Interwiki synchronization
![]() | This page can be found at d:Wikidata:interwiki conflicts.
This is an interwiki redirect. |
This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete. If you want to revive the topic, you can use the talk page or start a discussion on the community forum. |
This page is intended to host discussions between representatives from individual wikis regarding interlanguage links between Wikipedia articles.
Interlanguage links can often become entangled in conflicts. For example, if the page en:Emergency medical technician links to fr:Ambulancier, but fr:Ambulancier links to en:Paramedic, then that would be a conflict. This confuses the readers of Wikipedia and usually cannot be automatically maintained by interwiki bots (such as This inability to maintain links automatically frequently leads to lack of updates, stale links etc.
The task of synchronizing these links manually is hard, but challenging and interesting. A central hub for discussing this will foster further cooperation and concord between different language Wikipedias.
Encyclopedic truth is universal, so parallel ontology between Wikipedias in different languages is usually desirable, but it is important to emphasize that no Wikipedia can force its ontology on other Wikipedias, and any significant changes of this kind must be decided by consensus.
Future directions
[edit]In the future the technology of interlanguage links may significantly change thanks to the Interlanguage Extension; see A newer look at the interlanguage link. When this happens, the discussions about interwiki synchronization may move to the wiki that will be set up for this extension.
Automated analysis
[edit]- Note
- This database appears very outdated. It's questionable if it has ever been updated since its creation in 2008. Have mörser, will travel 18:03, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
The largest connected component in the graph of interlanguage links between articles contains well over 70'000 nodes (including over 3'000 from the English edition) and over 3'000'000 links. There are 24 more connected components with over 1'000 nodes. In total, there are about 60'000 inconsistent connected components in the graph. These figures are based on an analysis of snapshots from late August 2008.
It is next to impossible for a human to untangle the largest graphs anymore. Also, it is infeasible to process all 60'000 or so components, even if most of them are quite small. For that reason, an automatic meaning detection approach, even very imperfect, might be quite useful. An example of such automated analysis can be found here (a middle-sized component with approx. 300 articles and about 25 meanings), here are some more. The results show the identified meanings, the key nodes and links leading to semantic drift, and a complete set of links to remove to guarantee consistency. A description of the graph of meanings in the DOT language used by Graphviz is also provided. A batch edition based on the above results is possible.
Personally, I am strongly in favor of such an automated correction. Note that this would be a one-time action, which apparently has never been taken before. The 70'000+ component must have been growing for years: it contained about 48'000 articles in March 2008.
I'll gladly answer any questions regarding the idea, and upload more examples of analyzed components. If the suggested course of actions is approved by the community, I'd be glad to provide generated edit recommendations for all inconsistent components in a suitable format. I don't have the bot permissions nor the necessary experience, so I'm looking forward to a cooperation with a bot owner. I've performed the analysis for the graph of category interlanguage links too, and it requires similar action too.
This is an application of methods which I have developed during my PhD research, I'm currently in the process of writing two articles documenting the topology of the graph and the methods used to identify meanings. In short, the approach used here arranges the nodes in space using the force-based graph layout algorithm with a custom potential. Then, during the reconstruction of meanings, shorter links are considered to be more trustworthy.
Thanks, Bolo1729 22:41, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
Update: I've opened this service which presents all of the conflicts in which two or more English articles are involved (a little bit over 30'000 cases). In each case, edit recommendations are also presented. --Bolo1729 17:01, 4 December 2008 (UTC)
Opening a new case
[edit]To start a case report about an interwiki conflict: Cases are created on subpages of Interwiki synchronization. Example: if there were already two cases about Black box, the new case would be titled: Then click "Start a case". You will be taken to a page where you can fill out the report. |
- After creating the case page, add its name to the top of the list in the "Current discussions section".
Current discussions
[edit]Status: In progress…
Describe the case here: Lonesome George was the only turtle from subspieces Chelonoidis abingdonii. so some wikipedias wrote article for the spiecs some form lonesome george and some have one article for both.
Group 1: Lonesome George
[edit]- br:George Digenvez
- ca:George el Solitari
- de:Lonesome George
- en:Lonesome George
- et:Üksildane Jüri
- fr:Georges le solitaire
- es:El Solitario George
- he:ג'ורג' הבודד
- hu:Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii#Utolsó példánya
- ja:ロンサム・ジョージ
- pl:Samotny George
- ro:Singuraticul George
- tr:Yalnız George
- ru:Одинокий Джордж
- vi:Rùa đảo Pinta
Group 2: Chelonoidis abingdonii
[edit]- ast:Chelonoidis nigra abingdoni
- fr:Chelonoidis abingdonii
- en:Pinta Island tortoise
- es:Chelonoidis abingdonii
- fa:آبینگدونی نیگرا کلونویدیس
- hu:Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii
- it:Chelonoidis abingdonii
- ml:ലോൺസം ജോർജ്
- nl:Chelonoidis abingdoni
- pam:Geochelone nigra abingdoni
- pt:Tartaruga-das-galápagos-de-pinta
- si:Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii
- sr:Geochelone nigra abingdoni
- uz:Pinta oroli toshbaqasi
- zh:孤独乔治
Problematic cases
[edit]- ar:سلحفاة جزيرة بينتا - tell about Lonesome George but have Taxonomic box
- gl:Xurxo Solitario - tell about Lonesome George but have Taxonomic box
- ko:핀타섬땅거북 - tell about Lonesome George but have Taxonomic box
- lt:Vienišius Džordžas - tell about Lonesome George but have Taxonomic box
- uk:Самотній Джордж - tell about Lonesome George but have Taxonomic box
[edit](Optional discussion.)
Status: In progress…
Words like the English "Nymph" and French "Nymphe" originating from the same historic roots have developed significantly different meanings in the various languages. So far I have identified three different conotations, but there may well be more variants:
- "English" ALL juvenile stages between egg and imago in HEMImetabolous insects
- "Italian" Intermediate stage (last stage only) between "larva" and imago in HEMImetabolous insects. Equivalent of last "nymph" stage ONLY in "English" version)
- "French" : Intermediate stage (1) between larva and imago in some HOLOmetabolous insects
I have removed all interwikis from all linked language versions and added messages to the various talk pages to ask the editors for informed decisions where their article should link to.
On the English Talk Page I'm keeping track of this.
Group 1 "English" style conotation
[edit]- bar:Nymphm (Zoologie)
- cs:Nymfa (biologie)
- da:Nymfe (zoologi)
- de:Nymphe (Zoologie)
- es:Ninfa (biología)
- eo:Nimfo
- eu:Ninfa (biologia)
- lt:Nimfa (biologija)
- nl:Nimf (biologie)
- simple:Nymph (biology)
- sk:Nymfa (zoológia)
- sv:Nymf (entomologi)
- ta:அணங்கு (உயிரியல்)
- zh:若蟲
Group 2 "Italian" style conotation
[edit]Group 3 "French" style conotation
[edit]Problematic cases
[edit]- ca:Nimfa (biologia) Article seems to be contradictive within itself ??
[edit](Optional discussion.)
Status: In progress…
Describe the case here: what is the starting point of the problem, what causes the conflict, write a general proposal for fixing.
If it is possible, try to find out which are the groups of articles that should be fixed and list them here by language. Try giving every group a meaningful name.
Nova Holanda
[edit]- af:Nederlands-Brasilië
- de:Niederländisch-Brasilien
- en:Dutch Brazil
- fr:Nouvelle-Hollande (Brésil)
- hr:Nizozemski Brazil
- it:Brasile olandese
- lt:Nyderlandų Brazilija
- nl:Nederlands-Brazilië
- no:Nederlandsk Brasil
- pt:Nova Holanda
- ru:Голландская Бразилия
- uk:Голландська Бразилія
Invasões holandesas no Brasil
[edit]- es:Invasiones neerlandesas de Brasil
- gl:Invasións holandesas no Brasil
- hu:Holland kísérlet Brazília gyarmatosítására
- no:Den hollandske invasjonen av Brasil
- pt:Invasões holandesas no Brasil
Problematic cases
[edit](Articles that you can´t sort on your own)
[edit]I think the division is quite clear. Only .no and .pt have two seperate articles, but there might be others that I haven't picked up. --Wikijens (talk) 17:39, 10 October 2012 (UTC)
It seems that there are several organizations that are called Knights of Malta, Order of Malta, etc.
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
[edit]- en:Sovereign Military Order of Malta
- fr:Ordre souverain militaire hospitalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, de Rhodes et de Malte
- de:Souveräner Malteserorden
- sv:Malteserorden
- ro:Ordinul Suveran al Cavalerilor de Malta
Venerable Order of Saint John
[edit]Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg)
[edit]- en:Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg)
- fr:Ordre protestant de Saint-Jean
- de:Johanniterorden
- sv:Johanniterorden (evangelisk gren)
- no:Johanniter-ordenen
Knights Hospitaller
[edit](these articles seem to be concerned about the general idea; however each of these articles may be a group of its own, or it may belong in one of the previous groups)
- en:Knights Hospitaller
- fr:Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem
- bg:Хоспиталиери
- gl:Orde de Malta
- ru:Госпитальеры
Disambuiguation pages
[edit](it may be a good idea not to link the disambiguation pages here, because they may refer to different subjects)
- en:Knights of Malta (disambiguation)
- fr:Ordre de Malte
- sv:Johanniterorden
- ru:Орден Святого Иоанна Иерусалимского
[edit]There are several redirects (especially in which may confuse the bots.
I'm not familiar with the subject, so I may be missing some details about which is which. I'm not familiar with the Interwiki synchronization discussion process either, so please excuse me if I don't provide all the information needed.
I have used the Interwiki drifting project to gather some of the information posted above, but I'm not sure how recent is the data there.
Are there any tools to visualize the current links between various articles ? I heard something about Interwiki graphs, but I'm not sure if I can get the graph without a bot user account. Rsocol 06:37, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
[edit]Massive confusion in this group of articles. The first two groups should probably be blacklisted for bots as even human editors have trouble with them.
Black powder
[edit]The ancient stuff made of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal.
- de:Schwarzpulver - Obviously correct.
- en:gunpowder - The British English name is used for the article. In the US, it's mostly called en:black powder, which is a redirect. A rename/move request to the US name has recently failed by a large margin, so is unlikely to succeed in the near future. In American English gunpowder may have a broader meaning, referring to any gun propellant.
- fr:poudre à canon - Synonym given: poudre noire, which redirects; correct as far as I know. I'm uncertain as to which is more common in French today.
- es:Pólvora - The lead is confusing as to the scope of the article, but the body of article is mostly about black powder with a link to a separate article for smokeless powders.
- simple:gunpowder and simple:black powder seem to be describing the same thing, but have different interwiki links
- it:polvere nera. A bot incorrectly removed the link to the English article [1]. I have reverted it.
- - no article, but see next section.
- pl:Proch czarny. Fine article, no links to English and French ones though.
Gun propellant
[edit]Anything else that makes modern guns send the projectile down the barrel, like en:Smokeless powders and en:Black powder substitutes.
- de:Schießpulver - A German term who at origin denoted black powder for use in firearms (as opposed to blasting for instance), but currently denotes any gun propellant. Stubby article, interwiki links to en:gunpowder and fr:Poudre à canon!!
- en:gun propellant - Just a redirect I created to en:propellant. en:Rocket propellant exists, but not much can be said about gun propellants that is not covered at either gunpowder or en:smokeless powder. As the term is rather uncommon in vernacular English, I doubt an standalone article would survive for long merging etc. The term is used in academic works in English today, but perhaps not exclusively.
- it:polvere da sparo. Links to en:gunpowder.
- ru:Порох. Is about gun propellants in general. Has a section on black powder, but no standalone article appears to exist on the Russian Wikipedia on black powder (чёрный порох). Links to de:Schießpulver, en:gunpowder, fr:Poudre à canon. Because this article is translated in many more obscure languages from the area, like sah:Буорах, trouble is propagated.
- pl:Proch. Links to en:gunpowder and fr:poudre à canon.
- - No article as far as I can tell.
- - No article as far as I can tell.
Smokeless powder
[edit]This group of articles was generally okay, except for the occasional confusion with en:Poudre B caused by the claim on it:Polvere infume (which I don't know how correct it is) that in Italian the latter is used as a synonym for the whole class. I have fixed most links here.
[edit]These are generally fine except there seems to be no article or even a specific term in Russian for this. They have one on rocket propellants, ru:Ракетное топливо, but топливо simply means fuel. Порох is a rather unique word denoting gunpowder, and is related to порошок, which means powder of any kind. (Someone might enlighten us on the etymology of порох more, but let's not stray from the topic too much.)
[edit]The above reported by Have mörser, will travel 21:24, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
[edit]The English Wikipedia article en:Kangaroo contains many interwiki links to articles about its genus (eu, ru...) and family (de, bg, uk...) instead. As the complexes are rather large, I am unsure what to do to correct them.
1. Create a list of entangled articles by giving acticles that were listed here as a hint to Pywikipediabot/ Done
2. Create a table with columns for previously listed groups, move previously grouped articles to their groups Done
3. Move through languages, open each article, check for additional redirects to it (as includes referenced ones only), decide what should be in each categoty
- If some language has "Kangaroo" article that contains taxonomic information about Macropus or Macropodidae without red link to it, then it should be in "Kangaroo" group, and there should be a redirect from corresopnding group. If generic "Kangaroo" article does not contain taxonomic information, or it has red link to Macropus or Macropodidae, then there is no need for a corresponding redirect.
4. Create redirects that should be created Done
5. Update articles (either by language, or by group) In progress…
6. Verify with
[edit]In some wikipedias is made a distinction between subspecies Daucus carota ssp. sativus and the species Daucus carota. Example for this is de:Karotte and de:Möhre (Pflanzenart).
Group 1
[edit]Wikipedias that make a distinction:
subgroup 1.1
[edit]Daucus carota
subgroup 1.2
[edit]Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- de:Karotte
- hsb:Zahrodna morchej
- lt:Valgomoji morka
- uk:Морква посівна (there is such a red link in uk:Морква дика)
Group 2
[edit]Distinction doesn't appear there:
subgroup 2.1.
[edit]Daucus carota
- bg:Морков
- ca:Pastanaga
- cs:Mrkev obecná
- cy:Moronen
- da:Gulerod
- el:Καρότο
- es:Daucus carota
- eu:Azenario
- fi:Porkkana
- fr:Carotte
- gn:Sanaória
- gv:Carradje
- id:Wortel
- is:Gulrót
- it:Daucus carota
- ku:Gizêr
- la:Daucus carota
- lad:Safanórya
- li:Moeër (greunte)
- ms:Lobak merah
- nah:Caxtillān camohtli
- nap:Pastenaca
- nl:Wortel (groente)
- nn:Gulrot
- oc:Pastenaga
- pt:Cenoura
- pl:Marchew zwyczajna
- qu:Sanurya
- simple:Carrot
- sk:Mrkva obyčajná
- sq:Karrota
- tr:Havuç
- xh:Umnqathe
- zh-min-nan:Âng-chhài-thâu
subgroup 2.2.
[edit]Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- en:Carrot
- gl:Cenoria
- hr:Mrkva But in the infobox is Daucus carota only.
- hu:Sárgarépa
- no:Gulrot
- sh:Mrkva But in the infobox is Daucus carota only.
- sv:Morot
- vi:Cà rốt But in the infobox is Daucus carota only.
subgroup 2.3.
[edit]Both Daucus carota spp. sativus and Daucus carota
Group 3
[edit]There is only an article about the supspecies Daucus carota ssp. sativus.
Group 4
[edit]The topic is Daucus, a genus.
Group 5
[edit]There aren't information about the topic.
Group 6
[edit]I can't read the letters there:
supgroup 6.1
[edit]They have Daucus carota in the Taxobox.
subgroup 6.2.
[edit]They have Daucus carota sativus in the Taxobox.
subgroup 6.3.
[edit]They have Daucus in the article.
subgroup 6.4.
[edit]They don't have a Taxobox.
[edit]Hello. Who can correct the muddle, please? Greetings --Tlustulimu 12:35, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
[edit]There is a big mess in the iw-links concerning the allied invasion of Normandy. I will try to create some groups based on the english-language articles. Please place articles from different wikipedias in correct group, and feel free to add new groups or merge the existing ones.
Group 1
[edit]Invasion of Normandy
Group 2
[edit]Normandy Landings
- en:Normandy Landings
- ca:Desembarcament de Normandia
- el:Απόβαση της Νορμανδίας
- eu:Normandiako Lehorreratzea
- gl:Desembarco de Normandía
- he:הפלישה לנורמנדי
- it:Sbarco in Normandia
- nl:Landing in Normandië
- pl:Lądowanie w Normandii
Group 3
[edit]Operation Overlord
- en:Operation Overlord
- bg:Операция Овърлорд
- ca:Operació Overlord
- da:Operation Overlord
- de:Operation Overlord
- eo:Operaco Overlord
- lb:Operatioun Overlord
- nl:Operatie Overlord
- no:Operasjon Overlord
- pl:Operacja Overlord
- sq:Operation Overlord
- sk:Operácia Overlord
- sl:Operacija Overlord
- tl:Operasyong Overlord
- uk:Операція «Оверлорд»
Group 4
[edit]Operation Neptune
- de:Operation Neptune
- et:Operatsioon Neptun
- fr:Opération Neptune (Alliés)
- it:Operazione Nettuno
- nl:Operation Neptune
- pl:Operacja Neptun
- ro:Operaţiunea Neptun
- ru:Операция «Нептун»
- sv:Operation Neptune
- uk:Операція «Нептун»
Group 5
[edit]Battle of Normandy
- af:Slag van Normandië
- es:Batalla de Normandía
- fr:Bataille de Normandie
- io:Normandia-batalio
- pt:Batalha da Normandia
- ro:Bătălia pentru Normandia
- simple:Battle of Normandy
Group 6
Group 7
- ar:عملية أوفرلورد
- ar:غزو نورماندي
- bg:Десант в Нормандия
- bn:অপারেশান ওভারলর্ড
- cs:Bitva o Normandii
- et:Normandia dessant
- fa:نبرد نرماندی
- fi:Normandian maihinnousu
- hu:Normandiai partraszállás
- id:Invasi Normandia
- ja:ノルマンディー上陸作戦
- ka:ოპერაცია ოვერლორდი
- ko:노르망디 상륙 작전
- ru:Нормандская операция (1944)
- ru:Нормандская операция
- sr:Битка за Нормандију
- th:ปฏิบัติการโอเวอร์ลอร์ด
- th:ยุทธการแห่งนอร์มังดี
- tr:Normandiya Çıkartması
- tr:Normandiya Çıkarması
- vi:Trận Normandie
- zh:大君主行動
- zh:诺曼底战役
[edit]Open source vs Open source software
[edit]There are two different terms "Open source" and "Open source software". Difference between them is evident. Open Source is the idea in general for free accessibility to a software's source code, and Open source software is software under a license that meets the Open Source Definition. But many of articles in different languages messed up correspondence of interwikies.
Please, help to place unsorted links in correct group and check articles already sorted. DixonD 12:19, 16 August 2009 (UTC)
General idea
[edit]- ar:مصدر مفتوح
- da:Open source
- de:Open Source
It is doubtful Article discusses the history of the concept, the OSI definition, the distinction with "Fee Software", alternative definitions, why individuals and companies are interested in open-source software, its role in the economy, and problems encountered by open-source software projects.
- en:Open source
- fa:متنباز
- fr:Open source
It is doubtful Article discusses the concept, its history, the distinction between "open source (software)" and "free software".
- id:Sumber terbuka
- ms:Sumber terbuka
- nl:Open source
- sk:Open source
- sl:Odprta koda
- uk:Політика відкритого коду
- zh:开放源代码
Software under license
[edit]- bs:Otvoreni softver
- en:Open source software
- eo:Malfermitkoda programaro
- es:Código abierto
- fa:نرمافزار بازمتن
- id:Perangkat lunak sumber terbuka
- is:Opinn hugbúnaður
- lb:Open Source
- nl:Opensourcesoftware
- pl:Otwarte Oprogramowanie
- ru:Открытое программное обеспечение
- simple:Open source
- sk:Open-source softvér
- sl:Odprtokodna programska oprema
- uk:Програмне забезпечення з відкритими вихідними кодами
- vi:Phần mềm nguồn mở
Articles that combine terms
[edit](Empty now but probably there is some bunch of articles that cannot be unambiguously in any of previous groups)
[edit]Please, move links to appropriate group.
- af:Oopbron
- af:Ope-inhoud
- ast:Códigu abiertu
- bg:Софтуер с отворен код
- bn:মুক্ত সোর্স
- bs:Otvoreni softver
- ca:Codi obert
- cs:Open source software
- el:Λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα
- et:Avatud lähtekood
- fi:Avoin lähdekoodi
- gl:Código aberto
- gl:Open Source
- he:קוד פתוח
- hi:ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर
- hr:Otvoreni kod
- hu:Nyílt forráskód
- it:Open source
- ja:オープンソース
- kn:ಮುಕ್ತ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ
- ko:오픈 소스
- lt:Atvirojo kodo programa
- ml:ഓപ്പണ് സോഴ്സ് സോഫ്റ്റ്വെയര്
- nds:Open Source
- nn:Open kjeldekode
- no:Åpen kildekode
- pt:Código aberto
- ro:Open source
- scn:Surgenti aperta
- sq:Open source
- sr:Софтвер отвореног кода
- sv:Öppen källkod
- ta:திறந்த மூல மென்பொருள்
- ta:திறந்த மூலநிரல்
- th:โอเพนซอร์ซ
- tr:Açık kaynak
- ur:آزاد مصدر
- yi:אפענער קאד
[edit]- I'm far not sure that you made your part of classification right. As to me only
- and, perhaps (I'm not sure as language is more tough, though alphabet is latin)
- are devoted to "General idea" (meaning not narrowed to software stuff) while
- are (as to the best of my ability to grasp their content by some keywords analysis) devoted to software though their names says "Open source".
- and regarding
- I'm not sure yet (languages are tough for me beginning from their alphabets :-P) but "fa" article is more "Yes"(general) than "no" (narrowed to software).
- So what was the reasons/reasoning for you for your classification of "de", "es", "fr" articles (as well as "id", "fa", "zh")?
- Anyhow your data shows already that "en", "nl" and "fa" (and perhaps some other if we will find them, "ta" seems to be an easy guess) are main actors which create the mess in interwiki as in those Wikipedias ontology is different (one can say - more advanced but it doesn't matter for our issue) while interwiki lists in them doesn't reflect that fact. What a positive contrast is "sl" Wikipedia in that meaning!
- --pavlosh 02:13, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
- P.S. Yes, I'm voting for moving above mentioned "de", "es", "fr" articles from first to second group.
- P.P.S. I have something more to say about this topic, but let's go… leap-by-leap :-P , so it's your turn now ;)
- P.P.P.S. Aha, I've noticed this "resorting" so doubts regarding this "zh" article seems… busted :) as for me --pavlosh 10:06, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
- As for de,es and fr I simply used Google Translate and doing some investigation of received translation. But I will be very appreciated if someone - natives or at least with good knowledge of those language (and all other too:)) - checks if my grouping is true. Anyway, please, don't use "some keywords analysis" or other heuristics, which can be almost bad and gives wrong results. Only good revise of article's content and nothing other!;) --DixonD 20:00, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
- Well, what do we have: mine is "something is better than nothing" (heuristics can do until we will not get somebody with good command) while your approach is "everything or nothing" (only native speaker or somebody with good language command are authorised to ever touch the thing). I mean that I would do sorting on the base of "heuristics" and then (sometime) doublecheck/proofsorting could be made, so these two approaches are not alternatives - there might be combination (first/my approach as pre-processing and second/your approach as final processing).
What would you say?
--pavlosh 23:14, 21 August 2009 (UTC)- I think we must do 100% investigation because one little mistake can cause that someone will correct it in future and we will be there from where we came;) So 100% or nothing, in other case all our efforts can be vain. --DixonD 23:23, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
- Native Spanish here. I think es:Código abierto relates better to en:Open source software (looks like some content is translated from or inspired by the English article). --ColdWind 09:49, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot for your input.
- Would you be more clear/specific (as clear as possible) regarding your wording "relates better to": does it mean that article in Spanish (es:Código abierto) contains at least something about "Open source" as a general concept/philosophy that is beyond "Open source software" topic as that? … or not?
- --pavlosh 20:34, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- Well, what do we have: mine is "something is better than nothing" (heuristics can do until we will not get somebody with good command) while your approach is "everything or nothing" (only native speaker or somebody with good language command are authorised to ever touch the thing). I mean that I would do sorting on the base of "heuristics" and then (sometime) doublecheck/proofsorting could be made, so these two approaches are not alternatives - there might be combination (first/my approach as pre-processing and second/your approach as final processing).
- As for de,es and fr I simply used Google Translate and doing some investigation of received translation. But I will be very appreciated if someone - natives or at least with good knowledge of those language (and all other too:)) - checks if my grouping is true. Anyway, please, don't use "some keywords analysis" or other heuristics, which can be almost bad and gives wrong results. Only good revise of article's content and nothing other!;) --DixonD 20:00, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
- I believe the problem comes from the confusion between en:Free software and en:Open source software. They basically treat of the same concepts in two distinct articles. They should probably be merged (as OSS is a point of view of free software and should be treated as such, or free software was only a term used in the early days of the movement, I don't know exactly, but 2 separate articles is POV pushing IMO, plus mainly redundant). Anyway the current treatement is very confusing for readers. It is not surprising if it creates a big mess (on fr:wiki it created endless editwars, neutrality conflicts, etc.)
So basically there should be 2 articles, one about Open source philosophy, and one about Free and open source software (FOSS). In fr:wiki, Open source philosophy should be fr:Open source but the concept is not treated yet. Also there is fr:Logiciel libre which talks about FOSS. I'm going to propose that to the free software portal fr:Discussion Portail:Logiciels libres.
In en:wiki, I believe merging en:Free software and en:Open source software into en:Free and Open source software, and keeping en:Open source (possibly renaming it in en:Open source philosophy, or creating a disambiguation page) could clarify the situation.
Calimo 10:01, 22 August 2009 (UTC)- Thank you, we appreciate your input a lot.
- You're right that roots of this particular interwiki problem are mainly in ontology with some portion of people mistakes (or just unawareness?) on the top.
- I would put aside long (and rather painful) ontology dispute regarding
- «Free software»↔«Open source software»
- In the meantime would you (as native speaker in French) make a conclusion is fr:Open source article with it's current content is about «Open source software» strictly?
- --pavlosh 20:34, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- The problem can be solved if the articles that handle open source software but carry the name open source are renamed to reflect the content, as for example en:open source software handles open source software, en:open source handles open source in different fields, (The nov 2006 version was linked as a proper source from Harvard[[2]]). Mion 01:03, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
[edit]The interwiki links in hsb:Jabłuko and hsb:Zahrodna jabłučina were mixed, although the first one has the topic apple (like a fruit, not a species) and the second one has the topic Malus domestica (a species). Yesterday I manually repaired this in the upper Sorbian articles only.
I found three groups.
Group 1
[edit]They are in hsb:Jabłuko (the fruit of trees in Malus genus).
- cs:Jablko
- da:Æble
- el:Μήλο
- es:Manzana
- et:Õun
- eu:Sagar
- fr:Pomme
- gd:Ubhal (I am not sure, if this is correct here. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- hak:Phìn-kó (I am not sure, if this is correct here. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- ia:Pomo
- ksh:Appel (för ze esse)
- la:Malum
- lb:Apel
- lt:Obuolys (maistas)
- lv:Ābols
- mg:Paoma
- oc:Poma
- ru:Яблоко
- sco:Aiple
- sk:Jablko
- sl:Jabolko
- sw:Tofaa
- uk:Яблуко
- wa:Pemî
I removed all interwiki links, which now are in the second group and have to be in third group and not had to be corrected in the second group.
Subgroup 1.1
[edit]A wider botanical concept of a type of fruit (i.e. the fruit of Apple tree, pear, etc.)
Group 2
[edit]They are in hsb:Zahrodna jabłučina (the species Malus domestica)
- ar:تفاح (I can not read the letters, and that's why don't know its topic. The article don't have a taxobox. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC) The article is about en:Apple. --Meno25 19:06, 28 March 2009 (UTC))
- as:আপেল (I can not read the letters, and that's why don't know its topic. The article don't have a taxobox. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- ast:Malus domestica
- az:Alma
- bat-smg:Vuobelis
- bg:Ябълка
- bn:আপেল
- bs:Jabuka
- ca:Pomera
- cv:Панулми
- cy:Afal
- da:Almindelig Æble
- de:Kulturapfel
- en:Apple
- eo:Pomo
- es:Malus domestica
- et:Õunapuu
- eu:Sagarrondo
- fa:سیب
- fi:Tarhaomenapuu
- fr:Pommier domestique
- fur:Miluçâr (I am not sure, if this is correct here. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- gl:Maceira
- hak:Phìn-kó (I am not sure, if this is correct here. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- hi:सेब (I can not read the letters, and that's why don't know its topic. The article don't have a taxobox. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- hr:Jabuka
- ht:Pòm
- hu:Alma
- id:Apel
- is:Epli
- it:Malus domestica
- ja:リンゴ (I am not sure, if this is correct here. I found in the article the science name Malus pumila. Thus, it could be a fourth group. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
- jv:Apel
- kk:Алма
- ko:사과
- ku:Sêv
- ml:ആപ്പിള്
- ms:Epal
- nn:Eple
- pt:Maçã
- ru:Яблоня домашняя
- qu:Mansana
- simple:Apple
- sk:Jabloň domáca
- sl:Jablana
- sr:Домаћа јабука
- sv:Äpple
- ta:ஆப்பிள்
- th:แอปเปิล
- tr:Elma
- uk:Яблуня домашня
- vec:Malus domestica
- vi:Táo tây
- yi:עפל
- zh:苹果
- zh-min-nan:Phōng-kó
- zh-yue:蘋果 (I am not sure, if this is correct here, because the article has not an taxobox. --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC))
I removed some interwiki links, which was in it and has to be in the first group:
- cs, el, ksh, la, lb, lv, lt, mg, oc, ru, sco
I corrected some interwiki links, whose old ones are now in the first group:
- da da:Æble (frugt) into da:Almindelig Æble
- es es:Manzana into es:Malus domestica
- et et:Õun into et:Õunapuu
- eu eu:Sagar into eu:Sagarrondo
- fr fr:Pomme into fr:Pommier domestique
- sk sk:Jablko into sk:Jabloň domáca
- sl sl:Jabolko into sl:Jablana
And I removed some interwiki links, which has to be in the third group. I corrected one link only.
- sr sr:Јабука into sr:Домаћа јабука
Group 3
[edit]Some interwiki links where in both pages, but they have to be in the page hsb:Jabłučina, because its topic is the genus Maluṡ. But I am not added them there yet.
- he he:תפוח
- nah nah:Mazatexocotl
- nds-nl nds-nl:Appel (vruch)
- nl nl:Appel (vrucht)
- no no:Epler
- sr sr:Јабука
- uk uk:Яблуня
- ru ru:Яблоня
- en en:Malus
[edit]I only corrected the articles hsb:Jabłuko and hsb:Zahrodna jabłučina in the upper Sorbian wikipedia and the Uppersorbian interwiki in de:Kulturapfel (an article about the fruit is not there). I hope, that anybody can help to correct this muddle. Greetings --Tlustulimu 17:26, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]<rishabh> </noinclude>
English "Finger" refers to the digit of the hand only. In many languages, there is no specific one-word term for finger, and they tend to link ther articles about digit (i.e. term describing both finger and toe) to en:Finger.
Group "Finger"
[edit]These articles should refer to digits of the hand only.
- da:Finger --Wikijens 09:20, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- de:Finger --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- en:Finger --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- is:Fingur --Wikijens 09:22, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- no:Finger --Wikijens 09:20, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- pl:Palec ręki --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- ru:Палец руки --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- simple:Finger --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- sv:Finger --Wikijens 09:20, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- tl:Daliri sa kamay --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Other interwikis in en:Finger must be checked by native speakers. --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Group "Digit (anatomy)"
[edit]These articles should refer to terms which cover both fingers and toes.
- ca:Dit --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- eo:Fingro (has wrong iw-links at the moment) Wikijens 14:02, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
- es:Dedo --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
fr:Doigt--Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC) No, it's OK. This article is about fingers only. For toes, it's fr:orteil- it:Dito --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- la:Digitus --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- pt:Dedo --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- ru:Палец --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- uk:Палець --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Some interwikis from en:Finger might need to be moved into this group. --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Disambiguation pages directing to fingers and toes
[edit]These disambiguations might need to have another entry for the term that would describe fingers and toes collectively to match many other languages. --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Some interwiki bots keep reverting my edits of interwiki and resuming the interwiki conflict. --Maxxicum 23:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- I have added some languages that were correctly linked with en:Finger. I believe eo:Fingro might be wrong. Without knowing esperanto, I would guess "kvin ekstremaĵoj de la mano aŭ de la piedo" means "five extremities of the hand or of the foot" Wikijens 09:29, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks. --Maxxicum 23:18, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
- I speak Esperanto. I was surprised. I thought eo:Fingro would go to en:Finger, however according to this online Esperanto dictionary it is like "digit". If you want to talk about the toe, it's piedfingro, and finger is manfingro. -- Yekrats 09:56, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
- Thank you. This confirms that eo:fingro is en:Digit (anatomy). Let's correct the interwiki. --Maxxicum 19:37, 29 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Iw-links concerning physical and psychological trauma are mixed up.
Group 1
[edit]Disambiguation page
- cs:Trauma
- en:Trauma
- de:Trauma
- es:Trauma
- eo:Traŭmato
- fr:Trauma
- it:Trauma
- he:טראומה
Done TaBaZzz 21:20, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
- nl:Trauma
- pl:Trauma (ujednoznacznienie)
- pt:Trauma
- ru:Травма (значения)
- simple:Trauma
- sk:Trauma
- fi:Trauma
- sv:Trauma (Group 1, but should have disambig. template) (Added template Wikijens 09:54, 17 March 2009 (UTC))
- uk:Травма
Group 2
- cs:Psychické trauma
- en:Psychological trauma
- da:Traume
- de:Trauma (Psychologie)
- es:Trauma psíquico
- eo:Traŭmato (psikologio)
- fr:Traumatisme psychique
- it:Trauma psicologico
- he:טראומה נפשית
Done 21:20, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
- nl:Psychotrauma
- ja:心的外傷
- no:Traume
- pt:Trauma psicológico
- ru:Психологическая травма
- sk:Psychická trauma
- fi:Psyykkinen trauma
- sv:Psykiskt trauma
- uk:Психологічна травма
- zh:心理創傷
Group 3
- cs:Trauma (medicína)
- en:Physical trauma
- de:Trauma (Medizin)
- es:Traumatismo
- eo:Traŭmato (medicino)
- fr:Traumatisme
- he:טראומה גופנית
Done TaBaZzz 21:20, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
- it:Trauma fisico
- ja:外傷
- pl:Uraz (medycyna)
- pt:Trauma físico
- ru:Травма
- sah:Оһол
- fi:Fyysinen trauma
- sv:Medicinskt trauma
- uk:Фізична травма
Group 4
- en:Wound
- bg:Рана
- cs:Rána
- da:Sår
- de:Wunde
- es:Herida
- eo:Vundo
- fr:Plaie
- gl:Ferida
- hi:घायल
- io:Plago
- lt:Žaizda
- hu:Seb
- it:Ferita
- ja:創傷
- no:Sår
- pl:Rana
- pt:Ferida
- ru:Рана
- qu:K'iri
- fi:Haava
- th:บาดแผล
- uk:Рана
[edit]- pl:Trauma (Group 2?)
- nl:Verwonding (Group 2 or 3?)
- ro:Trauma (Has been deleted)
[edit]I have tried to group all iw-links I have found.
In the case of Norwegian and Danish, the articles no:Traume and da:Traume mentions both the physical and psychological, but are mainly about the psychological, so I have placed them in this group. This could also be the case with Polish and Czech, but I'm not sure, since I don't know the languages.
Italian it:Ferita has mostly iw-links to en:Physical Trauma and equivalent, while etymological connected es:Herida, pt:Ferida and others are mostly grouped with en:Wound. I have added it:Trauma fisico to Group 3, and suggest it:Ferita be grouped with en:Wound.
Swedish sv:Trauma should probably be grouped with the disambiguation pages, only it is lacking the formal template.
Dutch nl:Verwonding, I'm not sure if fits better with en:Wound or en:Physical trauma. I think maybe the first even if now it links to the second.
There are several links to non-existing eo:Trauxmato. These should be removed. Also ro:Trauma has been deleted, but don't know if this is only temporarily.
All the slavic Rana or similar seem to be linked with en:Wound, so I guess this is correct. Russian and Ukranian ru:Травма and uk:Травма are both linked with en:Physical Trauma, but I can not judge if this is correct.
I hope somebody can fix the languages left (and correct any mistake I made) and place {{Done}} after the language if it is correctly placed and that someone with a bot can clear up all the links when all is cleared out. Wikijens 12:19, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]I think iw-links between Featured articles-pages are ok, but in the case of Good artickes I think some are wrong. They might be former pages of featured articles or lists of denominated articles or lists of pages shown on front page. Please write {{Done}} behind your language if it is placed in the correct group and feel free to add more groups if necessary (denominated, shown on front page, featured lists etc.).
Group 1
[edit]Level 1 quality articles
- en:Wikipedia:Featured articles
- af:Wikipedia:Voorbladartikel
- am:Wikipedia:ምርጥ ፅሑፎች
- ar:ويكيبيديا:مقالات مختارة
- an:Wikipedia:Articlos destacatos
- ast:Uiquipedia:Artículos destacaos
- az:Vikipediya:Seçkin məqalə
- bn:উইকিপেডিয়া:নির্বাচিত নিবন্ধ
- be-x-old:Вікіпэдыя:Выбраныя артыкулы
- bs:Wikipedia:Odabrani članci
- bg:Уикипедия:Избрани статии
- ca:Viquipèdia:Articles de qualitat
- ceb:Wikipedia:Piniling artikulo
- cs:Wikipedie:Nejlepší články
- da:Wikipedia:Fremragende artikler
- de:Wikipedia:Exzellente Artikel
- et:Vikipeedia:Eeskujulikud artiklid
- el:Βικιπαίδεια:Αξιόλογα άρθρα
- es:Wikipedia:Artículos destacados
- eo:Vikipedio:Elstaraj artikoloj
- eu:Wikipedia:Nabarmendutako artikuluak
- fa:ویکیپدیا:نوشتارهای برگزیده
- fr:Wikipédia:Articles de qualité
- gl:Wikipedia:Artigo Destacado
- zh-classical:維基大典:卓著
- ko:위키백과:알찬 글
- hy:Վիկիպեդիա:Ցուցափեղկ
- hi:विकिपीडिया:प्रमुख लेख
- hsb:Wikipedija:Ekscelentne nastawki
- hr:Wikipedija:Izabrani članci
- id:Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan
- ia:Wikipedia:Articulos eminente
- ik:Wikipedia:Featured content
- is:Wikipedia:Úrvalsgreinar
- it:Wikipedia:Vetrina
- he:פורטל:ערכים מומלצים
- jv:Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan
- ka:ვიკიპედია:რჩეული სტატიები
- lo:ວິກິພີເດຍ:ບົດຄວາມດີເດັ່ນ
- la:Vicipaedia:Pagina mensis
- lv:Vikipēdija:Vērtīgi raksti
- lt:Vikipedija:Pavyzdiniai straipsniai
- li:Wikipedia:Sjterartikel
- hu:Wikipédia:Kiemelt szócikkek
- ml:വിക്കിപീഡിയ:തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ലേഖനങ്ങള്
- mr:विकिपीडिया:मासिक सदर/मागील अंक संग्रह
- ms:Wikipedia:Rencana pilihan
- nl:Wikipedia:Etalage
- ja:Wikipedia:秀逸な記事
- no:Wikipedia:Utmerkede artikler
- nn:Wikipedia:Gode artiklar
- oc:Wikipèdia:Articles de qualitat
- uz:Vikipediya:Tanlangan maqolalar
- km:វិគីភីឌា:អត្ថបទពិសេស
- pl:Wikipedia:Artykuły na medal
- pt:Wikipedia:Artigos destacados
- ksh:Wikipedia:Exzälente Aatikkel
- ro:Wikipedia:Articole de calitate
- ru:Википедия:Избранные статьи
- sq:Wikipedia:Artikuj perfektë
- simple:Wikipedia:Very good articles
- sk:Wikipédia:Najlepšie články
- sl:Wikipedija:Izbrani članki
- szl:Wikipedyjo:Wyrůżńůne artikle
- sr:Википедија:Сјајни текстови
- sh:Wikipedia:Izabrani članci
- fi:Wikipedia:Suositellut sivut
- sv:Wikipedia:Utmärkta artiklar
- tl:Wikipedia:Mga napiling artikulo
- ta:விக்கிப்பீடியா:சிறப்புக் கட்டுரைகள்
- te:వికీపీడియా:విశేష వ్యాసాలు
- th:วิกิพีเดีย:บทความคัดสรร
- vi:Wikipedia:Bài viết chọn lọc
- tr:Vikipedi:Seçkin maddeler
- uk:Вікіпедія:Вибрані статті
- ur:منصوبہ:منتخب مضمون
- wa:Raspepyî årtike do wiki
- yi:פארטאל:רעקאמענדירטע ארטיקלען
- yo:Wikipedia:Àyọkà pàtàkì
- zh-yue:Wikipedia:正文
- zh:Wikipedia:典范条目
Group 2
[edit]Level 2 quality articles
- en:Wikipedia:Good articles
- ar:ويكيبيديا:مقالات جيدة
- bar:Wikipedia:Berige Artikl
- ca:Viquipèdia:Articles bons
- cs:Wikipedie:Dobré články
- da:Wikipedia:Gode artikler
- de:Wikipedia:Lesenswerte Artikel
- et:Vikipeedia:Head artiklid
- es:Wikipedia:Artículos buenos
- eo:Vikipedio:Legindaj artikoloj
- fa:وپ:نخ
- fi:Wikipedia:Hyvät artikkelit
- fr:Wikipédia:Bons articles
- hsb:Wikipedija:Čitanja hódne nastawki
- id:Wikipedia:Artikel Bagus
- is:Wikipedia:Gæðagreinar
- ja:Wikipedia:おすすめ記事
- lt:Wikipedia:Verta paskaityti
- no:Wikipedia:Anbefalte artikler
- pl:Wikipedia:Dobre artykuły
- pt:Wikipedia:Os melhores artigos (seems to be older version of featured articles)
- ro:Wikipedia:Articole bune
- ru:Википедия:Хорошие статьи
- sq:Wikipedia:Artikuj të mirë
- sr:Википедија:Добри чланци
- simple:Wikipedia:Good articles
- sv:Wikipedia:Bra artiklar
- th:วิกิพีเดีย:บทความคุณภาพ
- tr:Vikipedi:Kaliteli maddeler
- uk:Вікіпедія:Проект:Добрі статті
- yi:װיקיפּעדיע:וואס איז א גוטער ארטיקל?
- zh:Wikipedia:優良條目
- zh-classical:維基大典:正典
Group 3
[edit]Former Level 1 quality articles
- en:Wikipedia:Former featured articles
- ar:ويكيبيديا:مقالات مختارة سابقة
- es:Wikipedia:Artículos anteriormente destacados
- fa:ویکیپدیا:نوشتارهای برگزیده پیشین
- id:Wikipedia:Artikel pilihan/Mantan
- hu:Wikipédia:Korábbi kiemelt szócikkek
- pl:Wikipedia:Byłe artykuły na medal
- pt:Wikipedia:Ex-artigos destacados
- tl:Wikipedia:Mga dating napiling artikulo
- th:วิกิพีเดีย:บทความคัดสรร/บทความคัดสรรในอดีต
- tr:Vikipedi:Eski seçkin maddeler
- vi:Wikipedia:Bài viết chọn lọc cũ
- zh:Wikipedia:已被撤销的特色条目
[edit](Optional discussion.)
[edit]Some iw-links seem to be confused between these two (some might also be confused with solar eclipse).
Group 1
[edit]- ca:Eclipsi
- el:Έκλειψη
- en:Eclipse
- eo:Eklipso
- es:Eclipse
- fr:Éclipse
- gl:Eclipse
- he:ליקוי מאורות
- it:Eclissi
- nl:Eclips
- ru:Затмение
- simple:Eclipse
- sv:Eklips
- uk:Затемнення
- ja:食 (天文)
- zh:蝕
Group 2
[edit]- ca:Ocultació
- de:Okkultation
- el:Επιπρόσθηση
- en:Occultation
- es:Ocultación
- fr:Occultation
- it:Occultazione
- nl:Occultatie
- nn:Okkultasjon
- ru:Покрытие (астрономия)
- simple:Occultation
- sv:Ockultation
- uk:Покриття (астрономія)
- ja:掩蔽
- zh:掩星
Group 3
[edit]- ca:Eclipsi de Sol
- en:Solar eclipse
- he:ליקוי חמה
- ru:Солнечное затмение
- uk:Сонячне затемнення
- zh:日食
- zh-yue:日食
[edit]- ar:كسوف الشمس This article is about the en:Eclipse of the sun. --Meno25 22:37, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
- bg:Затъмнение
- bn:গ্রহণ (জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান)
- bn:অদৃশ্যকরণ (জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান)
- bg:Окултация
- cs:Zatmění Slunce
- de:Verfinsterung (redirect)
- et:Päikesevarjutus
- eu:Eklipse
- fa:خورشید گرفتگی
- fa:اختفاء (ستارهشناسی)
- fa:گرفت (ستارهشناسی)
- fi:Auringonpimennys
- fi:Tähdenpeitto
- hi:ग्रहण
- hr:Pomrčina
- hu:Napfogyatkozás
- id:Gerhana
- ko:식 (천문)
- ko:엄폐
- lmo:Eclissi
- lt:Užtemimas
- lv:Aizklāšanās
- ml:ഗ്രഹണം
- mr:ग्रहण
- ms:Gerhana
- mt:Eklissi
- no:Formørkelse
- pl:Zaćmienie
- pl:Okultacja
- pt:Eclipse
- ro:Ocultaţie
- sk:Zatmenie
- sl:Sončev mrk
- sl:Okultacija
- sr:Помрачење
- th:อุปราคา
- tr:Güneş tutulması
- ur:سورج گرہن
- vi:Che khuất (thiên văn học)
[edit]Please place the ungrouped articles in the correct group (and correct the ones I have already placed if they are wrong). Wikijens 12:45, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
- zh:日食 = zh-yue:日食 = en:Solar eclipse, zh:蝕 (zh:食 (天文現象)) = ja:食 (天文) = en:Eclipse, ja:掩蔽 = zh:掩星 = en:occultation--Shizhao 15:10, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
[edit]
For the south polar region, some languages use two different terms for the continent Antarctica (ru:Антарктида, pl:Antarktyda, no:Antarktika) and greater the Antarctic region (ru:Антарктика, pl:Antarktyka, no:Antarktis). Where available, the category for the continent is a subcategory of the region. In other languages these are considerd to be synonymous and only one name is used (en:Antarctica, sv:Antarktis). Odd enough, the -ica/-ika/-yka spelling is used for the continent in Norwegian, but for the region in Russian/Polish.
Both the articles and the categories have completely messed up interwiki clusters.
Should the langauges with separate terms be encouraged to merge them into one? We are merging prizes+medals+other honours into the more abstract "awards" category. I think it is unlikely that languages with a single term would introduce another one.
Lang | Continent | Greater region |
en | Antarctica, Category:Antarctica | |
sv | Antarktis, Kategori:Antarktis | |
no | Antarktika, Kategori:Antarktika | Antarktis, Kategori:Antarktis |
pl | Antarktyda, Kategoria:Antarktyda | Antarktyka, Kategoria:Antarktyka |
ru | Антарктида, Категория:Антарктида | Антарктика, Категория:Антарктика |
[edit]Topic started by me. --LA2 02:41, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
[edit]In Chinese (I don't know if there is another language like this), 銀圓 Just discuss the coin minted from the silver, no include the paper form or other forms.
Dollar, the currency of many countries
[edit]Discuss a name of the official currency in several countries.
- ar:دولار
- br:Dollar
- bs:Dolar
- ca:Dòlar
- cs:Dolar
- da:Dollar
- de:Dollar
- en:Dollar
- eo:Dolaro (monunuo)
- es:Dólar
- et:Dollar
- fa:دلار
- fi:Dollari
- fr:Dollar
- he:דולר
- hr:Dolar
- id:Dolar
- is:Dalur (gjaldmiðill)
- it:Dollaro
- ja:ドル
- ko:달러
- lb:Dollar
- ln:Dollar
- lt:Doleris
- ml:ഡോളര്
- nds:Dollar
- nl:Dollar (munt)
- nn:Dollar
- no:Dollar
- pl:Dolar
- ro:Dolar
- ru:Доллар
- scn:Dollaru
- simple:Dollar
- sk:Dolár
- sq:Dollari
- sv:Dollar
- sw:Dola (pesa)
- th:ดอลลาร์
- tl:Dolyar
- tr:Dolar
- ur:ڈالر
- vi:Đô la
- yi:דאלאר
- zh-yue:圓 (銀)
[edit]Some of the pages are defined as disambiguation.
- be-x-old:Даляр
- bg:Долар (пояснение)
- cy:Doler
- en:Dollar (disambiguation)
- eo:Dolaro
- eu:Dolar
- eu:Dolar
- fi:Dollari (täsmennyssivu)
- fr:Dollar (homonymie)
- gl:Dólar (homónimos)
- hu:Dollár
- id:Dolar (disambiguasi)
- it:Dollar
- nl:Dollar
- oc:Dolar
- pt:Dólar (desambiguação)
- sr:Долар
- sv:Dollar (olika betydelser)
- tr:Dolar (anlam ayrım)
- uk:Долар
Silver coin
[edit]Just discuss the coin minted from the silver, not including the paper form or other forms.
These are unclear
[edit]I think the correct interwiki of "Dollar" would be "元 (貨幣)" in Chinese. And the Chinese yuan, which is "元 (貨幣)" interwiki to, must interwiki to a non-exsit article of "元 (人民币)"。--Dingar 01:41, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- Is zh:元 (貨幣) really about currencies named "Dollar"? I don't know Chinese, but it seems that it is a general article about currency. It mentions Yen, Euro and others and Babelfish translates its title as "Yuan (currency)". --Amir E. Aharoni 17:50, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you! you are right. zh:元 (貨幣) include Yen, Euro, Dollar and others.-- 13:04, 20 October 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry, I am forget to login yesterday. is me.--Dingar 00:48, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks, but it is still unclear where these Chinese articles should link. en:Currency? --Amir E. Aharoni 14:02, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
ar:, fa: and ur:
[edit]The ar:, fa: and ur: all belong to the Dollar part. I am moving them there. --Amir E. Aharoni 13:18, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit]The interwiki linking of articles about trademarks and brands is pretty hard. They describe two main different, but somewhat overlapping concepts - "brand" as corporate identity in discussion of marketing and "trademark" as a legal term, which is separate, but quite related.
Here's how i tried to group the existing articles in different languages:
[edit]- "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers."
- bar:Marke
- da:Branding
- de:Marke (Marketing)
- en:Brand
- eo:Varomarko
- es:Marca (economía)
- eu:Marka
- fa:علامت تجاری
- fi:Brändi
- he:מותג
- hr:Brand
- it:Marca
- ja:ブランド
- ko:브랜드
- lv:Zīmols
- mk:Брендирање
- no:Merkenavn
- nl:Handelsnaam
- pl:Marka producenta
- ru:Бренд
- simple:Brand
- sr:Бренд
- tl:Tatak
- th:แบรนด์
- tr:Marka
- uk:Бренд
- zh:品牌
[edit]- "Distinctive sign or indicator, used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity, to identify that the products or services with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. Often indicated with ™, ℠ or ® (depending on legal status)."
- ar:علامة تجارية
- ca:Marca comercial
- cs:Ochranná známka
- da:Varemærke
- de:Marke (Recht)
- en:Trademark
- eo:Registrita marko
- es:Marca (registro)
- et:Kaubamärk
- fi:Tavaramerkki
- fr:Marque commerciale
- he:סימן מסחר
- hr:Žig
- hu:Védjegy
- id:Merek
- is:Vörumerki
- it:Marchio
- ja:商標
- ko:상표
- mk:Регистриран заштитен знак
- nl:Merk
- nn:Varemerke
- no:Varemerke
- pl:Znak towarowy
- pt:Marca registrada
- ru:Товарный знак
- simple:Trademark
- sk:Ochranná známka
- sl:Blagovna znamka
- sq:Marka tregtare
- sv:Varumärke
- tr:Tescilli marka
- uk:Знак для товарів і послуг
- th:เครื่องหมายการค้า
- ur:نشان تجارہ
- vi:Thương hiệu
- zh:商标
- zh-yue:嘜頭
Hard to understand
[edit]- mk:Трговска марка
- pt:Marca - is too generic; includes for instance foot print; close to "impression"
- ja:商標問題 - "商標問題" means various problems between registrant of a trademark and its user or general public.
sq:Emërtimet Tregtare- Page deletedsq:Marka tregëtare
[edit]This is definitely wrong, as this is just the disambiguation for the word "Serbian", but it appears on some articles.
[edit]Can anyone please help with moving the links from the "Hard to understand" section to their right section? Of course, checking that the current grouping is correct would also be very helpful. --Amir E. Aharoni 14:00, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Please check the automated analysis of this component. --Bolo1729 10:22, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
In fact this article describes both Brand and Trademark as if there one thing. The first line, translated to English, goes: "Brand, also known as manufacturer mark, trademark". I suggest removing them from interwiki linking until it'll get cut in two.
As a native Dutch speaker, I understand your choice for nl:Merk's classification as "hard to understand". The article discusses various aspects of dealing with brands, including marketing and legal, but not very explicitly. One could split up the article, but that could destroy the "whole picture" of how brands fit into the (capitalistic) economy and how both aspects are inseparable: without identity it cannot be protected and without protection it fails as an identity. In the English Wikipedia, it could be argued that there should be a 'glue' article "Brand", a marketing article "Branding" and a legal article "Trademark". --nl:Gebruiker:Bdijkstra as 20:10, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Yes, sq:Marka tregtare and sq:Marka tregëtare are variant spellings of the same phrase, and I believe the former is correct (based on both a dictionary and google counts). They're talking about symbols and words that are intellectual property, not broader concepts like brand, so I suppose they correspond to "trademark". Unfortunately my Albanian isn't good enough to merge them myself, though I can stick a merge stamp on them. (Also, Emërtimet Tregtare translates literally as "trade names".) --sq:Përdoruesi:Steorra as 05:03, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
fr:Marque commerciale clearly is about en:Trademark and its legal implications. Based on the title and most of the content, fr:Image de marque (literally "brand image") seems to be about en:Brand, although it links to en:Brand management. --Latebird 22:42, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
[edit]Starting from ksh:Volkstrauertag via de:Volkstrauertag we come to:
These days are all on the same date but are having different meanings. Luckily, en:Halloween was not number 4.
Solution: Isolate the meanings.
Problem 1: Maybe some other languages have still other meanings in the cluster which I am currently not aware of.
Problem 2: I can only handle an incomplete set of languages/scripts, so I cannot do it alone.
[edit]- HE: (checked, and didn't find any articles)
- Volkstrauertag is on a different date.Andreas 15:49, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
(check and report more languages)
[edit]There are several starting point in various wikipedias, all having to do with elementary/basic/secondary/comprehensive/collaborative schools/schooling/learning/education.
They connect:
- en:Comprehensive school
- en:Elementary school
- en:Gastropoda — (see #Group 2)
- en:Gymnasium (school)
- en:High school
- en:Liceum ogólnokształcące — (see also #Group 1.A)
- en:Lyceum — (see #Group 1)
- en:Primary education
- en:Primary school
- en:Secondary education
- en:Secondary education in France#Lycée
- en:Slug — (see also #Group 2.B)
One of the problems apparently is that, school systems in different countries just do not compare. Likely, most school types apply to a much smaller set of countries (and thus likely, languages, too) than current interwiki links try to make us believe. --Purodha Blissenbach 21:59, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
Group 1
[edit]Starting from en:Lyceum gives a clean group:
- ca:Liceu (antiga Grècia)
- cs:Lyceum
- de:Lykeion
- el:Λύκειο
- en:Lyceum
- eo:Liceo
- es:Liceo
- fr:Lycée
- he:ליקיאון - Aristotle's school near Athens, est. 335 BCE
- hu:Líceum
- it:Liceo di Aristotele
- ja:リュケイオン
- nl:Lyceum
- pl:Lykeion
- pt:Liceu
- ru:Лицей
- sk:Lykeion
- sr:Лицеј
- sv:Lykeion
- tr:Lykeion
thus cutting all links from the others to this group might be a helpful step. --Purodha Blissenbach 23:50, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
Group 1.A
[edit]Starting from it:Liceo, things already get messy:
- cs:Lyceum
- de:Lyzeum ← not good: disambiguation. Links ignored.
- el:Λύκειο
- en:Lyceum
- fr:Lycée
- he:ליקיאון - Aristotle's school near Athens, est. 335 BCE
- hu:Lyceum → hu:Líceum
- it:Liceo
- ja:リセ
- pl:Liceum ogólnokształcące
- sr:Лицеј
- sv:Lykeion
- ca:Liceu (antiga Grècia)
- eo:Liceo
- es:Liceo
- nl:Lyceum
- pt:Liceu
- ru:Лицей
- sk:Lykeion
- tr:Lykeion
- uk:Середня загальноосвітня школа
Group 2
[edit]Starting from any of the following yields no problem links either:
- ar:بطنيات القدم
- bg:Коремоноги
- bs:Puževi
- ca:Gasteròpode
- cs:Plži
- da:Snegl
- de:Schnecken
- en:Gastropoda
- eo:Gastropodo
- es:Gastropoda
- et:Teod
- fa:شکمپایان
- fi:Kotilot
- fr:Gastropoda
- he:חלזונות - Gastropoda
- hr:Puževi
- hu:Csigák
- io:Gasteropodo
- is:Sniglar
- it:Gastropoda
- ja:腹足綱
- ka:მუცელფეხიანები
- ko:복족류
- la:Gastropoda
- lt:Pilvakojai
- lv:Gliemeži
- mk:Полжав
- nds-nl:Slekken
- nl:Slakken
- nn:Sniglar
- no:Snegler
- pl:Ślimaki
- pt:Gastrópodes
- qu:Wiksachaki
- ru:Брюхоногие
- simple:Gastropoda
- sk:Ulitníky
- sl:Polži
- sq:Kërmilli
- sr:Пужеви
- sv:Snäckor
- tr:Karından bacaklılar
- uk:Черевоногі
- zh:腹足纲
--Purodha Blissenbach 00:26, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
Group 2.B
[edit]starting from en:Slug yields a duplicate each for almost all languages, and collects all members of the above #Group 2, too. --Purodha Blissenbach 00:39, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
[edit]I've uploaded an automatic analysis for this area, it's here. It is based on database snapshots from late August 2008.
At least three "bottlenecks" in the graph of meanings can be identified:
- en:High school (23) - en:School (18). Introduced by cs:High school ---> he:בית ספר, already corrected by a bot.
- en:Gymnasium (school) (52) - en:Högstadiet (3) - en:Primary education (39). Introduced by nn:Ungdomsskule ---> el:Γυμνάσιο, no:Ungdomsskole ---> el:Γυμνάσιο, and sv:Högstadium --~> fi:Peruskoulu (interwiki to a redirect to a section). Still present.
- en:Secondary education in France (51) - en:Slug (40). Apparently due to a homonym in Farsi. fa:لیسه is now a disambiguation page, and all incoming interwiki should be directed either to fa:لیسه (حلزون) (meaning 40) or fa:لیسه (مدرسه) (meaning 51). Note: I don't speak Farsi I only have a very limited understanding of the Arabic alphabet, this point is based on pictures, structure of links. It should be double-checked by a Farsi speaker. --Bolo1729 10:32, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 21:43, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
- removed from en:Secondary education in France and fr:Lycée en France, changed interwiki to fa:لیسه (حلزون) elswhere. Andreas 15:42, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
Meaning 12
[edit]de:Klammeraffe ("@-sign") should be isolated. It is unrelated to en:slug (disambiguation). The link is caused by homonym hu:Csiga which means both "@" and "slug" as it appears to me. (Imho linking disambiguations other than literals (abbreviations, figures, codes) works usually only between related languages having very compatible sets of homonyms) --Purodha Blissenbach 21:43, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
- I removed the interwikis from these pages. Andreas 14:23, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
[edit]Currently, we have the situation where the search engine Google and the company Google Inc. are totally mixed up in the various interwikis. These need to be cleaned up and separated.
Search engine
[edit]- am:ጉግል ፍለጋ
- bn:গুগল অনুসন্ধান
- cs:Google (vyhledávač)
- de:Google
- en:Google search
- fr:Google (moteur de recherche)
- he:גוגל
- km:Google ស្វែងរក
- nl:Google (zoekmachine)
- no:Google Søk
- pl:Wyszukiwarka Google
- pt:Google search
- ru:Google
- tr:Google (arama motoru)
- zh:Google搜索
[edit]- af:Google
- am:ጉግል
- ar:جوجل
- bar:Google
- bn:গুগল (কোম্পানি)
- ca:Google
- cs:Google
- de:Google Inc.
- en:Google
- eo:Google
- es:Google
- fr:Google
- he:גוגל (חברה)
- is:Google
- km:Google
- nl:Google Inc.
- no:Google
- pt:Google
- pl:Google
- ru:Google (компания)
- tr:Google
- zh:Google公司
[edit]- az:Google
- bg:Google
- bs:Google
- ceb:Google
- cy:Google
- da:Google
- dsb:Google
- el:Google
- es:Google#Buscador
- et:Google
- eu:Google
- fa:جستجوی گوگل
- fa:گوگل
- fi:Google
- ga:Google
- gl:Google
- hi:गूगल
- hr:Google
- hsb:Google
- hu:Google kereső
- hu:Google, Inc.
- id:Google
- io:Google
- it:Google
- iu:ᒎᒐᓪ/guugal
- ja:Google
- ka:გუგლი
- kn:ಗೂಗಲ್
- ko:구글
- ku:Google
- ky:Google
- la:Google
- lb:Google
- lo:ກູໂກລ
- lt:Google
- lv:Google
- ml:ഗൂഗിള്
- mr:गूगल (कंपनी)
- mr:गूगल शोध
- mr:गूगल
- ms:Google
- nah:Google
- ne:गूगल
- nn:Google
- qu:Google
- rn:Google
- ro:Google
- sah:Google
- scn:Google
- sco:Google
- sd:گوگل
- sh:Google
- simple:Google
- sk:Google
- sl:Google
- sq:Google
- sr:Гугл
- sv:Google
- ta:கூகிள்
- th:กูเกิล เสิร์ช
- th:กูเกิล
- th:กูเกิล
- tl:Google
- tt:Google
- uk:Google
- ur:گوگل
- uz:Google
- vi:Google
- vls:Google
- wa:Google
- yi:גוגעל >> *yi:גוגל
- yo:Google
- zh-min-nan:Google
- zh-yue:Google
[edit]- bn:গুগল
- bn:গুগল (সংখ্যা) (should interwiki to en:Googol)
[edit]Here's an automated analysis of this component. Indeed: there are lots of incorrent interlanguage links between the meanings containing en:Google (meaning #9) and en:Google search (meaning #1). Interwikis to/from the two Bengali articles: bn:গুগল (সংখ্যা) and bn:গুগল (কোম্পানি) seem to be one of the core reasons of inconsistencies. --Bolo1729 11:25, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
- bn:গুগল (কোম্পানি) is de article about the corperation and the other is about the seach engine Carsrac 16:05, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
- The other is about the number en:Googol, I think. -- Prince Kassad 10:54, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Some languages don't distinguish between different google activities: they have one article for the google company, the search engine, and all other activities (gmail, gdocs, etc'). I suggest to classify such articles under a new category or under the google-company. What do you think? TaBaZzz 18:47, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
Going through the unknowns, I get to the following:
- az:Google
- don't know, but if forced to make a guess I would say company
- bg:Google
- company
- bs:Google
- either company or all activities, can be put under company
- ca:Google
- Both. ("Google Inc. és una corporació pública americana", but ca:Google#Cercador is about search engine)
- ceb:Google
- company: "Ang Google Inc. usa ka pampublikong korporasyon sa Estados Unidos"
- cs:Google (vyhledávač)
- search engine
- cs:Google
- company
- cy:Google
- I _think_ it is the company (it is in the "economy stubs" category), but I am not 100% sure
- da:Google
- search engine: "Google er en søgemaskine til internettet."
- dsb:Google
- don't know
- el:Google
- all services, hard to categorize
- eo:Google
- company: "Google [...] estas entrepreno kreita de Larry Page kaj Sergey Brin en 1998"
- es:Google#Buscador
- search engine (the article es:Google as a whole is about the company)
- et:Google
- don't know
- eu:Google
- don't know
- fa:جستجوی گوگل
- search engine (English term is given as "Google search")
- fa:گوگل
- don't know, but if "جستجوی گوگل" is the search engine, it would be logical for this to be the company
- fi:Google
- company (the 'full version' of the title is "Google Inc.")
- ga:Google
- don't know
- gl:Google
- company: "Google Inc. é a empresa propietaria da marca Google"
- hi:गूगल
- seems to be the company, but not 100% sure
- hr:Google
- hard to classify, in the first paragraph it calls Google a 'search engine', but later goes on to notice that Google has many other things as well. The page is proposed to be turned into a disambiguation page, apparently
- hsb:Google
- don't know
- hu:Google kereső
- search engine
- hu:Google, Inc.
- company, as can be seen even from the title
- id:Google
- company
- io:Google
- company: "Google esas granda kompanio"
- is:Google
- Company: "Google Inc. er bandarískt tölvufyrirtæki". Tölvufyrirtæki is the icelandic word for computer company, btw.--Snaevar 01:23, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
- it:Google
- search engine: "Google [...] è un motore di ricerca per Internet"
- iu:ᒎᒐᓪ/guugal
- no real content at all, so cannot be classified...
- ja:Google
- Company. The page ja:Googleのサービス is about the various services, for the search engine use the subpage ja:Googleのサービス#.E6.A4.9C.E7.B4.A2.E6.A9.9F.E8.83.BD
- ka:გუგლი
- Don't know
- kn:ಗೂಗಲ್
- Don't know
- ko:구글
- search engine
- ku:Google
- Looks like the search engine, but I'm not 100% sure
- ky:Google
- Don't know, substub
- la:Google
- Seems to be about _both_: "Google [...] est publica corporatio in Foederatis Civitatibus Americae, et sua machina quaesitoria quae paginas in tela invenit."
- lb:Google
- search engine: "Google ass eng Internet-Sichmaschinn vun der Firma Google Inc."
- lo:ກູໂກລ
- Not sure
- lt:Google
- search engine, but mentions the other aspects as well
- lv:Google
- ml:ഗൂഗിള്
- mr:गूगल (कंपनी)
- mr:गूगल शोध
- mr:गूगल
- ms:Google
- nah:Google
- ne:गूगल
- nn:Google
- no:Google Søk
- no:Google
- pt:Google search
- pt:Google
- qu:Google
- rn:Google
- ro:Google
- ru:Google
- sah:Google
- scn:Google
- sco:Google
- sd:گوگل
- sh:Google
- simple:Google
- sk:Google
- sl:Google
- sq:Google
- sr:Гугл
- sv:Google
- ta:கூகிள்
- th:กูเกิล เสิร์ช
- th:กูเกิล
- th:กูเกิล
- tl:Google
- tt:Google
- uk:Google
- ur:گوگل
- uz:Google
- vi:Google
- vls:Google
- wa:Google
- yi:גוגעל >> *yi:גוגל
- yo:Google
- zh-min-nan:Google
- zh-yue:Google
(still working on it as you see) - Andre Engels 08:44, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
Soldier - Military personnel
[edit]These two categories are interlinked:
In German, they do not seem to make a destintion between them, or they only have:
which is "person in the military" but actually, the category seems not to contain civil personnel, and only persons.
-- 22:36, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
- I've run an analysis for this case. The graph of meanings clearly shows that en:Category:Military personnel is the central category in this case. There is quite a lot of confusion between that and en:Category:Generals, as well as en:Category:Soldiers. --Bolo1729 10:16, 18 November 2008 (UTC)
- Civilian military persons? Hmmm... Actually, de:Kategorie:Militärperson includes the following subcategories containing (at least partly) civilians and/or noncombattants:
- According to the respective articles, a en:Solder is a combattant with land forces only, while a de:Soldat is is a combattant in any military force. Because of that difference in scope, matching categories are not to be expected on that level. --Latebird 22:49, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
Microsoft .NET vs Framework .NET
[edit]It is a three way situation in the language th, tr, eu, it and fr there are is an articles about the subject Microsoft .NET and one about Framework .NET.
In there other languages there is only one article.
Group 1
[edit]The Microsoft .NET group
Group 2
[edit]The .NET Framework group
Group 3
[edit]- cs:.NET
- eu:.NET
- fi:.NET
- hu:Microsoft .NET
- it:Microsoft .NET
- no:.NET
- sl:Microsoft .NET
- sv:.NET
- ta:.நெட ஃபிரேமவரக
Group 4
[edit]- ar:إطار عمل .نت This article is about en:.NET Framework. --Meno25 22:40, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
- bg:.NET Framework
- da:.NET (Microsoft)
- eu:.NET Framework
- is:.NET-umhverfið
- it:.NET Framework
- ja:.NET Framework
- ko:닷넷 프레임워크
- zh:.NET Framework
[edit]On the French wiki They say
[edit]"Je pense que ces articles pourraient être fusionnés. Qu'en pensez-vous ? --Scls19fr (d) 1 mars 2008 à 22:25 (CET)
- Oui, comme c'est déjà le cas dans plusieurs wiki étranger. En tout cas, je ne voit pas de différences entre les 2. D'ailleurs, les 2 pages étaient fusionnées à l'origine et les pages de discussions sont encore communes! Romainhk (QTx10) 4 mars 2008 à 21:30 (CET)"
- Somewhere else but also copied on the dutch wiki they say
" Hello, there is problem with two articles (Microsoft .NET and .NET Framework) on several wiki's. I think, that the best solution is to merge these articles, but it mus do people on these languages. JAn Dudík 8 sep 2008 17:01 (CEST)
I see. So we'll wait until it is changed in the other language, right? --Halvar 8 sep 2008 19:30 (CEST)"
from the danish .net talkpage
[edit]Please, choose the correct interwiki. On 8 langages are two articles, .NET Framework and Microsoft .Net. You have mixed both versions. Name and most interwiki is like Microsoft .NET, but you still revert changes. Now I make second version, so, you may choose. 2. nov 2007, 07:21 (CET)
- Could you please specify which 8 languages that have two articles? On enWiki, en:Microsoft .Net is a redirect to en:.NET Framework, on svWiki, sv:Microsoft .Net redirects to sv:Dotnet, on deWiki de:Microsoft .NET redirects to de:.NET - I haven't been able to find a single of the dual versions you are referring to. If you believe that some interwiki links are incorrect, then please specify them here, along with a reason why you think they are incorrect. -- JGC 2. nov 2007, 09:30 (CET)
First set:
bs:Microsoft .NET ca:.NET cs:.NET de:.NET es:.NET eu:.NET fi:.NET fr:Microsoft .NET he:.NET hr:.NET hu:Microsoft .NET it:Microsoft .NET nl:.NET no:.NET pl:.NET pt:Microsoft .NET ru:Microsoft .NET sl:Microsoft .NET sv:Dotnet ta:மைக்ராசாஃப்ட் .நெட் th:Microsoft .NET tr:NoktaNet uk:Microsoft .NET
Second set:
ar:إطارعمل دوتنت bg:.NET Framework en:.NET Framework es:.NET Framework eu:.NET Framework fr:Framework .NET it:.NET Framework ja:.NET Framework ko:닷넷 프레임워크 lt:.NET Framework pl:.NET Framework ru:.NET Framework th:ดอตเน็ตเฟรมเวิร์ก tr:.NET Framework zh:.NET Framework
Two artices are in: es,eu,fr,it,pl,ru,th,trTemplate:Usigneret
- I have changed your lists to make them clickable. I would be glad if you tried to describe the definition of the first vs the second set - none of the 8 wikis that do distinguish, are in a language that I understand. If I guess correctly, you would like the interwikis to distinguish between .NET as a development platform and .NET as a software component. There may be some reason in doing this, however I believe that when most wikis only have one article about .NET - and many of them quite elaborate ones - it will be a mistake to split them in different sets, according to which "main focus" they might have. As far as I can see, the "one .NET article"-wikis have articles that more or less covers both aspects of .NET - and to delink some of them, because a smaller group of wikis have two different .NET articles, would - in my mind - be a mistake. -- JGC 2. nov 2007, 14:31 (CET)
I don!t understant this problematic (and from these languages only little bit pl), But I run interwiki bot and these articles are problematic. Yes, maybe the best solution would be if all languages have only one article... 9. nov 2007, 16:15 (CET) ([:cs:User:JAn Dudík]])
About the name of the articles that is answered very well on the german wiki "Sollte dieser Artikel nicht richtigerweise auf .NET Framework lauten ?"
[edit]Ich bin etwas verwirrt bezüglich der Namensgebung für diesen Artikel. Ursprünglich gab es ja mal eine Menge von Softwareprodukten aus dem Hause Microsoft, die den Namen .NET tragen sollten bzw. es sollte alles irgendwie mal .NET sein. Übrig geblieben ist davon letztendlich das .NET Framework, das in diesem Artikel ja auch (ausschließlich) beschrieben wird. Ich denke der Korrektheit halber sollte der Artikel daher auch .NET Framework und nicht .NET heißen. Insbesondere da .NET mittlerweile semantisch nur noch als Abkürzung für das .NET Framework bzw. für Technologien, die im Rahmen des .NET Frameworks realisiert wurden, verwendet wird.
--Robert Niemann 12:40, 29. Aug. 2008 (CEST)
- sehe ich genauso. Was meinen die anderen? --Kurt Seebauer 09:56, 30. Aug. 2008 (CEST)
- Ich ebenfalls.
- Sehe ich ebenso. .NET ist die Technologie, um diese nutzen zu können, braucht man ein .NET Framework. Diese kann, muss aber (Beispiel Mono) nicht von MS sein. Das für Windows heißt bei MS gaaaanz offiziel: .NET Framework. Es verhält sich ähnlich wie bei J2EE: J2EE ist eine Spezifikation und kein Produkt, analog .NET. .NET ist die Spezifikation, das Framework die technische Umsetzung. Es scheint so als haben die Autoren dieses Artikel nie bei MS vorbeigeschaut - dort ist stets vom .NET Framework die Rede - der erste Weblink ist das beste Beispiel. PF20080901
In short my point of view
[edit].Net is the general name and .NET Framework or Microsoft ,NET are the names you use if you are talking from one POV and that is view that there is only OS in the world. So the last four last versions that not merged need to merged and the rest needs to renamed to .NET Carsrac 08:39, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
[edit]en:Rice, which is concidered an important article lacks a lot of iw-links, probably due to some iw-conflict.
Group 1
[edit]Links from en:Rice
- ar:أرز
- ca:Arròs
- cv:Рис
- cs:Rýže setá
- ch:Ineksa
- de:Reis
- es:Oryza sativa
- fa:برنج
- gl:arroz
- ko:쌀
- hi:चावल
- is:Hrísgrjón
- it:Oryza sativa
- he:אורז
- jv:Pantun
- sw:Mpunga
- la:Oryza
- lt:Sėjamasis ryžis
- lij:Riso
- ml:അരി
- ms:Beras
- ja:米
- pl:Ryż siewny
- ru:Рис
- sk:Ryža siata
- sv:Rissläktet
- uk:Рис
- vi:Gạo
- zh:稻属
Group 2
[edit]Links from no:ris
- ar:أرز (نبات)
- zh-min-nan:Tiū
- bs:Riža
- bg:Ориз
- ca:Arròs
- cs:Rýže
- cy:Reis
- da:Ris
- de:Reis
- el:Ρύζι
- eo:Rizo
- eu:Arroz
- fr:Riz
- gl:Arroz
- zh-classical:稻
- ko:벼
- hr:Riža
- io:Rizo
- ilo:Pagay
- id:Padi
- he:אורז
- ka:ბრინჯი (გვარი)
- rw:Umuceli
- ht:Diri
- ln:Lɔ́sɔ
- jbo:rismi
- hu:Rizs
- mk:Ориз
- ms:Padi
- nl:Rijst
- ja:イネ
- nn:Ris
- pt:Arroz
- ro:Orez
- qu:Arrus
- ru:Рис
- sq:Orizi
- simple:Rice
- sl:Riž
- sr:Пиринач
- fi:Riisi
- tl:Palay
- ta:நெல்
- th:ข้าว
- vi:Lúa
- tr:Pirinç (çeltik)
- uk:Рис
- yi:רייז
- zh:稻
[edit]This is the way they are grouped at the moment, not how I suggest they should be grouped. Some languages have the same article included in both groups, while a few have different articles. English has no article in group 1, so maybe the best starting point is one of the languages with two articles (f.x. cs), and then the others can be placed where they fit better. Wikijens 18:28, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
Lang | General | Oryza | Oryza sativa (asian) | Oryza glaberrima (african) |
en | Rice | Oryza | Oryza sativa | African rice |
cs | Rýže | Rýže setá | ||
ko | 벼 | 쌀 | ||
ja | 米 | イネ | ||
zh | 稻属 | 稻 | ||
uk | Рис | Рис (рід) | Рис посівний | Рис африканський |
es | Oryza | Oryza sativa | ||
it | Riso (alimento) | Oryza sativa | ||
is | Hrísgrjón |
An attempt to classify the articles. I don't understand all these languages, so it's just a guess. Please correct any mistakes. English article Oryza sativa has no iw's at the moment. Wikijens 13:06, 10 January 2009 (UTC) I have expanded the table a bit. Spanish article Oryza sativa seems to describe rice in general and might fot better in the first group. Wikijens 14:36, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
It is correct that ja:イネ is about Oryza sativa. But ja:米 is about cooked rice.--Fryed-peach 17:27, 11 February 2009 (UTC)- Sorry, that is wrong. --Fryed-peach 05:10, 2 April 2009 (UTC)
[edit]There is an iw-conflict concerning the term time trial in cycling and other sports. French has an article fr:Contre-la-montre about the phenomenon in cycling (both individual and team version in same article). English has an article en:Time trial which is more general (not only cycling) and two seperate articles for cycling (en:Individual time trial and en:Team time trial.
Group 1
[edit]General (all sports)
Group 2
[edit]Cycling (individual and team)
Group 3
[edit]Cycling (individual)
Group 4
[edit]Cycling (team)
[edit]I just added a few languages in each group. Wikijens 13:00, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Describe the case here: what is the starting point of the problem, what causes the conflict, write a general proposal for fixing.
If it is possible, try to find out which are the groups of articles that should be fixed and list them here by language. Try giving every group a meaningful name.
a 1992 film
[edit]- ca:Alguns homes bons
- en:A Few Good Men
- cy:A Few Good Men
- de:Eine Frage der Ehre
- it:Codice d'onore (film 1992)
- he:בחורים טובים
- da:Et spørgsmål om ære
- no:Et spørsmål om ære
- sv:På heder och samvete (film)
- nl:A Few Good Men
- fr:Des hommes d'honneur
- ru:Несколько хороших парней (фильм)
- es:A few good men
- pt:A Few Good Men
- fi:Kunnian miehiä
- sr:Неколико добрих људи
- pl:Ludzie honoru
- ko:어 퓨 굿 맨
- ja:ア・フュー・グッドメン
a play by Aaron Sorkin
[edit](Optional discussion.)
[edit]en:Radioactivity redirects to en:Radioactive decay. That could be a problem:
zh:放射性 (Hillgentleman removed the interwiki links, added one pointing to en:radioactivity, and added template:nobot)
Confusion between Publishing, Printing, Edition etc.
This section wasn't checked. Possibly there are duplications.
- bs:Publikacija
- cs:Publikace
- de:Publikation
- eo:Eldono
- fr:Publication
- hr:Publikacija
- hu:Publikáció
- it:Editoria
- nl:Publicatie
- no:Publikasjon
- qu:Uyaychay
- ru:Публикация
- sv:Publikation
- zh:出版物
- es:Edición
- he:הוצאה לאור
- it:Editoria
- cs:Edice
- de:Edition
- es:Edición de libros
- hi:प्रकाशन
- ja:出版
- mk:Издаваштво
- pt:Editoração
- qu:Liwru ch'ipachina
- ru:Издательское дело
- scn:Pubbricazzioni
- ta:பதிப்பகம்
- uk:Видавнича справа
- zh:出版
- ar:طباعة
- ca:Impressió
- es:Impresión
- he:דפוס
- it:Stampa
- zh:印刷
- ja:印刷
- zh-yue:印刷
- cs:Knihtisk
- cy:Argraffu
- da:Bogtryk
- de:Buchdruck
- el:Τυπογραφία
- eo:Presarto
- fi:Kirjapainotaito
- fr:Gravure
- id:Percetakan
- is:Prentun
- ko:인쇄
- lt:Spauda
- lv:Tipogrāfija
- nl:Boekdrukkunst
- nn:Trykking
- no:Trykking
- pl:Druk
- pt:Impressão
- ru:Книгопечатание
- scn:Mprissioni
- simple:Printing
- sk:Kníhtlač
- sq:Shtypi
- sr:Штампарство
- sv:Tryckteknik
- ta:அச்சிடல்
- th:การพิมพ์
- tl:Pag-imprenta
- tr:Matbaacılık
- uk:Друкарство
- ur:طباعت
- vi:In ấn
- yi:דרוקעריי
Publishing house/person
[edit]Short description from nl:Overleg:Röntgenfoto#Interwiki conflict:
Now the article nl:Röntgenfoto (and relevant redirect from nl:Röntgenopname) interwiki links to more general terms: de:Röntgen, en:Radiography, uk:Радіографія etc. I suggest to correct interwiki to more specific articles: de:Röntgenaufnahme and uk:Рентгенограма.
Group 1
[edit]Seems to be valid group:
- de:Röntgenaufnahme - didn't exict any more in redirect to de:Röntgen
- nl:Röntgenopname
- uk:Рентгенограма
Group 2
[edit]Group in nl:Röntgenfoto, seems to be invalid (links to more general term)
- ar:تصوير شعاعي
- be:Рэнтгенаграфія
- ca:Radiografia
- cy:Radiograffi
- de:Röntgen
- en:Radiography
- es:Radiografía
- eu:Erradiografia
- fa:پرتونگاری
- fr:Radiographie
- he:רדיוגרפיה
- id:Radiografi
- it:Radiografia convenzionale
- ja:X線撮影
- ms:Radiografi
- no:Radiografi
- nrm:X-raiethie
- pl:Zdjęcie rentgenowskie
- pt:Radiografia
- ro:Radiografie
- ru:Рентгенография
- sl:Radiografija
- sr:Радиографија
- te:ఎక్స్రేచిత్రణ (రేడియోగ్రఫీ)
- uk:Радіографія
- zh-min-nan:Tiān-kong liap-iáⁿ
[edit]uk:Рентгенограма is an image (X-ray photograph, roentgenogram).
uk:Рентгенографія (and ru:Рентгенография) is a technology of obtaining such images (X-ray imaging, roentgenography).
And uk:Радіографія is a more general technology of obtainig images from radiation (not only X-rays), for example, in mineralogy, for radio-active minerals analysis.
So, it seems there should be 3 groups. Olexa Riznyk (talk) 22:48, 20 June 2012 (UTC)
- Hello. I agree, these three are about different things, at least this was told during the study in medical school... Thus, it should belong to 3 different groups. Regards, --Andrux (talk) 08:53, 31 July 2012 (UTC)
[edit]In some languages we have two article of curator, one general and one for art curator. In addition, in many languages the hebrew link is to אוצר and it need to change to he:אוצר (מקצוע).
Group 1
[edit]global curator
- bs:Kustos
- ca:Comissari
- da:Kurator
- de:Kurator
- en:Curator
- fi:Kuraattori
- fr:Commissaire d'exposition
- he:אוצר (מקצוע)
- id:Kurator
- ja:キュレーター
- no:Kurator
- pl:Kustosz
- pt:Curador
- ro:Curator
- ru:Куратор
- sv:Kurator (museum)
- sl:Kustos
- th:ภัณฑารักษ์
- tr:Küratör
Group 2
[edit]Conservator - art/museum curator
- de:Kurator (Museum)
- en:Conservator (museum)
- es:Conservador (arte)
- fr:Conservateur de musée
- pt:Curador (artes)
- ms:Kurator
- nl:Conservator
- no:Konservator
- pt:Curador (artes)
- sv:Konservator
[edit]- de:Restaurator
- es:corador - it is a disambiguation page
- fr:Curateur
- ja:学芸員 - a japanes museum???
- nl:Curator - it is a disambiguation page
- pl:Kurator - same to en:Legal guardian or pl:Opiekun??
[edit](Optional discussion.)
[edit]Status: Done -- 13:53, 29 January 2012 (UTC)
Some interwikis need to be corrected -- 04:20, 24 January 2012 (UTC):
Mobile Operating Systems
[edit]Mobile Operating Systems: Interwiki to edit | Interwikis to (remove from it) and add in it | Status |
cs:Kategorie:Operační systémy pro mobilní zařízení | diff | ![]() |
en:Category:Mobile operating systems | diff | ![]() |
fa:رده:سیستمعاملهای موبایل | diff | ![]() |
ko:분류:모바일 운영 체제 | diff | ![]() |
ml:വർഗ്ഗം:മൊബൈൽ ഓപ്പറേറ്റിങ് സിസ്റ്റം | diff | ![]() |
ms:Kategori:Sistem pengendalian bimbit | diff | ![]() |
pl:Kategoria:Mobilne systemy operacyjne | diff | ![]() |
pt:Categoria:Sistemas operacionais móveis | diff | ![]() |
ru:Категория:Операционные системы для мобильных устройств | diff | ![]() |
sk:Kategória:Operačné systémy pre mobilné zariadenia | diff | ![]() |
uk:Категорія:Мобільні операційні системи | diff | ![]() |
Mobile Phone Operating Systems
[edit]Mobile Phone Operating Systems: Interwiki to edit | Interwikis to (remove from it) and add in it | Status |
ar:تصنيف:أنظمة تشغيل الهاتف المحمول | diff | ![]() |
de:Kategorie:Smartphone-Betriebssystem | diff | ![]() |
en:Category:Mobile phone operating systems | diff | ![]() |
fa:رده:سیستمعاملهای تلفن همراه | diff | ![]() |
hu:Kategória:Mobiltelefonos operációs rendszerek | diff | ![]() |
ml:വർഗ്ഗം:മൊബൈൽ ഫോൺ ഓപ്പറേറ്റിംഗ് സിസ്റ്റങ്ങൾ | diff | ![]() |
ms:Kategori:Sistem pengendalian telefon bimbit | diff | ![]() |
no:Kategori:Operativsystemer for mobile enheter | diff | ![]() |
uk:Категорія:Операційні системи мобільних телефонів | diff | ![]() |
Problematic cases
[edit](Articles that you can´t sort on your own)
(Of course, there can be Group 3, Group 4, etc.)
[edit](Optional discussion.)