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Leadership Development Working Group

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This page is a translated version of the page Leadership Development Working Group and the translation is 47% complete.
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1. Krótsze podsumowanie

Zespół Community Development w Wikimedia Foundation proponuje utworzenie globalnej, kierowanej przez społeczność grupy zadaniowej ds. rozwoju przywództwa. Celem grupy zadaniowej jest doradztwo w zakresie rozwoju przywództwa w zespole Community Development, jak również w szerszych inicjatywach społeczności w najbliższym czasie, w oczekiwaniu na przyszłe zmiany kierunku wynikające z Karty Ruchu i obecnie tworzonej Global Council. Zespół poszukuje informacji zwrotnej na temat ewentualnych obowiązków grupy. Ta strona przedstawia propozycję Leadership Development Task Force oraz informacje o tym jak możesz pomóc.

2. Dłuższe podsumowanie

W rozmowach na temat Strategii Ruchu, rozwój przywództwa został uznany za jeden z priorytetów Ruchu. Rekomendacja Invest in Skill and Leadership Development wskazuje, że nasz Ruch potrzebuje globalnie skoordynowanych działań, aby odnieść sukces w rozwoju przywództwa. Istnieje wiele pomysłów na wdrożenie rekomendacji. Jedną z nich jest rozwój obecnej infrastruktury.

Podczas gdy długoterminowe podejście do tych kwestii może zostać określone przez Global Council, praca zespołu Community Development oraz praca grup społecznościowych skorzystałaby z niektórych z tych kluczowych inicjatyw infrastrukturalnych, w tym z utworzenia:[1]

  1. Grupy roboczej kierowanej przez społeczność, która może wspierać definiowanie, ustalanie priorytetów, nadzorowanie i ewaluację inicjatyw związanych z rozwojem przywództwa
  2. Wspólnej definicji "przywództwa"
  3. Planu rozwoju przywództwa

The Community Development team proposes to support the creation of a global, community-driven Leadership Development Task Force (#1). The purpose of the task force is to advise leadership development work by the Community Development team as well as share ideas and recommendations for community leadership initiatives. This is of course pending any future changes of direction coming from the Movement Charter and Global Council currently being formed. The task force will first focus on infrastructure building, which includes working with communities on defining leadership (#2) and drafting a leadership development plan (#3). Afterwards, the task force will advise on Community Development’s part in the implementation of the leadership development plan, and serve as a valuable as-needed resource for local and global community efforts.


February 2022

Call for feedback about Leadership Development Working Group proposal from February 7 – 25, 2022. Feedback was collected in 13+ languages. See the Summary of Call for Feedback.

Marzec - kwiecień 2022

Working group membership recruitment period.

Thank you to everyone who applied! The application to be a member of the Leadership Development Working Group closed on April 10, 2022. This application was conducted via a third-party service, Google, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the privacy statement.

Maj - czerwiec 2022

Working group is announced and begins work. The group met for the first time June 2, 2022 and plans to meet weekly. You can view the members of the working group.

The group will be collecting community input to ensure diverse voices are incorporated in their design and decision-making throughout the process. More information will be announced once the working group begins working. If you want to make sure that you are contacted, add your name to the Sign up for future updates section

Lipiec - sierpień 2022

Working group drafted a definition of leadership and prepared for a community feedback period. They also presented their work at Wikimania 2022 and planned for participation at future conferences. You can read more details about the group's work in the Updates page.

Wwrzesień – październik 2022

Working group published the draft definition of leadership and invited feedback. The feedback period was September 15 – October 6, 2022. The working group reached out for feedback in 14 languages. Read the announcement (Meta-wiki; Diff) for information about the feedback period.

Working group is hosting 2 community calls on Saturday October 22 at 15 UTC and Saturday October 29 at 8 UTC. Sign up to attend one of the calls.

November – December 2022

Working group published a summary of the leadership definition feedback period and incorporated feedback into the leadership definition. They celebrated the collective effort to draft a working definition of leadership and began initial planning for the drafting of the Leadership Development Plan.

January – February 2023

Working group hosts a research period and collects information from community members about their roles, experiences, and learnings related to leadership. They created three surveys for three audience groups and kindly ask community members to complete the survey that best represents their movement roles. The survey is open from January 16 – February 3, 2023. Read more and access the surveys!

March – April 2023

Working group drafted the Leadership Development Plan, taking into account community input from the research period.

May 2023 –

The draft Leadership Development Plan is published! The Leadership Development Working Group (LDWG) invites feedback on the draft. Read the summary for an overview, or go directly to the Leadership Development Plan to access it in full. Give feedback by Sunday, May 28, 2023 through the survey, talk page, MS Forum, or email (leadershipworkinggroup@wikimedia.org).
