このページは 中国語版ウィキペディア に関する説明記事です。コメントは自由に追加してください。
This page is severely outdated; most contents describe situations prior to 2010 or so.
開始: May 2001; content in Chinese added since October 2002
現在の規模: 記事 1,466,442 項目
総編集数: 86,029,721
アクティブな編集者: 7,206 人/月
- 得意分野
- Multiple writing systems for simplified/traditional Chinese (see below)
- Popular culture of Greater China
- Retractable sidebar for legacy Vector skin enabled for all users
- 弱点分野
- Blocked in the People's Republic of China (see Wikimedia projects blocks)
- Due to the cultural difference and the difference in translation among PRC, HK, TW and other communities, there are often disputes and edit conflicts, especially for political articles. Thus, the time consuming process of dispute resolution and consensus building is required.
- Absence of software robots for vandal fighting.
- Most users good at translation do not have sufficient time, and those who have sufficient time are weak in translation. As a result, many articles are left partially translated.
- Who is the competitor?
- オンライン
- Baidu Baike (百度百科)
- Britannica Online (大英在線)
- Wordpedia (智慧藏百科全書網)
- Yahoo! Answers (雅虎知识堂 / Yahoo!奇摩知識 / 雅虎知識+)
- various websites (especially some mirror sites) using content from the Chinese Wikipedia without attribution
- 印刷
- Encyclopedia of China (中国大百科全书)
- Taipedia (台灣大百科全書 | Grand Taiwan Encyclopedia)
Prominent milestones/events
- Blocked and unblocked by the People's Republic of China
- January 2005 - new Chinese mapping software
- August 2006 - First ever Chinese Wikimedia conference in Hong Kong
- その影響はどのようなものでしたか?
- Cooperation among Taiwan, HK and PRC users, has created better understanding of respective viewpoints.
- どの言語機能が難しいですか?
- At least two main writing systems exist - 繁体字と簡体字。 Until January 2005, zh.wp was a mix of articles of both types depending on the origin of the article creator/editors. User:Mountain helped create a generic automated mapping system which has helped other languages as well, such as Serbian. See the article: Automatic conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese
- What would surprise the outside reader about the community?
- Even though it is generally blocked in the PRC, a significant number of core contributors are able to use proxy software to get to Wikipedia.
- Community makeup - one quarter from Hong Kong, one quarter from Taiwan, and the rest smaller numbers from China, US, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia and other locations. (As of end of 2006, see CWMC 2006)
- Chapters
- ウィキメディア・台湾 (既存)
- ウィキメディア・香港 (2017年2月1日をもって解散)
- ウィキメディア・マカオ (2017年解散)
- ウィキメディア・中国本土 (ideas)
- 利用者グループ
- 中華人民共和国利用者グループ (2020年9月30日をもって解散)
- What are some unique practices/characteristics?
- TK
- Who were the earliest participants, who started it?
- Mountain & Formulax
- Other prominent Wikipedians?
- KJ
- Shizhao
- Theodoranian
- Ting Chen