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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Ymblanter in topic Legacy admin rights

Italian Wikivoyage

See also stats:wikivoyage/EN/TablesWikipediaIT.htm

At this time voyage/it has only two active contributors assiduously I think it is better to move it on incubator until there is an adequate number of contributors 21:01, 23 December 2012 (UTC)

Why is it better? The project is more active than most small wikis. And as far I can see there's also not much vandalism/spam. Greetings, Vogone (talk) 21:04, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
Because two contributors is not yet a community but a personal site for a wikimedia major project in the near future and if I'm not mistaken wikimedia requires more than three users for a project82.51.127.28 21:19, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
To get out of the incubator, there should be five active users. But here we talk about an existing project, with a lot of content to be maintained. Nobody closes existing projects just because some active users have left.--Ymblanter (talk) 01:02, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
It's probably safe to say that wv/it will gain contributors once we leave Beta and put up a notice, send out the press release, etc. --Peter Talk 01:50, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
Absolutely.--Ymblanter (talk) 02:28, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
Regardless, it will not be closed with two active contributors and an existing body of content for sure. The solution at most would be to get involved with it, rather than asking for it to be moved back to the incubator. Snowolf How can I help? 05:58, 10 January 2013 (UTC)

Legacy admin rights

Where do we request legacy admin rights for "new" language versions? es and pt both currently have no admins! Texugo needs bureaucrat rights for :es and :pt, I need them for :es only. --Peter Talk 17:49, 5 January 2013 (UTC)

Rather than do that every time, couldn't we have a discussion here demonstrating that there is support for legacy rights? --Peter Talk 05:55, 7 January 2013 (UTC)
Support -- Peter and Texugo for admin and bureaucrat rights per Peter's above request. Please make it so before January 15 public launch. --Rogerhc (talk) 01:38, 8 January 2013 (UTC)
I'd argue that getting legacy rights (so if a user had adminship on the old equivalent Wikivoyage language version) shouldn't require any particular votes/discussion but rather could be just granted as "part of the migration". Thehelpfulone 18:22, 8 January 2013 (UTC)
The users active in es.wy are currently holding sysop elections at es:voy:Wikiviajes:Elección de administradores temporales. I'd think everyone who wants to be an admin there should candidate there as well. If a user previously was an active contributor and sysop already on Wikitravel, his request for adminship will probably met with approval by the community. --MF-W 19:22, 8 January 2013 (UTC)

Hi, I´m still wondering how I can get the burocrat/admin rights on pt:/es:. Can anyone help me out here? Texugo (talk) 16:15, 17 January 2013 (UTC)

You can make a request at Steward requests/Permissions. sumone10154(talk) 21:02, 17 January 2013 (UTC)
I personally would disagree the fact that these five users reflect community consensus. To me, in the cases of the Spanish and Portuguese communities, this wikis were not set up from wikitravel, but from various wikis that had, on their turn, used Wikitravel's contents. They are as such, in my eyes, new projects, and in the case of the Spanish Wikivoyage already have a far bigger involved community. I disagree, thus, that these users are granted adminship over there without any local process, as a kind of back-door deal. There is a big difference between Wikitravel and here, where Global Sysops and stewards can act in emergencies, and it is therefore IMO unnecesary to flag users who don't speak the language fluently, even if they did help build the content that is now on Wikivoyage. And for the record, I Oppose Oppose this general rule, going through an RfA on two projects is no big deal, and this would show that the user has the trust of the community, which IMO an admin should have at all moments. Savhñ 16:28, 18 January 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for joining the discussion, Savh. I think the :es community made it clear that they want a clean break from the history of the project pre:WMF move. That's a little bit of a surprise for the people who worked to make that move possible, but the :es community on WT wasn't very big or active for the past several years.
I hope you will follow developments on this page, so you can relay them back to the rest of the :es community that might not be following Meta discussions regarding Wikivoyage. In particular, we are working on potential major feature development, and I'm a little worried that the :es version has been diverging from the rest of our project to make it so different from the rest of Wikivoyage that it won't be able to benefit from new proposed features. But if you join such discussions (which are about to start here), then you should be able to preserve some integration with the rest of Wikivoyage. --Peter Talk 00:14, 25 January 2013 (UTC)
Btw generally do we have all communities involved? I had contacts at different stages with representatives of German, English, Dutch, Russian and Swedish Wikivoyage, but I do not think I have ever seen anybody from French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish Wikivoyage, at least not I know of (obviously I know that Particio Lorente was elected an es.wv admin and that he is a Board member, but this is about it).--Ymblanter (talk) 09:14, 25 January 2013 (UTC)