Learning and Evaluation/Tracking and Reporting Toolkit/da
The Tracking and Reporting Toolkit
Tracking and reporting can be a tricky process to coordinate across program implementers and reporting groups. By using similar tracking tools, and importantly, similar metrics for tracking, we will generate an ease for exchanging comparable information across program implementation times and settings. When your program is in process, and even after it has reached its end, you can use tracking tools to systematically monitor and organize data as well as to track and prompt follow-up inquiries using a more centralized process.
Forms and templates
We created a few templates for "initial" tracking of your program. These can all be changed. They include program inputs, outputs, and any additional observations or outcomes.
- Google spreadsheet for tracking
- Open Office for printing
- MS Word
We have numbered each box on the initial tracking and reporting template and listed each numbered item on a wiki page for translation on-wiki.
In addition to these hard-copy, or single input, design formats for tracking, you may also use a Google form to input and collect tracking data. Using a Google form will automatically generate a spreadsheet with all your program reports so that you can better track program follow-up times and can opt for centralized data gathering. We provide templates here for:
- Participant usernames and Wikimetrics opt-in consent based on recommended language for disclosure.
- Initial program reporting [1].
- Follow-up reporting (coming soon)[2].
Steps to using Google form templates
Note: You must create a Google account to use Google forms.
- Follow the link for the appropriate template you wish to use.
- Do not edit the master template.
- From the file menu select "Make a copy".
- Enter your own form name.
- Note: You do not want to select the box to share with the same people. That would make your form, and collected data, accessible to anyone with the link.
- Select "OK".
- Voilà! You now have your own Google form collector which you can modify or use as is to input program tracking data.
Community created tracking and reporting tools
Be sure to share your example forms and templates here.
Need feedback or help with your tracking tools or strategies?
Ask for feedback and/or help in the Parlor or email evalwikimedia
Would you like to voluntarily report your implementation data to our team so that it can be included in the next round of reports?
Share your initial program reporting data with the Program Evaluation and Design team via Qualtrics
Prefer to use a Google form and submit your tracking spreadsheet data produced? You may also submit your Google form data spreadsheet, along with any supplemental electronic files, via email evalwikimedia
org or by choosing to "Share" your Google spreadsheet with "eval
org" directly (please be sure to send a notification if you choose this route)
- ↑ The programs examined and mapped to these tracking and reporting points are those which have been reported on in the first round of program evaluations (beta). This includes Edit-a-thons, Editing Workshops, GLAM Content Releases, On-wiki Writing Contests, Photo Upload events, Wiki Loves Monuments, and the Wikipedia Education Program. While many of the tracking and reporting points may apply to other programs, we have not yet done the mapping work.
- ↑ Note: Although there is a plan for including tracking forms for follow-up metrics as well, the Program Evaluation and Design team are currently planning for more community dialogue and input on how follow-up measures may be best standardized.