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Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021/Részvétel

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021/Participate and the translation is 48% complete.

Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021

Kezdőlap Résztvevő országok Szervező csapat Részvétel Eredmények Erőforrások GYIK és Kampányszabályzat
A 2021-es #WPWP Kampány július 1-jén indul!

Képeket szeretnék hozzáadni szócikkekhez

Miért vegyek részt?

Photos are needed to illustrate thousands of articles across Wikipedia in its multiple language versions. Thousands of articles on English Wikipedia have no images at all. Imagine if every Wikipedia user took five minutes to add one image to an article!

Do you have a topical category of images you think are underutilized?

Have you already found a category of photos on a topic of interest? The resources below explain how to add an image file to a Wikipedia article:

Don't know how to find articles that lack an image?

Are you in search of articles that lack an image? We have provided some useful resources.

Többet szeretnél tenni?

Create new articles for any quality images of your choice. Read about finding quality images.

WPWP-t szeretnék szervezni

Do you want to organize a #WPWP campaign in your geographic, thematic, or language community?

WPWP aims at bridging the content gap by using images collected as part of various annual thematic contests and photowalks organized in recent years. It can be used by communities to recruit new members, as only a few steps are required to add photos to Wikipedia articles. One benefit of organizing WPWP is to guide newcomers through the editing process while focusing on meaningful content.

Don't forget to use the hashtag #WPWP in the Edit summary! Note that you MUST provide an edit summary for all your edits

WPWPCampaign on language community

Here is a list of language communities where the WPWPCampaign is localized. Please feel free to add a link to a page in your language Wikipedia if you have a local page there

