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Global Data and Insights/Movement Data/Equity Landscape/Metrics Schema Table

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Equity Landscape

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Build 1 Metrics:

Domain Objective Presence Inputs Growth Inputs
Readership Understand each country's relative presence and growth of readers using average monthly unique devices and average monthly pageviews as the proxy measures. Average monthly unique devices by calendar year (50%)

Average monthly non-spider pageviews by calendar year (50%)

Average monthly unique devices growth rate (50%)

Average monthly  pageviews growth rate (50%)

Editorship Understand each country's relative presence and growth in terms of proportion of average monthly editors, and active editors as the proxy measures. Wikipedia average unique monthly editors (33.3%)

Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikisource, Commons, Mediawiki average unique monthly editors (33.3%)

% editors active or very active (33.3%)

Wikipedia average unique monthly editors annual growth rate (50%)

Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikisource, Commons, Mediawiki average unique monthly editors annual growth rate (50%)

Programs & Events Leadership
Understand the relative presence and capacity for Wikimedia programs in each country. Programs & Events Dashboard event organizers (US/Canada & Global) (33.3%)

Programs & Events Dashboard event participants (US/Canada & Global) (33.3%)

Historic & Annual non-affiliate project or program grants (33.3%)

Due to the newness of the metric in development, a growth facet will not be possible until late in FY24
Grants Leadership Understand the relative presence and capacity of Wikimedia grants in each country. Historic Grants USD weighted by GDP per capita PPP (33.3%)

Annual Grants USD weighted by GDP per capita PPP (33.3%)

Historic grants count (16.7%)

Annual grant count (16.7%)

Grants value annual growth factor (annualized over 5 years) (100%)
Affiliate Leadership Understand the relative presence and capacity for affiliate organizing in each country. Highest governance type (16.7%)

Local affiliates tenure (max) (16.7%)

Operating affiliates tenure (average) (16.7%)

Affiliate grants share of local grants (16.7%)

Affiliate count (16.7%)

Affiliate size (16.7%)

Affiliate size category annual ordinal growth (33%)

Governance type annual ordinal growth (33%)

Local affiliates count annual growth (33%)

Access Understand the relative internet access status and growth in access for each country. World Bank Population Accessing Internet (33.3%)

GSMA Mobile Connectivity Score (33.3%)

Social Progress Index: (33.3%)

  • Access to Information
  • Access to Basic Knowledge
Population accessing the internet annual growth rate (33.3%)

GSMA Mobile Connectivity Score annual growth rate (33.3%)

Social Progress Index scores annual growth rate (33.3%)

Freedom Understand the relative democratic freedom status and growth in such freedoms for each country. Varieties of Democracy (VDem) (33.3%)

World Press Freedom Index (33.3%)

Control of Corruption Score (33.3%)

VDem Indicator annual growth rate (33.3%)

World Press Freedom Index annual growth rate (33.3%)

Control of Corruption annual growth rate (33.3%)

Population Understand the relative population presence and growth in population for each country. World Bank Population (100%) World Bank population annual growth rate (100%)
Rank in under-representation Understand what the relative gap in Wikimedia presence and growth is compared to the population presence and growth in each country. Population (50%)

Overall Engagement (50%)

Overall Engagement Understand what the overall level of engagement in each country is across the domains of readers, editors and movement organizers in the programs, grants, and affiliates spaces. Readership (25%), Editorship (25%), Grants Leadership (25%), Affiliate Leadership (25%)

* awaiting Program & Events metric to shift to 20% each)

Overall Enablement Understand the overall momentum for the enablement of growth in each country based on access, freedoms, and available population. Access (50%), Freedom (50%)

Additional Context Metrics in exploration:

Domain/Facet Objective Available Signal Measures
Estimated Contributor Gender Gap Understand the extent of our contributor gender gap in each country. Estimated Contributor Gender Ratios (% women)

World Bank Gender Ratios (% of total population women)

Gender Inequality Understand the extent to which gender inequality may be a factor in each country. Gender Inequality Index

Gender Development Index

Human Development Understand the relative human development status for each country. Human Development Index (HDI)

Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers

Income Index (GNI per capita)

Income-adjusted HDI (IHDI)

Palma Ratio To input to our understanding of the extent to which income inequality may be a factor in each country. Income held by the richest 10%

Income held by the poorest 40%

Income Inequality Understand the extent to which income inequality may be a factor in each country. Income Inequality GINI Index

Palma Ratio

Human Inequality Understand the extent to which overall human inequality in life expectancy, education, and income may be a factor in each country. Overall loss in HDI due to inequality

Coefficient of Human Inequality

Inclusion Understand the level of inclusive practices and avoidance of oppression/exclusion of minority status population groups. Peoples Under Threat

Inclusiveness Index