Wikimedians of Japan User Group/To-dos
Below are the upcoming activities and plans of the user group. Since this is the most recent work of the user group members, the contents may not be coherent and may be in mixed English. Please note that we plan to improve the contents in the future.
- We will conduct a large scale awareness survey at Jawp.
Large-scale surveys
- Survey design and drafting
Done August 6, 2023
- Survey design and drafting
Done Finished one week later.
- Search and list up a company for the survey 2023-08-06
- Estimate the survey
- Scheduled meeting with one company August 28 online meeting
- The survey will be conducted in late October
Qualitative research, interviews
Doing Qualitative research (interviews) (youth, new participants, women, people with disabilities) starting August 19, 2023
- Scheduled to end temporarily in November 2023.
- Write a report
Other Plans
【依頼済】Application to Affcom; and get advice about lawyers, tax accountants, and administrative scriveners for our user group
- Creating our Privacy Policy, to be checked by a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist.
- Creating our Membership Regulations, to be checked by a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist.
- Our leaflet?
DoneHave staff, especially those involved in privacy, sign a "confidentiality agreement".d:Q1053818
- Fill out the personnel sheet
- Learning about harassment
- text-mining:
- Interim report in January 2024
- Final report in July 2024.
to decide the way of running
【your opinions needed】
- among the group
- Use Google Workspace and Slack
- decision making as a whole
- decision making as a plan/a field
- the leader/a specialist's opinion is the most important though the above is considered
- financial affairs(General Support Fund)
- NDA members should have a rough budget and current status.
- It is not necessary to have a grant request to the Foundation that has already been determined.
- When work-related expenses are required, they should be applied for through the reimbursement system (biztran).This should be visible to everyone in the group.
- Approval process → One or more of the NDA members (and preferably the treasurer) will consider whether the current situation allows for payment. If it can be paid, then it can be paid → Decision is made with the approval of one or more other members of the group. If there are objections, send it back for discussion.
- NDA members should monitor each other for irregularities.
- As much as possible, expenses related to a single project should be charged together.
【waiting to hear from】Correspondence with the fiscally sponsor. (Note: The fiscally sponsor here is one of the functions of the Wikimedia Foundation mentioned above, and is the corporate name of the account where the approved grant money is placed. It is not located in Japan. For transparency and fairness in the receipt and use of grants. Separate account from each of the other approved grants)
- Keep the receipt.If on paper, scan and submit to the fiscals sponsor and NDA member. (Please send as an attachment to an email addressed to your accountant.)
- NDA members should keep their receipts.
- Expense of disbursements (are deposits listed separately?)
- 【Please add】Representative of the expenses that will be incurred by the Group in the period from 2023 to the end of June 2024.
- What are the classifications of admission and usage fees for GLAM facilities? (e.g., preliminary research for an event) ← This is basically a resource book fee. (Because it is used as a reference material. (If you have a meeting inside, it is a meeting fee.)
- How are event venue fees classified?
- With regard to costs (expenses), we need to look at it from three perspectives.
- Expenses that have already been applied for and approved by the Foundation.
- Within the group, admit or not admit.
- File a tax return with the Japanese tax office (whether the expense is recognized as an expense by the Japanese tax office and under which expense item (tax return))
- As for 1), there is already a separate budget application form.
- As for 3), we have several members who are familiar with journalizing expenses and use journalizing software.Please do not worry too much.
The items in this table are written as criteria for allowing or disallowing expenses in the group; from May 2023 to the end of June 2024, there will be no events planned. Therefore, expenses related to event organization are "not allowable" in terms of 1) and 2). Except for the purpose of observation or socializing.
- paying one's own expenses
Certainly necessary, but one that we ask you to pay for yourself.
- Provider, electricity, water, smartphone, etc.
- negotiable
We would like to raise as much money as possible to pay for the development of communication.
- Example: If you are a young person who needs a headset but does not have the money to purchase one, please contact us.
- FY2023 (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024)
- Logo creating(Slack)
- Call for Ideas: until 2023-06-26 (JST)
- Vote:2023-06-27(JST) ~ 2023-07-03T23:59:59 (JST)
Done--Sai10ukazuki (talk) 11:48, 6 July 2023 (UTC)
- July 20, 2023 Response from Wikimedia Foundation Logo representative.
- The original proposal made by the members was critically acclaimed.
Done Completed in August 2023.
To be approved as a user group: approval by AffCom
- Establishment Requirements
- Although the name of the user group has Japan in it, it is not intended to represent the Japanese version or to interfere with the activities of others.
- Requirements include.
.At least 3 active members with at least 500 edits (for Wikidata and TranslateWiki: at least 800 edits) on Wikimedia projects in one year, registered prior to application and with accounts that have been in existence for at least 6 months are required. This active member must be in good standing with the community (this means they must not be currently blocked). (This means they are not currently blocked or otherwise pretending to participate)
- ウィキメディア利用者グループ/同意と行動規範
- Affiliated Organizations Committee(Affcom)
- I received a reply (1st) on June 7, 2023.
- I received another reply on the 12th of the same month (for the second time).
- We received a reply (3rd time, Japan time) on July 6.
Editathons and Photo walks
We will respect the activities of those who are currently doing editathons. We do not currently have any plans to make a major effort as a group. As of July 29, 2023, we are slowly working on conversations with others.
Activities to be determined
Efforts to advance Wikimedia projects
- Meetings
- 日曜日の定例ミーティング
- 不定期の全体ミーティング
the period of the Rapid Fund
- May 8, 2023 - June 30, 2023
Done till the end of July: Report submission to the Program Officer
- Periodical tasks
- Send an action report to the program officer every two months or so.
DoneJune 27, 2023 Online meeting with Program Officer to discuss progress
- Planning and design of qualitative research content (e.g., interviews) (as well as quantitative research)
Done July 30, 2023
- Purchase and read materials on the research methodology.After reading the materials, draft an interview format and content based on them.
Done July 30, 2023
- Identify and test better ways to deliver updates for the Japanese community (including email newsletters)
Done July 30, 2023
the period of the General Support Fund
- July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
- Meetings
- July 9 17:00 - 18:00: online meeting; agenda as the detailed contents of the research above
- Periodical tasks
- Send an action report to the program officer every two months or so.
International meetings
Arrange chronologically from newest to oldest.
information Hi students, if you're interested in international activities, check this official blog "East Asia Southeast Asia, Pasific (ESEAP)"[1]。
information if you want to join these events, the cost of traffic and accommodation could be supplied by the Wikimedia Foundation or this user group.
- ESEAP meetings (online, newest at the top of the list)
- 2023年12月10日
- 2023年11月12日
- 2023年10月8日
- 2023年9月10日
- 2023年8月はウィキマニアの一環としてシンガポールで開催
Done 2023年7月9日(en)、日本語版のまとめあり[2]
Done 2023年6月11日
- Board members, members of the Affiliated Organizations Committee, and national user groups were also present to begin discussing future affiliated organizations. Our user group was also discussed.
- 国連のインターネット・ガバナンス・フォーラムが2023年は総務省ホストによる京都開催(10月8日から12日)。ウィキメディア財団のアドヴォカシーチームと人権チームから4人が対面参加。そのために当グループも協力しました。
- Other Wikimedians' activities
- We've been expecting you to join us!
- 2023年8月16日から19日、出講が決定(オンライン※) Singapore/online; session time and vcast details TBD
- ウィキメディア・カンファレンス2023(現在のウィキメディア・サミットと名称が変更したカンファレンスとは異なるイベント)
Scheduled for 2024
- See also: Wikivoyage/Summit
- Wiki Summit 2024 from April 19 to 21
- Global Wiki Advocacy Meet-upチリ、サンチアゴ5月2日から4日
- Berlin Summit[3]
- Wiki Students Summit[4]
- WIkimedia Conference 2024
- Cities wishing to host the event are being sought.The exhibition will be held between April –May.
- ウィキマニア
- 2024 ポーランド
- 2025 ケニア、ナイロビ 東アフリカのAffiliatesと、アフリカ大陸南部の一定の言語使用者のAffiliatesを中心とし、アフリカ大陸全体の利用者の協力で進めていく。サブサハラでの開催は二回目。東アフリカでははじめて。
- 2026 パリ Wikimédia Franceとフランス語ウィキ(リーダーはアフリカ出身、非凡な方で人格者です)の協働。主題は言語が広がって25周年。(現状、主催者の視点はヨーロッパ言語)
対面での参加・オンラインでの参加(カメラオフ・ミュートで構いません)に興味のある方は--YShibata (talk) 08:29, 10 October 2023 (UTC) にご連絡ください。交通費や宿泊費の申請方法はイベント別になり初心者にはわかりにくいのでご案内いたします。当グループの次回助成金申請のときにはあらかじめ人数分を組み込むことができれば、と考えています(一緒に考えてくださる方、大歓迎)。海外のユーザーグループ、国別協会は10人を超える費用を組み込んでいます。日本語版でも事前に大雑把にでも把握できれば、と思います。できれば学生さん・闘病中で車いすなど使用し海外に行ける方を国際イベントに送りたいと思います。
ローカルの運営チームが主催の舵取りを微調整しても、開催ごとに類似の問題にぶつかってしまいます。 是非ご連絡を。
- Announcing the Locations of Wikimania 2025 and 2026
- We plan to conduct a qualitative research, including interviews, mainly targeting female participants.
Our community seems to have a low number of female participants. They don't seem to be discriminated against. However, we are concerned that women and people from various backgrounds may feel uncomfortable in communication.
Done July 9th (online) Brain storming for the Qualitative Reserching Design
Doing July 30, 2023: Submit the qualitative research design and Questions to the Program Officer
- According to the program officer, the WMF's experts will provide advice on further refinement of the content of Our qualitative research.
- In response to their advice, we plan to conduct qualitative research sequentially from around mid-August.
- Initially expected around 15 person who would be responding to the qualitative research.
Pending, needs investigation
- Compensation, etc. within the Japanese Wikicommunity
- Are there times when transportation or other expenses are needed for administrators or others who do particularly hard work? (Compensation and expenses for preparation when meeting face to face for discussions, organizing some project or event, etc.)
- Transportation and venue expenses for meetings will be paid by expenses.
- For some other language editions, the organizer may not apply to the Wikimedia Foundation, but to a national association or user group (which is included in the budget of the national association or user group when it applies to the Wikimedia Foundation).
- We have not included them in this grant application as a Wikimedians of Japan User Group.Many people are already involved in various activities, and we did not have enough time to understand all of them and hear their opinions before the grant application deadline.
- If you have any suggestions for future hopes and expectations, please join our group and help us with budgeting, planning, and applications to the Foundation.We have budgeted our contribution so that it will not be a handout in the next fiscal year, and it has been approved by the Foundation (May 2023).
- We are continuing to consult with the tax office and tax accountants, and it would be very helpful if any of you reading this are money experts.Of course, fees for such professionals are in the budget and have been approved by the Foundation. The professionals we have met so far do not know anything about wikis (they just read Wikipedia), and they say they would prefer not to do it themselves.
- I contacted the "the tax agency." It replied, "
Go with a tax attorneyto the nearest tax office.
- Are you enough with the idea that "the reward for volunteering is honor?" (e.g., participation in Wikimania abroad, reimbursement for the cost and effort of events such as Editathon and WikiGap, etc.)
- Or do they believe that if they were to receive monetary rewards, it would undermine the value of their actions?
- オープンソースカンファレンス 日本全国各地で開催
- 関西オープンフォーラム 毎年11月上旬に大阪で開催
- 2024年10月 Open Source Conference 2024 Tokyo/Fall
- 2024年11月 関西オープンフォーラム2024
- 2025年1月 Open Source Conference 2025 Osaka
- 2025年4月 2025東京(春)
- 2025年5月 2025名古屋
- 2025年7月 2025京都
- 2024年12月 Open Source Conference 2024 Fukuoka
- 2025年6月 2025北海道
- ↑ 東アジア、東南アジア、大洋州の舞台裏(ESEAP)、
- ↑ 上のリンクは議事案で、英語です。実際の話し合いのまとめ(日本語)はこちらの「アジア太平洋地域ESEAP 34thミーティング」をご覧ください。
- ↑ reports 、Wikimedia サミット 2022/イベント報告
- ↑ Wiki Students Summit2023