images et Directeur exécutif d’une faîtière d’archivistes, bibliothécaires et libraires en Côte d’Ivoire (FICCI) Ma formation en gestion de projet et de manager m'a permis d'acquérir de nombreuses compétences parmi celles que vous recherchées. Je possède les atouts qui me permettront de réussir dans le rôle que vous voudrez bien me confier. Motivation, rigueur et écoute sont les maîtres mots de mon comportement professionnel.
As a Media Producer, I am an image Conservator and Executive Director of an umbrella organization of archivists, librarians and booksellers in Côte d'Ivoire (FICCI). My training in project management has enabled me to acquire many of the skills you are looking for. I have the assets that will allow me to succeed in the role you will entrust to me. Motivation, rigor, and listening are the keywords to describe my professional behavior. My experience as a Project Manager during the VIIIth Games of Francophonie has allowed me to acquire the knowledge necessary for the proper execution of tasks under pressure. Regularly confronted with the ups and downs of the job, I am able to respond to unforeseen events in complete autonomy. Taking part in the Drafting Committee of the Movement Charter represents for me a real future commitment in which my aptitude and my experience will be able to express themselves fully. |
Galahad (Galahad)
Galahad (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Podrobnosti o uchazeči |
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Wikimedia movement experience | Sysop of eswikivoyage since 2013, member of Ombuds Commission since 2019. Organizing some events focused on less developed wikimedia projects. | |
Team collaboration experience | Founder of Wikimedia Small Projects in Spanish, member of Wikimedia Venezuela. I've participated in the movement strategy conversation and served as election volunteer on 2021 board election. | |
Statement (not more than 400 words) | The movement is changing and requires new perspectives. From my work supporting less developed projects, I consider it vital that all communities are read, because from them emanates the knowledge that the Foundation hopes to protect. |