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Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Support

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Please note that the following list does not include all the institutions and companies supporting WIkimania 2016.

Support by Role
Wikimedia Italia With general assembly vote in October 2013 (further specified in April 2014), Wikimedia Italia is promoter of Wikimania Esino Lario.
  1. Promotes Wikimania Esino Lario.
  2. Makes sure the event is properly communicated to its community (Wikimedia Italia communication tools: website, social networks, newsletters, mailing lists, meetings, general assembly).
  3. Involves its volunteers in attending the event and in contributing to the planning and organization of the event.
  4. Contributes to the event with the involvement of its staff during the week of Wikimania Esino Lario (in-kind contribution).
Wikimedia CH With the board resolution in February 2014, Wikimedia CH supports and co-promotes Wikimania Esino Lario.
  1. Promotes Wikimania Esino Lario
  2. Make sure the event is properly communicated to its community (Wikimedia CH communication tools: website, social networks, newsletters, mailing lists, meetings, general assembly)
  3. Involves its volunteers in attending the event and in contributing to the planning and organization of the event
  4. Contributes to the event with the involvement of its staff during Wikimania Esino Lario (in-kind contribution).
  5. Supports the organization of special events and excursions in Switzerland
  6. Decides its eventual in-kind and financial support to Wikimania Esino Lario in its next budget and financial plan.

Wikimedia CH could be the institution applying to Swiss grant-makers.

Esino Lario city council It has expressed its support September 2013; the city council has also produced a board resolution which officially supports the bid.
  1. Free use to city council infrastructures: Villa Clotilde, multimedia room of the Museo delle Grigne, former Museum della Grigne, Primary School, Sport hall/multifunctional space.
  2. Volunteer commitment of different former members of the city council to contribute to the organization of the event.
  3. Access to information necessary to plan and organize the event.
  4. The city council manages the interventions on public infrastructures.
  5. The city council – as legal responsible of the Ecomuseo delle Grigne – is currently lead organization in presenting applications to grant-makers.
Ecomuseo delle Grigne and Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus (managing non profit association of the ecomuseum) It has expressed its support September 2013. The Ecomuseo delle Grigne is a Esino Lario civic institution managed by the Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus.
  1. Ecomuseo delle Grigne is a promoter of the event.
  2. The ecomuseo contributes to the event by involving its community and network of associations
  3. Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus has confirmed a support of 10'000 euro.
  4. Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus – as organization managing the Ecomuseo delle Grigne – is currently lead organization in presenting applications to grant-makers.
Pro Loco Esino Lario It has expressed its support September 2013. Pro Loco will be partner of the event and it will directly promote activities and initiatives in Esino Lario. It will have a key role in managing volunteers and in taking care of some of the tasks necessary to implement the event in Esino Lario. Pro Loco are local associations meant to manage events. The involvement of Pro Loco Esino Lario is a great advantage for the event because of its experience and because of the specific legislative advantages local Pro Loco have. A meeting between Pro Loco and Wikimedia Italia is necessary to define a partnership agreement, but in general we already envision the role of Pro Loco Esino Lario as following
  • being the organizer of the event in Esino Lario
  • managing the smaller reimbursements for the accommodation
  • managing the tensile structure and the coffee breaks
  • managing the necessary licenses (siae); Pro Loco have a specific less expensive fee.
  • facilitating the involvement of volunteers.
Comunità montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera and Regional Grigne Park Support letter received February 2014 and renovated in December 2014 by the new president.
  1. Support of the event.
  2. Involvement of the Comunità montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera and Regional Grigne Park in the organization of excursions and in the program of workshops and activities for children.
Company ODL Confirmation of financial support of 5'000 euro received November 2014. ODL is a local company which expresses with its contribution the support to Esino Lario, its territory and community.
Company A+E Milano srl Confirmation of in-kind support (correspondent to a value of 3'000-5'000 euro) received November 2014. The company is a communication company producing graphics, prints, leaflets, brochures, and other communication materials. Its support will be used for the communication materials of Wikimania (welcome beds, program)

