# | Candidate | Total Voyagers votes | All valid votes | Voters | Choice #1 Total | Choice #1 Voyagers | Choice #1 Adjusted |
1 | 
WV-Logo Proposal AleXXw 3.0 var4 (Icon) tgb.svg | 26 | 141 | Gareth Aus (1), IBobi (2), DerFussi (1), Ikan Kekek (3), NatiSythen (2), Danapit (1), Zhuyifei1999 (2), Massimo Telò (2), Kuyi123w (1), Kwj2772 (1), Roberto Mura (1), Epìdosis (2), Thgoiter (2), Stefan Knauf (3), Gianfranco (2), Alkari (2), Linus Wolf (1), Aldaron (2), Mys 721tx (3), Perumalism (2), Balabiot (3), Giaccai (2), Kelvinsong (3), Bluemersen (3), McZusatz (3), Gengis Gat (3), MichaelMaggs (2), Marcol-it (1), Kaldari (1), CennoxX (2), Jytim (2), Vanisaac (2), Ljubinka (2), AxelBoldt (2), Frees (1), Joris Egger (2), Dave Braunschweig (1), B25es (2), Thatotherperson (1), WTM (1), TheMightyHercules (3), TheCookTravels (2), Rastus Vernon (1), CT Cooper (2), Evad37 (2), Jay8g (3), Banfield (2), Zeitlupe (3), Kamina (2), Patrickneil (2), Vintotal (1), El-chupanebrej (2), Romilsworld (1), Ralf Roletschek (2), Kaganer (2), Draa kul (2), Shaqspeare (2), Travelpleb (3), Lumpytrout (1), P199 (3), Danny B. (2), G3ron1mo (3), Tchoř (2), Tamuz (2), Rschen7754 (2), AleXXw (2), Simon Peter Hughes (3), Another Believer (2), Asdalol (3), Gastromartini (2), Zerabat (3), Formica rufa (2), Beta16 (2), DrPZ (2), Redrose64 (3), Alan ffm (2), Peterwhy (3), Hellerhoff (2), Wolf Lambert (2), Avenue (2), Don-vip (2), Tine (2), Ldorfman (2), Nyan Dog (2), Glaisher (2), GMM (2), Joenit (1), Wo st 01 (3), Balou46 (3), Armbrust (2), Aftab1995 (1), AHeneen (2), Drakosh (2), Daniel749 (2), Micha L. Rieser (2), AlasdairW (3), 归零者 (2), Seligne (3), Waithamai (2), Carrotkit (3), Deonyi (2), Steinsplitter (3), Matthieu Martin (1), Inkey (2), LtPowers (3), Nick1372 (3), Steven (WMF) (1), Timmaexx (1), Totemkin (1), Yarl (1), Darekm135 (1), Discanto (1), Peterfitzgerald (3), Hortensja Bukietowa (1), Tuvalkin (3), Kapsuglan (3), KTo288 (1), Julian Herzog (2), Aconcagua (1), Cacahuate (2), Dcljr (1), Rehman (3), Antony-22 (1), Grandiose (1), Ntu129 (1), Aurora (1), Mauro11 (2), Thryduulf (3), Ajpvalente (3), Neptuul (3), Hkjacksonhk (3), ANKAWÜ (3), Valugi (2), Ypnypn (3), Sboucher (3), Cashie (2), Aienan (1), Johnericlee (1), Saga City (1), YjM (2), Warko (2) | 37 | 4 | 8 |
2 | 
WV-Logo Proposal AleXXw (Elements) Danapit blue.svg | 20 | 123 | Gareth Aus (2), IBobi (3), DerFussi (2), Ikan Kekek (1), NatiSythen (3), PrinceGloria (2), Danapit (2), Zhuyifei1999 (3), Massimo Telò (3), Reception123 (3), Jc8136 (3), Bencmq (2), Л.П. Джепко (2), 石 (1), Kuyi123w (2), Kwj2772 (2), Roberto Mura (3), Teta pk (3), Epìdosis (3), Thgoiter (3), Stefan Knauf (1), Mboesch (2), Gianfranco (3), Blackfish (1), Alkari (3), Linus Wolf (2), Osk (1), Jbribeiro1 (2), Luigi.tuby (1), Hedwig in Washington (3), Aldaron (1), Mys 721tx (1), 117Avenue (2), Biólogo conservacionista (2), Perumalism (3), Balabiot (2), RLuts (3), Matma Rex (1), El Grafo (1), Edokter (2), Giaccai (3), Byfserag (2), Kelvinsong (1), Bluemersen (2), McZusatz (1), Ltrlg (1), Gengis Gat (2), MichaelMaggs (3), Marcol-it (3), Gnom (3), Sadads (3), Indeedous (1), Kaldari (3), CennoxX (1), Escarlati (1), Carnildo (1), HueSatLum (2), Jytim (1), Nt (1), Priviet (1), Vanisaac (1), Swk1021 (1), RolandUnger (3), Ljubinka (3), Smial (1), AxelBoldt (3), Érico Júnior Wouters (1), Frees (2), Joris Egger (1), Dave Braunschweig (2), Tomer T (1), B25es (3), Symphonic Spenguin (3), Rippitippi (2), TheMillionRabbit (2), Thatotherperson (3), 임희수 (2), Digr (2), Ranjithsiji (3), Lsmll (1), MZaplotnik (3), WTM (3), TheMightyHercules (2), SchreiberBike (1), TheCookTravels (3), Rastus Vernon (3), CT Cooper (3), Evad37 (3), Jay8g (1), Brackenheim (2), Banfield (3), SiBr4 (2), Marek Mazurkiewicz (1), Zeitlupe (1), Kamina (1), Patrickneil (1), Alkamid (1), Mariordo (3), Vintotal (3), Plani (2), Joheine (1), Boehmwiki (1), El-chupanebrej (3), Kf8 (1), Romilsworld (3), Tuxyso (2), Ralf Roletschek (3), Jcornelius (2), Pyfisch (3), Kaganer (1), Draa kul (3), Praveenp (2), Ymblanter (3), Shaqspeare (3), Mimarik (3), Travelpleb (2), Lumpytrout (2), Gorillazx1 (3), P199 (2), Danny B. (3), G3ron1mo (2), Lenka64 (1), Tchoř (3) | 39 | 3 | 6 |
3 | 
Wikivoyage-Logo-v3-icon.svg | 49 | 277 | IBobi (1), DerFussi (3), Ikan Kekek (2), NatiSythen (1), Danapit (3), Zhuyifei1999 (1), Massimo Telò (1), Bencmq (1), Roberto Mura (2), Teta pk (1), Epìdosis (1), Thgoiter (1), Stefan Knauf (2), Mboesch (1), Gianfranco (1), Alkari (1), Osk (2), Jbribeiro1 (1), Hedwig in Washington (1), Aldaron (3), Mys 721tx (2), 117Avenue (1), Balabiot (1), Giaccai (1), Bluemersen (1), Ltrlg (3), Gengis Gat (1), MichaelMaggs (1), Sadads (1), Kaldari (2), CennoxX (3), Jytim (3), Vanisaac (3), Ljubinka (1), AxelBoldt (1), Érico Júnior Wouters (3), Joris Egger (3), Dave Braunschweig (3), B25es (1), Rippitippi (1), TheMillionRabbit (1), Thatotherperson (2), 임희수 (3), Ranjithsiji (1), Lsmll (3), MZaplotnik (1), WTM (2), TheMightyHercules (1), Rastus Vernon (2), CT Cooper (1), Evad37 (1), Jay8g (2), Brackenheim (1), Banfield (1), SiBr4 (1), Zeitlupe (2), Plani (1), El-chupanebrej (1), Tuxyso (1), Ralf Roletschek (1), Jcornelius (1), Pyfisch (2), Kaganer (3), Draa kul (1), Ymblanter (2), Mimarik (2), Travelpleb (1), Danny B. (1), G3ron1mo (1), Tchoř (1), Ajraddatz (1), Tamuz (1), Texugo (3), Courcelles (1), PetrohsW (2), Rschen7754 (3), LlamaAl (2), Wanderer777 (1), AleXXw (1), Mey2008 (1), Dekel E (3), Jmh649 (1), Simon Peter Hughes (1), Cvanca02 (1), Atropine (1), Epolk (3), LINO CORRADI (1), Andrewssi2 (1), Ocaasi (1), Ansumang (1), Accurimbono (1), Elvaube (1), Kky (1), Another Believer (1), PuzzletChung (2), Livermorium (1), Daniele Pugliesi (1), Stryn (1), Rogerhc (1), ZioNicco (1), ValterVB (1), UV (2), Kyah117 (1), Biggerj1 (1), DrCruse (3), Ricordisamoa (1), Alpertron (1), Hydro (1), Nungalpiriggal (1), Patafisik (1), Cotton (1), Asdalol (1), Ermanon (1), Dutchmander (1), Adert (1), Schwaltz (1), Der Wolf im Wald (1), Manfre87 (1), Yair rand (1), Gastromartini (1), Naveenpf (1), Daveed93 (1), MercurioMT (1), Se4598 (1), NeverDoING (1), Darkweasel94 (1), Daniel Case (1), Zerabat (2), Paweł Ziemian (1), Lord van Tasm (3), FSosio (1), Formica rufa (1), Beta16 (1), DrPZ (1), Fafik (3), Tsca (1), M0tty (1), PMG (1), Redrose64 (1), MKar (1), Alan ffm (1), Miloszk22 (1), Antonio1952 (1), Wctaiwan (1), Milad A380 (1), El Ayudante (1), Jdcollins13 (1), Hym411 (2), Kaligula (1), Peterwhy (2), SunOfErat (1), Duży Bartek (1), Jean11 (1), Elfhelm (1), Lkcl it (2), Aristoi (2), Pradigue (1), Hellerhoff (1), Paulis (1), Varnent (2), Zwiadowca21 (1), Wolf Lambert (1), Tino 032 (1), Skalman (3), Ijon (1), LeslieCarr (1), Vogone (3), Schofför (1), 분당선M (1), White Master King (1), TCN7JM (1), Tomásdearg92 (2), Shaundd (2), Svgalbertian (2), Pablo000 (1), Glavkos (1), Wwwwolf (1), Galadrien (2), 관인생략 (1), Nihar.M (1), Martin Mystère (1), JÄNNICK Jérémy (1), Twotwo2019 (1), Avenue (1), 콩가루 (1), Don-vip (1), Prenn (2), Aliwag10 (2), Rohini (3), Crang115 (1), Lionel Allorge (1), Tine (1), Teles (1), Ldorfman (1), Dynamicwork (1), Nyan Dog (1), Glaisher (1), Masur (1), Kghbln (1), GMM (1), Asthota (1), Patrick87 (1), Pbsouthwood (2), Joenit (2), Wo st 01 (1), Subas Chandra Rout (2), Olivier Bommel (1), Luke.ender (1), Pierangelo66 (1), Balou46 (1), Voll (1), MB-one (1), Megakacktus (2), Denis Barthel (1), Armbrust (1), Racconish (1), Cindamuse (1), Ynhockey (1), Katja Ullrich (WMDE) (1), Sertmann (1), Rcsprinter123 (3), AdamBMorgan (2), PanchoS (3), Imzadi1979 (1), Trijnstel (1), NaBUru38 (1), Bloonstdfan360 (3), Mike Peel (1), Romaine (1), Crochet.david (1), Aftab1995 (3), Kosboot (1), Michael Barera (1), Avtandil (2), Renata3 (1), Radekdostal (1), Robo-OAL (1), MalcolmInglis (1), FriedC (1), AHeneen (1), Con-struct (1), Алексей Гоманков (2), Drakosh (1), BraneJ (1), Daniel749 (1), Challenger l (3), ShinePhantom (2), Melirius (2), Xiaomingyan (1), Putnik (1), Micha L. Rieser (1), Alexander95015 (1), Karl Gruber (1), Kiełek (3), Bjacquet (1), Linedwell (1), AFBorchert (2), AlasdairW (2), Funandtrvl (3), Dguillaume (1), Aplasia (1), 归零者 (3), Dschwen (1), Arnaugir (2), Seligne (1), Sander.v.Ginkel (1), TianyinLee (2), Waithamai (1), Swilban (3), Carrotkit (1), WikiWookie (1), Man77 (1), Deonyi (1), KrovatarGERO (1), Frog23 (1), Al Maghi (1), CSB radio (2) | 201 | 33 | 66 |
4 | 
Wv logo proposal flying plane contorted.png | 33 | 130 | Aiday123456 (2), PrinceGloria (1), Biólogo conservacionista (3), RLuts (2), El Grafo (2), Kelvinsong (2), Sadads (2), HueSatLum (1), Swk1021 (3), RolandUnger (1), Symphonic Spenguin (2), 임희수 (1), Joheine (2), Kf8 (3), Ymblanter (1), Rschen7754 (1), LlamaAl (3), Dekel E (1), Epolk (1), LINO CORRADI (2), Andrewssi2 (3), Kky (2), Stryn (2), Schwaltz (2), Formica rufa (3), Hym411 (3), Varnent (3), Wolf Lambert (3), LeslieCarr (2), Vogone (1), 분당선M (2), White Master King (2), Tomásdearg92 (3), Shaundd (1), Svgalbertian (3), Pablo000 (2), Galadrien (1), 관인생략 (2), 콩가루 (2), Prenn (1), Rohini (2), Patrick87 (2), Pbsouthwood (3), Megakacktus (1), Katja Ullrich (WMDE) (2), Rcsprinter123 (1), AdamBMorgan (3), Bloonstdfan360 (2), Aftab1995 (2), AHeneen (3), Алексей Гоманков (1), Daniel749 (3), Melirius (1), Dguillaume (3), TianyinLee (3), Swilban (2), WikiWookie (2), KrovatarGERO (3), Inkey (3), Nick1372 (2), Peterfitzgerald (2), Cacahuate (3), Rehman (2), Hkjacksonhk (2), Ypnypn (1), Sboucher (2), Ralgis (3), FrankyLeRoutier (3), Delusion23 (3), Mattho69 (2), Qa003qa003 (2), 아드리앵 (2), Casual (1), Johan Jönsson (3), Joe Schmedley (2), Facial expression (2), Yiyi (3), PerryPlanet (1), David1010 (2), El Funcionario (1), Sidevar (2), Fruitianslip (1), DoppioM (2), B1mbo (2), Matthias Süßen (1), Oop (2), MikyM (1), Wylve (1), Sjokolade (1), Sekisama (3), Rillke (2), Nicholasjf21 (2), ויקיג'אנקי (1), Vidimian (1), Superchilum (1), W. Frank (2), Otourly (2), Caarl 95 (1), Optimist on the run (2), Seonookim (1), Liuxinyu970226 (2), Legoktm (1), Psubhashish (1), Lvova (1), SatuSuro (2), Kirill Lokshin (1), Miyagawa (1), Super Wang (1), Gorilla Jones (3), WP Randomno (1), Deltaquadboi (3), Saqib (1), AmaryllisGardener (1), בנימין (1), Inkowik (1), UAwiki (1), PiMaster3 (1), Denny (1), Fractal (2), Marcgal (1), DividedFrame (1), Andyrom75 (1), Altaihunters (1), Quaith (1), Borvan53 (1), Vlsergey (1), Lystopad (1), MMKK2 (1), Prabodh1987 (1), Sealle (1) | 55 | 17 | 34 |
5 | 
Wv logo proposal flying plane wo text favicon.png | 17 | 96 | Aiday123456 (1), PrinceGloria (3), Reception123 (2), Л.П. Джепко (1), Jbribeiro1 (3), Perumalism (1), RLuts (1), Byfserag (1), McZusatz (2), Priviet (3), RolandUnger (2), Symphonic Spenguin (1), Boehmwiki (2), Praveenp (3), Mimarik (1), P199 (1), Courcelles (2), LlamaAl (1), Andrewssi2 (2), Another Believer (3), PuzzletChung (1), Cotton (2), Asdalol (2), Se4598 (2), Beta16 (3), Wctaiwan (3), El Ayudante (2), Aristoi (1), Svgalbertian (1), Dynamicwork (3), Asthota (2), Sertmann (2), Imzadi1979 (2), Challenger l (1), Alexander95015 (2), Dguillaume (2), Arnaugir (1), Carrotkit (2), Yarl (2), Mauro11 (1), Ajpvalente (1), Hkjacksonhk (1), Ypnypn (2), Sboucher (1), Warko (1), Brateevsky (3), Ziko (1), 이준엽 (1), PerryPlanet (3), David1010 (3), Martino Ghisleni (2), El Funcionario (2), Sidevar (3), רחל1 (2), Fruitianslip (3), B1mbo (1), John Belushi (2), Oop (1), Wylve (2), Sjokolade (3), Sekisama (1), Nicholasjf21 (1), ויקיג'אנקי (3), Vidimian (2), Superchilum (2), Otourly (1), Caarl 95 (2), Optimist on the run (1), Seonookim (3), Liuxinyu970226 (1), Legoktm (2), Psubhashish (3), Lvova (2), SatuSuro (1), Kirill Lokshin (3), Miyagawa (2), Super Wang (2), Gorilla Jones (2), WP Randomno (3), Deltaquadboi (2), Saqib (2), Fractal (1), DanielTom (1), Pikolas (1), Ex13 (1), Spike1478 (1), Acatemplar (1), Ely1 (1), Sjoerddebruin (1), Achowat (1), Laddo (1), Klltr (1), Saint Johann (1), Petrov Victor (1), Cantons-de-l'Est (1), संतोष दहिवळ (1) | 44 | 7 | 14 |
6 | 
Wikivoyage fantasy balloon logo 5 lenka stabilo favicon.svg | 39 | 210 | Reception123 (1), Jc8136 (2), Kuyi123w (3), Teta pk (2), Osk (3), Hedwig in Washington (2), Biólogo conservacionista (1), Edokter (1), Byfserag (3), Ltrlg (2), Gnom (1), HueSatLum (3), Priviet (2), Swk1021 (2), Érico Júnior Wouters (2), TheMillionRabbit (3), Digr (1), Lsmll (2), MZaplotnik (2), SiBr4 (3), Vintotal (2), Kf8 (2), Romilsworld (2), Pyfisch (1), Praveenp (1), Shaqspeare (1), Gorillazx1 (2), Tamuz (3), Texugo (1), PetrohsW (1), Dekel E (2), Cvanca02 (2), Epolk (2), Ocaasi (2), Rogerhc (2), ZioNicco (2), UV (1), DrCruse (1), Der Wolf im Wald (2), Se4598 (3), Zerabat (1), Lord van Tasm (1), DrPZ (3), Fafik (1), Redrose64 (2), Miloszk22 (2), Wctaiwan (2), El Ayudante (3), Hym411 (1), Kaligula (2), Peterwhy (1), Duży Bartek (3), Lkcl it (1), Varnent (1), Skalman (1), Ijon (2), Schofför (2), White Master King (3), Tomásdearg92 (1), 관인생략 (3), Prenn (3), Aliwag10 (1), Dynamicwork (2), Glaisher (3), Pbsouthwood (1), Subas Chandra Rout (1), Luke.ender (2), Pierangelo66 (2), Balou46 (2), Megakacktus (3), Denis Barthel (2), Rcsprinter123 (2), AdamBMorgan (1), PanchoS (1), Bloonstdfan360 (1), Avtandil (1), Robo-OAL (2), Алексей Гоманков (3), BraneJ (3), Challenger l (2), ShinePhantom (3), Xiaomingyan (2), Putnik (2), Karl Gruber (2), Kiełek (1), AFBorchert (1), AlasdairW (1), Funandtrvl (1), 归零者 (1), Arnaugir (3), Seligne (2), TianyinLee (1), Swilban (1), Deonyi (3), KrovatarGERO (2), Al Maghi (2), CSB radio (1), Steinsplitter (1), LtPowers (1), Nick1372 (1), Yarl (3), Peterfitzgerald (1), Tuvalkin (1), Kapsuglan (1), Julian Herzog (1), Cacahuate (1), Rehman (1), Mauro11 (3), Thryduulf (1), Neptuul (1), ANKAWÜ (1), Cashie (1), YjM (1), Ralgis (1), FrankyLeRoutier (2), Oxyman (1), Ross Hill (1), Adehertogh (1), Wobuainile (1), Brateevsky (1), Moroboshi (1), Altrensa (1), Smuconlaw (1), NobbiP (2), Delusion23 (1), Mattho69 (1), Frank Schulenburg (1), SpiderMum (1), GorillaWarfare (3), Tiimta (1), Lai.jack (2), 아드리앵 (1), NickK (1), Johan Jönsson (2), Tobias1984 (1), Fioravante Patrone (1), Mtembezi (1), Abductive (2), Amarvudol (2), HalanTul (1), Ariadacapo (2), Facial expression (1), Kiriarat (1), Yiyi (1), Nemo bis (1), PerryPlanet (2), Sky Harbor (1), Hahc21 (1), Bennylin (1), Nicolas1981 (1), Cloud668 (1), Conny (1), David1010 (1), LikeLifer (1), Eloquence (1), Martino Ghisleni (1), Floflo (1), TintoMeches (1), Abeona (1), El Funcionario (3), Jpatokal (1), Mateusz.ns (1), Alakrano (1), Awersowy (1), Sidevar (1), Tar Lócesilion (1), Ebraminio (1), Wolfark89 (1), AxG (1), Nizil Shah (1), Ricardohz (1), Mxn (1), ToSter (1), DimasIgnatius (1), רחל1 (1), Strobilomyces (1), Fruitianslip (2), Mono (1), Dyolf77 (1), NemesisIII (1), DoppioM (1), B1mbo (3), İncelemeelemani (1), Papuass (1), This, that and the other (1), John Belushi (1), Matthias Süßen (3), Oop (3), MikyM (2), MisterSanderson (1), Etbebl (1), Andreschulz (1), Atamari (1), Dispenser (1), Wylve (3), Vclaw (1), Valdis72 (1), Sjokolade (2), Saschaporsche (1), Sekisama (2), Rillke (3), Torty3 (1), יעל י (1), De.vos.katja (1), Giabar (1), Pouyana (1), Magnus678 (1), Tarakayska (1), Silesianus (1), Vachovec1 (1) | 128 | 25 | 50 |
7 | 
Wikivoyage balloon cropped.png | 12 | 81 | Jc8136 (1), 117Avenue (3), Marcol-it (2), Gnom (2), Kamina (3), Mariordo (2), Texugo (2), Accurimbono (3), Elvaube (2), Rogerhc (3), DrCruse (2), Nungalpiriggal (2), Dutchmander (2), Lord van Tasm (2), Fafik (2), Kaligula (3), Hellerhoff (3), Skalman (2), Glavkos (2), Rohini (1), Tine (3), Wo st 01 (2), Olivier Bommel (2), PanchoS (2), BraneJ (2), Kiełek (2), Funandtrvl (2), Al Maghi (3), Steinsplitter (2), Inkey (1), LtPowers (2), Totemkin (2), Tuvalkin (2), Kapsuglan (2), Julian Herzog (3), Aconcagua (2), Thryduulf (2), Neptuul (2), ANKAWÜ (2), Valugi (1), Ralgis (2), FrankyLeRoutier (1), Oxyman (2), Ross Hill (2), Adehertogh (2), Wobuainile (2), Shyamal (1), Brateevsky (2), Moroboshi (2), Ziko (2), Altrensa (3), Smuconlaw (2), NobbiP (1), Delusion23 (2), Mattho69 (3), Frank Schulenburg (2), Qa003qa003 (1), SpiderMum (2), Raz1el (1), GorillaWarfare (1), Wilfredor (1), Tiimta (2), Lai.jack (1), 아드리앵 (3), Kürschner (2), Casual (2), 이준엽 (2), NickK (2), Johan Jönsson (1), Naŋar (1), Tobias1984 (2), Fioravante Patrone (2), Mtembezi (2), Abductive (1), Amarvudol (1), Joe Schmedley (1), HalanTul (2), Ariadacapo (1), Facial expression (3), Kiriarat (2), Yiyi (2) | 18 | 2 | 4 |
8 | 
Wv logo proposal flying plane.png | 7 | 59 | Aiday123456 (3), Ranjithsiji (2), TheCookTravels (1), Mariordo (1), Boehmwiki (3), Gorillazx1 (1), Courcelles (3), PetrohsW (3), AleXXw (3), Simon Peter Hughes (2), Accurimbono (2), Elvaube (3), Livermorium (2), ValterVB (2), Duży Bartek (2), Vogone (2), 분당선M (3), Shaundd (3), Nihar.M (2), NaBUru38 (2), Kosboot (2), ShinePhantom (1), Bjacquet (2), Ajpvalente (2), Altrensa (2), GorillaWarfare (2), Kürschner (1), HalanTul (3), Matthias Süßen (2), Rillke (1), Vachovec1 (2), Nicholasjf21 (3), ויקיג'אנקי (2), Vidimian (3), Superchilum (3), W. Frank (1), Mickey83 (1), Otourly (3), Caarl 95 (3), Optimist on the run (3), Seonookim (2), Berthold Werner (1), Liuxinyu970226 (3), Poznaniak (1), Josef Moser (1), Legoktm (3), Psubhashish (2), Lvova (3), SatuSuro (3), Kirill Lokshin (2), Miyagawa (3), Super Wang (3), Prolineserver (1), AKA MBG (1), Gorilla Jones (1), LEOSCHUMY (1), Xintiandi (1), WP Randomno (2), Deltaquadboi (1) | 17 | 0 | 0 |