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Movement Charter/Community-Konsultation

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This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Community Consultation and the translation is 35% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

MCDC open office hour at Wikimania 2023

Diese Seite ist den Community-Konsultationen über den Inhalt der Movement Charter gewidmet, die vom Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) ausgearbeitet wird.

Monthly drop-in sessions

Between October 2023 and May 2024, MCDC hosted monthly drop-in sessions that are open to everyone to help us think through various topics and open questions. These sessions aimed to allow better connection and engagement with interested individuals and various communities willing to share input in the drafting of the Charter. The topics of each session and the necessary information to read was shared ahead of time.

Completed sessions

Recording of the Launch Party on June 20, 2024.
Recording of the AMA session on April 26, 2024.

April 26, 2024 Movement Charter Ask Me Anything session

Extended content
26. April
16.00-18:00 UTC (your local time)
The MCDC hopes to use this opportunity to onboard communities that haven't previously been engaged with Movement Charter or those communities seeking to learn more about it. This engagement will help them prepare for the upcoming ratification vote.
  • The call will start with the MCDC's journey and an introduction (onboarding) to the full Charter draft. Followed by a break.
  • The second part will be dedicated to Q&A on the Movement Charter.

Please register for the event in the event page. Please sign-up below to receive an invitation to join the call. If you need interpretation support, please share what language by Wednesday, April 24, and we will try to provide it.
Please sign with the four tildes (~~~~):

Recording of the MCDC open community call on April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024 at 15:00 UTC ()

Extended content

December 7, 2023 at 15.00 UTC (click to see your local time)

Extended content
  • To join via Zoom, please sign with the four tildes (~~~~) below:
  1. -- Bastique ☎ call me! 18:58, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  2. -- Mauricio V. Genta (talk) 22:06, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  3. -- Johnny Alegre (talk) 05:07, 8 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  4. -- Robertjamal12 ~🔔 08:00, 8 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  5. -- Fexpr (talk) 07:05, 1 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Kambai Akau (talk) 10:21, 1 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Onwuka Glory (talk) 11:42, 1 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  8. KuldeepBurjBhalaike (Talk) 12:40, 1 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Dnshitobu (talk) 23:28, 2 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  10. KevinL (aka L235 · t) 01:14, 3 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  11. --Dezedien (talk) 21:38, 6 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  12. -- Titanboo (talk) 10:16, 7 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  13. --SCP-2000 12:32, 7 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  14. --Sandra FGM (talk) 14:41, 7 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  15. RXerself (talk) 16:03, 7 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

November 2, 2023 at 17:00 UTC ()

Extended content
  • To join via Zoom, please sign with the four tildes (~~~~) below:
  1. Owula kpakpo (talk) 17:51, 30 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Robertjamal12 ~🔔 11:19, 31 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Ngozi osadebe (talk)Ngozi osadebe (talk) 05:51, 1 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Dnshitobu (talk) 06:54, 1 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Laurentius (talk) 15:35, 1 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Din-nani1 (talk) 16:43, 1 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk) 19:42, 1 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Fuzheado (talk) 04:59, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  9. schiste (talk) 11:34, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  10. --Nicole Ebber (WMDE) (talk) 13:16, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  11. Mervat --Mervat (talk) 16:59, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  12. --Sm8900 (talk) 18:35, 2 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  13. Johnny Alegre (talk) 01:00, 3 November 2023 (UTC+8)

October 5, 2023 at 16:00 UTC (click to see your local time)

  • Session topic: The structure of the Global Council
    • During the session, participants will work in 3 breakouts: 1) one focusing on the “No Global Council” idea, 2) on the General Assembly model, 3) on the Small Committee model.
    • After the breakout session, participants will reconvene to collectively analyze the pros and cons of different models.
    • Optional reading: The Global Council draft.
  • Watch the session recording on YouTube

April 2024 consultation

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) shared the full draft of the Movement Charter on April 2, 2024. The MCDC collected feedback from the communities and stakeholders until April 30, 2024.

How to share your feedback?

Wikimedia Summit 2024

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee attended the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin on 19-21 April 2024.

Ambassadors-organized conversations

Konsultation Juli-September 2023

Extended content

Das Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) wird die nächsten Entwürfe der Movement Charter im Juli 2023 veröffentlichen.

Das MCDC wird bis zum 1. September 2023 Feedback von den Communities und Stakeholdern einholen.

Wir empfehlen interessierten Personen, sich vor den Gesprächen mit den Kapitelentwürfen vertraut zu machen. Das MCDC wird offene Fragen stellen, zu denen die Community um Beiträge gebeten wird; zusätzliche Fragen und Klarstellungen sind willkommen!

Für die regionalen Gesprächsstunden beachte bitte die folgenden Punkte:

  • Jeder kann an dem Gespräch teilnehmen (über Zoom/Google Meet), eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
  • Beteiligen dich, wie du möchtest: melde dich zu Wort, schreibe, oder höre einfach nur zu.
  • Die meisten Gespräche werden auf Englisch geführt, wenn nicht anders angegeben; bei einigen Gesprächen ist eine Live-Dolmetschung verfügbar.
  • Die Unterhaltungen werden nicht aufgezeichnet. Dokumentationen werden später auf Meta verfügbar sein.
  • Um einen einladenden Raum für alle zu schaffen, wird von allen eine konstruktive Kommunikation erwartet. Es gilt der Universal Code of Conduct.

Solltest du Fragen haben, zögere bitte nicht, dich an deinen Regional Movement Communications Specialist zu wenden.

SWAN Juli 2023

Regionales Gespräch: Südasien

MCDC Live Eröffnungsfeier

Melde dich an, um eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an dem Call zu erhalten:

  1. --Onwuka Glory (talk) 11:20, 11 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Oby Ezeilo (talk) 13:58, 27 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  3. -- Suyash Dwivedi (talk) 17:04, 29 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  4. --Sandra HANBO (talk) 09:14, 30 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  5. --Rotana Nawwaf Al Hasanat (talk) 09:14, 30 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Regionales Gespräch: Lateinamerika und die Karibik

Recording of the conversation
  • Date and time: August 2, 2023 at
  • Interpretation: English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
  • Note to attendees: Most of the speakers will speak in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Documentation: Etherpad and Commons recording

Melde dich an, um eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an dem Call zu erhalten:

  1. --LiAnna (Wiki Ed) (talk) 18:46, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  2. ..

Wikimania 2023

Recording of the content discussions session on August 17
  • Date and time: Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, August 15-17, 2023 (full program)
  • Movement Charter discussions are part of the Movement Strategy & Governance track for this year's Wikimania. There are three MCDC-organized sessions:
    • Movement Charter Drafting Committee Open Session, Suntec Room 326, August 15 at ; open Q&A on the topic of the Movement Charter
      • Pre-conference workshop, no live stream out to the virtual event platform
    • Role Play the Future Roles and Responsibilities in the Movement, Suntec Room 326, August 16 at ; a role-playing session focussing at particular, more complex areas of the roles and responsibilities in the future of our global movement
      • [live stream link]
    • Movement Charter content discussions, Suntec Room 326, August 17 at ; presentation and workshop on the Movement Charter content, followed by an open discussion

Regional conversation: Middle East and North Africa

  1. أيوب (talk) 06:46, 10 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Rotana Nawwaf Al Hasanat (talk) 09:19, 11 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Tochiprecious (talk) 04:05, 21 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Thank you for registration, the call will be in Arabic if you are interested to join please send me your email at myacoubcriner@wikimedia.org and I'll send you the link. MYacoubCriner-WMF (talk) 12:38, 30 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  4. 787IYO (talk) 15:46, 22 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  5. NANöR (talk) 17:51, 23 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Ibrahim.ID talk 10:09, 24 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Nehaoua (talk) 17:30, 26 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Salema younus (talk) 21:07, 27 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Nada.FA (talk) 09:38, 29 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Veranstaltungen September-Dezember 2023

Extended content

Von September bis Dezember 2023 werden die Gespräche über die Movement Charter auf verschiedenen regionalen Veranstaltungen (siehe unten) fortgesetzt. Es wird auch Gespräche geben, die von Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen aus verschiedenen Gemeinschaften im Rahmen der Movement Charter-Communityförderungen organisiert werden, die für ressourcenschwache Communities zur Verfügung stehen.

Wir ermutigen alle, die an den regionalen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, mit den anwesenden Mitgliedern des Komitees zur Erarbeitung der Movement Charter zu sprechen, ihre Fragen zu stellen und ihr Feedback zu geben. Wenn Du Fragen hast, kannst Du Dich gerne an die Regionalspezialisten des Movement Communications Teams der Wikimedia Foundation wenden, die Dir helfen können.

Regionale Veranstaltungen und Konferenzen

Veranstaltung Termine Sitzung Presentation/recording/stream
Wikimedia CEE Meeting 15. September-17. September 2023 Movement Charter conversations with the CEE communities
WikiConvention francophone 20. September-23. September 2023 Où en est la charte du mouvement Wikimédia?
Let's Connect Learning Clinic (meeting #1) 27. September 2023 Explaining and discussing the Movement Charter recording
German Wikipedia:WikiCon 2023 29. September-1. Oktober 2023 Konversation über die Wikimedia Movement Charter
Let's Connect Learning Clinic (meeting #2) 7. Oktober 2023 Explaining and discussing the Movement Charter recording
WikiWomen Camp 2023 – Delhi 20. Oktober-22. Oktober 2023 Presentation on Hubs in general, a use-case example of the CEE hub, and an introduction for the discussions to form a possible DEI hub
Turkic Wikimedia Conference 20. Oktober-22. Oktober 2023 Movement Charter Conversations with Wikimedians of Turkic Languages
WikiIndaba conference 3. November-4. November 2023 Wikimedia Movement Charter: What's up?
WikiConference North America 9. November-12. November 2023 Movement Charter Conversations

Von Ambassadors organisierte Gespräche

Früher Konsultationen

Zusammenfassungen früherer Community-Konsultationen: