Wikiztegia/Wikiztegiko Izugarrizko Taldea
Wiktionary Tremendous Group edo Wikiztegiko Izugarrizko Taldea (WTG), talde informal bat da nahi duena Lankide Talde bilakatu, eta horrela, Wikiztegi guztiak sustatu eta haien potentzialtasun guztiak garatu.
- CH Wikimedia CH
- GB Wikimedia UK
- KR 위키미디어 한국
- US-NYC Wikimedia New York City
- CAT Amical Wikimedia
- ESP-WE Wikiesfera Grupo de Usuarixs
- H-GAPS H-GAPS User Group
- NGA-HA Hausa Wikimedians User Group
- NGA-IG Igbo Wikimedians User Group
- RU-Don Don Wikimedians User Group
- US-NE New England Wikimedians
- WJ WikiJournal
- WK? Whose Knowledge?
Talde honek nahi du komunitateen arteko komunikazioa erraztu, Wikiztegiak sustatu eta hobekuntza teknikoak elkarren artean koordinatu. Era berean, lankideak lagundu nahi ditu diru laguntza proposamenak idazteko beren beharretara egokituko direnak, batez ere topaketen edo konferentzien antolaketara bideratzen direnak.
- * Informazioa partekatu – Wikiztegiaren inguruko argitalpenak bildu eta jarraipena egin, eta hobetu informazio lexikografikoan oinarritutako datuak. Lankidetzak, eztabaidak eta proiektuen tarteko helmugak sustatu.
- * Barne-komunikazioa hobetu – proiektuari buruzko hausnarketak, hezkuntza edukiak eta ikusizko materiala partekatu Wikiztegia sustatzeko (bannerrak, liburuxkak, gidak,…)
- * Datu base lexiko baterantz – Wikhiztegiak Wikidatan sartzeko ideiak eta proposamenak bildu, eta Wikiztegiaren garapen teknologikoan eragile sustatzaile nagusia izan.
- LexiSaioa – komunitate desberdinetako Wikilarien topaketa saioak egitea denok batera proiektu guztiak era berean garatzeko.
- Meetings – organize meetings, meet-ups, conventions, trainings or classes for beginners. Also, offer for wiktionarians to visit institutions or other contributors, in residence or for small projects.
- * Erakargarritasuna – Wikiztegiaren edukia ezagutzera ematea, beste proiektu kolaboratiboekin eta erakundeekin loturak handitzea (lexikografoak, hizkuntzalariak, argitaratzaileak, …), bi helburu nagusirekin: hezkuntza eta hizkuntza aniztasuna.
WTGren historia laburra
A need to gather Wiktionarian contributors emerged in Lyon, in 2015. A local group of contributors, started to communicate about their beloved project, wrote a monthly news page on Wiktionary and organized a monthly meetup focused on Wiktionary. They made a presentation of their path at Wikimania 2016, titled How the French Wiktionary became a grown-up project.
Then, they held an informal meeting about Wiktionary the same day (June 2016), to which 23 people came and formed the foundation for this group. Plenty of goals have been explored during Wikimania 2016 to reinforce Wiktionary in the wikiverse. This page, and the possibility of having a group also have been influenced by Wikisource Community User Group and The Wikinewsie Group. This group have a goal but no precise direction, so feel free to comment on every aspect of this page. Keep in mind that this page is translated into other languages, so be specific when you add or remove something to help translators.
During the first years, beside documentation, our main action was Lexisession. After five years of activities, a First Lustrum Appraisal was proposed. In a way, it acts as an epitaph for the group. Despite a large number of affiliates, this group failed to support a collective action. Most of the activity stayed on the French Wiktionary but failed to spread to other communities. Since the appraisal, this user group could be considered inactive.
Kide izan
Talde hau irekia dago Wikiztegia aritu edo haren zale den edonorentzat. Ez dago bestelako betebeharrik.
Discussions will mainly be in Meta and will be translated as much as possible. Some discussions may take place via the mailing-list wiktionary-l.
This group aims to be without any hierarchy between contributors. We hope to treat all languages equally, despite the fact that translations will probably be made in too few languages. If this group grows in size, we may consider establishing local liaisons. Decisions, if some may happen, will be taken by a lack of protestation or with a consensus depending on the topic in concern.
Communication with the Wikimedia Foundation
Active members
- No one.
Izugarrizko kideak
You are welcome to show your enthusiasm for this User Group by adding your name in this list. You may also want to do something? Join the list of active members!
- Noé (fr.wikt)
- Delarouvraie (fr.wikt)
- Lyokoï (fr.wikt, Commons, WS)
- Jberkel (en.wikt, pt.wikt)
- psychoslave (fr.wikt, eo.wikt)
- Lydia Pintscher (WD)
- Daniel Kinzler (WD)
- Epantaleo (en.wikt)
- Ariel1024 (he.wikt)
- Otourly (fr.wikt, fr.WP, Commons, fr.WS,...)
- VIGNERON (fr.wikt, WS, WD,…)
- Shavtay (he.wikt)
- TaronjaSatsuma (ca.wikt)
- Rodelar (es.WP, WD)
- Marcmiquel (ca.wikt)
- Xenophôn (fr.WP)
- Jitrixis (fr.WP, WD)
- Xabier Cañas (eu.wikt)
- Nattes à chat (fr.WP)
- LaMèreVeille (fr.WP)
- GastelEtzwane (fr.WP)
- Rich Farmbrough (en.wikt)
- Ernest-Mtl (WS)
- tpt (WS, WD)
- M0tty (fr.WP)
- Nemo (it.quote, Meta, twn)
- Pamputt (fr.wikt, WD)
- Thibaut120094 (fr.wikt)
- JackPotte (fr.wikt)
- Sebleouf (fr.WP)
- Kimdime (fr.WP)
- S The Singer (talk) (fr.WP, fr.wikt, de.WP, de.wikt, en.WP, en.wikt, Commons, fr.Wikisource, fr.Wikiquote, and interested in kotava)
- Amqui (fr.wikt, fr.wikivoy, fr.wp)
- LA2 (en.wikt, ru.wikt, sv.wikt, da.wikt, sv.wikipedia)
- Satdeep Gill (pa.wikt, pa.wp, Commons)
- Micru (WD, WS)
- Vive la Rosière (WT fr-en, WS fr, commons)
- Tofeiku (previously Malaysiaboy) (ms.wikt & other languages)
- Stalinjeet (pa.wikt, pa.wp, Commons)
- Aryamanarora (en.wikt, hi.wikt)
- TAKASUGI Shinji (fr.wikt, en.wikt, commons)
- Kvardek du (talk) (fr.wikt)
- Reda Kerbouche (fr.wikt, shy.wikt, ru.wikt, fr.WP, en.WP, ar.WP)
- Great11
- Balajijagadesh (talk) (ta.wikt, ta.wikisource)
- KuboF Hromoslav (WD, eo.voy,
- Teromakotero (WMFI) (WD, fi.WB)
- Info-farmer (talk) (ta.wikt, ta.WS, ta.WP, Commons)
- Bodhisattwa (talk) (
- Jayprakash (Talk (mediawiki, wikitech)
- JogiAsad (sdwiktionary, urWiktionary, enwikt)
- Tn4196 (talk) (vec.wikt)
- Stephen (en.wikt, nv.WP)
- J ansari (Talk) (en.wikt, hi.wikt, & other)
- Dr. Rajwinder Singh (talk) 04:56, 27 September 2019 (UTC)
- --Lokesha kunchadka (talk) 07:32, 21 October 2019 (UTC)
- कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया (talk) (hi-wikt)
- Rajeeb (talk) (bn-wikt & other Wikimedia projects)
- WikiLucas00 (fr.wikt, commons, lingualibre)
- signed ~Em-em talk (ha-wikt & other Wikimedia projects)
- Vis M (talk) (ml.wikt, en.wikt, WD LD lexemes)
- Haweey7575 (talk) 08:14, 1 April 2024 (UTC)
- Abubakr1111 (talk) 16:08, 22 July 2024 (UTC)
- ✒ Bennylin (id.wikt, jv.wikt, lexemes)